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1、课时作业与题型训练课时作业与题型训练P104假如你是李华。你的美国笔友假如你是李华。你的美国笔友Susan最近收最近收到了她理想大学的录取通知书。但由于经到了她理想大学的录取通知书。但由于经济原因准备放弃入学。请根据以下要点给济原因准备放弃入学。请根据以下要点给她写一封信,劝说她不要放弃。她写一封信,劝说她不要放弃。1.上大学的重要性;上大学的重要性;2.如何解决所面临的困境;如何解决所面临的困境;3.你的期望。你的期望。三段式作文,每段写什么?三段式作文,每段写什么?三段式三段式Para 1 _ Para 2 _Para 3 _目的目的好处;解决办法好处;解决办法期望期望Para 1我写信来

2、劝你改变主意。我写信来劝你改变主意。Im writing to persuade you to change your mind.我写信来劝你不要放弃。我写信来劝你不要放弃。Im writing to persuade you not to give up.Discussion上大学的好处上大学的好处解决学费的办法解决学费的办法上大学的好处上大学的好处learn more knowledgemake more friendsopen your eyesimprove your abilitieshelp you find a good job equip yourself with advan

3、ced knowledge enlarge your circle of friends broaden your horizonspromote your abilitiesprepare yourself for a better career 2.讲好处。讲好处。1)Do sth and you will The morethe more2)You will benefit a lot from doing sth.Not only will you but also you will 读大学,你会学到先进的知识。读大学,你会学到先进的知识。Go to college and you w

4、ill equip yourself with advanced knowledge.读大学,你会交到更多的朋友。读大学,你会交到更多的朋友。Go to college and you will enlarge your circle of friends.读大学,你会开阔你的眼界。读大学,你会开阔你的眼界。Go to college and you will broaden your horizons.读大学,你会提升你的能力。读大学,你会提升你的能力。Go to college and you will promote your abilities.读大学,你会有更好的工作。读大学,你会有

5、更好的工作。Go to college and you will prepare yourself for a better career.受教育越好,你将会有越好的工作。受教育越好,你将会有越好的工作。The better educated you are,the better you will prepare yourself for a better career.能力越强,你越有可能成功。能力越强,你越有可能成功。The abler you are,the more likely you are to make it.你会从上大学中受益良多。你会从上大学中受益良多。You will b

6、enefit a lot from going to college.你不仅会学到更多的知识,还会交到更多你不仅会学到更多的知识,还会交到更多的朋友。的朋友。Not only will you equip yourself with advanced knowledge but also you will enlarge your circle of friends.你不仅会开阔眼界,还会提升能力。你不仅会开阔眼界,还会提升能力。Not only will you broaden your horizons but you will promote your abilities.你不仅会提升能

7、力,还会有更好的工作。你不仅会提升能力,还会有更好的工作。Not only will you promote your abilities but you will prepare yourself for a better career.解决学费的办法解决学费的办法申请学生贷款申请学生贷款apply for a student loan申请奖学金申请奖学金apply for a scholarship向亲朋寻求经济援助向亲朋寻求经济援助turn to relatives and friends for financial helpseek financial support from rel

8、atives and friends Para 23.提建议提建议1)If I were in your shoes,I would2)Youd better/might as well do sth.3)You are expected/supposed to do sth.4)It is worthwhile doing sth.如果我是你,我会申请学生贷款。如果我是你,我会申请学生贷款。If I were you,I would apply for a student loan.如果我是你,我会申请奖学金。如果我是你,我会申请奖学金。If I were you,I would apply

9、 for a scholarship.你应该申请学生贷款。你应该申请学生贷款。You are expected to apply for a student loan.你应该申请奖学金。你应该申请奖学金。You are expected to apply for a scholarship.你最好向亲朋寻求经济援助。你最好向亲朋寻求经济援助。You might as well turn to relatives and friends for financial help.Youd better seek financial support from relatives and friends

10、 向亲朋寻求经济援助是值得的。向亲朋寻求经济援助是值得的。It is worthwhile turning to relatives and friends for financial help.It is worthwhile seeking financial support from relatives and friends.过渡词过渡词首先首先 first of allto begin/start within the first place 其次其次 in additionapart from thatwhats morebesides最后最后 lastlylast but not

11、 least一方面一方面另一方面另一方面 For one thing,For another thing,On one hand,On the other handPara 3总之,我真诚希望你能考虑我的建议,做总之,我真诚希望你能考虑我的建议,做出正确的决定。出正确的决定。_,I _ hope that you can _ my advice and make a right decision.In conclusion,I sincerely hope that you can take my advice into consideration and make a right decision.高分作文高分作文1.添加合理细节,体现真情实感添加合理细节,体现真情实感2.运用好词靓句,彰显语言水平运用好词靓句,彰显语言水平高级词汇:高中阶段所学词汇高级词汇:高中阶段所学词汇高级句式:高级句式:定语从句、名词性从句、状语从句、定语从句、名词性从句、状语从句、非谓语、倒装、强调句型、虚拟语气等非谓语、倒装、强调句型、虚拟语气等

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