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1、外研版三年级起点四年级下册英语集体备课教案学习好资料四年级上册英语教学计划一学情分析: 本学期继续带四2,3的学生,通过一年的相处对他们的情况有一定的了解,以后的课堂可以有针对性的教学。四2 班的孩子整体上比较活跃,特别是何书嫄,刘圣鸿等学生一直坚持之前学过攀登英语的活跃张扬的个性,课堂上积极发言,带动其他学生,起到很好的示范。四3班 的学生,表现突出的有陈嘉慧,黄小影等学生,其他学生课堂上也很配合,基础扎实,很喜欢他们的表现。新学期将继续发扬他们良好的学习习惯。两个班级的学生 除了几个后进生外,其他的基础还不错。但由于升到四年级,上升到新的台阶,内容相对有难度,语法点有所增加,这些问题还是不

2、容忽视的。想要取得好的成绩, 需要老师在设计有趣课堂的同时,有效的将一般的语法练习应用到课堂中,让学生学会总结,多读,多背,多练,积极发言,提问。创造轻松愉快的英语学习氛围。二教材分析:本学期继续沿用外研版四年级教材,总共10个模块:Module1是在复习之前学过的方位介词的基础上学习地方名称,以及新的方位词beside,next to,up, down, left, right.重点句型:Excuse me, wheres the? 能够学会问路或为他人指路,并应用到生活中。Module2是学习小学英语四年级入门语法-现在进行时,理解语法知识点,会用现在进行时谈论图片上正在发生的事情,询问并

3、讲述正在发生的事情。复习学过的动词,并掌握动词变为动名词的变化规则。Module3是继续学习Be动词与人称的搭配在现在进行时中的用法,用现在进行时谈论人们在公园中的活动,描述正在发生的行为或动作,尝试看图说话,正确使用句型。Module4是学习食物及购物,复习之前学过的食物,了解典型的食品和饮料的名称,掌握重点句型Do you want some? 肯定回答有:Yes, please. 否定回答:No, thanks.了解中西方的回答情况。尝试自编购物对话。Module5是学习用can表“能力”引导的一般疑问句,继续学习一些动词,句型有:Can you? 后加动词原形,肯定回答有: Yes,

4、I can. No, I cant.通过学习激发学生学习的欲望。Module6是继续学习用can引导的一般疑问句,但意味“请求”,请求获得允许或拒绝,句型有: Can I have some? 肯定回答:Yes, you can. Sorry, you cant.了解英语国家和中国的主要食物和节日,表达祝愿,复习食物。Module7是结合现在进行时用“There be”来描述照片上的情景,复习蔬菜、水果、动物、五官类单词。了解单复数概念,单数有There is, 复数用There are。将所学句型应用到生活当中。Module8是学习新的语法:be going to结构讲述自己的计划和即将发生

5、的事情,即一般将来时。通过课文学习,复习英语中最简单的称谓语和问候语,学习be going to中动词规则,注意哪些时间词表示一般将来时。Module9是学习将来时的一般疑问句,句型有:Are you going to? 学习制定计划,学习关于体育活动类的单词,词语。Module10是学习表达节日问候并描述过节时的风俗习惯,复习英语国家和中国的节日及食物。三教学模式: 1. 继续培养孩子的听说读写的习惯,以活动为课堂教学的主要形式,设计丰富多彩的教学活动,让学生在乐中学,学中用,从而保证学生英语学习的可持续性发展。2. 在教学过程中,采用情景教学法,让学生身临其境,积极主动地参与到课堂教学中去

6、,调动学生的非智力因素。3. 培养学生拼读的能力,提高发音的准确性,确保学生自主学习的质量。 4.通过听,说,读,写,唱,游,演,画,做等形式,进行大量的语言操练和练习。 5.针对学生情况设计全面高效的课外作业,培养学生良好的书写习惯,做到整洁,规范,正确地书写。6. 活用教材,根据学生的实际情况,设计轻松有效的课堂,培养学生学习的兴趣和求知欲。四学习目标:1.培养学生自主学习的兴趣,让孩子主动参与英语活动。2.培养英语思维,能够根据老师的指令做出快速反应。3.勤记课本单词,熟读课文,发音准确。4.将所学知识应用到生活中,大胆说英语。5.多做习题,善于总结。6.培养兴趣的同时,测试也能有好成绩

7、。 教 学 进 度 表 周次时 间教 学 内 容节数备 注12.20-2.24爱国教育Module 1 Unit 1 shes a nice teacher. Unit 2 Hes cool.322.27-3.3Module 2 Unit 1 London is a big city. Unit 2 Its very old233.6-3.10Review Module 1Module 2(卷子)243.13-3.17Module 3 Unit 1 Robots will do everything. Unit 2 On Monday Ill go swimmin253.20-3.24Modu

8、le 4 Unit 1 Will you take your kite? Unit 2 Will it be hot in Haikou?263.27-3.31Review Module 3Module 4(卷子)274.3-4.7Module 5 Unit1 I was two then. Uint2 They were young. 2清明节84.10-4.14Module 6 Unit 1 Were you at home yesterday Unit 2 Was it a big city then?294.17-4.21Review 2104.24-4.28Module 7 Unit

9、 1 I helped Mum. Unit 2 Grandma cooked fish?2115.1-5.5Module 8 Unit 1 They sang beautiful.Unit 2 I took some pictures.2劳动节125.8-5.12Review Module 7Review Module 82135.15-5.19Module 9 Unit 1 Did he live in New York? Unite 2 Did you have a nice holidy?2145.22-5.26Review Module 9(卷子两份)2155.29-6.2. Modu

10、le 10 Unit 1 Did you fall off your bike? Unit 2 Sam had lots of chocolate.2端午节166.5-6.9 Review2176.12-6.16Review 2186.19-6.23Review 2196.26-6.30Review207.3-7.7第 一 单元教材分析单元课题 Module 1 Friends本模块的教学内容是描述人物的性格特征。第一单元的课文情境是熊猫Panpan介绍他的好朋友性格特征。他首先介绍的是Maomao人很好,但有点害羞;他又介绍Ms Smart, Ms Smart 是一位教师,她待人非常友好;接

11、下来他介绍了他的好朋友Xiaoyong,Xiaoyong是个聪明的学生;最后他介绍了一位特殊的朋友鹦鹉Parrot, Parrot非常调皮,但本质不坏,他正抓着电话听筒让Panpan接电话。第二单元的课文情境则是熊猫介绍自己的亲朋好友。他首先介绍婶婶,婶婶人非常好;接着介绍叔叔,叔叔非常聪明;然后介绍哥哥,哥哥很酷;再接着介绍妹妹,妹妹很可爱;最后介绍好朋友,朋友有点调皮。通过熊猫的介绍学生可以进一步熟悉英语中家人的称谓语,并巩固本模块所学描述人物特征的形容词。 本模块的学习重点是用形容词描述人物的性格特征。对于四年级学生来说,对人物的性格的判断可能存在一定的困难,而且人物性格往往并不能仅通过

12、一个词语描述清楚。所以,教师要引导学生善于用“but”描述人物性格特征的复杂性。对人物性格特征的判断和描述,有助于促进学生的心智发展。如果教学时间允许,教师可就此开展对人物性格的分析判断活动,以促进学生的心智发展。单元课时分配课序课题课时Unit 1 Shes a nice teacher.1Unit 2Hes cool.1总课时2课 题Unit 1 Shes a nice teacher.教学目标知识与技能:1.Words and phrases: nice a bit shy clever naughty 2.Sentences: This is Ms Smart. She is a ni

13、ce teacher.3. Grammar: Using adjectives to describe person.过程与方法:单词、课文 情感、态度和价值观:描述一个人或物的特征德育目标:用适当形容词描述人和物教学重点教学难点重点:1. Words and phrases: nice a bit shy clever naughty 2. Sentences: This is Ms Smart. She is a nice teacher. 难点:Grammar: Using adjectives to describe person.教学准备图片、教学挂图、单词卡教学时间教 学 过 程执

14、教随笔(一)导入:Song: There are twelve months in the year. B: Free talk: Talk about your holiday.(二)探究新知Step one: 1、:利用CAI课件, 出示本单元主人公的头像,介绍主人公,以此引出本单元新单词:nice a bit shy clever naughty 出示卡片,学习新单词。2、Learn the new lesson.Step one: Listen to the tape .Try to read the text. Translate the sentences.Listen to th

15、e tape again, read follow the tape.Read the text, boys and girls.Step Two: Talk about the pictures.Close your books, show the pictures (parrot, Xiaoyong, Maomao, Ms Smart)Example :( 1) This is Parrot.Parrot is a very naughty bird.(2) This is Xiaoyong .Hes a clever pupil.Step Three: Using adjectives

16、to describe person.利用实物投影展示学生带来的照片。(Describe the person using the adjectives (三)巩固新知Game: 接龙游戏Example: A: Im XiaoLan. Im a bit shy. B: XiaoLan is a bit shy. Im ZhangYong. Im very nayghty. C: ZhangYong is very naughty. Im Jim, Im a nice boy. (四)小结:用简单方法介绍人和他的特征。(五)Homework:抄写新单词,每个单词抄写4遍。板书设计Module 1

17、Unit 1 shes a nice teacher.nice a bit shy clever naughtyThis is Ms Smart.She is a nice teacher.教学后记 课 题Unit 2 Hes cool.教学目标知识与技能:1. Words and phrases: cool little cute.2. Sentences: This is this is my big brother, Hes cool. 过程与方法:对比、家庭成员的特征 情感、态度和价值观:根据每个人的特征并用适当的词来修饰。德育目标:培养对家人的关心和爱护。教学重点教学难点Words

18、and phrases: cool little cute.Sentences: This is this is my big brother, Hes cool.教学准备图片、教学挂图、单词卡教学时间教 学 过 程执教随笔(一)导入:Song: Row Row Row your boat. B: Free talk: Using adjectives to describe the poem.(二)探究新知Step one: Warmer:Using the adjectives to describe your classmates.Example: This is Xiaoyong. H

19、e is a clever pupil. This is Yuanjiaqi. Shes very clever, but shes a bit shy.Step Two: Listen and point.(1) Point out the different meanings of the word “cool”. In this unit, “cool” means fashionable, and it is most commonly used to mean “quite cold”. The word “cool” has other meanings as well, but

20、they are ones that the students are unlikely to come across in the future.(2) Listen to the tape and underline the new words. Write down these adjectives on the board, and then learn these new words.Listen to the tape again. Read the text. Close your book. Use CAI shows the pictures of text. Choose

21、some students to describe the pictures.Step Three: Listen and say, then say the poem and do the actions. Play the spoken version of the poem. And have the students. Repeat each line. Play the tape and have the students.(三)巩固新知Tell the students that they are going to work in groups of three or four.

22、Do the AB unit 2.Game: Explain that they are going to play a game where they have to whisper some information to their classmate. That classmate has to whisper the information to the next person. The last person. That person has to say that he she heard. Then, the other students listen carefully to

23、find out if the message has changed at all. (四)作业布置Homework:抄写课文P5的句子(五)小结:能用英语表述一个人的性格板书设计Unit 2 Hes cool.mother - nicebig brother - coollittle sister - cutefather - cleverfriend - naughty教学反思第 二单元教材分析单元课题Module 2 London 本模块的教学内容是描述一座城市、一处景物或一件物品。 第一单元的课文情境是Amy和Lingling一起翻看一本介绍伦敦的书,在翻的过程中,Lingling发

24、现伦敦很大,并注意到一座很大很漂亮的房子,于是询问Amy这是什么地方,Amy介绍说这是白金汉宫。Lingling以为Amy住在那里,Amy告诉她,女王住在那里,而自己的家则在不远处的一栋小房子里,Amy向Lingling展示了自己家的照片。 第二单元的课文情境是Amy继续向Lingling介绍伦敦的著名景点,先后介绍了大本钟、海德公园和塔桥。 本模块的学习重点是伦敦地标性建筑的名称,以及用形容词描述某地的语句。这与上一模块所学形容词的用法相同,只是上一模块是用形容词描述一个人的性格特征,这一模块是用形容词描述一个地方的特征,难度仍然在于如何对事物作出判断。单元课时分配课序课题课时Unit1Lo

25、ndon is a big city.1Unit2 Its very old.1总课时2课 题Unit 1 London is a big city.教学目标知识目标:能听说读及运用新单词:shipcitybeautifulwhoseclosequeen能运用Thisis.Its.简单描述一座城市、景点或事物。能听说及合理应用句型Londonisabigcity.Myhouseisverysmall,butitsbeautiful.能力目标:培养学生认真观察事物及发散思维的能力情感态度目标:乐于接触外国文化,增强祖国意识教学重点教学难点重点:beautifulwhosequeenclose的发

26、音难点:Londonisabigcity.Myhouseisverysmall,butitsbeautiful.教学准备录音机、图片、教学挂图、单词卡教学时间教 学 过 程执教随笔(一)Warmingup1、Greeting:Hello,boysandgirls!2、火眼金睛(二)Presentation1、LearnthenewwordsT:Canyoudescribethemwiththewordswehaveseen.Picture1:Thispandaisshort.Butthatoneistall.Picture2:T:Whatsthis?Itsaship.学习单词shipT:Tod



29、choosestarsanddescribe.(六)SummaryWeifangisverybeautiful,anditsourhometown,weshouldloveit.(七)Homework1.Readthetextingroups.2. IntroduceWeifangtoyourparentsandfriends.板书设计Moudule2Unit1Londonisabigcity. ship This is . London city beautiful Its very. Buckingham Palace whose queen close教学反思课 题Unit 2 Its

30、very old.教学目标知识与技能:Words and phrases: long, wide, many, river, old, famousSentences: This is the River Thames.Its long and wide.Grammar: Using adjectives to describe cities and buildings.过程与方法:描述、对话 情感、态度和价值观:图览泰晤士河、大本钟、海德公园和伦敦塔桥德育目标:通过图览这四个名胜古迹了解更多的地理知识教学重点教学难点重点:Words and phrases: long, wide, many

31、, river, old, famousSentences: This is the River Thames.Its long and wide.难点:Grammar: Using adjectives to describe cities and buildings.教学准备图片、教学挂图、单词卡教学时间教 学 过 程执教随笔(一)导入:A: Song: Chant: This is a little girl. B: Talk about: Using adjectives to describe a persons personality and London.(二)探究新知Step

32、one、 Warmer: Revise adjectives. Tell the students that I am going to say an adjective. They have to find something in their books that the adjective describes. Ask two or three students to say which object the chose.Example:T: Its big. S1: (points to London) London.S2: (points to elephant) Elephant.

33、 S3: (points to Beijing) Beijing.Do more examples with the class.Step two、Listen, point and say:1、Listen, point and find out the new words and underlime them. Then revise them using cards or pictures. (Write down these words on the board.)2、After doing this, tell the students to close their books. I

34、 am going to say the first word of a two-word place name. These places are all in London. The students have to say the second word of the two-word name.Example:T: Buckingham Ss: Palace.T: Hyde Ss:Park.3、Have the students continue the activity in pairs. They should take turn to say the first word.4、S

35、howing four pictures on the screen about the River Thames, Big Ben, Hyde Park, and Tower Bridge. (Write down these words.) The same time, I am going to read the text for the students. Have them remember the sentences. The second times, ask some students to introduce the pictures.5、Games: Guessing ga

36、me.6、Do AB Unit 2 exercise 1. Quiz: Listen and say the answers.7、Showing AB Unit2 exercise 2 on the screen. Do this exercise together.(三)巩固新知Step three Practice 1、Do SB Unit2 activity 4. Listen and point. First, have students say something about these pictures. Then listen and guess which one is rig

37、ht. 2、Do AB Unit2 exercise 4. Write about your school building.Step four、 Learn to sing 1、Have the students look at the picture and describe it (children playing a game). 2、Tell the students that this song, London Bridge is falling down is a traditional English song. Explain that London Bridge is a

38、very famous bridge in London. 3、Play the spoken version of the song and have the students repeat each line. Play the tape and have the students sing the song. 4、Explain the actions and have the class sing the song again. Choose some students to come to the front and play it. Lets see Who is the winn

39、er? Have the students sing and do the actions after class.Games:1、Guessing game Tell the students that I am going to say adjectives and they have to think of some places in China that these adjectives describe.Example T: Old. S1: Great Wall. S2: Palace Museum. (四)Homework:抄写课文第11页的句子,每句抄写2次。(五)小结:了解

40、英国的四大名胜古迹。板书设计Unit 2 Its very old.Big Ben old and tallHyde Park beautifulTower Bridge famous and beautiful教学反思第 三 单元教材分析单元课题Module 3 Robots本模块的教学内容是谈论将来可能发生的事情和一周七天的计划。 第一单元的课文情境是Daming和Sam之间关于机器人的对话。Sam在操场上看到Daming带来一个东西,于是好奇地询问是什么。Daming告诉Sam这是机器人,它会行走,还会说话。Daming向Sam介绍未来机器人还会做各种事情,如打扫房间,辅导孩子学习等等。

41、Sam以为机器人能帮自己做作业,但实际上它们不会。 第二单元的课文情境是下周放假,朋友询问Shanshan下周的计划,Shanshan向朋友逐一说明了自己下周七天的安排。 本模块非常有助于培养学生的想象力和创造力,有助于促进学生的心智发展。因此,除了重点学习“wil”的用法之外,教师应充分利用这一机会,培养学生的想象力和创造力,这与“wiil”的用法同等重要。 对于学生而言,“will+动词原形”表示将来行为的用法难度不大,因为其用法与汉语中“将+动词”的结构基本一致。所以,一般将来时的教学重点可以放在语义上,而不需要放在结构上。当然,“will+动词原形”的一般疑问句结构有一定的难度,不过这

42、是下一模块的学习重点,在本模块不需要进行教学。本模块第二单元集中出现了“Sunday,Monday,Tuesday,Wednesday,Thursday,Friday,Saturday”这七个表示星期的名词,不过实际上只有“Tuesday,Wednesday,Thursday,Friday”是生词,“Monday,Saturday,Sunday”已经在三年级下册的第五、六模块先后学过。本模块的学习重点不是这四个词,如果学生无法一次全部掌握,可以要求学生逐步掌握。单元课时分配课序课题课时Unit1 Robots will do everything.1Unit2 On Monday Ill go swimming.1总课时2课 题Unit 1 Robots will do everything.教学目标知识与技能:1.Sentences: One day, robots will do everything.2. Words and phrases: robot everything one day housework learn

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