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1、期中自我测评(一)(时间:40分钟满分:100分)听 力 部 分一、 听单词,从每小题所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出你所听到的单词,并将答案标号写在题前括号内(5分)()1. A. coolB. tallC. ball()2. A. rice B. nice C. nine()3. A. park B. duck C. book()4. A. Friday B. Tuesday C. Thursday()5. A. grade B. great C. green二、 听单词,从每小题中选出你所听到单词对应的图片,并将答案标号写在题号下边的方框内(5分)题号678910答案三、 听句子,从每小题

2、所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出你所听到的句子,并将答案标号写在题前括号内(10分)()11. A. Its windy. B. Its sunny. C. Its rainy.()12. A. Damings hair is short. B. Damings hair is long. C. Daming is tall.()13. A. Amy is tall.B. Amy is young. C. Amy is strong.()14. A. Hes very cool.B. Hes very clever.C. Hes very naughty.()15. A. I dont know

3、. B. I hope not.C. I can do it.四、 听句子,从每小题所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出你所听到句子的恰当答语,并将答案标号写在题前括号内(10分)Many hands make light work.众人拾柴火焰高。()16. A. Yes,Im not.B. No,I am.C. Yes,I am.()17. A. No,thank you. B. Sorry,you cant.C. Yes,you are.()18. A. Yes,I wont. B. Yes,I am.C. Yes,I will.()19. A. Im Amy. B. Im from Shan

4、dong.C. No,he isnt.()20. A. Its red. B. Its a book.C. Its big.笔 试 部 分一、 慧眼识珠(10分)从每小题A、B、C三个选项中,选出一个可以填入空白处的最佳答案,并将答案标号写在题前括号内。()1. Whats this?Its a book _ London.A. ofB. aboutC. for()2. This is Tingting. Shes a_ shy.A. good B. little C. bit()3. What day is today?Today is_.A. Monday B. March C. wind

5、y()4. This is the Changjiang River. Its very_.A. longer B. long C. clever()5. _ Monday,Ill go swimming.A. In B. At C. On二、 写出下列词的反义词(10分)1. fat_ 2. yes_3. young_ 4. new_5. short_三、根据汉语提示,补全下列单词。(10分)1. n_ty (淘气的) 2. cl_ver(聪明的) 3.h_liday (假期) 4. v_age (乡村,村子) 5. f_m_s (著名的) 6. p_cnic (野餐) 7.h_mew_k

6、(家庭作业) 8.W_dnesday(星期三) 9.w_ther(天气) 10.str_ng(强壮的)四、 选词填空(10分)1. London is the _ of England.2. The River Thames is _ and _.3. Big Ben is very _ and very _.4. Hyde park is very _.5. Tower Bridge is very _ and very _,too.五、 阅读短文,根据短文内容判断正(T)误(F)(10分)My familyThere are four people in my family. My fat

7、her,my mother,my grandfather and I. My name is Peter. Im a clever boy. I have a big drum. There is a robot in my family. We all like it very much. My grandfather likes it best. We are all very happy!1. There are four people in his family. ()2. Peter is a girl. She has a big drum. ()3. There is a dog

8、 in his family.()4. His grandfather likes the robot best.()5. Peters family are all very happy. ()六、 读读画画(10分)I have a strange(奇怪的) robot. It has three big heads,two small eyes,and six short arms. It has two long legs.七、 我是小将军,句子小部队跑乱了,你来排一排,组成完整的一段话(10分)Never too old to learn, never too late to tur

9、n.亡羊补牢,为时未晚。A. We bought one football. And Daming carried it on his bike.B. The football bumped his head.C. Yesterday Daming and I went for a bike ride.D. We passed a Sports Shop. There were lots of footballs.E. Suddenly(突然)Daming fell off his bike.我排的顺序是:_期中自我测评(一)听力材料一、 1. cool2. nice3. park4. Thu

10、rsday5. great二、 6. football7. ride8. pencil9. light10. vegetables三、 11. Its sunny.12. Damings hair is short.13. Amy is strong.14. Hes very clever.15. I can do it.四、 16. Are you naughty?17. Can I have some soup?18. Will you take your ball tomorrow?19. Where are you from?20. Whats this?参考答案听力部分一、 1. A

11、2. B3. A4. C5. B二、 6. C7. A8. E9. B10. D三、 11. B12. A13. C14. B15. C四、 16. C17. B18. C19. B20. B笔试部分一、 1. B解析:about意为“关于”。期中自我测评(二)(时间:40分钟满分:100分)听 力 部 分一、 听单词,从每小题所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出你所听到的单词,并将答案标号写在题前括号内(10分)()1. A. littleB. a bitC. window()2. A. great B. flute C. love()3. A. yellow B. window C. tomor

12、row()4. A. weather B. Wednesday C. wide()5. A. station B. strong C. stone二、 听单词,从每小题中选出你所听到单词对应的图片,并将答案标号写在题号下边的方框内(10分)题号678910答案三、 听句子,从每小题所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出你所听到的句子,并将答案标号写在题前括号内(10分)()11. A. This is my teacher. B. This is my sister. C. This is my brother.()12. A. Amy is from New York.B. Amy is from

13、London.C. Amy is from China.()13. A. Beijing is the capital of China.B. Jinan is the capital of Shandong.C. London is the capital of England.()14. A. Whats this? B. What are they?C. Whats that?()15. A. Im tall.B. Im young.C. Im old.四、 听句子,从每小题所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出你所听到句子的恰当答语,并将答案标号写在题前括号内(10分)No garden wi

14、thout its weeds.没有不长草的园子。()16. A. Im a teacher. B. Im fine.C. I like birds.()17. A. Yes,I have. B. Yes,I am. C. Yes,it is.()18. A. Were reading.B. Were going to Beijing.C. Theyre jumping.()19. A. They like singing.B. They can sing.C. Theyre singing.()20. A. Yes,he is. B. Yes,she is. C. No,she is.笔 试

15、 部 分一、 慧眼识珠(10分)从每小题A、B、C三个选项中,选出一个可以填入空白处的最佳答案,并将答案标号写在题前括号内。()1. Are you cool?Yes,I_.A. isB. amC. are()2. The elephant is very_.A. new B. big C. long()3. Today is Friday and tomorrow is_.A. Monday B. Saturday C. Thursday()4. Will it _ windy in Beijing?A. is B. dont C. be()5. Amy is_than Sam.A. sho

16、rt B. old C. older二、 选择配对(10分)从栏中找出栏每个句子恰当的答语,并将答案标号写在题前括号内。 ()1. What are you doing? A. No,it will rain.()2. Its very famous andvery beautiful. B. Yes,he is.()3. Are you cool? C. Im reading.()4. Will it be sunny tomorrow? D. Tower Bridge.()5. Is Daming short? E. Yes,I am.三、 连词成句我最棒(10分)1. cleverhep

17、upilais(.)_2. isthisbookaNewYorkabout(.)_3. willIvisitTuesdaygrandpaonmy(.)_4. takewilltomorrowyouryouball(?)_5. ismythishousesmall(.)_四、 单词拼写(10分)1. The girl is a cl_ _er (聪明的) pupil.2. Were going to have a p_ _ nic(野餐).3. It will be cl_ _dy(多云的) .4. Whats the w_ _ther(天气) like today?5. I was two t

18、h_ _.(当时,那时) No news is good news.没有消息就是好消息。五、 阅读短文,判断对()错()(10分)There are four people in my family(家),my mother,my father,my little sister and me. My father is very clever. My mother is very nice. My little sister is a bit shy. And I am cool.()1. My father is very naughty.()2. My mother isnt nice.(

19、)3. My little sister is a bit shy.()4. I am clever.()5. There are four people in my family.六、 看看画画(10分)Look,This is my bedroom. Its small. There is a bed. A desk is next to the bed. On the desk,there are many books. A chair is under the desk. There are two apples on the chair. One is big,and the oth

20、er is small.期中自我测评(二)听力材料一、 1. little2. great3. yellow4. Wednesday5. strong二、 6. happy7. chopsticks8. map9. fly a kite10. swim三、 11. This is my brother.12. Amy is from London.13. London is the capital of England.14. Whats this?15. Im young.四、 16. How are you?17. Have you got a bike?18. What are they

21、 doing?19. Do they like dancing or singing?20. Is Lingling tall?参考答案听力部分一、 1. A2. A3. A4. B5. B二、 6. A7. D8. B9. C10. E三、 11. C12. B13. C14. A15. B四、 16. B17. A18. C19. A20. B笔试部分一、 1. B解析:am与I相对应。2. B解析:大象很大。3. B解析:今天是周五,明天是周六。4. C解析:be windy表示“有风的”。5. C解析:用中有than应用比较级。二、 1. C2. D3. E4. A5. B三、 1.

22、He is a clever pupil.2. This is a book about New York.3. I will visit my grandpa on Tuesday.4. Will you take your ball tomorrow?5. This is my small house.四、 1. clever2. picnic3. cloudy4. weather5. then五、 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 六、 略2. C解析:a bit表示“一点”。3. A解析:问句是问今天星期几,只有A表示星期一。4. B解析:长江是中国第一长河,很长。5. C解析:在星期前用介词on。二、 1. thin2. no3. old4. old5. tall三、1.augh 2.e 3.o 4.ill 5.a ou 6.i 7.o or 8.e 9.ea 10.o四、 1. capital2. long,wide3. old,tall4. beautiful5. famous,beautiful五、 1. T2. F3. F4. T5. T六、 略七、 C D A E B

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