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1、1We agreed to accept _ they thought was the best professor in the college.A.whatever B.whomever C.whichever D.whoever2.She looks sad.Could you please tell me _that prevents her from being as happy as before?A.what it is B.what is it C.how it is D.it is how3.Did you lose the match?Yes,we lost it _ on

2、e goal.A.by B.at C.to D.for 4.Dont all speak at once!_,please!A.Each at one time B.One by one time C.One for each time D.One at a time5.It is the ability to do the job _ matters not where you come from or what you are.A.one B.that C.what D.which6.I cant find Mr.Smith.Where did you meet him this morn

3、ing?It was in the hotel _ he stayed A.that B.which C.the one D.where7.It is _ he often breaks the school rules _ makes his headmaster unsatisfied with him.A.what;that B.that;what C.that;that D.which;that8.The room _ face south is his bedroom.A.whose window B.whose of window C.which windows D.the win

4、dows of which9.I have always been honest and straightforward,and it doesnt matter _ Im talking to.A.who is it B.who it is C.it is who D.it is whom10.The boys are not doing a good job at all,are they?_.A.I guess not so B.I dont guess C.I dont guess so D.I guess not11.It is _ the old clock that the ol

5、d man spent the whole morning yesterday.A.to repair B.repaired C.repairs D.repairing12.What is the most _ time to find him at home?A.possible B.likely C.probable D.like13.Who told you about the English contests?_.A.No one B.None C.Neither C.Not yet14 We _ her to be over forty.A.hope B.wish C.find D.

6、suppose15.The visiting professor _ giving lecture to students _ invited to meetings at times.A.preferred;to being B.preferred;rather than C.preferred;that being D.preferred;to be16.I only know it is a _ distance away from here,but I dont know _ the distance exactly is.A.good;how far B.good;what C.fa

7、r;how far D.far;what17.I have never received any gift which pleased me _as yours.A.good enough B.well enough C.as good D.so well18.Her name was on the _ of my tongue,but I couldnt remember.A.edge B.tip C.end D.point19.Could you _ take care of my dog while Im away?Sure,leave it with me;please.A.perha

8、ps B.possibly C.maybe D.probably20.That was really a special evening.It is years _ I enjoyed myself so much.A.when B.that C.before D.since21.The boy _ that the egg _ by the hen was still _ there,but in fact,it was missing.A.lied;laid;lying B.lied;laid;laid C.lay;laying;laid D.lied;laying;lying22.Was

9、 it at the very beginning _ Mr.White made the decision _ we should send more firefighters there?A.when which B.that;that C.when;that D.where;what23.The words of his old teacher left a _ impression on his mind.He is still influenced by them.A.long B.lively C.lasting D.free24.Tom!Clean the room.Me?_.A

10、.help yourself B.A pleasure C.It depends D.Not likely25.The chairman was gold to see all the audience _ in the room.A.to sit B.sat C.seating D.seated26.You may depend _ it wont happen again.A.that B.on that C.on it D.on it that27.His failure _ carelessness in his work.A.led to B.resulted from C.resu

11、lted in D.led from28.As it happened,my advice _ to be wrong.A.proved B.was proved C.has proved D.proves29.The New Year _ on Tuesday,the Monday before there was no school.A.came B.to come C.coming D.will come30.Its ten years since the scientist _ on his lifes work of discovering the valuable chemical

12、.A.make for B.take off C.set out D.take up31.Many people put down their own jobs and joined us _ a missing child.A.to search B.in searching C.in search of D.to the search of32.The children _ as the red flag was raised.A.stood at attention B.paid attention to C.pay attention D.stood attention33.He _

13、in his life.A.is proved a failure B.proves failure C.proves to be a failure D.has proved to be failure34.We agreed to accept _ they thought was the best professor in the college.A.whatever B.whomever C.whichever D.whoever35.Whats wrong with Emily?A letter from her mother _ the attack of homesick.A.s

14、et out B.set off C.set up D.set about36.In the reading-room we found her _ at a desk with her attention _ on a magazine.A.seated;fixed B.sitting;fixing C.sitting;to be fixed D.sit;fixed37.Can it be in the restaurant _ we had dinner last Sunday _ you left your wallet?A.where;that B.where;whenC.which;

15、when D.that;when38.She is already got her air ticket and will go to Canada _.A.little by little B.bit by bit C.by and by D.step by step39.What do you think of the songs?In fact,_ of them sounds beautiful.A.not all B.no one C.not everyone D.not any one40.Suddenly,a tall man driving a golden carriage

16、_ the girl and took her away,_ into the woods.A.seizing;disappearing B.seized;disappeared C.seizing;disappearing D.seized;disappearing41.Who would you rather _ with you,Mary or Jane?A.stay B.have stayed C.have stay D.have to stay42.More than one teacher _ said that and each boy and each girl _ remembered it.A.has;has B.have;has C.has;have D.have;have43.Rita _ two hours every Sunday afternoon to spend with her son.A.set out B.set away C.set aside D.set off44.I think John will _ a good monitor,so Id like to vote for him.A.make B.turn C.elect D.change

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