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1、热身运动 warm up:1、Morning ExerciseShake your body 1,2,3 (扭身体) Round your hands A B C (双手握拳,从左到右转) Stretch your arms up and down (双手伸直拍手三下,双手向上伸一次,向下伸一次)Turn around fun fun fun (转圈一次,拍手三下) 2、RabbitRabbit rabbit rabbit (兔子状四下) has red red eyes ( Borbor 状三下) shua shua shua shua shua (放电) Rabbit rabbit rab

2、bit (兔子状四下) has long long ears (揪耳朵三下) a a a a a (左听 右听 转圈听) Rabbit rabbit rabbit (兔子状四下) has a short short tail (右手做尾巴扭臀) pia pia pia pia pia. (双手打屁股) 3、LooBy-Loo (小马哥 2 )Here we go looby-loo! (围成圈走路)Here we go looby-loo!Here we go looby-loo!All on a Saturday night!You put your right/left hand(foot

3、/head/body) in (每人把右手放入圈内)You put your right/left hand(foot/head/body) out (每人把右手拿出圈外)You give your hand a shake shake shakeAnd turn yourself about依次把右手、左手、右脚、左脚、头、身体放入圈内4、the busThe wheels on the bus go round and round (转圈3 )The doors on the bus go ( open打开 and shut关上 3)The people on the bus go ( u

4、p上 and down下3)The baby on the bus goes ( wa wa wa哇哇声3)The mommy on the bus goes ( xu xu xu吁吁声3)The daddy on the bus goes ( bi bi bi哔哔声3)The sister on the bus goes( heng heng heng哼哼声3)5、NumbersOne one, there is one sun.(左手伸一指 右手伸一指 双手太阳状晃动)Two two, there are two shoes.(左手伸二指 右手伸二指 双手系鞋带)Three three,

5、there are three trees.(左手伸三指 右手伸三指 双手画棵树)Four four, there are four doors.(左手伸四指 右手伸四指 双手开门状)Five five, there are five knives.(左手伸五指 右手伸五指 左手叉腰 右手切菜状)One two three four five.(左手叉腰 右手叉腰 左手搭肩 右手搭肩 身体扭一下) 6、Everything is moving now. Head is shaking, shaking shaking shaking( 左右摇头 ) Knees are moving, movi

6、ng movingmoving (双手交叉,移动膝盖) Arms are swimming, swimming swimming swimming (左右游泳) Hips are swaying, swaying swaying swaying (扭臀) Body is shaking, shaking shaking shaking (扭动身体) 7、Moring ExcisesOne two three four , (先左右手插腰,再左右手搭肩)Put your hands up, (左右手上举,拍一下)Five six seven eight, (先左右手搭肩,再左右手插腰)Put y

7、our hands down, (左右手摊开,拍一下)One two three four, (先左右手插腰,再左右手搭肩)Jump jump high, (学小兔子跳三下)Five six seven eight, (先左右手搭肩,再左右手插腰)Stand stand straight, (左右手摊开,立正)One two three four Five six seven eight ,(强壮状四下)We do morning exercises. ( Good morning 状,原地踏步走) 8、clap your hands1 、2 1、2、3 (拍手)Open your eyes

8、, look at me1 、2 1、2、3Close your mouth , not to say1 、2 1、2、3Clap your hand , happy day1 、2 1、2、3Shake your hips , do this way1 、2 1、2、3Step your feet , hey hey hey 9、finger gameOne finger , one finger turn turn turnTurn to the knife , kachi kachi kachiTwo fingers , two fingers turn turn turnTurn to

9、 the rabbit , jump jump jumpThree fingers , three fingers turn turn turnTurn to the fox , eat eat eat Five fingers , five fingers turn turn turnTurn to the cat , mao mao mao 10、touch touchTouch your eyes (diang diang diang)Touch your nose (show show show)Touch your mouth (beng beng beng)Touch your e

10、ars (a a a)Touch your knees ( peng peng peng) 11、number songOne one , one one oneTwo two, two two twoThree three, three three threeFour four , four four fourFive five , five five fiveOne two three four five12、Its time to class, please be quite , sit up straight , look at miss he , listen carefully.1

11、3、be a little soldier. Walking walking Walking. Be a little rabbit. Jumping . be a little horse. running running. Running。14、one finger. One finger, turn turn turn. Turn to a toothbrush. Sha sha sha. Two fingers. two firgers turn . turn turn turn to rabbit jump jump. JumpThree fingers Three fingers

12、turn to a fork. cha cha cha. Four fingers Four fingers turn to a cat. Miao miao miao. Five fingers Five fingers turn to a tiger ao ao ao .15、one one one .eveny body, run. Two two two , toe your shoe. Three three three, touch the tree. Tour tour tour, open the door . five five five, gine me five. 16、

13、one finger, one finger 点点点。Two fingers Two fingers剪剪剪。Three fingers three fingers弯弯弯。Four fingers Four fingers叉叉叉。Five fingers Five fingers, turn to bonny(tiger).17、I like to run ,run run.(sing) I like to jump jump jump(dance). Run ard jumy. I like18、sing hello to , sing hello to ,sing hello.19、I am

14、 a little cat, miao. Im a little dog, woof. Duck go go go ,goat, me me me .20、be a little crab, ceer, deer, dog (fish).21、are you sleeping? are you sleeping? Bather john. Morning bells ringing. Morning bells ringing. Ding ding dong.22、twinkle twin-kle little star, how I wonder what you are, up above

15、 the world so high, like a diamond in the sky.23、ten little fngers count to ten, 1、2、3、4、5、6、7、8、9、10.24、three little monkeys jumping on the bed. One fell down, and bumped his head, mom call the doctor and the doctor said, no more little monkeys jumping on the bed, two little monkeys.25、one little t

16、wo little, three little fingers, four little five little six little fingers seven little eight little, night little fungous, ten little fungous on my hard. 26、ABCDEFG, I like coffee ,I like tea. HIJKLMN, I use paper, I use pen. OPQ, RST, do you see a flying bee? UVW, XYZ, you ,little girl lone and s

17、ee.27、happy happy ha ha ha . sad sad , 5 5 5. frighten frighten 嗯 嗯 嗯。 Angry angry ,heng heng. Hungry hungry装做饿。28、hello hello, how are you. Fine fine, fine thank you. Hello hello how are you. Oh oh, just so so .29、two little blackbirds sitting on a wall ,one named jack, one named Joe, fly away jack

18、, fly away Joe ,e back jack, e back Joe.30、head head ,shake shake shake. Shoulders ,shoulders , shake shake shake, hips hips. knees knees.toes.31、Eye eyes,唰唰唰,nose ,nose ,ca ca ca. ears ears ears .a a a mouth mouth发出声音。32、tall tall tall ,uake yourself tall. Big big big ,uake gou eyes big. Long long

19、long, arms long. Short short short, uake yourself short. Small small small, uake you eyes small short short short, uake uake arms short.33、A A A say ok. B B B touch your knte. C C C look and see. D D D, mevke a “D”. E E E ,drink some tea. A B C D E, cone and ,tollaw me.34、I am a farmer, I like farmi

20、ng ,嘿咻咻嘿咻咻。I am a singer I like singing, 喜唰唰喜唰唰,ya ya . I am a boxer, I like boxing,哗嘿哈。35、old maneld had a farm, E-I-E-I-O. and on his farm he had a cow, E-I-E-I-O. with a moo moo hare, a moo moo there.36、uary had a little cat, little cat, little cat nary had a little cat, the cat say miao.37、head shoulder knees and toes.38、mod your head, yes yes yes.39、one two three four five,(读时蹲下或摸一个地方)最后gine me five.40、hands up ,up up ,啪啪, down down 啪啪up啪down啪,up down啪啪.

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