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1、初学者 Beginners The movie talks about a love story of a man whose father decided to e out after his old wife dead. The protagonist was a little bit autistic because of his home environment. After he met a beautiful girl at a masquerade party and fall in love with her, his life became different and col

2、orful. But its not easy to maintain this relationship due to both of them grew up in a disharmony family. At last, they learned how to love each other and solve the problems. I do believe that we all are beginners, there are many things that we arent good at, and we should face and try to deal with

3、it, not just escape.她 HerIts a science fiction. The main character in the film is a man. And he writes letters for living, its a boring job as well as his life. As the story went on, the protagonist got an AI system that can talk as a real human by chance. Not long ago, he just broken with his girlf

4、riend, but soon he found that AI is easier to get along with than real people. Surprisingly, he and “her” both feel like falling in love with each other, it makes him feel very happy. But good times dont last long, they would quarrel, and its not easy to have an AI “girlfriend”. In the end, all of A

5、I left people, in my opinion its because they love people. And they dont want to hurt people. This is my favorite movie this year.银河系漫游指南 The Hitchhikes Guide to the GalaxyThis movie is a classic science fiction edy, adapted from a popular book with the same title written by Douglas Adams. In a peac

6、eful morning, the protagonist was having breakfast, and at the moment, the construction team was going to force demolition of his home. Of course he was very angry, but his best friend who looks “nerves” came out suddenly and admitted he is an alien, then took him to a big space ship. After that, th

7、e aliens who own the space ship destroyed the earth. Thanks to his alien friend, as the last human being, he started an interstellar journey full of excitement and fun.银河护卫队Guardians of the GalaxyThe film adapted from the Marvel ic, as the way it once was, there is no doubt that the movie talks abou

8、t some hero saving people. But in this movie, the hero saved the Galaxy. In the beginning, a little boy was listening music outside the ward, his mother was dying, but the boy cant accept it. He run out, at this time, a space ship came out and took him away. Then the scene changed, an interstellar r

9、obber found a mysterious energy ball, but he didnt expect it would bring plete change in his life. Yes, he was the lost boy from earth many years ago. In order to protect the energy ball, he got some other hero. And this team is not only powerful but also very funny and full of love. Anyway, its a f

10、ilm worth seeing伴我同行Stand by MeThis is a story recalled by protagonist in his childhood about 4 boys went to search a dead body. And all of these boys are not happy because of the disharmony home environment, the protagonists parents are not fond of him, they believe he was not good as his dead brot

11、her. The leader is a boy who looks like a thug, but he is the best friend of protagonist, and in fact, he is a smart and kind person. Their journey was arduous with many challenges along the way. In the end, they found the dead body, and the protagonist found himself.泰迪熊TedOn Christmas Eve, the boy

12、received a teddy bear. The boy had no friend, so he wished teddy bear can be alive and talk with him. The next morning, his dream came true, teddy bear talked! And all of countries are shocked. Ted grew up with the boy to adult, and his mind grew too, but they are still best friend. But the mans gir

13、lfriend thought Ted is spare part in their life, so she wanted Ted to leave. The man thought highly of Ted, so he would rather break with his girlfriend. For his best friend, Ted decided to leave. At this time, a Teds crazy fan kidnapped Ted. The man and his girlfriend found it and saved Ted out. Th

14、is movie was rated 12A because of some adult dialogue and scenes, but I think is a good film that tell us the choice between the friendship and love is very important.狂怒Fury This is a very good film, which is about the World War. At the end of the war, the United States joined the fight to Germany.

15、The movie talked about a tank named “FURY” fight to Nazi. The soldiers in it thought the tank as their home, and the leader was a hero who saved others many times. In the beginning, they have some other rades-in-arms, five tanks were destroyed one by one. At last, the “FURY” was the last one who sti

16、ll can fight. And at this time, they got a mission to slow the enemy at a crossroads. But in fact, they knew its impossible to finish it alive. They tried their best but at last they failed because of outnumbered. 钢琴师 The pianistThis is a movie though the Jewish pianists eyes of the Germans during W

17、orld War and exposed to the cruel massacre of the Jews. Before the Nazi came to power, the family of the pianist was living well. With the Nazi persecution of the Jews deepened, the family lived more and more hard. They were forced to move to a cluster with other Jews, and then one day they had to l

18、eave for another unknown place. What impressed me so much is the old father bought a small milk sugar and then cut it to pieces for other families. But soon they were separated, the families were taken to concentration camp, only the pianist saved by a Jew assistant police. After that, the pianist started the long road to escape.

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