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1、 5A复习题一:辨音题,相同的用T,不同的用F1:many bad ( ) 2:mother some ( ) 3:teacher tree ( )4: hand apple ( ) 5:nice nose 6:wall what( ) 7:first her ( ) 8: rubbish rubber ( ) 9:son sun ( ) 10 happy many ( ) 11 panda purple ( )12 along purple ( )二:找出发音和其他不同的一个1:( )A:sharp B:class C:are D:cup2:( ) A:that B: thin C:thos

2、e D: they 三:用所给单词的适当形式填空1:Kitty often _(watch) TV in the evening. Now she _(not do) her homework.2:Both _(lady) are our _(teacher)3:_(that) lights are bright. _(not write) in the darkness.4:-Is there _(some) milk in the glass? -Yes, there is _(some)5:Dont eat now. please wash your hands _(first)6:_(

3、not be) afraid. Let _(we) help you.7:Turn left at the first zebra_(cross)8:Kitty _(go) to the cinemanow, but she usually _(do) her homework.9:Tom _(want)_(turn) right at Park Street.10:-_ your mother _(like) films? -Yes, she _(see) films every week.11:-What _ the childen _(do) now? -They _(listen) t

4、o the radio.12: My birthday is on the _(twenty) of March.13: My bedroom _(face) to the south. There _(be) a lot of sunshine.14: Can you finish _(do) your homework first? It is too late.15 : Dont drink too _(many) coffee. It is good for your health.16: In winter, the wind _(blow) strongly. The windmi

5、ll moves _(quick)17: listen to the weather. We have a _( strong) wind today.18:I can see _(5) boys. The _(5) boy is my good friend.19:- Can ben _(help) old people?Yes, he can help them.20. My cousin never _(fly) the kite in the park on Saturday. He cant _(fly) the kite.21. _(that ) lights are bright

6、. _(not write) in the darkness.22. look, the children _(visit) ocean world.四:改写句子1:The Zhangs are going to Ocean World.(对划线部分提问)2:There are some ugly ducklings in the river.(改为单数句)3:The dolphins are swimming. The dolphins are jumping.(改为选择疑问句)4:I want to be a writer in the future.(根据划线部分提问)5:The sma

7、ll animals are having a meeting.(对划线部分提问)6:You should drink a lot of water, too. (改为否定句)7:They like Peters home. (用Bens home 改为选择疑问句)8:Wild geese fly to the south in autumn. (根据划线部分提问)9:My new home is near our school. (改为否定句,但意思不变)10:There are some birds in the tree.(改为一般疑问句)11:Ben rides his bike to

8、 the park.(换句句型表达,意思不变)12:My friends sisters only one year old.(对划线部分提问)13:Jhon flies an aeroplane on Thursday.(改为否定句)14:They want to be lifeguards.(改为单数句)15:His father is a cook. (对划线部分提问)16:The Yangtze River runs through Shanghai.(改为一般疑问句)17:We must boil the water first. (改为否定句)18: when do you dri

9、nk tea .(根据实际情况回答)19: Mr Black goes to work by underground, (换种说法,意思不变)20:The children play on the swing happily. (对划线部分提问)21:The wind blows strongly in the winter.(对划线部分提问)22: Little pig makes a paper wind-bell.(对划线部分提问)23. my mother walks to the park. (换种说法 意思不变)24. this pocket is small. That pock

10、et is small too.(合并为一句,意思不变25. whats in the bookshop? (根据实际情况回答)五:正确抄写下列句子,注意大小写。1:the double ninth festival is a traditional chinese festival2:how do I get to the cinema please walk alon flower street3:whats wrong with you I have a toothache六:按要求写单词1:travel(名词)_ 2:whos(同音词)_ 3:arent(同音词)_4:bye(同音词)

11、_5:there(同音词)_6:right(同音词)_7:our(同音词)_ 8: sick (近义词)_ 9. My (反身代词)_七:读一读,填上合适的单词,每空一词1:I want to be a _.i want to travel around the world.2:Take the No.1 bus _ Lujiazui Bus Stop.3:-Where is the cinema? -It is _ Rose Road.4:There are many d_ in the hospital. They can help sick people.5: I can see d_

12、at Ocean World. They can swim fast.6:you are so hot. You must have a _. You should go to see a _.7:-what do you do _ weekdays? - I go to school from Monday _ Friday.8: Mr and Mrs Wang _ the bikes on Sundays.9:八:选择填空1:It is lunch time. The Zhangs are looking _ a restaurant. A: At B:to C:for 2:-What _

13、your cousins want to be? -They _ to be cooks. A:does want B;does wants C:do want3:Kitty needs _ uniform for school.A a B an C the4:_washes his face at six oclock in the morning. A Danny B Danny and Ben C They5:Jennifer likes _. She goes _ every week. A swimming swimming B swim swimming C swimming sw

14、im6:Huangpu River is _ of the Yangtze River. A river B park C part7:tina always _ the old people. A helps B is helping C help8:Jill is happy _ her bedroom because it is clean and tidy. A for B with C at9: -what is that under the sea? -_ a shark under the sea. A There is B It is C I see10._ the anima

15、ls in the zoo are full.A Both B Two C All11: how much is the _? A shorts B trousers C button12. look, _ zips are nice. One is short, one is long. A both B all C all the13. some students are waiting _ the train. A to B for C off14. ben _ his face at 6:00 every day. A is washing B wash C washes15:look, this is _ invitation. It is _ big and nice invitation. _ invitation is for dad. A a a an B a a the C an a The

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