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1、2A牛津英语练习英语期中练习I听力部分一、圈出听到图片的编号二、圈出听到的单词1.floor flower 2、four five 3、swim swing 4、books box 5、plate plane6、three tree 7、white write 8、big bag 9、grass class三、圈出听到句子的编号1、A、Good morning. B、Good night.2、A、My hair is short. B、My head is big.3、A.Put the book on the desk. B.Put the box under the desk.4、AI c

2、an see a bee. B. Can you see a bee?5AI like meat. B,It likes meat.四、圈出正确应答句的编号1.A.Here you are. B.Thank you.2.A.Yes.thanks. B.Yes,please.3.A.I see a panda. B.I can see a panda.4.A.Yes,it is big. B.It is big.5.A.Im Kitty. B.Youre Kitty,6.A.No,I cant. B.I can run.7.A.Its a sweet. B.Its sweet.8.A.There

3、”re three. B.Theyre red.9.A.Its orange. B.Its an orange.10.A.Im five. B.Im fine.五、按听到的顺序给句子编号( )I am big and fat.( )Look at me.( )I like grass.( )I am an elephant.( )Who am I?六、与听到的内容一致写T,不一致写F( )1.Giant is big and tall.( )2.His hair is long.( )3.His head is small.( )4.His mouth is big.( )5.His eyes

4、 are small.笔试部分I. Write the letters.1. _ D _ 2. _ G _ 3. _ L _ 4. _ Y _5. _ i _ 6. _ o _ 7. _ r _ 8. _ v _II. Write the opposite words1. young _ 2. big _ 3. tall _ 4. fat _ 5. on _ 6. down _III. Choose the best answer1. How many _? A. box B. boxs C. boxes2. Give _ a pencil, please. A. my B. me C. I3

5、. Who _ I? A. am B. is C. are4. Look _ the lion. A. to B. at C. in5. _you short? A. Am B. Is C. Are6. Look at this hippo. It _ grass. A. like B. likes C. love7. How many books? _ four. A. Therere B. Theyre C. Theres 8. There _ one car in the street. A. are B. am C. is9. She closes the window _ her h

6、and. A. with B. on C. to10. Teas ready. Im _. A. coming B. come C. comeingIV. Circle the words1. slide swing sun seesaw2. plate spoon kitchen knife3. face table hair head4. animal hippo fox elephant5. flower tree grass three6. plane car bicycle play7. fly fat swim jumpV. Match( )1. How are you? A. Y

7、ou are Miss Wang.( )2. How old are you? B. OK.( )3. What can you see? C. Yes, I can see a slide.( )4. Is he old? D. No, I dont.( )5. What colour is it? E. Its red.( )6. How many kites? F. Therere three.( )7. Can you see a slide? G. Im fine.( )8. Who am I? H. Im five.( )9. Put the book on the desk. I

8、. I can see a swing.( )10. Do you like meat? J. No, hes young.VI. Judge( ) 1. 当你想别人介绍自己的爸爸时,说 This is your father.( ) 2. 当你问别人这是什么颜色时,说 What can you see?( ) 3. 当你想知道有几个男孩时,说 How many boys?( ) 4. 当你让别人看月亮时,说 Look at the sun.VII. Answer the question.1. Are you Kitty? _2. Can your father ride a bicycle

9、? _3. Is your mother thin? _4. What colour is the banana? _5. Its big and fat. It has a big mouth. What is it? _VIII Read and judgeJack and Kitty are in the room. Jack is a boy. He is ten. He has short hair. Kitty is a girl. She is seven. She has long hair. Jack can write but Kitty cant write. She c

10、an draw a dog. They are busy.( )1. Jack is a boy with short hair.( )2. Kitty is ten.( )3. Jack cant write but Kitty can write.( )4. Kitty can draw.( )5. Jack is in the room.期中练习2听力部分一、 听录音选出听到的内容( )1. A.play B.plate C.please D.plane( )2. A.cat B.kite C.slide D.write( )3. A.dear B.hear C.here D.ear(

11、)4. A.My hair is long and my nose is small. B.My hair is short and my eyes are big.( )5. A.I can see the moon in the sky,It is bright. B.I can see the stars in the sky, They are bright.二、 听录音,选出相应的回答( )1.Shes my mother. B.Hes my father.( )2.Yes,please, B.No,please.( )3.A.There are ten. B. They are t

12、en.( )4.No,he is short. B,He is a short boy.( )5.A. I see a hippo. B.I can see a hippo.( )6.A.Yes,he is. B.No,he cant,( ) 7.Im sorry. B.Thank you.三、 听录音,判断下列句子对错(T or F)( )1.Supergirl cant write.( )2.I can swing on a yellow swing.( )3.Alice can see a snake.( )4.My sister is young.( )5.Danny is not h

13、appy.( )6.Miss fang is tall and thin.( )7.Johns bag is on the desk now.( )8.Peter can run fast.四、 听录音,填空1Look at the fox.It is bad.It likes .2.Ginger is naughty.It is on the .3.I can see the sun in the .4.Give me a and some ,please.5.Come and fly a with me.6Is he your friend? ,he is my .口试部分I. Write

14、 the letters.1. P _ _ _ 2. _ j _3. _ _ _ w 4. L _ _II. Read and write look at the sky linda can you see the moon yes i can_III. Choose the correct answer.( ) 1. This is _ Sam.A. aB. an C./( ) 2. _ father is young.A. You B. Youre C. Your( ) 3. There are many stars _ the sky.A. in B. on C. at( ) 4. _

15、drink Cola after dinner.A. Cant B. Not C. Dont( ) 5. This is a rabbit. It _ carrots.A. Like B. likesC. like( ) 6. Look at the room. Its messy. Put the pencil case _ the bat, please.A. in B. under C. at ( ) 7. There _ _ orange in the bag.A. is.aB. is. anC. are . an( ) 8. I am _. Can I have some noodl

16、es?A. thirstyB. hungry C. fullIV. Read and choose( ) 1. A. playB. footballC. ropeD. kite( ) 2. A. daddyB. mummyC. sisterD. family( ) 3. A. heB. me C. sheD. it( ) 4. A. yourB. theyC. herD. my( ) 5. A. howB. canC. whoD. what( ) 6. A. insectB. rabbitC. lionD. bird( ) 7. A. vanB. window C. carD. bus( )

17、8. A. streetB. animalC. zooD. parkV. Read and match( ) 1. How is the weather? A. Yes, I can touch my knees.( ) 2. What can your sister do? B. Its cloudy.( ) 3. Can you touch your knees? C. Yes, your hair is short and black.( ) 4. My hair is short and black. D. My hair is short and black.( ) 5. How i

18、s your hair? E. She can ride a bicycle.( ) 6. How is your father? F. He is big and strong.VI. Make the sentences1. bowls on are The Floor The ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( )2. in Wendy car is a ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( )3. colour seesaw What the is ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( )4. you Are seven ( ) ( ) ( )5. can the I see mo

19、on ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( )VII. Read, guess and write1. I am round and deep. Soup and noodles like me. I am a _.2. You are small. You like to eat fish and mice. Youre _ _.3. Its a fruit. It is pink and yellow. Its sweet and juicy. Its _ _.4. Look! I am a boy. This is my _. It is black and short.VIII. Ans

20、wers the questions1. How old are you? Im _2 Where is your rubber? Its _ the _.3. Can you play football? _ , I _.4. what do you like to eat? I like to eat _.IX. Reading1.Miss Liu: Here is the zoo. It is big and nice. There are many different animals in the zoo.Peter: Look! These are monkeys. They are

21、 climbing the trees. They are cute. They have long tails. They eat bananas.Linda: Oh. There are some hippos over there. They are strong. They are giant. What can they do?Miss Liu: They can swim. They can walk. What do they like to eat?Peter: The like grass. The grass is fresh and nice.Miss Liu: Yes,

22、 they eat grass. They are grass-eaters.Linda: Are foxes grass-eaters?Miss Liu: No. Foxes like meat. They are not grass-eaters. They are meat-eaters. Oh.Its getting late. Its already five oclock. Lets go back to school.( ) 1. It is in the morning.( ) 2. Peter and John are in the zoo.( ) 3. They see s

23、ome monkeys climbing the tree.( ) 4. The grass is fresh and nice.( ) 5. Foxes are grass-eaters.( ) 6. Linda and Peter are brother and sister.2.Its a sunny day. It is not very hot. It is not very cold. It is warm. I can see the sun in the sky. It is big and round. I am in the childrens garden with my

24、 brother John. He is four. I can see a slide, a seesaw and a swing in it. The slide is blue. The seesaw is green. The swing is red. Look! John is on the swing. Higher and Higher. He is happy. He is smiling.(1) Is it a fine day? _(2) How old is John? _(3) What is in the childrens garden? _(4) What colour is the seesaw? _(5) Where is John? _(6) Is John happy? _

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