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1、 高二英语周考试题(六) (考前补弱篇)一阅读理解(共4小题,每题2分,满分8分)I set out to help clean up the beach after a violent storm a year ago. The sight I saw was heartbreaking. The broken houses seemed to be weeping quietly. I couldnt describe how I felt. But something special among the debris (废墟) turned my day around.I joined

2、a club to clean up the beach after the storm last November. As I removed the debris from the beach, I noticed an object with shiny buttons in the wet sand. It was a jacket, and I was excited since Halloween was ing and I thought I had found a great costume. After picking it up, I was able to see tha

3、t the jacket was from West Point (西点军校), the United States Military Academy, and it had the name “deGavre” written inside. I realized the jacket might be important to someone. I decided to find the jackets owner and return it.I called the West Point Museum, considering that if the family couldnt be

4、found, the jacket should go there. The museum connected me with Kim McDermott, Director of munications for the Academys Association of Graduates. Kim soon ensured that the jacket had belonged to Chester Braddock deGavre, who was a 1933 graduate and a war hero, but passed away in 1993.I sent Kim a ph

5、oto of the jacket and she posted it to the West Point Association of Graduates Facebook Page, asking if anyone could help us find the family. In less than two hours, someone had found and called the heros wife, Teresa. Soon I started to receive personal messages from members of the deGavre family, t

6、heir friends and others who were touched by the story and they found me on Facebook.Finding Chester deGavres jacket and connecting to his family with the help of Facebook have been so meaningful to me. Ive formed a bond with amazing people I might have never met.1. Seeing the sight after the storm,

7、the author felt very _ A. sadB. surprisedC. nervousD. disappointed2. What did the author think at first after he saw the jacket? A. He should try to find its owner.B. He could wear it for Halloween.C. He should return it to West Point.D. He could send it to others for free.3. Why did the author call

8、 the West Point Museum? A. Because the jacket was made there.B. Because the jackets owner worked there. C. Because the workers there needed the jacket.D. Because the jacket might be collected by the museum.4. According to the text, who was Kim McDermott? A. He happened to be the owner of the jacket.

9、B. He was a student graduating from West Point.C. He was someone who could find a record of the graduates.D. He was a family member of the author.二完形填空部分(两篇,第二篇为选做题;共40题,满分60分)1. 阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的四个选项(A、B、C、D)中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项(每小题1.5分,共20题,满分30分)As I walked through the door, I felt sharp coldness. Whi

10、le my fingers began to numb, many 21 ran through my head. Why am I here? What were my parents thinking when they 22 here? My parents were born and raised in a 23 family in southwestern Iowa. From a very young age, they were expected to 24 the family farm. Five years after my birth, my parents made a

11、 decision that would 25 our lives forever. They decided they 26 more in life. They told their families that they were moving to Alaska! Why would they move to Alaska, the 27 of polar bears and Eskimos? When I asked, they said, “We wanted to experience adventure.” My grandparents thought that they we

12、re 28 and said, “It is a horrible thing to do to those kids.” 29 my parents moved, with nothing but a few clothes and $500 dollars. Through hard work and perseverance, they have not only survived, but are 30 than ever. My father has got his 31 job as a wildlife technician for the Department of Fish

13、and Game. My 32 is now the manager of the high school kitchen. These two people had the courage to 33 for their dreams - no matter what others thought. Through good and bad times, my parents never lost sight of their 34 . What they wanted most in the world was to raise their children to be 35 . I ho

14、nor and thank them. Because of their 36 , I have bee an independent young man. 37 their hard work and strong will, they have bee happy and successful. I have learned through their actions and mistakes that anything is 38 . So, when I ask myself why I am in Alaska, I 39 myself how I got here. No matt

15、er how 40 it gets, I cant think of a better place to grow up. I sure do love Alaska!21. A. ways B. plans C. questions D. wishes22. A. left B. moved C. searched D. forgot23. A. farming B. building C. nursing D. training24. A. look for B. put away C. take over D. find out25. A. prove B. change C. begi

16、n D. save26. A. ate B. lost C. used D. wanted27. A. land B. sight C. visit D. protection28. A. strong B. brave C. crazy D. young29. A. So B. And C. But D. If30. A. wiser B. happier C. earlier D. heavier31. A. old B. dream C. lucky D. rich32. A. mother B. brother C. friend D. grandpa33. A. go B. ask

17、C. care D. wait34. A. problems B. feelings C. goals D. experiences35. A. healthy B. safe C. kind D. successful36. A. jobs B. teachings C. failures D. permissions37. A. Despite B. Without C. Through D. Beyond38. A. easy B. useful C. painful D. possible39. A. doubt B. remind C. believe D. persuade40.

18、A. cold B. long C. much D. far2. (选做)阅读下面短文, 从短文后各题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中, 选出可以填人空白处的最佳选项(每小题1.5分,共20题,满分30分)My class and I visited Chris Care Center in Phoenix, Arizona to fort the old people who needed a little cheering up during the holiday season. The first two 41 there were for persons requiring hel

19、p in taking care of themselves. We sang 42 for them. They loved our sweet songs and the flowers that we left with them.As we were 43 on the third floor for old people with Alzheimer (老年痴呆症), most of them 44 off at the walls or floor. However, one lady 45 my eye. She was sitting by the door, in a whe

20、elchair, singing songs to herself. They werent the songs that we were singing, at least they didnt 46 like that. As we got 47 with each festive song, she did as well. The louder we got, the louder she got. 48 she was singing, she was also 49 out to us with her hands and body. I knew that I should ha

21、ve gone over to her, but I thought that my 50 were to my students. People who worked at the care center could 51 to her, I thought. Just when I stopped feeling 52 about not giving her the attention she needed, one of my students, Justin, showed me what the holiday season is really about. Justin also

22、 53 the same lady. The difference between us is that he 54 on her needs, but I didnt. During the last song, “Silent Night,” Justin walked over to her and held her hand. He looked this aged lady in her 55 and with his actions said, “You are important, and I will take my 56 to let you know that.” This

23、 tired, elderly lady stopped singing and held his hand. Then she touched his cheek with 57 hand. Tears began to fall down her face. No 58 can pletely describe that touching moment. It 59 a boy to teach me, a man, about kindness and love. Justins example of a plete, selfless attitude toward another w

24、as a 60 that I will never forget. He was the teacher that day, and I consider myself lucky to have witnessed his lesson. 41. A.buildingsB. rooms C. floorsD. groups42. A.shylyB. bravelyC. madlyD. beautifully43. A.meetingB. dancingC. gathering D. singing44. A.shutB. staredC. paid D. glared45. A.caught

25、B. lookedC. escaped D. hurt46. A. appear B. hearC. soundD. feel47. A. louderB. nearerC. faster D. higher48. A. Because B. AsC. Since D. Though49. A. movingB. reachingC. ing D. spreading50. A. interestsB. abilitiesC. feelings D. responsibilities51. A. speak B. objectC.pareD. attend 52. A. afraid B. s

26、ureC.scary D. guilty 53. A. fearedB. avoidedC. noticedD. helped54. A. called B. actedC.kept D. insisted 55. A. tears B. handsC.face D. eyes 56. A. time B. flowerC. body D. cheek57. A. anotherB. hisC. the otherD. herself58. A. wordsB. poemsC. expressionsD. songs59. A. tookB. wastedC. causedD. made60.

27、 A. messageB. lessonC. activity D. class高二英语周考试题(六) (考前补弱篇)答案页姓名:_ 班级_分数_本次周练分值共118分。一 阅读理解(每个2分,共8分)1234二完形填空部分(两篇,共40题,满分60分)1.212223242526272829303132333435363738394024142434445464748495051525354555657585960三 短文改错(两篇,共20分)1. 共10小题;每小题1分,满分10 分. 假定英语课上老师要求同桌之间交换修改作文,请你修改你同桌写的以下作文。作文中共有10处错误,每句中最多有

28、两处。错误涉及一个单词的增加、删除或修改。增加:在缺词处加一个漏词符号(),并在其下面写出该加的词。删除:把多余的词用斜线()划掉。修改:在错的词下画一横线,并在该词下面写出修改后的词。注意:1每处错误及其修改均仅限一词; 2只允许修改10处,多者(从第11处起)不计分。There was an art festival in our school last weekend. It had been held for five years and our headmaster plan to make it a feature of our school. I was so excited,

29、for it was first time for me to join in.Early in the morning, there were such many people ing to our school, made it so lively. The students gave a warm wele to the guest. I walked around or appreciated the paintings. All the works were from the students and I was so impressing by them. There were a

30、lso some handcrafts, that were so creative. Though we were busy with our study most of the time, but some students still managed to develop their hobbies. I should learn to them and develop a hobby as well.2. 短文改错:(共10分,每小题1分)The sun was just slowly e up over the mountains today as I took my dogs fo

31、r its morning walk. I smiled as I watched the clouds gradually turn white and gold. The air was cool and I wore a big smile in my face. Even though there werent leaf on the trees, but I could still hear birds singing songs of spring. Even my dogs seemed to notice the different in the air. They were

32、playing instead of just do their morning business in the grass. The particular golden sun seemed to make it a beautiful day. As I headed back, I realize something. The beauty of day didnt e from the warmth of the sun. It came from the warmth within my own heart and soul.四 书面表达(30分)第一节:上次书面表达错句重写:(5分

33、)1.尽管因特网变得越来越流行,书对人们仍然很重要。那就是我爱读书的原因。2. 书在很多方面都是有价值的。3. 每当我感到沮丧时, 阅读助我把消极情绪转化为快乐和勇气。1.2. _3. _第二节:(25分)假如你是育才中学的学生会主席李华。上周美国亚特兰大ELCA高中(Eagles Landing Christian Academy)学生会到你校开展友好访问,向你校图书馆捐赠了一批图书,请你给ELCA高中的学生会主席Peter写一封信,要点如下:1. 我是学生会主席李华,我代表我们学校写信向你表示诚挚(sincere)的感谢。2. 给我们捐了很多书,你真是慷慨和热心。我们相信这些书对我们很有用

34、和帮助。(be of+抽象名词)3. 最为回报,我们用EMS给您寄去了我们学生自己做的中国结(Chinese knots)。请注意查收。4. 希望将来我们有更多更好的两校之间的交流和合作。5. 再一次感谢你慷慨捐赠的书。盼望你下一次的访问。温馨提示:可以再增加相关内容的句子,尽量用自己有把握的句子表达和翻译。_._._答案;一阅读理解(共4小题,每题2分,满分8分)1-4 ABDC二完形填空部分1. 21-25 CBACB26-30 DACCB31-35 BAACD36- 40 BCDBA2. 41-45 CDDBA 4650 CABBD 5155 DDCBD 5660 ACAAB 三 短文改

35、错(两篇)1. 共10小题;每小题1分,满分10 分.1.planplanned2. first time 前加the 3. suchso 4. makemaking 5. guestguests6. orand 7. impressingimpressed8. thatwhich 9. 去掉but 10. tofrom 2. 共10分,每小题1分, 满分10 分1. e改为ing 2. its改为their 3. in改为on 4. leaf改为leaves 5. 去掉but 或but改为yet 6. different改为difference(s) 7. do改为doing 8. part

36、icular改为particularly 9. realize改为realized 10. 在day前加the四书面表达Im Li Hua, President of the Student Union of Yucai High School. On behalf of my school, I am writing to express/convey our sincere thanks to you.Its very kind and generous of you to donate a number of books to us, which we believe are of gr

37、eat use and help to our students. In return, by EMS we have sent you some beautiful Chinese knots made by us students. Please note to check. In the future, I hope we can have more and better munication and cooperation . Thank you again for the books you generously donated. Looking forward to your next visit.

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