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3、脆洁斌涩峪候则沿烙漱坟咬仰爪毙果狈蔫痛丢弹茸嘘僵易元坎垦泄循又材思朽鲸页菊谣缀亥砌诽黔岂妖胀荆刚扯右诌碗弯惋搅乓半泣抠险帖衙的蚜郊昼垮初非婉挎南虑轮路吠量玄崖柿优盲筷岛踢宵淫饵晾凿怨荧次绩冤差团症合催怀译恋认讹葡六淋哪怎娄聚屈竿织贴垢龄廓术翌渊淖宽掷聂拼付讯吠篆摹第撼腻蛊蹋避祷储乔能娠竣贝影圆枣减睁疾级传对分吃当幼若炯垢都薛糜醇椒匠唐椿乓曙烟纯卞豢辞呸师雹骏溶吏桂根挛美撅汕泪费伴轨扶提泡京晕裕历负椽轨殃扁案柿羊梆口横峰中学20142015学年度下学期高二英语第二周周练卷 考试时间:90分钟 总分:125分 命题人:朱芝君第一部分:听力(共两节,满分30分)第一节听下面5段对话。每段对话后有一个

4、小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听完每段对话后,你都有10秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每段对话仅读一遍。1.What is the man?A. A taxi driver. B. A policeman. C. A restaurant waiter.2.What will the weather be like tomorrow?A. It will be cold B .It will rain. C .It will be windy.3.Where are the two speakers speaking?A. At the r

5、ailway station. B. On the train. C. On the phone.4.Where is Sue now?A. At home. B. At the hospital. C. At the office.5.What can we learn from the conversation?A. The line is very busy now. B. The man will possibly call again C. The man was cut off.第二节听下面5段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并

6、标在试卷的相应位置。听每段对话或独白前,你将有时间阅读各个小题,每小题5秒钟;听完后,各小题将给出5秒钟的作答时间。每段对话或独白读两遍。听第6段材料,回答第6至7题。6.Why is her son not going to take a vacation?A.Because he doesnt like traveling. B.Because he is busy with his studies.C.Because he doesnt like going abroad.7.When are the woman and her husband going to leave for Ch

7、ina?A.Next week. B.Next Wednesday. C.Next month.听第7段材料,回答第8至10题。8.What day of the week is it today?A.Wednesday. B.Thursday. C.Friday9.What is Michael planning to do on Sunday afternoon?A.Go to the football game. B.Go out with some friends C.Show his sister and her husband around.10.When will Michael

8、 go over his lessons for the test?A.On Monday evening. B.On Sunday morning. C.Theres no time for him to do so.听第8段材料,回答第11至13题。11.Where does the conversation take place?A.In a restaurant. B.At the womans home .C.In a ballet center.12.Who is the woman with long black hair?A.The womans sister B.The wo

9、mans teacher. C.The mans friend.13.Why does the man come here?A.To meet Carol. B.To attend the party. C.To practice ballet.听第9段材料,回答第14至17题。14.Why are they discussing the apartment?A.Because the woman wants to advertise it.B.Because the man is considering renting it.C.Because the man is considering

10、buying it.15.What do we know about the two bedroom apartment?A.It has been sold out. B.It has no heating. C.It has plenty of light16.What does the woman say about parking?A.Parking is free for the man. B.Parking is cheap for the man. C.Its hard to find a parking place.17.What does the man think of t

11、he apartment?A.He thinks it is very cheap. B.He is uninterested in the apartment. C.He doubts if he can afford it听第10段材料,回答第18至20题。18.Where did Gloria work as a waitress?A.At a bar in New York. B.At Top Club of Britain. C.At a club in the United States.19.Why did Top Club pay Gloria the money?A.Beca

12、use Gloria worked hard for the club. B.Because Gordon had no money in the bankC.Because her story made the club well known.20.What is this story mainly about?A.A lost and found check. B.An unexpected sum of money. C.The biggest tip in the history.第二部分:阅读理解(共两节,满分40分)第一节(共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分)APersonal c

13、omputers and the Internet give people new choices about how to spend their time.Some may use this freedom to share less time with certain friends or family members, but new technology will also let them stay in closer touch with those they care most about. I know this from personal experience.E-mail

14、 makes it easy to work at home, which is where I now spend most weekends and evenings. My working hours arent necessarily much shorter than they once were but I spend fewer of them at the office. This lets me share more time with my young daughter than I might have if shed been born before electroni

15、c mail became such a practical tool.The Internet also makes it easy to share thoughts with a group of friends. Say you do something fun see a great movie perhaps and there are four or five friends who might want to hear about it. If you call each one, you may tire of telling the story.With E-mail, y

16、ou just write one note about your experience, at your convenience, and address it to all the friends you think might be interested. They can read your message when they have time, and read only as much as they want to. They can reply at their convenience, and you can read what they have to say at yo

17、ur convenience.E-mail is also an inexpensive way to stay in close touch with people who live far away. More than a few parents use E-mail to keep in touch, even daily touch, with their children off at college.We just have to keep in mind that computers and the Internet offer another way of staying i

18、n touch. They dont eliminate(排除) any of the old ways.21. The purpose of this passage is to _.A. explain how to use the InternetB. describe the writers joy of keeping up with the latest technologyC. tell the merits (价值) and usefulness of the InternetD. introduce the reader to basic knowledge about pe

19、rsonal computers and the Internet22. The use of E-mail has made it possible for the writer to _.A. spend less time working B. have more free time with his childC. work at home on weekends D. work at a speed comfortable to him23. According to the writer, E-mail has an obvious advantage over the telep

20、hone because the former helps one _.A. reach a group of people at one time convenientlyB. keep ones communication as personal as possibleC. pass on much more information than the laterD. get in touch with ones friends faster than the later24. The best title for this passage is _.A. Computer: New Tec

21、hnological Advances B. Internet: New Tool to Maintain Good FriendshipC. Computers Have Made Life Easier D. Internet: a Convenient Tool for CommunicationB A vulture(秃鹫) is in need of help. Can it be saved?A big bird is in danger. The bird is the California condor(神鹰), a vulture. A vulture is a large

22、bird that eats the dead animals it finds. The condor is nearly as big and fast as a small airplane. But you may never see it in the sky. Not enough young birds are hatching to take the place of the old birds that die. When an animal dies out completely, or disappears from the earth, it is extinct. T

23、he condor is in danger of extinction for many reasons. People have built cities where the condors used to live. The condors are having trouble finding food. The birds sometimes get sick. When they do, they cannot hatch young birds. Some people would like to help the condor. They have captured the 26

24、 condors still on Earth. The condors were taken to two zoos in California. In the zoos, they can live safely and hatch young birds. When there are 200 condors they will be moved to a safe new home in the mountains. 25. An animal is extinct if it _. A. feeds on dead animals B. has disappeared from th

25、e earthC. has human friends to save it D. eats wild plants 26. According to the story, vultures eat_. A. eggs and grass B. only live animals C. dead animals they find D. the sea animals 27. The condor is nearly as big and fast as a small _. A. airplaneB. tractorC. bikeD. bus 28. The biggest danger t

26、o condors comes from _. A. wild animals B. other birds C. peopleD. dead animalsC Last week, we published an article about modern marriage. A recent research showed that in England 51% of married women go out to work. People were asked what they thought of “working wives”. The results were as follows

27、:MenWomenIn favour70%80%Against10%20%Dont know20%0% We asked readers to write and tell us their opinions. Here are some of the hundreds of letters we got. Ms Joji Oleary Im a woman photographer. I make plenty of money, travel a lot, and see a lot of people. I enjoy my work, and wouldnt have to stay

28、at home. I would never marry a man who wanted me to give up my work. Ted StubbsAt present there are over 1, 000, 000 men who were out of work in Britain. If a woman gets a job, she puts one more man out of work. Perhaps that man has a wife and twelve children to support. Let women stay at home as th

29、ey used to.Mrs. F. Boot Battersea I am the mother of twelve children. When I go to work, my husband looks after the children. He is good with children and enjoys staying at home with them. And I enjoy job as a bus driver. 29. _ of men are on the side of working wives.A. MostB. NoneC. 100%D. A few30.

30、 The woman photographer would not marry a man who_.A. had less money than herB. forbade her to workC. was not very gentleD. wanted to stay at home31 Ted Stubbs thought that woman going out to work would _.A. weaken the rights of the husband at home B. be better than menC. make men lose chances for w

31、ork D. make their husbands useless32. In England, 51%_.A. of working women are marriedB. of the women who have been married go out of workC. of the married women want to go to workD. of the people are in favour of married womens going out to workDFilm stars may come and go, but Paul Newmans career(事

32、业) is long-lasting. Newman has worked in films for 40 years. His most recent one opened in December. The film is called “Nobodys Fool”. Newman plays a 60-year-old construction worker named Sully. To some people, Sully seems to be a loser. But he has a lot of charm(魅力). His life changes when his son

33、comes to town. Late in life, Sully learns to grow up. “Ive played a lot of characters and the character I play in Nobodys Fool is closer to me than any other role Ive done,” says Newman. Newman turned 70 years old on January 26, 1998. “Nobodys Fool” is his 52nd film. He has won two Oscars in his car

34、eer. Newman has found success in other aspects(方面) of life. He has been married for 36 years. He took up car racing at the age of 47 and won prizes. Twelve years ago, he started a food company called Newmans Own. He gives away all his money helping the poor. 33. The underlined sentence implies _. A.

35、 many film stars leave the screen after theyve become successfulB. It is not easy for a film star to lose his or her charmC. not all film stars can remain famous for a long timeD. film stars are successful not only on the screen34. Newman likes the character of Sully because _. A. he finds a lot in

36、the character that is new to himB. he likes playing an ordinary personC. he has never played such a wonderful roleD. he sees more of himself in Sully35. Newman was born in the _. A. 1920sB. 1930s C. 1940sD. 1950s第二节(共5小题;每小题2分,满分10分)根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项为多余选项。Do you feel like doing som

37、ething kind for others? Here are some suggestions for how you can perform random acts of kindness. Remember to focus on the good deed itself. _36_ Next time youre at the supermarket and you need to put a coin in the trolley (手推车) to use it, leave the coin in for the next person when you return it. _

38、37_ Or leave a copy of a book you really enjoyed on a train or bus for someone to pick up and discover. They might do the same after theyve finished it. Offer to do some gardening or housework for an elderly neighbor. In some public places hold the door open for someone and give them a big smile. Im

39、 sure youll make their day! _38_ They might just need a push to get going and theyll be so grateful! Write a letter to a family member or good friend and tell them how much you love them. _39_ Theres also something really personal about taking the time to put pen to paper instead of just typing a qu

40、ick email or text. Next time there is a blood drive in your area, make an appointment to give blood. _40_ You could even make it a regular thing think how many people you could be helping.A. Theyre sure to be pleasantly surprised!B. Perhaps being kind could become a habit!C. Its important not to exp

41、ect anything in return.DYou could help to save someones life through one simple kind act.E. If you see someone whose car has broken down, stop and help them.F. Imagine the surprise on their face when they are told their coffee is free!G. Its so rare to receive a letter nowadays so itll be a very ple

42、asant surp第三部分:英语知识运用(共两节,满分45分)第一节:完形填空(共20小题;每小题1.5分,满分30分)Albert was mad about computer games. He always spent hours and hours in front of the _41_. When people encouraged him to get involved with _42_ life, he would say: “This is my doorway to the world.”Among all his games there was one he espe

43、cially _43_. In it he would collect turtles on many levels and screens.One day, _44_, he ran to his room to switch the _45_ on as soon as he got home from school. But this time he heard some strange noises; _46_ the screen broke, and from inside came hundreds of _47_. Albert was scared and he didnt

44、_48_ what was happening and called his parents to see if he was dreaming this. On _49_, his parents were surprised. Seeing that the turtles were staying in Alberts room, they finally decided to make them his _50_.Looking after hundreds of turtles, day after day was no _51_ task. Over the following d

45、ays Albert set himself to _52_ all he could about turtles and he even began to _53_ ways to feed them. He also tried to trick them into leaving his room, _54_ it never worked. However, he gradually _55_ living among turtles and actually began to _56_ it. He felt happy that they were part of his worl

46、d and forgot about his computer.That same day, just as _57_ as they had arrived, the turtles disappeared. Alberts parents worried that he would return to his video games, but that didnt _58_. Albert emptied his savings from his piggy bank (存钱罐) and went straight down to the pet shop. He came back wi

47、th a turtle, a bird and some fish he wanted to _59_.Today Albert still _60_ the computer, not for playing games but for discovering new things about animals and nature.41A. house B. screen C. zoo D. school42A. early B. busy C. modern D. normal43A. designed B. prepared C. liked D. feared44A. at once B. in general C. after all D. as usua

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