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1、为方便大家学习和交流,现将PPT材料的内容更改为文档形式,并且将一些单词的音标注于边上,望有助于各位同事学习。若有错误,请大家批评指正!谢谢!1、security check 安检 passport control 验证 personal search 人身检查 baggage search 行李检查2、 验证boarding pass 登机牌passport 护照expire kspar 到期 期满valid vld 有效的check in 值机airline counter 航空公司柜台in charge of 负责line up in order 排好队see off 为。送行姓 sur

2、name名 first (given) name停留期为 for stays of10天 ten days出生日期 birthday国籍 nationality3个月 three months一月 JAN二月 FEB三月 MAR四月 APR五月 MAY六月 JUN七月 JUL八月 AUG九月 SEP十月 OCT十一月 NOV十二月 DECGood morning / afternoon / evening, Sir / Madam, show me your passport and boarding card,please.早上好 / 下午好 / 晚上好,先生 / 女士,请出示您的护照 (身

3、份证)和登机牌。Ok, please go in/ahead. 好了,请往里面走。Sorry, your passport is a bit of problem. Please wait a moment. 不好意思,您的证件有点问题,请稍等一下。Sorry, your name in boarding card is misspelled and please go to check-in counter for change it. 对不起,您登机牌上面的名字拼写错误,请到值机柜台进行更改。Please wait behind the yellow line. 请在黄线外稍等。Sorry

4、, this is for staff only.对不起,这是员工通道。3、 引导baggage 箱包conveyorknve belt 传送wallet wlt 、purse ps 钱包keys 钥匙mobile phonephone 手机coin 硬币laptoplptp、puter 手提电脑jacketdkt overcoat 外套pocket 口袋other else 其他东西cigarette 香烟lighter 打火机metalmt! things 金属物品Calculatorklkj,let 计算器spectaclespktk! case 眼镜盒chewing tu gum gm

5、 口香糖plate 托盘separate sp,ret 分开pack 包装erect rkt 竖起x-ray equipment X光机Please pass through the detector one by one.请一个一个通过探测门。Hello,put your baggage on the belt please.您好,请把您的包放在传送带上。Could you hold the baby in your arms and let the pramprm be checked by the X-ray machine?您可以抱起婴儿,将婴儿车通过X光机检查吗?Excuse me,

6、 sir. Please take your puter out and put it in the basket.对不起,先生,请把您的电脑从包里取出放入筐里。Take off your jacket, please. 请把您的外套脱下。Anything else in your pocket? 口袋里还有其它物品吗?Im sorry to tell you that flammable items cannot be taken with you into the aircraft.很遗憾的告诉您,易燃品不能随身带上飞机。Excuse me, sir / madam, you forgot

7、 your watch/ passport/ phone and so on.先生/女士,您忘了您的手表/护照/手机,等。Please put your belongings in the basket. 请把随身物品放在篮子里。Sorry sir/madam, you have to check this baggage, for it is too large and will cause you a lot of inconvenience. 对不起先生/女士,您的这件行李太大,必须交运,不然会给您带来不便。This way please.这边请。4.搜身walk-through met

8、al detector 安全门hand-held metal detector 手持金属探测器Please e over for inspection. 请过来接受检查。e in, please.请走进来。Please stand up. 请站上来。Please raise your arms. 请您抬起双臂。Turn around please. 请转身。Please unbutton your coat. 请把您的衣扣打开。Im sorry to tell you that it is a prohibited prhbt item and you cant take it with yo

9、u into the aircraft.很抱歉告诉您,这是违禁品,您不能把它带上飞机。Checking is done, thank you for your corporation. ,krpren检查完毕,谢谢合作。You can take your baggage now. 您可以拿行李了。Whats in your pocket ? 口袋里是什么东西?5、开机开箱forbidden article 违禁物品weapons 武器regulations 规定physical search 手工检查belongings 携带物品mineral mnrl water矿泉水yogurtjogt

10、酸奶fruit juice 果汁tin 罐头checking table 检查台 开包台bottom 底部restrictedrstrktd article 限制物品surgicalsdk! knife 手术刀tools 工具tools kit 工具箱scissors szz 剪刀claim 认领deliver 移交crew 机组hair mousse mus摩丝hair sprayspre 发胶liquid article 液态物品alcoholic beverage 含有酒精饮料captain 机长cardiackrd,k pacemaker 起搏器handicapped hnd,kpt

11、passenger 残疾旅客wheelchair 轮椅bullet 子弹pistol pst! 手枪information counter 问询台Im sorry to tell you that it is a prohibited item and you cant take it with you into the aircraft.很抱歉告诉您,这是违禁品,您不能把它带上飞机。If you cant e back within a month, we wont keep it for you.如果一个月之内,您不来领的话,我们将不再替您保存。Now the inspection of

12、your luggage is over. 您的行李现在已经检查完了。You can drink it now, but you can not bring it with you upstairs.您可以现在喝,但是不能带上去。Water/lighter is not permitted. 水/打火机是不可以带的。6、 其他常用语句Excuse me, what can i help you?Pardon?Sorry, sir, it is my job, thank you for your cooperation.Have a nice day, goodbye.Sorry, i do not know about that, you may get the answer at the information counter.My pleasure.

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