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1、Part Two:In-Class Reading Post-ReadingVocabularyChoose the right word from the following groups of words to fill in each blank.Change the form if necessary.1)entertain entertaining entertainment entertainer A.I couldnt put down the _ novel.B.The brides parents arranged for the _ at the reception.C.W

2、e _ a group of exchange students from Japan.D.John has wanted to be an _ ever since he was young.entertainingentertainmententertained entertainer Part Two:In-Class Reading Post-ReadingVocabulary2)recognize recognizable recognition A.Bill is _ from the many movies he has appeared in.B.I _ the man who

3、 tried to mug me.C.The witnesss _ of David led to his arrest.recognizable recognized recognition B.Tom had to struggle against the _ to spend more money than he earned.C.I tried to _ my coworker to leave work early.Part Two:In-Class Reading Post-ReadingVocabulary3)tempt temptation tempting A.The dis

4、play of fresh fruit looked _.temptingtemptation tempt Part Two:In-Class Reading Post-Readingtempt v sb(into sth/doing sth)1.persuade or try to persuade sb to do sth,esp sth wrong or unwise 劝说或鼓动某人做某事,怂恿劝说或鼓动某人做某事,怂恿:*He was tempted into a life of crime by greed and laziness.他受贪婪和懒惰的驱使步入了罪恶的一生他受贪婪和懒惰

5、的驱使步入了罪恶的一生.2.attract sb 吸引某人吸引某人:*The warm weather tempted us into going for a swim.暖和的天气诱使我们去游泳暖和的天气诱使我们去游泳.Part Two:In-Class Reading Post-Reading VocabularyVocabulary4)reason(v.&n.)reasonable reasoning(n.)A.The student _ thoughtfully before answering the question.B.My English teacher showed me wh

6、y my _ was faulty.C.Bill gave a _ excuse for his lateness.D.Let me give you one _ why the work of these researchers is so vital.reasoned reasoning reasonable reason Part Two:In-Class Reading Post-ReadingVocabulary5)analyze analysis analytical analystA.The lab technician _ the blood samples.B.The _ m

7、ethods of the investigator revealed the identity of the murderer.C.The market _ was fired because he didnt foresee the drop in stock prices.D.The initial _ is more important than any subsequent examination.analyzed analytical analyst analysis Part Two:In-Class Reading Post-ReadingVocabulary6)value(n

8、.&v.)valuable valuationA.Max learned a _ lesson from his costly mistake at work.B.The jewelry _ revealed my diamond to be a fake.C.John _ the companionship of his trusty dog.D.The show had poor entertainment _ for children.valuable valuation valued/values value(s)Part Two:In-Class Reading Post-Readi

9、ngVocabulary7)humor humorous humorless humoristA.The book was written by the American _ Garrison Keillor.B.I have a good sense of _ and I like to use it to make people laugh.C.The _ story drew a roar of laughter from the crowd.D.She struggled through the difficult and _ article.humorist humor humoro

10、us humorless C.I _ your concern about the situation.D.I _ you because you didnt speak loudly enough.Part Two:In-Class Reading Post-ReadingVocabulary 8)understand understanding(n.&adj.)misunderstand understandable A.Its _ that Mary was promoted because she works so hard.B.The two former enemies reach

11、ed an _ and shook hands.understandable understandingunderstand misunderstood Part Two:In-Class Reading Post-ReadingTranslationTranslate the following phrases into English using the word“sense”.1)1)责任感责任感2)2)安全感安全感3)3)自卑感自卑感4)4)优越感优越感5)5)节奏感节奏感a sense of responsibilitya sense of safety/securitya sens

12、e of inferioritya sense of superioritya sense of rhythmTranslation6)6)正义感正义感 7)7)羞耻感羞耻感8)8)无助感无助感9)9)方向感方向感10)10)紧迫感紧迫感a sense of justicea sense of shamea sense of helplessnessa sense of directiona sense of urgencyPart Two:In-Class Reading Post-Reading3)Dave required a lot of time to study the_.(多种多

13、样的论据)(多种多样的论据)Part Two:In-Class Reading Post-ReadingCompleting the SentencesComplete the following sentences with the information given in Chinese in the brackets.1)_ for a four-year-old child.(活泼的举止是正常的)(活泼的举止是正常的)2)_ John,but he cant afford one.(速度快的车对(速度快的车对有吸引力)有吸引力)Lively behavior is normalFast

14、 cars appeal todiverse arguments6)_ can be a great help,especially in the early days.(互相鼓励)(互相鼓励)Completing the Sentences4)_,and she explained the project to me again.(我要求我的上司为我解释清楚)(我要求我的上司为我解释清楚)5)Photographic film is very _.(对光很敏感)(对光很敏感)I asked my boss for clarificationsensitive to lightMutual e

15、ncouragementPart Two:In-Class Reading Post-Reading7)Jimmy cried when people _.(拿他开玩笑)(拿他开玩笑)Completing the Sentences8)John wont give up.He _ _.(坚持他的观点)(坚持他的观点)9)Ted always wants _ _.(成为注意的焦点)(成为注意的焦点)10)Is it cheaper if _?(我们提前买票)(我们提前买票)made fun of himpersists in his opinion/to be the focus/center

16、ofwe buy our tickets in advanceviewpoint attentionPart Two:In-Class Reading Post-ReadingPart Two:In-Class Reading Post-ReadingFilling in the BlanksRead the following joke and fill in the blanks.The two were always getting into trouble and their parents could be 1)_(肯定肯定)that if any mischief occurred

17、 in their town,their two young sons were 2)_(卷入卷入)in some capacity.The parents were at their wits 3)_(尽头尽头)as to what to do about their sons 4)_(行为行为).certain/sure involved end behavior To be continued A couple had two little boys,eight and ten years of age,who were excessively mischievous.The paren

18、ts heard that a clergyman in town had been successful in 5)_(训导训导)children,so they contacted him,and he 6)_(同意同意)to give it his best shot.He asked to see the boys 7)_(个别地个别地),so the eight-year-old was sent to meet with him 8)_(先先).The clergyman sat the boy down and asked him sternly,“Where is God?”T

19、he boy made no 9)_(反应反应),so the clergyman repeated the 10)_(问题问题)in an even sterner tone,“Where is God?”disciplining agreed individually first response question To be continuedPart Two:In-Class Reading Post-Reading Filling in the Blanks The younger brother replied,“We are in BIG 15)_(麻烦麻烦)this time.

20、God is missing and they think we did it!”Again the boy made no 11)_(试图试图)to answer,so the clergyman raised his 12)_(声音声音)even more and shook his finger in the boys face,“WHERE IS GOD?”At that,the boy bolted from the room,ran 13)_(直接直接)home,and slammed himself in his closet.His older brother 14)_(跟着跟着)him into the closet and said,“What happened?”End of In-Class ReadingEnd of In-Class ReadingGo to After-Class Readingattempt voice directly followed troublePart Two:In-Class Reading Post-Reading Filling in the Blanks

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