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1、人教版七年级英语下册第六单元练习题人教版七年级下册第六单元综合试题姓名_得分_一、 根据句意与首字母提示完成单词。(每题1分,共10分)1、 There are many people t_ photos in front of the Great Wall、2、 What bad w_ it is today! 3、 How is it going? P_ good!4、 Its s_、 I want to go out、 5、 Its r_、 I dont want to go out、6、 Does it s_ in winter in Toronto? 7、 -How is it g_

2、? Not bad、8、 There are many people in America on v_、9、 Some people are taking p_ in the park、 10、 Thank you for j_ us in the party、二、用所给单词得适当形式填充。(每题1分,共10分)11、 The weather is quite _ (wind) in Jinan in winter、12、 Thank you for _ (help) us so much、13、 Some children are dancing、 Others _ (sing) over

3、there、14、 You cant go there、 It _ (rain) now、15、 What an _ (interest) book it is、16、 Whats your father doing these days? He _ (write) a book in English、17、 Kate likes taking _ (photo) in the garden、18、 They are playing games、 They are very _ (relax)、19、 Lets _ (buy) some oranges、 20、 _ (come) here,

4、please、三、单项填空(每题1分,共15分)( )21、 _ is the weather _ in Shanghai? A: How, like B: What, like C: How, about D: What,/( )22、 How is it _? Not bad、 A: go B: going C: goes D: to go ( )23、 There _ snow in Canada every year、 A: has many B: has much C: are many D: is much( )24、 Whos cooking? - _、 A: Linda doe

5、s B: Linda is C: Linda has D: Lindas( )25、 -_? Its windy、 A: How is it going B: How is the weather C: How is it like D: Do you like the weather( )26、 What are they doing? They _ a story、A: listen B: listening C: are listening D: are listening to ( )27、 Uncle Sam _ TV every night、 A: watch B: watches

6、 C: watching D: is watching( )28、 His family are all _ vacation now、 A: at B: of C: on D: for( )29、 - _ is it going? Pretty good、 A: What B: When C: How D: Why( )30、 Thank you for _ me so many books、 A: give B: giving C: is giving D: giving( )31、 Where is Boston? Its in _、 A: the United States B: Ja

7、pan C: Canada D: the United Kingdom( )32、 Tigers can eat people、 That sounds _、A: really B: terrible C: well D: usually( )33、 Look! The old man is _ a book! A: reading B: looking C: seeing D: watching( )34、 All the students are working、 _ are cleaning the chair, and _ are cleaning the desks、 A: Some

8、, the other B: Any, others C: Some, the others D: Some, other( )35、 Hello! _ Ann、 Is that Linda speaking? Sorry, she is out、 A: This is B: Im C: That is D: She is四、句型转换(每题1分,共10分)36、 Whats the weather like today? (同义句) _ the weather today?37、 Its rainy these days、(同上) Its _ these days、38、 Everyone h

9、as a good time at the party、(一般疑问句)_ everyone _ a good time at the party?39、He swims in the pool、 (改为现在进行时) He _ _ in the pool、40、 The students are cleaning the room、 _ _ the students _?41、 My sister is listening to the teacher、 (同38) _ your sister _ to the teacher?42、 My brother is reading a book、(

10、否定句)My brother _ _ reading a book、43、 It is cloudy in Beijing today、 (提问) _ _ the weather in Beijing today?44、 The people are enjoying themselves、(同36) The people are _ _ _ _、45、Betty does her homework at home、(否定)Betty _ _ her homework at home、五、完成句子。(共10分)46、 北京得天气怎么样? -在下雪呢。-_ is the _like in Bei

11、jing? It _ _、47、 瞧!她们在公园里玩得都很高兴!Look! They are _ _ _ _ in the park、48、您瞧电视时您妈妈通常干什么呢? What _ your mother usually _ when you are watching TV、49瞧,她们正在给孩子们照相。Look! They _ _ _ of the children、50、 这群人正躺在沙滩上。The group of people are _ on the _、51、 您瞧起来很酷、You _very _、52、 我就是林涛,您就是汤坶吗? (电话用语) _ _Lin Tao、 _ _

12、 Tom?53、 听起来真棒! That sounds _ _、54、 有很多人在度假、 There are many people in China _ _、55、 当冬天来临时,天经常下雨、 It often _ when _ comes、六、用所给动词得正确形式填空。完成短文。(每题1分,共10分)Dear friend, My name is Mike、 I am 15 years old、 I study in a middle school in Australia、 My school is big、 There are 28 students in my class、 Its

13、fine today、 My classmates and I _56_(play) on the beach、 Its a very beautiful place、 The water is clean and blue、 We _57_ (have) a good time! May birds _58_ (fly) over the sea、 Some are standing on the rocks、 May people _59_ (swim)、 Some boys _60_ (play) football、 A girl _61_ (sit) on a chair and _6

14、2_ (draw) pictures、 And I _63_ (sit) on a rock and _64_ (write) to you! What are you doing now? I hope you can _65_ (get) my letter some day and write to me soon、56_ 57_ 58_ 59_60_61_62_63_64_65_七、补全对话(共5分)(A) A: Hello! This is Alice、 B: Hi, Alice、 This is Bob、 Hows it _66_? A: Not bad、 Hows the _67

15、_ there? B: Its windy、 A: What are you doing now? B: I am _68_ TV at home、66_67_68_69_70_八、完型填空。(共10分) Its a summer afternoon in the city of Jinan、 The weather is sunny and _71_、 _72_ are staying at home、 Mr、 Green is _73_ a storybook on the sofa、 Mrs、 Green is _74_、 What is Bill doing? Hes doing hi

16、s homework _75_、 Bills parents _76_ in the living room、 Bills sister, Mary isnt _77_、 Shes swimming in the lake with her friends、 They dont like hot weather、 _78_ they can do _79_ to keep it away、 The radio says it will be cool later on and they are all _80_ to hear that、 They hope they can enjoy th

17、emselves then、( )71、 A: cold B: hot C: rainy D: cloudy ( )72、 A: Mr、 Green B: Mrs、 Green C: The Green D: The Greens( )73、 A: reading B: looking C: seeing D: looking at ( )74、 A: doing some washing B: doing some washing clothes C: do a washing D: do many wahing( )75、 A: under the bed B: in his study

18、C: on the table D: in the kitchen( )76、 A: is watching TV B: watch TV C: watching TV D: are watching TV( )77、 A: on B: in C: away D: stay at home( )78、 A: and B: because C: but D: so( )79、 A: everything B: but C: nothing D: anything ( )80、 A: sad B: sorry C: angry D: happy九、阅读理解(共10)A It is cloudy、

19、Zhang Qiang flies his kite on the playground、 He is very happy、 But it is raining now、 He cant fly his kite、 His shirt and trousers are wet、 He doesnt want to go home、 Ten minutes later, the sun is shining、 It is warm now and Zhang Qiang has a good idea、 He takes off his wet clothes and ties them to

20、 the long string of the kite、 He flies his kite and clothes、 So they are dry、 He puts on and there is a smile on his face、 What a clever boy、( )81、 Zhang Qiang _ on the playground、 A: flies his kite B: flies his plane C: runs D: plays( )82、 Zhang Qiang wears _、 A: a shirt and trousers B: a shirt and

21、 shoes C: a skirt and trousers D: a skirt and shoes( )83、 Zhang Qiang ties his wet clothes _ to make them dry、 A: to a tree B: on his head C: to the kite string D: to his arm( )84、 It is _ that day、 A: rainy, foggy and sunny B: cloudy, rainy and foggy C: cloudy, foggy and sunny D: cloudy, rainy and

22、sunny( )85、 Zhang Qiang is a _ boy、 A: lazy B: goodlooking C: clever D: tallB: Its Sunday today、 It is a nice day、 Mr Smith is with his family、 There are four people in his family、 Mrs Smith, Mary and Jim、 They are walking on a bridge、 There are some boats in the river、 Mr and Mrs Smith are looking

23、at the bridge、 Mary is not looking at the boats、 She is looking at a big ship、 It is going under the bridge、 What is Jim doing? Oh, he is looking at a plane、 It is flying(飞车) in the sky(天空)、 They are having a good time、(正确T错误F)( )86、 There are four people in Jims family、( )87、 Mr and Mrs Smith are s

24、itting in a boat、( )89、 Jim is not looking at the big ship、( )88、 A big ship is going under the bridge、( )90、 They are very happy、十、书面表达。(10分)现在您得家乡就是什么季节?天气怎么样?人们在这样得天气里都干什么?根据提示写一篇介绍您们家乡天气得短文。winter, windy and cold, wear coats and scarfs,have a good time, in the park, singing, dancing, playing soccer, taking photos

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