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1、七年级英语Unit8精学笔记学生姓名所在班级所在学队预学案制作人单元课时计划预学要求1、 仔细研读教材,根据教材,完成下列填空。2、 每一个填空都是一个知识点,要求把整个知识点划在课本上。3、 每一知识点,都要求互检互签,互检在知识点的右侧空白处签上检查人员的名字。基础知识重点知识难点知识单词、短语默写一:单词1.什么时候adv._ 2.月;月份 n._ 3.一月n._4.二月 n. _ 5.三月 n. _6.四月n. _7.五月 n. _8.六月 n. _ 9.七月 n. _10.八月 n._ _ 11.九月 n._12.十月 n._ 13.十一月 n._14.十二月 n. _ 15.愉快的

2、;高兴的 adj. _16.生日快乐! _17.年老的;旧的 adj. _18.多大年纪_ 19.聚会n. _20.再见! _21.第一num. _22.第二 num. _23.第三 num. _24.第五 num. _25.第八 num. _ 26.第九 num. _27.第十二 num. _ 28.第二十 num. _ 29.测验;检查 n. _ 30. 旅游;旅行 n. _ 31.艺术;美术 n. _32.会演节;节日_33.亲爱的adj. _34.学生n. _ 35.东西;事情n. _ 36. 学期n. _ 37.忙碌的;无暇的adj. _ 38.时间n. _ 39.(在)那里adv.

3、 _ 互检互签 : _二.短语 1.进行测验_ 2.学校旅行_3.去观光/旅行_ 4多大年龄_ 5.今天下午_ 6.篮球比赛_ 7.在三点_ 8.艺术节_9.这学期_ 10.下学期_11.及时_ 12.按时_13.过得愉快!_14.在那边_15.到处,处处_16.足球比赛_17.在一月_ 18.五一国际劳动节_ 19.老夫与少妻_ 20.举办晚会_ 21.起初;最先_ 22.第一,首先_23.再见_ 互检互签 : _三翻译下列句子。1._ is your birthday?你的生日是什么时候? 2. My birthday is June 3rd. 我的生日在六月三号。 3. _ are yo

4、u? 你多大了? 4.Well, do you e to my birthday party? 哦, 你想来参加我的生日聚会吗? 5. Is his birthday ? 他的生日在七月份吗? 6.We have some and fun for you this term. 本学期我们为大家安排了一些有趣又好玩的东西。 7.Your parents to our school. 你的父母可以来我们学校。 8.This is a really term. 这真是一个忙碌的学期。 互检互签 : _知识点一:表示时间的介词on ,in , at 用法 on 表示日期具体到_或 _ in 表示在_。

5、in the morning, in May, in 2015 ,in spring,在春天. at 表示_,at five.在五点钟。Eg.The school trip is _the October 8th. A. at B. on C. in D. To知识点一专练1.Toms birthday is _September 8th. A. in B. on C . at D . of2.An earthquake(地震) happened(发生)in Xinjiang _ February,2015. A. in B. on C . at D . To3.Some workers in

6、 that factory(工厂) have to work _ night. A. with B. on C . at D . For 互检互签:_知识点二:when 与 what time的区别when是_,意为“什么时候,何时”可以询问_,也可以询问_. what time意为几点钟,几时几分“ 是疑问短语,用于询问比较_。eg: 1. -_ do you usually play sports? -In the morning. A. Where B. When C. How D. What time 2.-_do you go to school?-At 7:00 A. Where

7、B. When C. How D. What time知识点二精练1.My sister s birthday is in August.(划线部分提问) _ _ your sister s birthday?2.I usually get up at 5:50 in the morning. _ _ _ usually get up in the morning.3.-_ _ is it ? -Its nine oclock.4.-_ do you usually play sports? - In the morning.(when/what time) 互检互签:_知识点三:How ol

8、d.?用法how old 意为“_”,用来询问_,答语“_”,同义句为:_eg:-_ _ is he?他多大了?知识点三精练1. Im twelve.(划线提问) _ _ _ _?2.My father is thirty years old.(同上) _ _ _ _ _?3.How old are you?(同义句)_?4.How old is your brother? (同义句)_ -_ _ thirteen. 他十三了。 互检互签:_知识点四: busy 的用法 busy.adj意为:忙碌的.常用短语:_.忙于某事 =_.忙于做某事eg:1.He is busy with his ho

9、mework. =He is busy _(do)his homework. 2.Im busy _(study) for my test.知识点四精练1.Im busy_(do)my homework.2.He is busy _(of/with)his work. 互检互签:_知识点五:基数词和序数词1-10 one_ two_ three _four_ five_ six_seven _ eight _ nine _ten _11-19eleven_ twelve_ thirteen _ fourteen_ fifteen _ sixteen _ seventeen_ eighteen_

10、nineteen _2029 twenty_ twenty-one_ twenty-two_twenty-three _ twenty-four_ twenty-five_twenty-six_ twenty-seven_ twenty-eight_twenty-nine_thirty_forty_fifty_sixty_seventy_ eighty_ ninety_hundred_ one hundred and one_基数词 : 表示数目的词称为基数词。序数词是指表示顺序的数词。基变序,有规律,词尾加上-th。 一,二,三,特殊记,词尾字母t,d,d。 八去t,九除e,ve要用f替,t

11、y将y变成i,th前面有个e。 若是碰到几十几,前用基来后用序。 整十基数变序数,先把ty变成tie,要是遇上2位数,十位基数,个位序,th最后加上去! 知识点五精练:1.There are _ books in our classroom. A. twenty-one B. twentieth-one C. twentieth-first D. twenty- first2. There are _ students in our school. A. thirty-four B. thirty-fourth C. thirtieth-four D. thirtieth-fourth 3.My cousins birthday in on the _ of October. A. three B. first C. the second4.March the _ is Womens Day.A. eighth B. ninth C. tenth D. eight5.There are _days in a week. A. the seven B. seventh C. the seventh D. seven 互检互签:_ 考点精讲备注

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