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1、- 5 七年级下册第六单元测试题一、 单项选择。(15分)( )1. What is Kate doing? _A. She is in the room. B. Yes, she is C. She is reading D. She is run( )2.Look! What is Tom doing? Hes _ TV.A.seeing B.looking C.looking at D.watching( )3._ the students _ football? Yes, you are right.A.Is, play B.Is, playing C.Are, play D.Are,

2、 playing( )4._ are they playing football? A.What B.Who C.Which D.Where ( ) 5. A: Is he writing or reading? B: _. A. Yes, he isB. No, he isntC. Hes reading D. Yes, he is writing.( ) 6. I with my sister _ to the park. A. is goingB. are going C. am going D. be going( ) 7. The women _ to the radio. A. a

3、re listeningB. listeningC. is listening D. are listenning( )8. Is the boy _ the door? A. openningB. opening C. open D. opens( )9. Thanks for_me. A. helpsB. is helpingC. helping D. help( ) 10. _ some bread on the table. A. There areB. There hasC. There is D. There have( )11. We are doing _. A. our ho

4、mework B. our homeworks C. her homework D. his homework ( )12. Do you want to play _ basketball after class? A. B. a C. an D. the ( )13. Here _ a photo of my family. You can see me in it. A. are B. is C. am D. be ( )14._ the first photo, I _ at the mall. A. On; shop B. On; shopping C. In; am shoping

5、 D. In; am shopping ( )15. Do you want _ to the movies with us this evening? A. go B. to go C. goes D. going 二、完型填空。(10分)It s a fine Sunday morning. There _(1) many children in the park. They are _(2) happily. Some are playing _(3) under a big tree. Some girls are singing and _(4). Some boys _(5) ru

6、nning up the hill. Li Leis _(6) by the lake. Hes reading a story. _(7) is Wang Lin? Hes standing over there. _(8)is he doing? Hes looking _(9) a nice butterfly(蝴蝶). He _(10) to catch it. ( )1. A. is B. are C. am ( )2. A. playing B. sing C. dance ( )3. A. the tennis B. the football C. games ( )4. A.

7、danceing B. to dance C. dancing ( )5. A. are B. is C. am ( )6. A. sitting B. sit C. siting ( )7. A. What B. Who C. Where ( )8. A. Where B. What C. Who ( )9. A. down B. after C. for ( )10. A. want B. is wanting C. wants 三、阅读理解。(20分)It is six forty in the morning. The children are coming into the clas

8、sroom. A girl is opening the windows. Some are laughing and talking. Some are listening to them. Some are reading books. Some are doing their homework.Miss Lin is standing behind the teachers desk. She is writing on the blackboard. Sue and Anna are wearing their new dresses today. Ann is cleaning he

9、r desk. Mike is helping her. They all look happy. What are Bill and Bob doing? Oh, dear! They are still playing basketball.( )1. The children are _.A. in the school B .at home C. in a boat D. on the hill.( )2. What are the children NOT doing?A. Doing their homework B. Writing on the blackboardC. Lau

10、ghing or talking D. Reading books.( )3. The teacher is _.A. Miss Gao B. Miss Lin C. Sue D. Four( )4. How many students are not in the classroom?_A. One B. Two C. Three D. Four( )5.Which is Not right? _A. Ann is cleaning the blackboard.B. Mike is helping Ann clean her desk.C. Bill and Bob are still p

11、laying basketball.D.The students all look happy. 根据短文内容判断正误,正确写T,错误写F。 Look at the picture. Where are the children now? They are in the zoo(动物园). They are looking at the monkeys(猴子). The monkeys are in a large cage. Are the monkeys walking or jumping? They are jumping up and down in the cage. But on

12、e monkey is not jumping. Its sleeping. It is ill. Where are the children now? The children are standing next to a small cage. Whats in the small cage? There is a fox(狐狸). What is the fox doing? The fox is walking in the cage. Its looking for something to eat. It wants to go out of the cage to play a

13、nd walk. Now the children are looking at the wolf (狼). Is the wolf sleeping? No, it isnt. It is not sleeping at all. The wolf is eating. What is the wolf eating? It is eating meat. There is a bone in its mouth. ( )1. The children are in the zoo. ( )2. All the monkeys are jumping. ( )3. The ill monke

14、y lives in a small cage. ( )4. The fox is looking for the meat. ( )5. The fox wants to go out of the cage to play and walk, but it cant. 四、写出下列动词的现在分词形式。(10分)write _ run _ read _ sit_dance_ come _ swim_ ake_ get_ play_ 五、用所给的单词的适当形式填空。(10分)1. What is _ (you) father doing now?2. The _(man) are playin

15、g cards under the tree in the park.3. The children are doing _(they) homework at home.4. Look, Jack! Who _(clean) the blackboard?5. We want _(buy) some books.6. Can you _(look) after the child, Ann?7. It is seven oclock . They _(eat) some cakes.8. _ he often get up early? Yes, he does. He _(read) En

16、glish now.9. Lets _(have) some salad. Good idea . I like it very much.10.Listen, some boys _(talk) in the room.六、根据句意和所给词的首字母完成单词。(5分)1. Look! My brother is swimming at the swimming p_. 2. We can borrow some books from the school l_. 3. I often take some photos with the c_. 4. Tim is on duty today.

17、Look! He is c_ the blackboard. 5. Their mother hasnt come. They are w_ for her. 七、按要求完成句子。(20分)1. Ann is reading under the tree.(就划线部分提问) _ _ Ann _?2. Tom is looking at a picture.(一般疑问句) _ _ _at a picture?3. They are cleaning the desks. (就划线部分提问) _ _ they _?4. The cleaners clean the streets in the m

18、orning. (就划线部分提问)_ _ the cleaners _ in the morning?5. They do their homework every day. (改为否定句)They _ _ their homework every day.6. Tom often draws pictures in the evening. (用now改写句子) Tom _ _ pictures now. 7. Linda is writing a letter to her pen pal. (改为否定句) Linda_ _a letter to her pen pal. 8. She i

19、s watching TV now. (改为一般疑问句) _ she _ TV now? 9. Is she making a cake? (作否定回答) _, she _. 10 He has a nice CD.(改为复数句子) They _ nice _.八据课文翻译句子。(10分)1.我正在看电视。 I am _ TV. 2.他们正在打电话。 Theyre _ _ the phone.3.Tom正在做家庭作业吗? 不,他在写信。 Is Tom _ his _? No, he_ _a _.4.你想去看电影吗? Do you _ _ _ to the movies?5. 这个电视节目很无聊

20、。 This _ _ is _.6.你妈妈正在等谁? _ is your mother _ _?7.我爷爷在看报纸。 My grandfather is _ _ _. 八作文(10分) 假如现在是晚上七点半,请你根据Tom提供的信息,写一篇短文描述Tom一家人此刻的活动情况,六十词左右。Father Read a bookMotherClean the roomGrandfatherWash the clothesTomDo his homeworkNancyPlay with the cat_Keys:I. 15 CDDCA 610 CABDB 1115 BBBCA 1620 DACAD 2

21、125 CDDAD 2630 ACBBCII. 15 BACCA 610 ACBCCIII. ABBBAIV. Pool library shopping camera photo/picture cleaning talking waiting watching runningV. men; is singing; is cleaning; to buy; look; are eating; Does, is reading; have; are talkingVI. 1. Where is, reading 2. What are, doing 3. is drawing 4. isnt

22、writingVII. 1. watching 2. talking on 3. doing homework is writing letter 4. want to go 5. TV show boring 6. Who waiting for 7. reading a/the newspaperVIII. 略Keys:I. 110 CDDDC CABCC 1115 AABDBII. BACCA ACBCCIII. ABBBA TFFFTIV. writing, running reading, sitting, dancing, coming, swimming taking, gett

23、ing, playingV. 1. your,2. men 3. their 4. is cleaning 5. to buy 6. look 7. are eating 8. Does, is reading 9. have 10. are talking VI. pool library camera cleaning waitingVII. 1. Where is reading? 2. Is Tom looking 3. What are doing 4. What do do 5. dont do 6. is drawing 7. isnt writing 8. Is watching 9. No isntVIII. Do you want to go to the movie?He is having lunch with one of his friends.Who is talking with Ben and Tim?He is waiting for a bus.Thanks for your letter and these photos

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