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1、通时合变SPOTLIGHTSavills Research中国房地产年度展望- Macdonald中国区研究部主管(8621)6391 6688-朱兆荣中国区首席执行官(8621)6391 6688-负债高企的开发商融资状况对投资市场及房地产行业至关重要。投资者能获得多少融资、借款成本高低决定了他们选择在何时点收购何种物业。在过去十年,依赖于低成本的融资,中国房地产市场实现了爆发式的增长。2017年至2019年之间,上海大宗投资成交额连续三年达到人民币一千亿元左右。图1:社会融资总量然而依赖高负债实现增长带来的副作用也很明显,开发商负债率攀升令现金流风险与日俱增,一旦资产价值停顿,开发商资金面





6、12/12020/3/12020/6/12020/9/12020/12/12021/3/12021/6/12021/9/ 和金融科 技。商务 部数 据显示,2021年1-9月,我国高技术产业实际利用外资金额同比增长29.1%。一些知名投资公司例如淡马锡正积极布局数字化趋势所孕育的投资机会。政府对数字基建的持续投资亦是科技行业欣欣向荣的重要驱动力。北京、天津、上海、四川、重庆、广东等20多个省市发布了包括加大5G基站等数字基建投资或相关措施的计划。而为支持科技初创企业及中小企业发展,政府还提供激励举措,如税费减免、对于发展初期阶段企业放宽监管、奖励新专利以鼓励创新等。50%2025年数字市场对国

7、内经济贡献预期互联网效应、投资增长和支持举措共同助力科技行业繁荣 增长率达到了15.0%。近年来不乏积极扩张的冷链物流开发商在贴近消费终端的重点城市攻城略地,行业投融资及整合频发,预计2025年市场规模将达4,660亿元。冷链仓储领域的投资和并购活动也有所增加,投资者日益关注物流市场更为细分的领域,同时开发商也希望将资产货币化,以便在新的机会窗口关闭之前灵活部署。从租赁需求增长迅猛的几大行业来看,无论是电商、新零售,还是医药、冷链等对科技应用的依赖都有增无减。京东在中国各地积极落子的亚一仓库以及众多租户企业自发升级智慧物流应用无不体现着科技赋能给物流地产带来的正面效应。但值得注意的是,科技物流

8、对于已有项目改造而言投资仍然十分巨大。尤其对现有非高标仓来说,往往具有位置不集中且规模较小的特征,业主对于科技物流应用的落地接受程度有待提升;另一方面在运营端有教育用户的成本,而缺乏运营经验或使得业主难以利用科技支付成本及获取利润。长远来看,随着中国适龄劳动人口数量下降及工业物流用地地价上涨,智慧物流升级的趋势非常必要,新技术在物流仓储及运输管理过程中的应用将有助于行业在降本、增效、提速等方面不断深化发展。物流智能信息化亦将在整个行业加速发展的过程中起到助推作用。科技应用落地图 3:智慧物流市场规模市场规模同比增速来源:中商情报,第一太平戴维斯研究部1E 科技应用与可持续理念物流智慧物流在“双






14、年1月2020年3月2020年5月2020年7月2020年9月2020年11月2021年1月2021年3月2021年5月2021年7月2021年9月2021年11月-0.9%-0.9%X-0.6%-0.6%X-0.3%-0.3%X 0.0%0.0%0.0%X 0.3%0.3%X 0.6%0.6%X 0.9%0.9%1.2% ResearchChina Real Estate Market -2022Balancing A was a challenging year for the public and the economy,2021 has been a challenging year

15、for the property market,what will 2022 hold?The first half is likely to prove challenging as debt repayment events continue to arise and credit markets are likely to remain tight despite some loosening at the edges in the last months of 2021.Nevertheless,as authorities provide greater clarity as to

16、how credit default and bankruptcy events are likely to be dealt with and as the government makes effort to ensure creditworthy developers can access credit markets,a better common understanding will be reached and with that a base from which to grow from.Residential sales markets will see performanc

17、e vary significantly by market.Lower tier-cities,dominated by first-hand sales and driven by price growth expectations,are likely to struggle in 2022 and will have to be supported by policy measures.The more mature higher-tier cities on the other hand will likely see lower volumes by stable pricing

18、as a strong end user base provides support and some particularly restrictive policies are relaxed.The multifamily market on the other hand will be buoyed by continued growth in demand as potential home buyers remain on the side-lines of the sales market,and as institutional capital continues to seep

19、 into the market,improving the range and quality of offerings.The commercial markets remain up in the air.2021 has been a fabulous year for the office market with a strong economic rebound boosting occupier demand,nevertheless,financial pressures and regulatory risks along with other economic headwi

20、nds continue to weigh on 2022s outlook.The retail market has also seen a strong rebound in 2021 led by luxury sales and“Guochao”brands,though concerns of real estate values(a proxy for net wealth),weaker economic prospects,and sporadic covid lockdowns continue to hinder consumer markets.The industri

21、al markets are expected to remain the bright spot with new capital sources(developer,REIT,funds,etc.)pouring capital into greenfield developments,conversions and stabilized assets,developing a new pipeline of assets,and pushing up prices.Meanwhile,government support measures,domestic R&D,centres of

22、excellence,tax subsidies,as well as structural fundamentals continue to drive new demand from tenants in the logistics(dry,chiller,and refrigerated),IDCs,and life science sectors.Investment markets could have a bumper year next year when it comes to transaction volumes as there may be more asset and

23、 portfolio fire sales,bailouts and M&A activity,or state-led asset restructuring,as well as the processing of banks NPLs that are collateralised against real estate.There will also still be the opportunity to reposition assets into higher and better use cases.Repositioning/renovation of existing ass

24、ets also has the potential to improve project sustainability while also reducing urban sprawl leaving more space to the public and greenery,something a lot of cities are promoting with a focus on city liveability,sponge cities,air quality,and other factors.James MacdonaldHead of Research,China(8621)

25、6391 6688 Ext Siu Wing ChuChief Executive Officer,China(8621)6391 6688 Ext Debt and DevelopersThe availability and cost of financing is an incredible factor in the investment market and general health of the real estate market,determining what assets are acquired and when.In the past decade,Chinas r

26、eal estate market has witnessed explosive growth which relied largely upon the comparatively cheap financing that domestic developers and investors had access to.Shanghais en-bloc transaction volumes peaked at around RMB100 billion per annum between 2017 and 2019.Largely unfettered access to debt an

27、d rapid expansion has straddled many Figure 1:Aggregate increased financingdevelopers with seemingly insurmountable debt piles that rely on the assumption that the capital value of the real estate will keep growing,as well as fragile cashflow positions that rely on the assumption that developers wil

28、l be able to roll over debt and continue to sell properties.The current real estate debt crunch highlights the importance of more sustainable growth and managing debt risks especially when the overall economy looks set to slow.As the governments long-term objectives to reduce systemic financial risk

29、s remain unchanged,the credit markets are expected to remain tight in 2022 while refinancing and default risks will remain high for certain developers.FinancingThe governments approach to debt in the real estate market has been three pronged:tightening developer financing with policy measures such a

30、s the“Three Red Lines”,more stringent background checks on potential home buyers,and caps on banks exposure to the real estate and mortgage markets.Banks have it particularly difficult as they try to work a balance between managing bad loans and default risks,turning a profit and supporting governme

31、nt efforts to shore up economic growth and improve market stability.Banks are therefore carrying out greater due diligence on borrowers,favouring mid-to large-sized,financially sound businesses with good credit.If the collateral for the loans is in leading cities and favoured asset classes like logi

32、stics,then all the better.While SOE developers are still favoured,they are no longer seen as being immune to potential default risks.Investment ClassesChinas commercial asset classes continue to run at a negative spread against borrowing costs,similar to developing countries at an earlier point in t

33、heir growth phases,therefore,investment returns are still predominantly driven by the expectation of capital growth.Nevertheless,ample supply and potentially diminishing demand are unlikely to support the levels of rental growth required to justify the higher valuations.At the same time,access to an

34、d the cost of debt is unlikely to be comparable to previous years.As a consequence,many investors are seeking out higher yields assets from the niche markets which still have scope for further yield compression.Logistics has been the most highly sought-after sector for years,however,as competition i

35、ntensifies and yields fall,other sectors are starting to get more attention,whether that be data centres,business/industrial parks,life science real estate,or for-leasing apartments.These sectors are also expected to benefit from structural demand drivers,support from the government,rising consumpti

36、on level,and changing behaviours.REITsWhile financing may be eased at the fringes,there is unlikely to be a full reversal of policy direction and as such,investors and developers will have to look for a more sustainable and long-term financing channel.The launch of REITs,which is an important source

37、 of long-term investment capital in many markets around the world,therefore,seems to be very timely.The first batch of China Infrastructure REITs launched on Jun 21 have performed very well with an average unweighted price increase of around 18%by 1 December 2021.The potential scope of underlying as

38、sets is also expected to be expanded for coming issuances while preferential tax treatments should encourage more developers and investors to use REIT structures.While new equity sources may be able to offset some of the debt in the market,it is not possible to replace all financing with equity.For

39、the remaining debt,the government continues to push for greater transparency in who has issued debt,who it is owned by,and how it is issued.At the same time,products such as green bonds are likely to become more common,promoting more sustainable development practices.0%4%8%12%16%20%24%01234562017/3/

40、12017/6/12017/9/12017/12/12018/3/12018/6/12018/9/12018/12/12019/3/12019/6/12019/9/12019/12/12020/3/12020/6/12020/9/12020/12/12021/3/12021/6/12021/9/1RMB trnChina aggregate financing(new)(LHS)YoY(RHS)Source CEIC,Savills R will continue to put relatively high-yielding niche assets into their investmen

41、t portfolios18%of the first batch of REITs non-weighted share price growthSurviving a tightening credit marketInvestmentKey trendsInternational investors have not been particularly active in the Chinese real estate market compared to previous years,this is partly due to travel restrictions in respon

42、se to COVID-19 which has made it difficult for overseas investors to carry out site inspections,participate in face-to-face negotiations,and make deals happen.At the same time,market fundamentals have softened while there has been no corresponding change in pricing unlike many other international ma

43、rkets.Nevertheless,as financing remains challenging in China,domestic funds could scale back their investments,thus presenting international investors with more investment opportunities.As developers look to restructure asset holdings to reduce gearing and shore up short term cash,discounted assets

44、may become available as they have in the final months of 2021.While international investors have a lot of dry powder ready to deploy and are underweight on China given limited exposure in recent years,they are still likely to remain cautious when acquiring assets given continuing disruptions caused

45、by zero covid policies,recent regulatory crackdowns of key industries,and slower economic growth resulting from the slowdown of the real estate industry.Asset owners and managers have to spend more time and effort maintaining and improving the asset quality and operations if they want to achieve hig

46、her rents and attract tenants in what is becoming an increasingly competitive market.Improved efficiency could also boost margins and sustainability standards.ESG is the hot topic at the moment though it is not fully understood by many.While all real estate practitioners must club together to affect

47、 meaningful change,it is really the asset managers that can truly have the biggest impact.ESG can take many forms,from staff training,and procedural changes,to the adoption of new technologies,and the upgrading of outdated facilities.No matter what,ESG has decidedly shifted from a“nice to have”to a“

48、must-have”,with asset values and asset managers being benchmarked against these new metrics.As developers continue to grow and accumulate more recurrent income-generating assets,more might conclude that it might be better to spin off the asset management component of the business,given the different

49、 nature of income streams and risk profiles,especially if firms continue to trade at such significant discounts to net asset values(NAVs).For example,CapitaLand recently announced plans to split its business into real estate investment management business,which will be listed as a new entity,and its

50、 property development business,which will be taken private.By doing so,CLIM can sharpen its focus and transition to an asset-light and capital-efficient business and deliver better results to the investors.International investments returnAsset management becomes the key5InvestmentDigital driving dem

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