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1、 VERSION PRELIMINARY National Plan in the field of Energy and Climate by 2030(2019 update of NECPs)project of 29.02.202 Ministry Of Climate and Warsaw 2024 draft aKPEiK Initial version 2 Contents Sowo wstpu .5 I.WPROWADZENIE .6 A)Czym jest KPEiK i w jakim celu zosta opracowany .6 B)Jak zbudowany jes

2、t KPEiK.7 C)Scenariusz WEM i WAM .9 II.ZAOENIA I CELE ORAZ POLITYKI OBSZAROWE .11 Wymiar 1.Obnienie emisyjnoci.12 Obszar 1.1.Redukcja emisji gazw cieplarnianych i wzrost wykorzystania odnawialnych rde energii(cele oglne).13 Cel.1.1.1.Ograniczanie emisji gazw cieplarnianych z gospodarki(cel oglny).14

3、 Cel.1.1.2.Ograniczanie emisji gazw cieplarnianych w sektorach non-ETS(ESR)i szacowana redukcja w sektorach ETS .15 Cel.1.1.3.Wzrost udziau OZE w finalnym zuyciu energii brutto ogem(cel oglny).17 Obszar 1.2.Dekarbonizacja i rozwj OZE wedug sektorw.20 Cel.1.2.1.Redukcja emisji GC w sektorze elektroen

4、ergetycznym,w tymrozwjOZE.20 Cel.1.2.2.Redukcja emisji GC z ciepownictwa,w tym rozwj OZE .23 Cel.1.2.3.Redukcja emisji GC z transportu,w tym rozwj OZE i elektromobilnoci .27 Cel.1.2.4.Redukcja emisji GC w przemyle .35 Cel.1.2.5.Redukcja emisji GC w rolnictwie.37 Obszar 1.3.Udzia sektora LULUCF w wyp

5、enianiu celw redukcyjnych .39 Cel.1.3.1.Denie do zwikszenia pochaniania gazw cieplarnianych przez sektor LULUCF .39 Obszar 1.4.Poprawa jakoci rodowiska,w tym powietrza .41 Cel.1.4.1.Cel w zakresie jakoci powietrza .42 Cel.1.4.2.Cel w zakresie stanu wd.44 Cel.1.4.3.Cel w zakresie odpadw .45 Obszar 1.

6、5.Adaptacja do zmian klimatu .47 Cel.1.5.1.Denie do adaptacji do zmian klimatu .47 Wymiar 2.Poprawa efektywnoci energetycznej .49 Obszar 2.1.Poprawa efektywnoci energetycznej w gospodarce.50 Cel.2.1.1.Wkad Polski w zakresie finalnego zuycia energii.51 Cel.2.1.2.Wkad Polski w zakresie zuycia energii

7、pierwotnej .53 Cel.2.1.3.Generowanie oszczdnoci finalnego zuycia energii.54 Obszar 2.2.Niskoemisyjne budownictwo .56 Cel.2.2.1.Redukcja potrzeb energetycznych istniejcych budynkw .57 Cel.2.2.2.Nowe budownictwo bezemisyjne .58 Wymiar 3.Bezpieczestwo energetyczne .60 Obszar 3.1.Zapewnienie bezpieczest

8、wa energetycznego cel oglny.61 Cel.3.1.1.Zapewnienie suwerennoci energetycznej .61 Obszar 3.2.Pokrycie zapotrzebowania na wgiel kamienny.62 Cel.3.2.1.Zapewnienie pokrycia popytu na wgiel kamienny krajowym surowcem.62 Obszar 3.3.Pokrycie zapotrzebowania na gaz ziemny.64 draft aKPEiK Initial version 3

9、 Cel.3.3.1.Dywersyfikacja dostaw(importu)gazu ziemnego .64 Cel.3.3.2.Utrzymanie krajowego poziomu wydobycia gazu ziemnego.65 Cel.3.3.3.Zapewnienie odpowiedniego stanu i rozwoju infrastruktury przesyu,magazynowania i dystrybucji gazu ziemnego.66 Cel.3.3.4.Zapewnienie gotowoci do radzenia sobie z ogra

10、niczeniami w dostawach gazu ziemnego.67 Obszar 3.4.Pokrycie zapotrzebowania na rop naftow i paliwa cieke .69 Cel.3.4.1.Dywersyfikacja dostaw(importu)ropy naftowej .69 Obszar 3.5.Perspektywiczne pokrycie zapotrzebowania na paliwo jdrowe .70 Cel.3.5.1.Zapewnienie bezpiecznych dostaw(importu)paliwa jdr

11、owego .71 Cel.3.5.2.Inwentaryzacja krajowych z uranu.71 Obszar 3.6.Perspektywiczne pokrycie zapotrzebowania na wodr oraz jego pochodne chemiczne.72 Cel.3.6.1.Zapewnienie krajowej produkcji wodoru.72 Cel.3.6.2.Zapewnienie rozwoju infrastruktury do transportu wodoruniskoemisyjnego .73 Cel.3.6.3.Rozwj

12、infrastruktury do magazynowania wodoru .74 Obszar 3.7.Pokrycie zapotrzebowania na energi elektryczn .75 Cel.3.7.1.Zapewnienie wystarczalnoci mocy .76 Cel.3.7.2.Zapewnienie elastycznoci systemu elektroenergetycznego dlalepszej integracji OZE .77 Cel.3.7.3.Zapewnienie gotowoci do zapobiegania i radzen

13、ia sobie z ograniczeniami w dostawach energii elektrycznej .78 Wymiar 4.Wewntrzunijny rynek energii oraz spoeczny aspekt transformacji .80 Obszar 4.1.Sprawna i wystarczajca infrastruktura elektroenergetyczna,poczenia midzysystemowe .81 Cel.4.1.1.Zapewnienie odpowiedniego stanu infrastruktury energii

14、 elektrycznej.81 Cel.4.1.2.Zwikszenie dostpnoci i przepustowoci obecnych elektroenergetycznych pocze transgranicznych.83 Obszar 4.2.Sprawna i wystarczajca infrastruktura gazowa .85 Cel.4.2.1.Zapewnienie odpowiedniego stanu infrastruktury gazu ziemnego .85 Obszar 4.3.Sprawna i wystarczajca infrastruk

15、tura paliwowa .86 Cel.4.3.1.Zapewnienie odpowiedniego stanu i rozwoju infrastruktury przesyu i dystrybucji paliw .86 Obszar 4.4.Rozwj energetyki rozproszonej .87 Cel.4.4.1.Rozwj i integracja prosumentw .87 Cel.4.4.2.Rozwj i integracja energetycznych spoecznoci lokalnych.89 Obszar 4.5.Sprawiedliwa tr

16、ansformacja i ochrona konsumentw .90 Cel.4.5.1.Redukcja ubstwa energetycznego.90 Cel.4.5.2.Wsparcie regionw wglowych .91 Wymiar 5.Badania naukowe,innowacje i konkurencyjno .93 Cel.5.1.1.Zapewnienie rodkw na badania i rozwj .94 Cel.5.1.2.Rozwj w obszarach sprzyjajcych transformacji dogospodarkineutra

17、lnej klimatycznie .94 Cel.5.1.3.Rozwj kompetencji kadrowych na potrzeby transformacji klimatyczno-energetycznej .96 III.DZIAANIA .98 Wymiar 1.Obnienie emisyjnoci.99 Wymiar 2.Efektywno energetyczna .113 Wymiar 3.Bezpieczestwo energetyczne.115 Wymiar 4.Wewntrzunijny rynek energii i spoeczne aspekty tr

18、ansformacji.119 Wymiar 5.Badania naukowe,innowacje i konkurencyjno .121 draft aKPEiK Initial version 4 Wykaz regulacji UE(i nazwy zwyczajowe).124 Wykaz skrtw.127draft aKPEiK Initial version 5 Word of introduction Ladies and Gentlemen,The commitment to climate neutrality is one of Polands biggest civ

19、ilisation challenges in its history,affecting almost all areas of our lives.In order to achieve the EUs climate neutrality objective already in 2050,we need to take concrete action over the years ahead.The“National Energy and Climate Plan 2030”(aKPEiK)contributes to achieving EU climate neutrality i

20、n 2050.Before us a generational opportunity to shape a low carbon future and boost economic development.We give you the first partial update of this strategic document.The National Plan is a key document guiding the Polish transition and,as such,has a decisive impact on the countrys energy and clima

21、te policy in the medium term.People were inspired by this document,with their specific needs,dreams and often fears.The strategys role is to provide a framework for the development of a country that effectively protects health and ensures the well-being of its inhabitants,while ensuring their energy

22、 and climate security.We are working to tackle citizens concerns.This is in their interest to decarbonise and strengthen the economy,to innovate and to tackle climate catastrophes.Ultimately,the aKEC strategy will be based on two transition scenarios:baseline(WEM)and ambitious(with additional measur

23、es WAM).The baseline scenario shows developments on the basis of existing instruments and planned policies.The ambitious scenario assumes the implementation of new energy and climate policy instruments,with the aim of accelerating decarbonisation in a way that builds the strength of our economy.This

24、 document presents the first of the two scenarios(i.e.:WEM).It is based on implemented and planned transition policies,thus resembling the business as usual scenario.This is a sustainable aspiration scenario it shows what will happen if we do not have a climate ambition.It results in a relatively lo

25、w level of CO2 emission reductions by 2030 and a relatively high level of consumption of coal,gas and other fossil fuels.This scenario does not meet the EU GHG emission reduction target of 55%compared to 1990.Solutions to achieve Polands GHG emission reduction target close to that of the EU will be

26、presented in a more ambitious transition scenario(i.e.:Wam),which is undergoing advanced work at the Ministry of Climate and Environment.The draft update currently in force of the National Plan should be submitted to the European Commission by 30 June 2023.Given the delay in drafting the document,th

27、e European Commission launched an infringement procedure against Poland.The following draft is therefore necessary in order for the procedure to be concluded with regard to Poland.Target document with two scenarios:WEM and WAM,will be presented for full public consultation and sectoral arrangements

28、and finalised at the turn of Q2/Q3 2024.1.INTRODUCTION A)What is the NECPs and for what purpose it has been developed Sustainable development of the energy sector and environmental actions are essential to strengthen the national economy and build its competitiveness.A responsible energy strategy sh

29、ould respect equivalent,interacting and complementary objectives:energy security,economic competitiveness,energy efficiency and reduction of environmental impact.In addition to low-carbon development,the energy and climate transition in draft aKPEiK Initial version 6 Poland should ensure a stable en

30、ergy supply for consumers at acceptable prices.Given that transformations will be a long-term,capital-intensive process,covering all sectors of the economy,it is crucial that the changes introduced take into account a fair dimension,i.e.provide a stable strategic framework to adapt sectors,retrain w

31、orkers in the sector,creating new opportunities for the development of the regions and communities most affected by the negative(but transitional)effects of this transition.A transparent and long-term energy strategy provides a stable framework for systemic mechanisms,sector regulation and investmen

32、t decisions requiring the involvement of private and public capital.Taking into account the above and the significant sectoral,economic,regulatory and geopolitical developments after 2020,work has started on updating the national strategy guiding the climate and energy transition and identifying the

33、 contribution to achieving the EUs 2030 targets.The European Union(EU)is very committed to international climate agreements.In its response to climate change,the EU also sees an opportunity to build competitive advantages.One of the distinctive features of the Union is to maintain uniform rules for

34、the functioning of markets,which also include guaranteeing a secure,environmentally friendly and affordable energy supply for consumers,including households and businesses.Responding to these challenges,the EU Framework Strategy for a Resilient Energy Union with a Forward-Looking Climate Change Poli

35、cy was set out in 2015.The Energy Union is based on five interrelated and mutually reinforcing dimensions:energy security,internal energy market,energy efficiency,decarbonisation(with a specific role of renewable energy sources(RES)and research,innovation and competitiveness.In 2018,EU Regulation 20

36、18/1999 on the Governance of the Energy Union was adopted,obliging Member States to develop National Energy and Climate Plans1(NECPs),which are periodically updated and reported.The development of these documents is the cornerstone of the governance mechanism of the Energy Union,which allows an anal

37、ysis of whether the EU will meet its climate and energy targets,based on contributions from the Member States.The purpose of clearly defining the scope of the document is to ensure the transparency,consistency,comparability and completeness of the information and the detail of the information.1The a

38、bbreviation NECP is used in Poland and the abbreviation NECP is used in the international nomenclature.National Energy and Climate Plan).draft aKPEiK Initial version 7 This document is an update of the National Energy and Climate Plan 2021-2030(aKPEiK)of 2019.The drafting of the document follows dir

39、ectly from Article 14 of Regulation(EU)2018/1999,and Article 15ab of the Energy Law Act indicates that the minister responsible for energy,in cooperation with the minister responsible for climate matters,is responsible for drawing up the NECPs,updates and reports.The tasks of both departments are cu

40、rrently carried out by the Minister for Climate and the Environment.The Energy Union of the European UnionThe Energy Union of the European Union B)How the NECPs are constructed The scope of the NECPs is regulated by Annex I to Regulation(EU)2018/1999.The NECP should contain:(4)analytical basis for p

41、olicies and actions implemented WEM scenario (5)analytical basis for assessing the impact of additional policies and actions WAM scenario.In order to facilitate the reception of the content of the NECPs updates,it has been developed in a slightly modified way compared to the National Energy and Clim

42、ate Plan 2021-2030 of 2019.The following figure presents the elements and construction of the document in a simplified way.The Essential Part(PEPs)presents(III.)ANNEXES AND CELE in the five dimensions of the Energy Union,broken down into areas where the different objectives are grouped together in t

43、hematic terms.The objectives(marked by the grey box)are preceded by a brief contextual description,followed by a brief definition of the policy for achieving them and the key actions directly consistent with the taxonomy included in the first NECP report produced in 2023.The representation of this s

44、tructure is the graphic below.The list of actions with a description can be found in Part IV.ACTIVITIES.They are assigned to the Energy Union dimension,but may also refer to other dimensions.27 countries EU Member States develops national plans in the field of energy and climate in 5 dimensions regu

45、lating:EU regulation 2018/1999 order of the Union energy dimensions decarbonisation energy efficiency energy security intra-EU energy market research,innovation,competitiveness(1)general overview,(2)objectives and targets,(3)policies and draft aKPEiK Initial version 8 Dimension 1.Name of dimension P

46、OLICY An approachindicatinghow the objectivewill be achieved is described in general terms.The actions that will contribute to the implementation of the policy are listed,with the numbers assigned in the ACTION section.Annexes 1 and 2 present the scenarios of the WEM and WAM only the WEM currently a

47、vailablewhich are discussed in the next part of this chapter.The results of the WEM scenario form the basis for setting sustainable and realistic targets for Poland.Annex 3 describes the measures to achieve the required end-use energy savings referred to in Article 8.1 of Directive 2023/1791 and val

48、ues of the primary energy input factor for electricity from the electricity grid Primary Energy Factor PEF)for Poland,based on Article 31 of Directive 2023/1791.(C)WEM and WAM scenario Regulation(EU)2018/1999 indicates that the NECPs contain two analytical scenarios:WEM scenario with aKPEiK I.II.Int

49、roduction Summary Area 1.1.Name defining the group of objectives III.Objectives and objectives and area policies in 5 Information indicating what iscovered by the objectives indicated in this f area.In many cases,BoxIFrame frame j is available for background information or area definitions.IV.Action

50、s Objective.1.1.1.Objective name V.Financing VI.How the NECPs are designed and EUregulations have been identified,indicating the need for a target.The context for achieving the objective is described and the way in which it willbe implemented is set out below in the Policy section,followed by a list

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