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1、教育技术服务合同书范本合同书范本Contract Sample for Educational Technology Services一、甲方:(甲方名称)(以下简称“甲方”)Party A: (Name of Party A) (hereinafter referred to as Party A)身份证明:(甲方法定代表人/负责人姓名)(身份证号码)(职务)Identification: (Name of legal representative/responsible person of Party A) (ID number) (Title)联系地址:(详细地址)Address: (D

2、etailed address)联系电话:(电话号码)Contact number: (Phone number)二、乙方:(乙方名称)(以下简称“乙方”)Party B: (Name of Party B) (hereinafter referred to as Party B)身份证明:(乙方法定代表人/负责人姓名)(身份证号码)(职务)Identification: (Name of legal representative/responsible person of Party B) (ID number) (Title)联系地址:(详细地址)Address: (Detailed ad

3、dress)联系电话:(电话号码)Contact number: (Phone number)鉴于甲方具有相关的教育技术服务能力,乙方有意使用甲方的教育技术服务,双方达成以下协议:Given that Party A has the relevant capabilities in educational technology services, and Party B intends to utilize Party As educational technology services, the two parties have reached the following agreement

4、:第一条 服务内容Article 1 Service Content1.1 甲方将向乙方提供以下教育技术服务:- 教育软件开发和定制化服务- 在线教育平台搭建和维护- 教育信息化咨询和培训服务- 其他双方协商确定的教育技术服务1.2 乙方享有上述服务的使用权,并有权要求甲方提供必要的技术支持和培训服务。1.3 甲方保证提供的服务符合相关法律法规要求,且保证服务质量达到双方约定的标准。1.4 乙方应按照约定时间和付费方式支付服务费用。1.5 如需变更、终止或其他事宜,双方应协商一致并签署书面协议。1.6 本合同自双方签字盖章后生效,有效期为(具体时间)。1.7 此外,本合同项下不支持任何形式的转

5、让或出售。1.8 合同期限届满前90天,双方应通过书面形式协商续约事宜。1.9 如因不可抗力导致无法履行合同的一方应及时通知对方,并协商解决方案。Article 1 Service Content1.1 Party A will provide the following educational technology services to Party B:- Development and customization of educational software- Construction and maintenance of online education platforms- Con

6、sultation and training services for education informatization- Other educational technology services determined through mutual agreement1.2 Party B has the right to use the above services and is entitled to request necessary technical support and training services from Party A.1.3 Party A guarantees

7、 that the services provided comply with relevant laws and regulations, and ensures that the quality of services meets the standards agreed upon by both parties.1.4 Party B shall pay the service fees according to the agreed time and payment method.1.5 In case of any changes, termination, or other mat

8、ters, both parties shall reach a mutual agreement and sign a written agreement.1.6 This contract shall come into effect after being signed and sealed by both parties, with a validity period of (specific time).1.7 Furthermore, no form of transfer or sale is supported under this contract.1.8 90 days b

9、efore the expiration of the contract, both parties shall negotiate the renewal matters through written form.1.9 If force majeure circumstances prevent either party from fulfilling the contract, the party shall promptly notify the other party and negotiate a solution.第二条 保密条款Article 2 Confidentiality

10、2.1 双方同意在本合同履行期间及履行结束后继续承担保密义务。2.2 双方不得向第三方透露可能涉及对方商业秘密的信息,包括但不限于技术资料、市场策略、运营模式等。2.3 乙方应妥善保管甲方提供的技术资料和机密信息,不得擅自复制或传播。2.4 保密期限为本合同终止后五年。2.5 因违反保密条款造成的损失由违约方承担,且可要求赔偿其所造成的全部损失。Article 2 Confidentiality2.1 Both parties agree to continue to assume confidentiality obligations during and after the perform

11、ance of this contract.2.2 Neither party shall disclose information that may involve the other partys trade secrets to third parties, including but not limited to technical data, market strategies, operational models, etc.2.3 Party B shall properly safeguard the technical data and confidential inform

12、ation provided by Party A, and shall not copy or disseminate it without authorization.2.4 The confidentiality period shall be five years after the termination of this contract.2.5 The defaulting party shall bear any losses caused by a breach of the confidentiality clause and may be required to compe

13、nsate for all losses caused.第三条 合同变更Article 3 Contract Changes3.1 本合同的任何变更、补充或修订均须经双方书面协商并签署补充协议,变更后的协议具有与本协议相同的法律效力。3.2 双方同意在签署补充协议前均遵守原合同约定,不得擅自变更或解除义务。3.3 若由于特殊原因需要变更合同内容,双方可就具体事宜协商一致并签署书面变更协议。Article 3 Contract Changes3.1 Any changes, supplements, or revisions to this contract must be negotiated

14、 and signed by both parties in writing. The amended agreement shall have the same legal effect as this contract.3.2 Both parties agree to abide by the original contract terms until the supplementary agreement is signed, and shall not unilaterally change or terminate their obligations.3.3 If changes

15、to the contract content are necessary due to special reasons, both parties can negotiate and sign a written amendment agreement on specific matters.第四条 违约责任Article 4 Breach of Contract Liability4.1 若一方违反本合同规定,致使对方受到损失,应当承担违约责任并赔偿损失。4.2 若乙方逾期支付合同款项,每延期一天均须支付千分之五的违约金。4.3 若甲方未按照约定时间提供服务,应提前通知乙方并承担延误责任。

16、4.4 若因一方故意或重大过失行为致使合同无法继续履行,对方有权解除合同并追究违约方责任。4.5 其他违约情形及相应责任双方可协商确定。Article 4 Breach of Contract Liability4.1 If either party violates the provisions of this contract, causing losses to the other party, it shall bear the breach of contract liability and compensate for the losses.4.2 If Party B delay

17、s in paying the contract amount, a penalty of five per thousand shall be paid for each day of delay.4.3 If Party A fails to provide services according to the agreed time, it shall notify Party B in advance and bear the responsibility for the delay.4.4 If either partys intentional or gross negligence

18、 behavior makes it impossible to continue performing the contract, the other party has the right to terminate the contract and hold the defaulting party liable.4.5 Other breach situations and corresponding responsibilities may be determined through negotiation between the two parties.第五条 知识产权Article

19、 5 Intellectual Property Rights5.1 甲方在履行本合同过程中所涉及的一切技术、资料、软件等知识产权,均归属于甲方所有。5.2 乙方在使用甲方提供的教育技术服务过程中不得侵犯甲方的知识产权。5.3 乙方不得以任何方式将本合同项下的服务、技术或信息用于商业目的或非法用途。5.4 甲方保证在提供服务过程中不侵犯第三方的知识产权,若因此产生纠纷,甲方负责处理并赔偿乙方损失。Article 5 Intellectual Property Rights5.1 All intellectual property rights, including technologies,

20、materials, and software involved in the performance of this contract, belong to Party A.5.2 Party B shall not infringe upon Party As intellectual property rights during the use of educational technology services provided by Party A.5.3 Party B shall not use the services, technology, or information u

21、nder this contract for commercial purposes or illegal activities in any way.5.4 Party A guarantees not to infringe upon the intellectual property rights of third parties during the provision of services. If disputes arise as a result, Party A is responsible for handling them and compensating Party B

22、 for any losses.第六条 解决争议Article 6 Dispute Resolution6.1 若在本合同履行过程中发生争议,双方应通过友好协商解决。6.2 在友好协商无法达成一致意见的情况下,应提交由中国国际经济贸易仲裁委员会根据其届时有效的仲裁规则进行仲裁。6.3 仲裁裁决为终局裁决,对双方均有约束力。Article 6 Dispute Resolution6.1 In the event of a dispute during the performance of this contract, both parties should resolve it through

23、amicable negotiation.6.2 If a consensus cannot be reached through amicable negotiation, the dispute shall be submitted to arbitration by the China International Economic and Trade Arbitration Commission in accordance with its effective arbitration rules at the time.6.3 The arbitral award shall be fi

24、nal and binding on both parties.第七条 其他条款Article 7 Other Clauses7.1 本合同未尽事宜由双方协商决定并签署书面补充协议。7.2 本合同一式两份,双方各持一份,具有同等法律效力。7.3 本合同正本和副本具有同等法律效力。7.4 本合同自签订之日起生效。Article 7 Other Clauses7.1 Matters not covered by this contract shall be negotiated and decided by both parties, and a written supplementary agr

25、eement shall be signed.7.2 This contract is made in duplicate, with each party holding one copy, both having equal legal effect.7.3 The original contract and its duplicate have equal legal effect.7.4 This contract shall come into effect from the date of signing.以上为教育技术服务合同书范本,双方应在签字盖章前仔细阅读并确认所有条款内容。The above is a sample contract for educational technology services. Both parties should carefully read and confirm all the terms before signing and sealing.

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