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1、品牌特许合同协议书范本中文版:品牌特许合同协议书范本甲方:(甲方名称)地址:(甲方地址)法定代表人:(甲方法定代表人姓名)电话:(甲方联系电话)传真:(甲方传真号码)乙方:(乙方名称)地址:(乙方地址)法定代表人:(乙方法定代表人姓名)电话:(乙方联系电话)传真:(乙方传真号码)鉴于,甲乙双方本着友好协商、平等互利的原则,为共同开展品牌授权经营中的各项业务,甲方授予乙方其具有所有权或知名度的商标、商号、标识和标志(以下简称“品牌”),因此,为明确各自的权利、义务和责任,经甲乙双方磋商,特订立本合同。第一条 品牌授权1.1 甲方授权乙方在约定的区域内使用品牌,并以授权经营的方式进行相关业务活动。

2、1.2 甲方应保证其授权的品牌享有合法所有权或使用权,不存在侵权情形。1.3 乙方在品牌使用期间应按约定的范围和方式使用品牌,不得私自修改、转让或许可他人使用品牌。第二条 经营范围2.1 乙方经营范围包括但不限于:销售、推广、宣传品牌相关产品或服务。2.2 乙方应保证其经营活动与品牌形象相符,不得损害品牌声誉。2.3 乙方应按照甲方提供的品牌形象标准进行产品包装、宣传物料制作等,并保证其与品牌一致。第三条 使用费用及结算方式3.1 乙方应按约定向甲方支付品牌使用费用,具体数额及支付方式详见附件“品牌使用费用明细”。3.2 使用费用支付周期为(具体时期),乙方应在每期内支付相应费用。3.3 双方

3、应在每次支付后签署费用结算单,作为双方支付、收款的凭证。第四条 保密义务4.1 双方应对因执行本合同而获取的对方商业秘密、技术秘密和其他保密信息承担保密义务,未经对方书面同意,不得向第三方透露。4.2 保密期限自合同终止之日起至(具体时期)止。第五条 违约责任5.1 任何一方因违反本合同而给对方造成损失的,应承担违约责任,并赔偿对方的损失。5.2 若一方未能按本合同约定支付使用费用的,应支付滞纳金,滞纳金按逾期款项的每日1%计算。5.3 一方严重违反本合同给对方造成重大损失的,对方有权单方解除本合同,并要求违约方赔偿全部损失。第六条 合同变更6.1 本合同的任何修改、补充或解释应经双方协商一致

4、,并应以书面形式确认。6.2 本合同的变更,除非另有约定,对双方均具有约束力。第七条 合同期限7.1 本合同自双方签字生效,至约定期限届满终止。如一方需提前解除合同的,应提前书面通知对方(具体提前通知期限)。7.2 合同期满前,如双方需要续签合同,应在期满前(具体时间)完成续签程序。第八条 其他约定8.1 本合同未尽事宜,双方可另行签订补充协议。8.2 双方同意本合同的形成、执行及争议解决均适用中华人民共和国法律。甲方(盖章): 乙方(盖章):日期: 日期:英文版:Franchise Agreement TemplateParty A: (Name of Party A)Address: (A

5、ddress of Party A)Legal Representative: (Name of Legal Representative of Party A)Telephone: (Contact number of Party A)Fax: (Fax number of Party A)Party B: (Name of Party B)Address: (Address of Party B)Legal Representative: (Name of Legal Representative of Party B)Telephone: (Contact number of Party

6、 B)Fax: (Fax number of Party A)Whereas, Party A and Party B, based on the principles of friendly negotiation, equality, and mutual benefit, agree to jointly carry out various business activities in brand licensing operations. Party A grants Party B the right to use its trademark, trade name, logo, a

7、nd symbol (hereinafter referred to as the Brand) that it owns or has the right to use. In order to clarify their respective rights, obligations, and responsibilities, Party A and Party B, after consultation, hereby enter into this agreement.Article 1 Brand Authorization1.1 Party A authorizes Party B

8、 to use the Brand within the designated area and conduct related business activities through authorized operations.1.2 Party A shall ensure that the Brand it authorizes has legal ownership or usage rights and does not infringe the rights of others.1.3 During the period of using the Brand, Party B sh

9、all use the Brand within the agreed scope and manner and shall not modify, transfer, or license the Brand to others without authorization.Article 2 Scope of Operation2.1 The scope of Party Bs operations includes but is not limited to: sales, promotion, and advertising of products or services related

10、 to the Brand.2.2 Party B shall ensure that its business activities are in line with the Brand image and do not harm the reputation of the Brand.2.3 Party B shall follow the brand image standards provided by Party A for product packaging, promotional materials, etc., and ensure that they are consist

11、ent with the Brand.Article 3 Usage Fee and Settlement Method3.1 Party B shall pay the Brand usage fee to Party A as agreed, with the specific amount and payment method detailed in the Brand Usage Fee Schedule attached.3.2 The payment period for the usage fee is (specific period), and Party B shall p

12、ay the corresponding fee within each period.3.3 Both parties shall sign a fee settlement document after each payment as proof of payment and receipt.Article 4 Confidentiality Obligations4.1 Both parties shall assume confidentiality obligations for any business secrets, technical secrets, and other c

13、onfidential information obtained in the execution of this Agreement and shall not disclose them to third parties without the written consent of the other party.4.2 The confidentiality period shall be from the date of termination of the contract until (specific period).Article 5 Breach of Contract Li

14、ability5.1 If either party violates this Agreement and causes losses to the other party, it shall be liable for breach of contract and compensate the other party for the losses.5.2 If one party fails to pay the usage fee as agreed in this contract, it shall pay a late fee calculated at a daily rate

15、of 1% of the overdue amount.5.3 In the event of a serious breach of contract by one party causing significant losses to the other party, the other party has the right to unilaterally terminate this Agreement and demand full compensation for the losses.Article 6 Contract Amendment6.1 Any modification

16、, supplement, or interpretation of this Agreement shall be agreed upon by both parties and confirmed in writing.6.2 Unless otherwise agreed, any changes to this Agreement shall be binding on both parties.Article 7 Contract Term7.1 This Agreement shall come into effect upon the signatures of both par

17、ties and terminate upon the expiry of the agreed term. If either party needs to terminate the contract in advance, it shall give written notice to the other party (specific notice period).7.2 Before the contract expires, if both parties need to renew the contract, they shall complete the renewal pro

18、cess before the expiration date (specific time).Article 8 Other Agreements8.1 If there are matters not covered by this Agreement, the parties may enter into a separate Supplementary Agreement.8.2 Both parties agree that the formation, implementation, and resolution of disputes of this Agreement shall be governed by the laws of the Peoples Republic of China.Party A (Seal): Party B (Seal):Date: Date:

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