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3、的,提交相关部门或仲裁机构进行解决。七、签署方式甲方(签字):_ 乙方(签字):_日期:年 月 日 日期:年 月 日英文版:Party A: (Landlord)Party B: (Tenant)In accordance with the Contract Law of the Peoples Republic of China and relevant laws and regulations, party A and party B have reached the following rental agreement through friendly negotiation:I. Ba

4、sic Information of the Property1. Rental Property Address:_2. Rental Property Area:_ square meters3. Rental Property Layout:_ bedrooms, _ living room, _ bathroom4. Rental Property Use:_(residential/commercial/office, etc.)5. Lease Term: From_year _month _day to_year _month _day.II. Rental Rate and P

5、ayment Terms1. Total Rent: RMB_ per month, party B has paid a deposit of RMB_ to party A upon signing this agreement.2. Rent Payment Method: Party B shall pay the monthly rent to the designated bank account of party A before the _th of each month.III. Property Maintenance and Upkeep1. Party A shall

6、ensure that the rental propertys facilities and equipment are in good condition. If any malfunction occurs, party A shall promptly repair it.2. Party B shall use the property reasonably during the lease period, maintain the cleanliness and tidiness of the property, and ensure the hygiene and safety

7、of the property environment.IV. Default Liability1. If party A or party B violates the terms of this agreement, they shall bear the respective default liabilities and resolve them through negotiation.2. The defaulting party shall pay a penalty to the complying party, which shall be _% of the total c

8、ontract price.V. Agreement Termination1. Upon expiration of the lease term, both parties can negotiate a renewal. If either party does not wish to renew, they must provide written notice to the other party _months in advance.2. If the lease term expires and is not renewed, party B shall return the p

9、roperty to party A within _days and party A shall return the deposit paid by party B.VI. Other Terms1. This agreement is made in duplicate, with party A and party B each holding one copy, valid during the rental period.2. In the event of any dispute during the performance of this agreement, party A

10、and party B shall resolve it through friendly negotiation. If negotiation fails, it shall be submitted to the relevant department or arbitration institution for resolution.VII. SignatureParty A (Signature):_ Party B (Signature):_Date: Year Month Day Date: Year Month Day二、商业房屋租金协议书范本中文版:甲方:(出租人)乙方:(承


12、及证件齐全,开展合法出租活动。2.乙方应按约定及时支付租金,合理使用商业房屋并维护商业环境的整洁与安全。四、协议终止1.租赁期限届满,双方可协商续租。如一方不愿续租,应提前_个月书面通知对方。2.租赁期限届满且未续租的,乙方应在_日内退还房屋并交还甲方,甲方应当返还乙方支付的押金。五、争议解决方式1.本协议解释和履行适用中华人民共和国相关法律法规,发生争议应友好协商解决;协商不成的,提交有管辖权的法院进行解决。2.甲乙双方均已完整阅读并了解本协议的全部内容,共同遵守并履行。六、签署方式甲方(签字):_ 乙方(签字):_日期:年 月 日 日期:年 月 日英文版:Party A: (Landlor

13、d)Party B: (Tenant)Party A, as the owner of commercial real estate, and party B, intending to lease the commercial property, have reached the following commercial property rental agreement based on the principles of equality, voluntariness, and friendly negotiation:I. Basic Information of the Commer

14、cial Property1. Rental Property Address:_2. Rental Property Area:_ square meters3. Rental Property Layout:_ shop/office/warehouse, etc.4. Lease Term: From_year _month _day to_year _month _day.5. Rent Payment Method: Party B shall pay the monthly rent to the designated bank account of party A before

15、the _th of each month.II. Rental Rate and Deposit1. The monthly rent is RMB_ (¥_), and the deposit paid by party B to party A upon signing this agreement is RMB_ (¥_).2. Rent Adjustment: In the lease term, if the rent needs to be adjusted due to market reasons, advance written notice of _ days to th

16、e other party is required.III. Rights and Obligations During the Lease Term1. Party A shall guarantee the ownership and certificates of the commercial property, and conduct legal leasing activities.2. Party B shall timely pay the rent as agreed, use the commercial property reasonably, and maintain t

17、he cleanliness and safety of the commercial environment.IV. Agreement Termination1. Upon expiration of the lease term, both parties can negotiate a renewal. If either party does not wish to renew, they must provide written notice to the other party _months in advance.2. If the lease term expires and

18、 is not renewed, party B shall return the property to party A within _days and party A shall return the deposit paid by party B.V. Dispute Resolution1. The interpretation and performance of this agreement shall comply with relevant laws and regulations of the Peoples Republic of China. In the event

19、of disputes, they shall be resolved through friendly negotiation. If negotiation fails, it shall be submitted to a competent court for resolution.2. Both party A and party B have read and understood the entire contents of this agreement, and agree to abide by and fulfill it.VI. SignatureParty A (Sig

20、nature):_ Party B (Signature):_Date: Year Month Day Date: Year Month Day三、办公室租金协议书范本中文版:甲方:(出租方)乙方:(承租方)鉴于甲方是办公室产权人,乙方有意租赁该办公室,为维护双方的合法权益,特订立如下办公室租金协议:一、租赁办公室基本信息1.出租办公室地址:_2.出租办公室面积:_平方米3.出租办公室格局:_(独立办公室/开放办公区等)4.租赁起止时间:自_年_月_日起至_年_月_日止。5.租金支付方式:乙方应在每个月的_号前将当月租金支付至甲方指定银行账户。二、租金及其他费用1.月租金为人民币_元整(¥_)


22、辖权的法院解决。六、签署方式甲方(签字):_ 乙方(签字):_日期:年 月 日 日期:年 月 日英文版:Party A: (Landlord)Party B: (Tenant)Party A, as the owner of the office, and party B, intending to lease the office, in order to safeguard the legal rights and interests of both parties, hereby establish the following office rental agreement:I. Bas

23、ic Information of the Office1. Rental Office Address:_2. Rental Office Area:_ square meters3. Rental Office Layout:_(private office/open office area, etc.)4. Lease Term: From_year _month _day to_year _month _day.5. Rent Payment Method: Party B shall pay the monthly rent to the designated bank accoun

24、t of party A before the _th of each month.II. Rent and Other Fees1. The monthly rent is RMB_ (¥_), and the deposit paid by party B to party A upon signing this agreement is RMB_ (¥_).2. Other fees include but are not limited to water and electricity fees, property management fees, etc., which shall

25、be separately agreed upon based on the actual situation.III. Use of the Office Regulations1. Party A shall guarantee the ownership and certificates of the rental office and voluntarily lease it to party B for use.2. Party B shall timely pay the rent and other fees as agreed, use the office reasonably, and maintain the cleanliness and safety of the office environment.IV. Agreement Termination1. Upon expiration of the lease term, both parties can negotiate a renewal or terminate the contract

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