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1、监管集中监管协议书范本五篇*监管集中监管协议书范本*Sample 1:*协议书篇一*中文版:*监管集中监管协议书甲方(监管人):_乙方(被监管人):_为了明确双方之间的监管关系,依法保障被监管人的个人合法权益,制定本监管集中监管协议书。一、监管范围1.1 被监管人同意将其在_地点的工作证件、财产以及其他有关监管事项交由监管人进行集中监管。1.2 被监管人有义务配合监管人的监管工作,并确保被监管物品的完好无损。二、监管期限2.1 本协议自双方签署之日起生效,监管期限为_。2.2 如有特殊情况需要延长监管期限,需经双方书面协商一致。三、监管义务3.1 监管人应按照法律法规和协议约定对被监管人的物品

2、进行安全保管,保证其不被损坏或丢失。3.2 被监管人应按照监管人的要求提供必要的配合,接受监管人的监管措施。四、违约责任4.1 若被监管人违反本协议的约定,导致被监管物品丢失或损坏的,应承担相应的赔偿责任。4.2 若监管人未按照协议规定履行监管义务,导致被监管物品丢失或损坏的,应承担相应的赔偿责任。五、其它事项5.1 本协议一式两份,双方各持一份,自双方签字盖章之日起生效。6.2 本协议未尽事宜,由双方协商解决。甲方(盖章):_ 乙方(盖章):_签署日期:_*English Version:*Centralized Supervision AgreementParty A (Superviso

3、r): _Party B (Supervisee): _In order to clarify the supervision relationship between the two parties, lawfully safeguard the legitimate rights and interests of the Supervisee, this Centralized Supervision Agreement is formulated.I. Scope of Supervision1.1 The Supervisee agrees to entrust its work do

4、cuments, property, and other relevant supervision matters at the location of _ to the Supervisor for centralized supervision.1.2 The Supervisee is obligated to cooperate with the Supervisors supervision work and ensure the integrity of the supervised items.II. Supervision Period2.1 This agreement sh

5、all come into effect from the date of signature by both parties, with a supervision period of _.2.2 In case of special circumstances requiring an extension of the supervision period, it must be unanimously agreed upon in writing by both parties.III. Supervision Obligations3.1 The Supervisor shall sa

6、feguard the Supervisees items in accordance with laws, regulations, and agreement provisions, ensuring that they are not damaged or lost.3.2 The Supervisee shall provide necessary cooperation as requested by the Supervisor and accept the Supervisors supervision measures.IV. Breach of Contract Liabil

7、ity4.1 If the Supervisee violates the provisions of this agreement, resulting in loss or damage to the supervised items, they shall bear the corresponding compensation liability.4.2 If the Supervisor fails to fulfill the supervision obligations as stipulated in the agreement, resulting in loss or da

8、mage to the supervised items, they shall bear the corresponding compensation liability.V. Other Matters5.1 This agreement is made in duplicate, with each party holding one copy, and shall come into effect from the date of signature and seal by both parties.5.2 Matters not covered in this agreement s

9、hall be resolved through mutual consultation.Party A (Seal): _ Party B (Seal): _Date of Signature: _*Sample 2:*协议书篇二*中文版:*监管集中监管协议书监管方:_被监管方:_鉴于被监管方需要进行集中监管,监管方制定本监管集中监管协约定如下:一、监管范围1.1 被监管方同意将其在_地点的资料、证件以及其他有关监管事宜移交给监管方进行集中监管。1.2 被监管方应合理支持监管方的工作,并积极协助监管方进行监管。二、监管期限2.1 本协议自双方签署生效之日起,监管期限为_。2.2 如有特殊情况

10、需延长监管期限,应经双方书面协商一致后决定。三、监管义务3.1 监管方应妥善保管被监管方的资料和证件,保证不丢失和不损坏。3.2 被监管方应按照监管方的要求提供必要的信息和协助,确保监管工作的顺利进行。四、违约责任4.1 被监管方如违反本协议所约定的内容,导致被监管物品损失或毁损的,应承担相应的赔偿责任。4.2 监管方未完成本协议规定的监管义务,导致被监管物品损失或毁损的,也应承担相应的赔偿责任。五、其它事项5.1 本协议一式两份,双方各执一份,自双方盖章之日起生效。5.2 本协议如有争议,由双方友好协商解决。协商不成的,提交_仲裁。监管方(盖章):_ 被监管方(盖章):_签署日期:_*Eng

11、lish Version:*Centralized Supervision AgreementSupervising Party: _Supervisee: _In view of the need for centralized supervision by the Supervisee, the Supervising Party formulates this Centralized Supervision Agreement as follows:I. Scope of Supervision1.1 The Supervisee agrees to transfer its infor

12、mation, documents, and other related supervisory matters at the location of _ to the Supervising Party for centralized supervision.1.2 The Supervisee shall provide reasonable support to the Supervising Partys work and actively assist the Supervising Party in supervision.II. Supervision Period2.1 Thi

13、s agreement shall come into effect from the date of signature by both parties, with a supervision period of _.2.2 In case of special circumstances requiring an extension of the supervision period, it shall be decided upon unanimously after written consultation by both parties.III. Supervision Obliga

14、tions3.1 The Supervising Party shall properly safeguard the information and documents of the Supervisee, ensuring that they are not lost or damaged.3.2 The Supervisee shall provide necessary information and assistance as required by the Supervising Party, ensuring the smooth progress of the supervis

15、ion work.IV. Breach of Contract Liability4.1 If the Supervisee violates the contents stipulated in this agreement, resulting in loss or damage to the supervised items, they shall bear the corresponding compensation liability.4.2 If the Supervising Party fails to fulfill the supervision obligations a

16、s stipulated in this agreement, resulting in loss or damage to the supervised items, they shall also bear the corresponding compensation liability.V. Other Matters5.1 This agreement is made in duplicate, with each party holding one copy, and shall come into effect from the date of signature and seal

17、 by both parties.5.2 Any disputes arising from this agreement shall be resolved through amicable consultation between the parties. If no resolution is reached, it shall be submitted to _ arbitration.Supervising Party (Seal): _ Supervisee (Seal): _Date of Signature: _*Sample 3:*协议书篇三*中文版:*监管集中监管协议书监管

18、单位:_被监管单位:_为了保障被监管单位的合法权益,明确监管双方之间的权责关系,制定本监管集中监管协议书。一、监管范围1.1 被监管单位同意将其在_地点的相关资料、设备及其他监管事项移交给监管单位进行集中监管。1.2 被监管单位应尊重监管单位的工作程序和管理规定,配合监管工作的需求。二、监管期限2.1 本协议自双方签署之日起生效,监管期限为_。2.2 若监管期限需要延长,需双方书面协商一致后执行。三、监管义务3.1 监管单位应妥善保管被监管单位的相关资料和设备,确保其安全性和完整性。3.2 被监管单位应积极配合监管单位的工作,提供必要的配合和支持。四、违约责任4.1 若被监管单位违反本协议内容

19、,致使被监管物品丢失或损坏,应承担相应的赔偿责任。4.2 若监管单位未履行监管义务,导致被监管物品丢失或损坏,应承担相应的赔偿责任。五、其他约定5.1 本协议一式两份,双方各存一份,自双方签署盖章之日起生效。5.2 本协议如有争议,应友好协商解决,协商不成的,提交_仲裁。监管单位(盖章):_ 被监管单位(盖章):_签署日期:_*English Version:*Centralized Supervision AgreementSupervising Unit: _Supervisee Unit: _In order to safeguard the legal rights and inter

20、ests of the Supervisee Unit and clarify the rights and responsibilities between the supervisory parties, this Centralized Supervision Agreement is formulated.I. Scope of Supervision1.1 The Supervisee Unit agrees to transfer its relevant information, equipment, and other supervisory matters at the lo

21、cation of _ to the Supervising Unit for centralized supervision.1.2 The Supervisee Unit shall respect the working procedures and management regulations of the Supervising Unit and cooperate with the needs of the supervisory work.II. Supervision Period2.1 This agreement shall come into effect from th

22、e date of signature by both parties, with a supervision period of _.2.2 If the supervision period needs to be extended, it shall be executed after written consensus by both parties.III. Supervision Obligations3.1 The Supervising Unit shall properly safeguard the relevant information and equipment of

23、 the Supervisee Unit, ensuring their safety and integrity.3.2 The Supervisee Unit shall actively cooperate with the work of the Supervising Unit, providing necessary cooperation and support.IV. Breach of Contract Liability4.1 If the Supervisee Unit violates the contents of this agreement, resulting

24、in the loss or damage of the supervised items, they shall bear the corresponding compensation liability.4.2 If the Supervising Unit fails to fulfill the supervision obligations, resulting in the loss or damage of the supervised items, they shall bear the corresponding compensation liability.V. Other

25、 Agreements5.1 This agreement is made in duplicate, with each party keeping one copy, and shall come into effect from the date of signature and seal by both parties.5.2 Any disputes arising from this agreement shall be resolved through amicable consultation between the parties. If no resolution is r

26、eached, it shall be submitted to _ arbitration.Supervising Unit (Seal): _ Supervisee Unit (Seal): _Date of Signature: _*Sample 4:*协议书篇四*中文版:*监管集中监管协议书监管方:_被监管方:_为了规范监管关系,保障被监管方权益,制定本监管集中监管协议书,具体内容如下:一、监管范围1.1 被监管方同意将其在_地点的资料、物品及其他监管事项,移交给监管方进行集中监管。1.2 被监管方应配合监管方的工作,提供必要的协助和支持。二、监管期限2.1 本协议自签署之日起生效,监

27、管期限为_。2.2 如监管期限需延长,应双方书面协商后确定。三、监管义务3.1 监管方应妥善保管被监管方的资料和物品,并保证其完整性。3.2 被监管方应积极配合监管方的工作,确保监管工作的顺利进行。四、违约责任4.1 若被监管方违反本协议的规定,致使被监管物品丢失或损坏,应承担相应的赔偿责任。4.2 若监管方未按协议履行监管义务,导致被监管物品丢失或损坏,应承担相应的赔偿责任。五、其他协定5.1 本协议一式两份,双方各执一份,自双方签字盖章之日起生效。5.2 本协议如有争议,应友好协商解决,协商不成提交_仲裁。监管方(盖章):_ 被监管方(盖章):_签署日期:_*English Version:*Centralized Supervision AgreementSupervising Party: _Supervisee: _In order to regulate the supervision relationship, safeguard the rights of the Supervisee, this Centralized Supervision Agreement is formulated, with specific contents as

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