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1、建设工程勘察合同协议书范本三篇第一篇:中文版:建设工程勘察合同协议书甲方:(委托方)乙方:(勘察单位)鉴于甲方拟开展建设工程项目,为确保工程质量和进度,经甲、乙双方友好协商,达成以下合同协议:一、勘察范围及内容1.1 乙方应根据甲方的委托,对建设工程项目的勘察范围进行详细规划,包括但不限于地质勘察、水文勘察、地基勘察等内容。1.2 乙方应按照国家相关法律法规和行业标准,对勘察过程中的数据、资料进行保密处理,并及时向甲方提交勘察报告。二、勘察工期和费用2.1 勘察工期为_个月,自合同签订之日起计算。2.2 乙方应按照勘察工作的具体情况,合理提出勘察费用报价并与甲方协商确定,双方达成一致意见后签订

2、书面补充协议。三、合同履行方式3.1 乙方应按照本协议约定的勘察内容和范围进行勘察工作,保证勘察报告的准确性和完整性。3.2 甲方应给予乙方在勘察过程中所需的配合和支持,确保勘察工作的顺利进行。四、合同变更和解除4.1 若发生不可抗力导致勘察无法继续的情况,双方应协商解决并签订书面变更协议。4.2 若因一方当事人违反协议约定,经友好协商仍无法解决争议,可依据相关法律法规提起诉讼解决。五、其他约定5.1 本协议自签订之日起生效,至勘察工作结束后终止。5.2 本协议一式两份,甲、乙双方各执一份,具有同等法律效力。甲方(盖章): 乙方(盖章):日期: 日期:英文版:Contract Agreemen

3、t for Construction Engineering SurveyParty A: (Client)Party B: (Surveying Firm)In consideration of Party As plan to carry out construction engineering projects, in order to ensure the quality and progress of the project, Party A and Party B have reached the following contract agreement through frien

4、dly negotiation:1. Scope and Content of Survey1.1 Party B shall plan the survey scope of the construction engineering project in detail according to Party As commission, including but not limited to geological survey, hydrological survey, foundation survey, etc.1.2 Party B shall handle the data and

5、information obtained during the survey process in a confidential manner in accordance with the relevant laws, regulations, and industry standards, and submit the survey report to Party A in a timely manner.2. Survey Duration and Fees2.1 The survey duration is _ months, calculated from the date of si

6、gning the contract.2.2 Party B shall provide a reasonable quotation for the survey fees based on the specific circumstances of the survey work, and after negotiation with Party A, a written supplementary agreement shall be signed upon reaching consensus.3. Implementation of the Contract3.1 Party B s

7、hall conduct the survey work according to the survey content and scope stipulated in this agreement, ensuring the accuracy and completeness of the survey report.3.2 Party A shall provide the necessary cooperation and support to Party B during the survey process to ensure the smooth progress of the s

8、urvey work.4. Contract Amendments and Termination4.1 In the event of force majeure that leads to the inability to continue the survey, both parties shall negotiate a solution and sign a written amendment agreement.4.2 If one party violates the agreement and disputes cannot be resolved through friend

9、ly negotiation, legal action may be taken in accordance with relevant laws and regulations.5. Other Agreements5.1 This agreement shall come into effect from the date of signing until the completion of the survey work.5.2 This agreement is made in duplicate, with Party A and Party B holding one copy

10、each, both having equal legal effect.Party A (Seal): Party B (Seal):Date: Date: 第二篇:中文版:建设工程勘察合同协议书甲方:(委托方)乙方:(勘察单位)鉴于甲方欲进行建设工程项目勘察,为保障项目质量,经甲、乙双方友好协商,特订立本合同:一、勘察范围及内容1.1 乙方应根据甲方委托,对建设工程项目的地质、水文等勘察内容进行详细规划,并向甲方提供勘察报告。1.2 乙方应按照国家相关规定保护勘察数据和资料的机密性,不得擅自向第三方泄露。二、勘察工期和费用2.1 勘察合同工期自签订之日起_个月。2.2 乙方应根据具体勘察内

11、容和范围,合理报价并与甲方商定勘察费用,签订书面补充协议。三、合同实施方式3.1 乙方应按照本合同约定的勘察内容和范围进行工作,确保勘察报告的准确性和真实性。3.2 甲方应给予乙方所需的勘察配合和支持,保障勘察工作的进展。四、合同变更和停止4.1 如因不可抗力等原因导致勘察工作不能继续,双方应协商解决,并签订书面变更协议。4.2 出现合同纠纷,双方应友好协商解决;如仍无法达成一致意见,可依法仲裁或向有管辖权的法院起诉。五、其他约定5.1 本合同自双方签字盖章之日起生效,直至勘察工作结束。5.2 本合同一式两份,甲、乙双方各执一份,具有同等法律效力。甲方(盖章): 乙方(盖章):日期: 日期:英

12、文版:Contract Agreement for Construction Engineering SurveyParty A: (Client)Party B: (Surveying Firm)In consideration of Party As intention to conduct a construction engineering survey, in order to ensure the quality of the project, Party A and Party B have reached this contract through friendly negot

13、iation:1. Scope and Content of Survey1.1 Party B shall plan the geological, hydrological, and other survey content of the construction engineering project according to Party As commission, and provide the survey report to Party A.1.2 Party B shall protect the confidentiality of survey data and infor

14、mation in accordance with relevant national regulations and shall not disclose it to third parties without authorization.2. Survey Duration and Fees2.1 The survey contract period shall be _ months from the date of signing.2.2 Party B shall provide a reasonable quotation for the survey fees based on

15、the specific content and scope of the survey, negotiate the survey fees with Party A, and sign a written supplementary agreement.3. Implementation of the Contract3.1 Party B shall work according to the survey content and scope stipulated in this contract, ensuring the accuracy and authenticity of th

16、e survey report.3.2 Party A shall provide the necessary cooperation and support to Party B for the progress of the survey work.4. Contract Changes and Termination4.1 In the event that the survey work cannot continue due to force majeure or other reasons, both parties shall negotiate a solution and s

17、ign a written amendment agreement.4.2 In case of a contract dispute, both parties shall negotiate a friendly solution. If an agreement cannot be reached, arbitration or litigation can be pursued in accordance with the law.5. Other Agreements5.1 This contract shall come into effect from the date of s

18、igning by both parties and shall remain valid until the end of the survey work.5.2 This contract is made in duplicate, with Party A and Party B holding one copy each, both having equal legal effect.Party A (Seal): Party B (Seal):Date: Date: 第三篇:中文版:建设工程勘察合同协议书甲方:(委托方)乙方:(勘察单位)鉴于甲方拟开展建设工程项目,经双方友好协商,特

19、订立本合同:一、勘察内容和范围1.1 乙方应根据甲方的委托和要求,进行相关土地、水文等勘察工作,并提交完整的勘察报告。1.2 乙方应保护勘察过程中获取的数据和资料的机密性,未经甲方授权不得泄露。二、勘察工期和费用2.1 勘察工期为_个月,双方应在合同签订后尽快开始工作。2.2 乙方应按照具体的勘察内容和工作量,合理报价并与甲方商定勘察费用标准。三、合同履行方式3.1 乙方应根据合同约定的勘察内容,保证勘察工作的及时性和准确性。3.2 甲方应为乙方提供必要的协助和支持,以促进勘察工作的顺利进行。四、合同变更和终止4.1 若出现不可抗力等情况导致勘察工作无法继续,双方应友好协商解决,并签订书面变更

20、协议。4.2 若一方当事人违反合同约定,致使合同争议,双方应协商解决;协商不成,可依法向有管辖权的法院起诉。五、其他约定5.1 本合同自双方签字盖章之日起生效,至勘察报告提交完毕结束。5.2 本合同一式两份,甲、乙双方各执一份,具有同等法律效力。甲方(盖章): 乙方(盖章):日期: 日期:英文版:Contract Agreement for Construction Engineering SurveyParty A: (Client)Party B: (Surveying Firm)In consideration of Party As plan to carry out a constr

21、uction engineering project, and through friendly negotiation, the parties have entered into this contract:1. Survey Content and Scope1.1 Party B shall conduct relevant land, hydrological surveys, and other work according to Party As commission and requirements, and submit a complete survey report.1.

22、2 Party B shall protect the confidentiality of the data and information obtained during the survey process, and shall not disclose it without Party As authorization.2. Survey Duration and Fees2.1 The survey duration is _ months, and both parties shall commence work as soon as possible after the cont

23、ract is signed.2.2 Party B shall provide a reasonable quotation based on the specific survey content and workload, and negotiate the survey fee standard with Party A.3. Implementation of the Contract3.1 Party B shall ensure the timeliness and accuracy of the survey work according to the survey conte

24、nt stipulated in the contract.3.2 Party A shall provide necessary assistance and support to Party B to facilitate the smooth progress of the survey work.4. Contract Changes and Termination4.1 In the event of force majeure or other circumstances that prevent the survey work from continuing, both part

25、ies shall negotiate a solution and sign a written amendment agreement.4.2 In case of contract disputes due to one partys violation, both parties shall negotiate for a resolution. If no agreement can be reached, legal action can be pursued in a court of jurisdiction.5. Other Agreements5.1 This contra

26、ct shall come into effect from the date of signing by both parties and shall remain valid until the completion of the survey report submission.5.2 This contract is made in duplicate, with Party A and Party B holding one copy each, both having equal legal effect.Party A (Seal): Party B (Seal):Date: Date:

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