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1、文化艺术推广合同协议书范本合同编号:【编号】甲方(推广方):【甲方名称】地址:【甲方地址】电话:【甲方联系电话】法定代表人(负责人):【法定代表人姓名】身份证号码(营业执照号码):【身份证号码/营业执照号码】乙方(被推广方):【乙方名称】地址:【乙方地址】电话:【乙方联系电话】法定代表人(负责人):【法定代表人姓名】身份证号码(营业执照号码):【身份证号码/营业执照号码】鉴于甲方具有丰富的文化艺术资源和推广经验,乙方希望通过甲方的推广渠道和服务,提升自身的品牌知名度和影响力,双方经友好协商,达成以下协议:第一条 合作内容1.1 甲方提供文化艺术资源推广服务,包括但不限于艺术活动策划、推广宣传、

2、活动执行等;1.2 乙方委托甲方进行文化艺术推广服务,双方一同商讨具体推广方式和计划。第二条 合作期限本合同有效期为【起始日期】至【终止日期】,共计【合同期限】个月。合同期满前,任何一方有权提前【提前终止期限】通知对方终止合同。第三条 合作费用3.1 乙方应按照约定支付合作费用给甲方,具体金额为【合作费用金额】,支付方式为【支付方式】,支付时间为【支付时间】。3.2 若乙方逾期支付合作费用,每日按照合作费用金额的【逾期费率】计算逾期费用。第四条 合作权利和义务4.1 甲方有权利通过自有渠道对乙方的文化艺术进行推广,保证推广内容真实、客观、公正。4.2 乙方有义务提供相关的文化艺术资源、信息和材

3、料,配合甲方进行推广工作,确保推广活动的顺利进行。4.3 乙方应保护甲方提供的文化艺术资源的知识产权,不得擅自使用或转让给第三方。4.4 双方应在合作过程中保持密切沟通,共同解决合作中出现的问题和争议。第五条 违约责任5.1 任何一方违反合同规定或未履行合同义务,应承担相应的违约责任。5.2 若因不可抗力因素导致无法履行合同的一方免责,但应在合理范围内通知对方,并尽快恢复履约。第六条 保密条款双方应对因合作过程中获取的对方商业秘密、技术资料等保密,不得向第三方透露或使用于其他用途。第七条 法律适用和争议解决本合同适用中华人民共和国法律。因合同引起的争议,双方应友好协商解决,协商不成的,提交有管

4、辖权的人民法院裁决。第八条 其他8.1 本合同自双方签字盖章起生效,一式两份,甲方一份,乙方一份,具有同等法律效力。8.2 本合同如有补充或变更,应经双方书面协商一致,并签订书面补充协议。甲方(盖章): 乙方(盖章):签署日期: 签署日期:Contract No.: 【编号】Party A (Promoter): 【甲方名称】Address: 【甲方地址】Tel: 【甲方联系电话】Legal Representative (Person in Charge): 【法定代表人姓名】ID No. (Business License No.): 【身份证号码/营业执照号码】Party B (Part

5、y to Be Promoted): 【乙方名称】Address: 【乙方地址】Tel: 【乙方联系电话】Legal Representative (Person in Charge): 【法定代表人姓名】ID No. (Business License No.): 【身份证号码/营业执照号码】Whereas Party A has abundant cultural and artistic resources and promotion experience, and Party B hopes to enhance its brand awareness and influence th

6、rough Party As promotion channels and services, the parties have reached the following agreement through friendly negotiation:Article 1 Cooperation Content1.1 Party A provides cultural and artistic resource promotion services, including but not limited to art event planning, promotion, execution, et

7、c.1.2 Party B entrusts Party A to provide cultural and artistic promotion services, and the two parties will jointly discuss specific promotion methods and plans.Article 2 Cooperation PeriodThis contract is valid from 【起始日期】 to 【终止日期】, a total of 【合同期限】 months. Either party has the right to terminat

8、e the contract by giving 【提前终止期限】 notice to the other party before the expiration of the contract.Article 3 Cooperation Fee3.1 Party B shall pay the cooperation fee to Party A as agreed, with a specific amount of 【合作费用金额】, payment method of 【支付方式】, and payment time of 【支付时间】.3.2 If Party B fails to

9、pay the cooperation fee on time, overdue charges will be calculated daily at the rate of 【逾期费率】 of the cooperation fee amount.Article 4 Rights and Obligations4.1 Party A has the right to promote Party Bs cultural and artistic works through its own channels, ensuring that the promotion content is tru

10、e, objective, and fair.4.2 Party B is obliged to provide relevant cultural and artistic resources, information, and materials, and cooperate with Party A in promoting work to ensure the smooth progress of the promotion activities.4.3 Party B shall protect the intellectual property rights of the cult

11、ural and artistic resources provided by Party A and shall not use or transfer them to third parties without authorization.4.4 Both parties should maintain close communication and work together to resolve any problems and disputes that may arise during the cooperation.Article 5 Breach of Contract Lia

12、bility5.1 Any party that violates the contract provisions or fails to fulfill its obligations under the contract shall bear corresponding liabilities for breach of contract.5.2 If one party is exempt from liability due to force majeure factors that prevent the performance of the contract, the party

13、should notify the other party within a reasonable range and resume performance as soon as possible.Article 6 Confidentiality ClauseBoth parties shall keep confidential any business secrets or technical information acquired during the cooperation and shall not disclose them to third parties or use th

14、em for other purposes.Article 7 Applicable Law and Dispute ResolutionThis contract is governed by the laws of the Peoples Republic of China. Any disputes arising from the contract shall be resolved through friendly consultation between the parties. If no agreement is reached, it shall be submitted t

15、o a court with jurisdiction for settlement.Article 8 Miscellaneous8.1 This contract shall come into effect upon signature and seal by both parties, with one copy for Party A and one copy for Party B, having the same legal effect.8.2 Any supplementary or amended terms to this contract shall be agreed upon in writing by both parties and signed as a supplementary agreement.Party A (Seal): Party B (Seal):Date of Signature: Date of Signature:以上为文化艺术推广合同协议书的范本,具体内容可根据实际情况进行调整和修改。希望对您有所帮助。如果您需要进一步了解或有其他问题,请随时与我联系。祝合作愉快!

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