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1、1 一般现在时1.1 概述一般现在时主要用来表示人、事物的现在状况和特点;表示经常或习惯性的动作,句子中常有often, always, from time to time 等时间状语; 表示客观规律和永恒真理等。He usually goes to work at 7 oclock every morning.She has a brother who lives in New York.The earth goes around the sun.Guangzhou is situated in the south of China.1.2 构成一般现在时常以动词原形表示,但当主语是第三人称

2、单数时,应用动词的单数第三人称形式。-Only at home. No one sees me but you.只是在家里。除了你又没别人看见。动词第三人称单数形式变化规则:规则动词原形一般在词尾加-s,(清辅音后读/s/,在浊辅音后读/z/;在t后读/ts/,在d后读/dz/。) play leave swim 以字母s,x,ch,sh,o结尾的词加-es,读/iz/,如果动词原形词尾已有e,则只加-s。 pass fix teacht wish do 以辅音字母加y结尾的词,先变y为i, 再加-es,读/z/ study carry fly 1.3 用法表示客观事实、客观规律和客观真理谚语

3、格言等(不受时态限制)The geography teacher told us the earth moves around the sun.Water boils at 100oC. He said that the earth turns round the sun.Actions speak louder than words.表示经常发生、习惯性的动作,与 every day, usually, once a week 等时间状语连用。He goes to school on foot everyday.We always care for each other and help e

4、ach other.表示知觉、态度、感情、某种抽象的关系或概念的词常用一般现在时:see、hear、smell、taste、feel、notice、agree、believe、like、hate、want、think、belong、seem等。如:I know what you mean.Smith owns a car and a house.All the students here belong to No.1 Middle School.在when 引导的时间状语从句和if引导的条件状语从句中常用一般现在时代替将来时。注意,此时,主句用将来时态,从句用一般现在时态表示将来。但要注意由i

5、f 引导的条件状语从句中可以用shall或will表“意愿”,但不表示时态。If it is fine tomorrow, we will go to the countryside. I will write to her when I have time.Do you know when he _will come_(come) back? When he comes back, please let me know. I wonder if he _will come_ ( come) back tonight. (if 在此表示“是否”,而不是引导条件状语从句,表示“如果”)If yo

6、u will accept my invitation and come to our party, my family will be pleased.如果你愿意接受并参加我们的舞会,我的家人会非常高兴。少数用于表示起止的动词如come、go、leave、arrive、fly、return、start、begin、pen、close、end、stop等常用一般现在时代替将来时,表示一个按规定、计划或安排要发生的动作。The shop closes at 11:00 p.m. every day.Tomorrow is Wednesday.2 一般过去时2.1 概述一般过去时表示在过去某个特定

7、时间发生且完成的动作,或过去习惯性动作,不强调对现在的影响,只说明过去。常跟明确的过去时间连用,如:yesterday; last week; in 1945,at that time; once; during the war; before; a few days ago; when.I got up at 6:30 yesterday.我昨天6:30起床。2.2 构成一般过去时由规则动词(-ed/-d)或不规则动词的过去式表示,除be外,其余动词没有人称和数的变化。各种动词的否定结构和一般疑问结构,与一般现在时的否定结构和疑问结构相同。-We could have walked to t

8、he station, it was so near.我们该步行到车站,这么近。动词过去式的变化规则:构成规则动词原形一般在动词原形末尾加-ed,(在清辅音后读/t/;在浊辅音和元音后读/d/;在/t/,/d/后读/id/。look play work 结尾是e的动词在末尾加-dlike live hope 末尾只有一个辅音字母的重读闭音节,先双写这个辅音字母,再加-edplan stop drop 结尾是“辅音字母y”的动词,先变“y”为“I”再加-edstudy worry cry 2.3 用法(1)表示过去某个特定时间发生的动作或存在的状态常有明确的时间状语,如yesterday,las

9、t night, some years ago,in1890等,以及由when等引导的时间状语从句。Tom didnt come to class yesterday.汤姆昨天没来上课。-Your phone number again? I didnt quite catch it. 请你再把电话号码说一遍好吗?我刚才没听清楚。(2)表示过去的习惯性或经常发生的动作常与often,usually,seldom等表示频度的副词连用。When I was in the countryside, I often called on my old friends there.我在乡村里,经常去拜访那里

10、的朋友。I went to the cinema once a week when I was at school.我上学时每周去看一场电影。注意:表示过去经常或反复发生的动作,还可用used to 或would加动词原形表示。used to + do,表示过去经常但现在已不再维持的习惯动作。to为不定式,后接动词原形。另外,be/become/get used to + doing,表示习惯于。He used to smoke a lot.He has got used to getting up early.When I was young, I used to go to school

11、on foot. 我小时候经常是走路去上学的。(3)表示虚拟语气这一用法只适用于某些特定的句型,表示现在或将来的非真实、主观意图或愿望。If only I had a better memory. 要是我的记忆力好一点就好了。If it snowed tomorrow, the match would be put off. 要是明天下雪,比赛就会延期举行。3 现在进行时3.1 概述现在进行时表示现在或现阶段正在进行或发生的动作或存在的状态。- Is this raincoat yours? 这件雨衣是你的吗?- No, mine is hanging there behind the doo

12、r. 不是,我的在门后边挂着。3.2 构成现在进行时由“助动词be(is/am/are)+ v-ing”构成。I am looking for a pair of black shoes.我正在找双黑色的鞋。He is picking the apples on that tree.他正在摘那棵树上的苹果。动词V-ing的构成规则:规则原形一般在动词原形末尾加-inglisten spend stay 以不发音字母e结尾的动词,先去掉e,再加-inghave prepare close 以重读闭音节结尾的动词,如果末尾只有一个辅音字母,应先双写这个辅音字母,再加-ingsit begin ru

13、n put 以ie为重读音节结尾的动词,先去掉e,把i改为y,再加-inglie die 以er结尾的动词,如是重读音节结尾,先双写r,再加-ing;如不是重读音节结尾,就直接加-ingprefer water 3.3 用法(1)表示说话人说话时正在进行的动作,它不涉及该动作的发生和结果,译成汉语“正在”,这一用法常和表示此刻的时间状语连用,如now, at this time, at present,at the moment等。Im doing my homework now. 我现在正在做作业。Its raining hard.天正在下雨。-What are you doing? 你在干

14、什么?-Im doing some washing.我在洗衣服。(2)表示现阶段但并非眼下正在进行着的动作,这种动作常与表示一段的时间状语连用,如these days , this weekThe foreign guests are visiting Beijing this week.本周那些外国客人在参观北京。He is learning English at college.他在大学学英语。(3)表示将来的动作表示某个按最近的计划或安排将要进行的动作,或即将开始或进行的动作。常用的这类词go, come, leave, stay, start, arrive, meet, move,

15、stop, do, dine等,通常要与表示将来的时间状语连用,以区别此刻正在进行的动作。He is coming to see you tomorrow.他明天要来看你。His sister is leaving for Hong Kong tomorrow.他姐姐明天动身去香港。Theyre flying to Beijing tomorrow.他们明天飞往北京。(4)wonder, hope, think 等表示心理的动词用于进行时可以表示婉转的语气 Im wondering if I may come a little late.我在想我能不能晚来一会儿。 Im hoping youl

16、l give us some suggestions.我很希望你给我们一些建议。3.4 一般现在时与现在进行时的比较(1)一般现在时通常表示经常性的动作或状态,而进行时则表示在某一时刻或某段时间正在进行的动作。We read newspapers every day. 我们每天读报。(说明习惯)She is now reading the newspaper. 她现在正在读报。(强调现阶段)(2)一般现在时表示主语的固有特征、能力等,而进行时态则表示主语在某一时刻或某段时间内所进行的具体动作。He sings well.他唱得很好。He is singing a song.他正在唱一首歌。 (

17、3) 通常只能用一般现在时而不用进行时的动词并非所有的动词都有进行时,如表状态、感情、感觉的动词,通常只能用一般现在时而不用进行时,因为这些动词不能表示一个正在进行的动作,如know, love, hate, want, like, see, hear, taste, smell, have(有), be等。The food tastes delicious! 饭很香!(正) The food is tasting delicious. (误) I like English very much. 我喜欢学英语。(正) I am liking English very much. (误)4 一般

18、将来时4.1 概述一般将来时表示将来某个时间要发生的动作或存在的状态,常与表示将来的时间状语连用,如tomorrow, next week, next year等。Why dont you put the meat in the fridge? It will stay fresh for several days.为什么不把肉放在冰箱里?它可以保鲜好几天。4.2 构成一般将来时由“助动词will/shall+动词原形”构成。will用于第二、三人称,shall第一人称。will not简缩为wont。He will help his sister with her lessons.他将帮助他

19、妹妹做功课。We wont be free this afternoon.今天下午我们没空。4.3 用法(1)表示未来的动作或存在状态,常与表示将来的时间状语连用,如tomorrow, next Sunday, soon, in a month, in the future等。We shall leave for London next Monday.我们将在下周一去伦敦。He will come to see you the day after tomorrow.后天他要来看你。(2)表示将来反复发生的动作或习惯性动作We shall come and work in this factor

20、y every year.我们将每年来这工厂参加劳动。The students will have five English classes per week this term.本学期学生每周将要上五节英语课。4.4 一般将来时的6种表达形式(1) “will/shall+动词原形”:将要发生的动作或状况,也可表示“预见”(带有说话人的主观态度和看法)。 Will you be busy tonight? You will feel better after taking this medicine.(2) “be going to + do”有两种意义, 一是表示“意图”,即打算在将来做某

21、事;二是表示“预见”,即现在已有迹象表明将要发生某种情况。 The wall is going to be painted soon. George is putting on weight. Hes going to be quite fat. Look at the dark clouds over there. Its going to rain.注:“will + v.” 和 “be going to + v.” 均可表示意图, “be going to + v.” 表示的意图是事先经过考虑的,而 “will + v.” 所表示的意图则是说话时临时想到的。 e.g. A: You le

22、ft the light on for the whole night . B: Oh, did I? I will go and turn it off now. e.g. A: Why are you taking down all the pictures? B: Im going to repair the house.(3) “be + v.-ing” 某些瞬间动词特别是趋向动词用现在进行时刻表示按计划、安排即将发生的动作,如:go, come, leave, begin, start, get, reach, arrive, return, meet, etc.Were movin

23、g to a different hotel the day after tomorrow.She is spending her winter vacation in Australia this year.(4) “be to + 动词原形”有两种含义:一是表示按计划、安排即将发生的动作,常可与“be+ v.-ing” 交换使用, “be to + 动词原形”较正式; 二是表示义务、应该(相当于should)。 可用于if 条件句表示打算、想要。I am to have tea with Betty this afternoon.Youre to answer for what youve

24、 done.Tell her shes not to be back late. If you are to succeed, youd better work hard.(5)既定的时间如生日、日历、课时安排、交通时刻表等,通常用一般现在时表示将来的动作。The plane takes off at 5:30 a.m.The new school year begins on September 1.(6) “be about to+ 动词原形”表示正要、马上做某事,这种结构的将来时不与表示将来的时间状语连用。Take your seat. The meeting is about to b

25、egin.I was about to go to bed when someone knocked at the door. “will+动词原形” 有时还可以表示一种倾向性或惯性的动作。Oil will float on water. This machine wont work. (wont 可以用来表示“不能,没法”,表示主体不具有某种功能)Whats the matter with the pen? The ink wont come out.Whenever he has time, he will come and see us.4.5 一般将来时几种特殊表达形式的区别1.be

26、going to:表示打算做某事或有迹象表明即将发生某事I am going to visit my friend in hospital.我将去看望住在医院的朋友。It looks as if it is going to rain.看起来好象要下雨了。2.be about to:表示即时的将来。一般不与时间状语连用Now ladies and gentleman, youre about to hear the most incredible tale.女士们,先生们,你们马上就要听到一个难以置信的故事。3.be to:可用来表示计划、安排(通常是正式的安排);指令;(表示可能)会做,可能

27、;必定会发生或已发生了某事;发布命令或告之规则Their daughter is to get married soon.他们的女儿可能不久就要结婚了。课堂作业选择题1、 Hello, I _you were in London. How long _here?A. dont know; were you B. hadnt known; are youC. havent known; are D. didnt know; have you been2、 Have you known Dr. Jackson for a long time?Yes, since she _ the Chinese

28、 Society.A. has joined B. joinsC. had joinedD. joined3、 He _ football regularly for many years when he was young. A. was playing B. played C. has played D. had played4、 My parents _ in Hong Kong. They were born there and have never lived anywhere else.A. live B. lived C. were living D. will live5、 T

29、he food here is nice enough. My friend _ me a right place.A. introduces B. introduced C. had introduced D. was introducing6、 At present, one of the apartments in favor of the new airport _ that it will give a lot jobs to the area. A. is B. are C. will be D. were 7、 -Do you want a lift home? -Its ver

30、y kind of you, but I have a much late in the office. I overslept this morning because my morning clock _. A. doesnt go off B. wont gone C. wasnt going off D. didnt go off 8、 I _ swimming in the river and I always _ to swim when I can.A. am liking/have gone B. am being liked/am goingC. like/go D. hav

31、e liked/have been going9、 -_David and Vicky _married?-For about three yearsAHow long were;being BHow long have;gotCHow long have;been DHow long did;get本大题考点:一般现在时、一般过去时、现在进行时和一般将来时的用法。回家作业选择题1. I was out of town at the time, so I dont know exactly how it _. A. was happening B. happened C. happens D.

32、 has happened 2. As soon as he comes back, Ill tell him when _ and see him. Ayou will come Bwill you come Cyou come Ddo you come3. Now that she is out of job, Lucy _ going back to school, but she hasnt decided yet. Ahad considered Bhas been considering Cconsidered Dis going to consider4. “Did you wa

33、it for him very long?” “Yes, I _ to bed until five in the morning.”A. did go B. didnt go C had gone D. went5. _ that dress when I first saw you at the station?A Were you wearing B. Have you worn C. Did you wear D. do you wear6. Mr. Wu _ to work by bus every day.A. has been traveling B. has traveled

34、C. travels D is traveling7. Dont disturb him. He _ to the weather forecast.A. listens B. is being listened C. has listened D. is listening8. Shanghai _ on the Huangpu River.A. stand B. stands C is being stand D. has stood9. “Tell the students to stop shouting. We _ our essays now.”A. write B. have been writing C. are writing D. have written本大题考点:一般现在时、一般过去时、现在进行时和一般将来时的用法。

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