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1、PEP小学英语五年级上学期阅读理解题专项训练Hello! My name is Sun Wei. Here is an American boy. His name is David Smith. He is twelve. And I am twelve, too. David is in Class Three, Grade One. I am in Class Three, Grade One, too. He is Number Eight, Row Five. I am Number Five, Row Four.()1.David an American boy.A. is B.

2、am C. are()2.He is .A. ten B. eleven C. twelve()3.Sun Wei is Class Three, Grade One.A. in B. on C. of()4.David is in Row .A. Four B. Five C. One()5.Sun Wei is Number .A. Four B. Five C. Eight My name is Jim Green. I am twelve. That is my mother. She is a teacher. That is my father. His name is Jeff

3、Green. He is a teacher, too. He is an English teacher. ? That is my sister, Kate. She is eight. This is Polly. It is a bird. It is a parrot.( )1. Jim Green is eleven.( )2. His mother is teacher.( )3. His father is a Chinese teacher.( )4. His sister is twelve.( )5. He has a bird.Van and Ted are twin

4、brothers. They look the same. They are English. They are eleven. They are in No.15 Middle School. They are new students in Class One, Grade One. Van sits in Row One. Ted sits in Row Three.()1. Van and Ted are .A. twins brothers B. twin brother C. twin brothers()2. They are .A. English B. American C.

5、 Chinese()3. They are .A. ten B. eleven C. twelve()4. They are students.A. new B. old C. good()5. Ted sits Row Three.A. on B. in C. at My name is Mary. I am eleven. Ted is my brother. He is thirteen. We are in the same school. My mother is a teacher. She is a teacher in our school. My father is a te

6、acher, too. He is a Chinese teacher in a college. I have a cat. Its name is Miaomiao. It is white. It is a nice cat. We are good friends.( )1. I am twelve.( )2. Ted is Marys brother.( )3. Ted and I are in the same class.( )4. My parents are teachers.( )5. I have a cat. This is a Chinese gird. Her na

7、me is Wu Yan. She is a new student. She is in Yuying Middle School. She is in Class One, Grade Two. Bill is an American boy. He is eleven. He is Yuying Middle School, too. Miss Li is their PE teacher. She is a good teacher.()1. Wu Yan is .A. a Chinese girl B. an American girl C. an English girl()2.

8、She is a student.A. good B. new C. old()3. Bill is .A. a Chinese girl B. an American boy C. a good boy()4. Their PE is Miss Li.A. friend B. teacher C. student()5. Miss Li is a good .A. teacher B. student C. boyThis is my friend, Jim. He is an English boy. He is twelve. He is in Class Three, Grade On

9、e. He is Number Two in Row Five. My name is Dong Cheng. I am a Chinese boy. I am twelve, too. I am in Class One. I am Number One in Row One.( )1. Jim is an American boy.( )2. Dong Cheng is an English boy.( )3. Jim is in Class Three, Grade One. ( )4.Dong Cheng is Number One in Row One.( )5. Dong Chen

10、g and Jim are brothers.My name is Gao Ping. My English teacher is Julia. She is from England. She has two children, a son and a daughter. Her daughter is Betty. Her son is Dick. Julia and her daughter are in China, but her husband Paul Smith is in England. Her son is in America. Paul is a policeman.

11、 Dick is a college student. Betty and I are in the same school. We are classmates, and we are good friends. I teach her Chinese and she teaches me English.()1. Julia and Paul are Bettys .A. teachers B. students C. parents()2. Dicks is my good friend.A. father B. mother C. sister()3. Dick and Betty a

12、re .A. sisters and brothers B. sister and brotherC. sister and brothers()4.Bettys father is a in England.A. teacher B. policeman C. worker()5. Pauls wife is a in China.A. teacher B. worker C.housewifeBetty:(Knocking at the door)Mr Han: Who is it? Go and see, Meimei.Han Mei: Oh, its you, Betty. Glad

13、to see you.Betty: Hi, Han Mei. Glad to see you, too. Is everyone in?Han Mei: Yes. We are all here. Come in, please.Betty: Thank you.( )1. Betty is knocking at the door.( )2. Mr Han opens the door.( )3. This is Meimeis home.( )4. Everyone isnt in.( )5. Their friends are at Han Meis home.Jane White is

14、 an American girl. She is fifteen. She is a middle school student. He father is Bill White and her mother is Joan White. He brother, Bob, is a student, too. He is in a black coat and Jane is in a red sweater.1. Jane White is American girl.2. She is years old.3. He brother is a .4. Janes sweater is .

15、5. Bobs coat is .My name is Ted Pike. I am a worker in a big store. I dont work in the morning. I only work at night. Every morning I come home at about half past six. I have breakfast at seven. After breakfast I go to bed. I get up at about half past two. I have lunch at a quarter to three and supp

16、er at twenty to eight. Then I go to work at a quarter past eight. I start work at nine. I look after the store every night. I like my work very much.( )1. Ted works in the morning. ( )2. Ted sleeps at 6:30 a.m.( )3. Ted doesnt work at 12 p.m.( )4. Ted goes to work at 8:15 p. m.( )5. Ted is at home i

17、n the morning. Hello! My name is Alice. There are seven people in my family. My grandfather and grandmother are in America. My parents are English teachers in China. I have two brothers. They are twins. We are students in the same school. I am in Grade One. They are in Grade Three.()1. Three are peo

18、ple in Alices family.A. eight B. seven C. ten()2. Here parents are China. A. at B. on C. in()3. There are children in her family.A. seven B. three C. two()4. They are in same school.A. a B. an C. the()5. Her parents are .A. doctors B. teachers C.workers Bob Pearson is an old man. He has two big hous

19、es and a new car. He has no wife, but he is a father of four children. He has two sons and two daughters. One son is from England. His name is Bill. The other son is from America. His name is Mike. One of his daughters is from China. Her name is Lanlan. The other one is from Japan. Her name is Nikon

20、. Bob Pearson is not the childrens real father, but he loves them very much. The children love their “father”, too. Bob Pearson has many toys for the children. He gives different toys to different children. The boys play with toy cars. The girls play with dolls and toy animals. Bob Pearson is the ch

21、ildrens “father”, and he is their good friend, too.( )1. Bob Pearson has six children.( )2. Bob Pearson is a nice young man.( )3. Nikon is a Japanese girl.( )4. Bill and Mike are from England.( )5. Nikon and Lanlan like toy animals. Look at this desk. Its Jims desk. Its brown. Jims book is on it. It

22、s an English book. His pencil-box is on it, too. His pencil is in his pencil-box. But wheres his pen? He cant find it.( )1. Jims desk is brown.( )2. Jims book is on his bed.( )3. His book is a Chinese book.( )4. His pencil is in his pencil-box.( )5. His pen is on his desk. This is a picture of a fam

23、ily. The grandmothers name is Harry Smith. The grandfathers name is Jean Smith. They are very old. They are Americans. The fathers name is Lake Smith. He is 44. The mothers name is Kate Smith. She is 40. They have a son of ten and a daughter of fifteen. The sons name is John Smith and the daughters

24、mane is Mary Smith. They are students of No.12 Middle School. Kate is a teacher of the same school. Lake is a policeman. Its a very good family.()1. Lake Smiths parents are .A. Americans B. American C. America()2. Johns father is .A. 44 B. 40 C. very old()3. Marys mother is a .A. teacher B. policema

25、n C. doctor()4. they are in the school.A. some B. same C. any()5. The family has children.A. six B. two C. four Sue: How are you, Jack?Jack: Fine, thank you. And you?Sue: Im fine, too. Thank you. But I cant find the picture. I must find the picture. I must find it now.Jack: Which picture?Sue: Its a

26、new one. My father, my mother and I are in it. My father is in a blue coat. My mother is in a red dress. Im in brown blouse. A tree is behind us.Jack: Oh, look! Whats that under the table?Sue: Yes, thats it! Thank you, Jack.Jack: Thats all right.()1. Sue cant the picture. A. draw B. find C. see()2.

27、The picture is . A. old B. new C. good()3. There are people in the picture.A. twoB. threeC. four()4. The woman in a red dress is Sues .A. fatherB. teacherC. mother()5. The tree is them.A. behindB. beside C. out of I have a nice picture of a room. I see some boys and girls in it. Two boys are at a ta

28、ble. They are Tom and Jone. Whos that in a red skirt? She is Sue. Shes on a chair. Look! Whos under the bed? Its Jim. A cat is under the bed, too.( )1. I have a picture of a classroom.( )2. I see five boys and girls in the room.( )3. Sue is in a red skirt.( )4. Jim is under the bed.( )5. The cat is

29、on the table.Mr. Green is an Englishman. He is a teacher. He teaches English in No.15 Middle School in Beijing. He likes teaching a lot. He goes to work by school bus every morning.There are fifty students in his class. He speaks English with them in class. He plays games with them after class. He l

30、ikes them very much. And his students love him, too. They are good friends.()1. Mr. Green is Canadian.()2. He likes teaching very much.()3. He goes to work by bike every morning.()4. He speaks Chinese in class.()5. He likes his students very much.Chen Fang: Hello! Im Chen Fang. Nice to meet you.Mary

31、: Nice to meet you, too. My names Mary Brown. Im new. I want to make more friends here.Chen Fang: Me, too. Where do you come from, then?Mary: New York. And whats your nationality?Chen fang: Im Chinese. Are you at net?Mary: Yes. Very often.Chen Fang: Whats your net address, please?Mary: mary. What ab

32、out yours?Chen Fang: ChenfangMary: Ill deliver the e-mail to you on holiday.Chen Fang: Thank you. Ill do that, too.()1. Chen Fang and Mary are new . A. teachersB. studentsC. boys()2. Mary is .A. American B. ChineseC. an English girl()3. Chen Fang has ,too. A. a net address B. TV C. an E-mail()4. The

33、y want to make more . A. planes B. moneyC. friends()5. Mary will deliver the e-mail to Chen Fang .A. todayB. on Monday C. on holidayThis is the twins bedroom. In the room we can see a map. It is a map of China. Books are on the desk. They have a clock on the desk, too.Their skirts are on the bed. Th

34、eir shoes are under the chair. Everything is tidy. Their room is not big. Its very nice. The twins like it very much.()1. The twins dont have a map in their room.()2. We can see their books on the desk.()3. We cant see their shoes.()4. The room is big.()5. They like their room very much.It is a fine

35、 Sunday morning. Ann and her mother are on a big bus. There are many people on it. Some of them come from America, and some come from England and others come from Japan. They are all their friends. They are going to the Great Wall. There are two Chinese on the bus. One is a woman. She is driving the

36、 bus. The other is a young man. He speaks good English. He is now talking about the Great Wall. The other people are all listening to him. They like the Great Wall. They want to see it very much.()1. Ann and her mother are on a big bus on Monday.()2. A lot of people are going with them.()3. Many fri

37、ends from America, England and Japan are on the bus.()4. They want to see the Great Wall.()5. The bus driver is a young man.My white looks out of his window. There is a boy at the there side of the street. The boy takes some bread out of a bag and begins eating it. There is a very thin dog in the st

38、reet too. The boy says to it, “ Come here, good dog. Ill give you some bread.” The dog is hungry and goes to the boy, but he does not give it any bread. He kicks the dog. It runs away. Then Mr. White comes out of his house and says to the boy, “ Ill give you a shilling.” The boy is happy and says, Y

39、es”. “Come here,” Mr. White says. The boy goes to him, but Mr. White doesnt give him a shilling. He hits him with a stick. The boy cries and says, “ Why do you hit me? I dont ask you for any money.” “ No,” Mr. White says, “ And the dog doesnt ask you for any bread, but you kick it.”()1. Mr. White ou

40、t of the window.A. lookB. looksC. looking()2, There is a dog in the street. A. fat B. thin C. hungry()3. The boy does not give bread to the dog.A. some B. any C. the()4. Mr. White hits the boy a stick.A. with B. inC. use()5. The boy doesnt ask Mr. White any money.A. for B. of C. inThis is a picture.

41、 Its a picture of my bedroom. Look at it, please. What can you see in the picture? I can see a bed, a desk and a chair. What can you see on the wall? I can see a map and a kite. What map is it? Its a map of China. I can see a light, some books and some flowers on the desk. Where are my coats and tro

42、users? Oh, theyre in the box. You cant see them.()1. This is a picture of a classroom.()2. I can see a map of China on the wall.()3. The light is in the desk.()4. I can see the coats in the box.()5. I cant see any trousers.Look at the picture. We can see a hill in it. On the hill there are some tree

43、s. There are some birds in the trees. Behind the trees there is a house. There is a river near the hill. We can see a boat in the river. There are two boys in the boat.1. We can see a hill in the .2. There is a house the trees.3. There are some birds the tree.4. There are in the boat.5. The river is the hill. “Joe,” says his father, “Put on your cap and let us go for a walk.” Joe is happy. He likes to go out with his father. He put on his cap and coat and says, “Father, I am ready.” Joe and his father go out into the street. Suddenly they see big bl

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