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1、 【M1-M3单词听写】听写情况: 【M1-M3知识考点】1. 重点语法:一般过去时2. 频率的表达3. may,may be 与maybe的区别:may be是两个词,为情态动词may(可以,可能)+联系动词 be,意为”可能是”maybe 是一个词,意为”也许”,为副词,通常放在句首,做状语,不可作表语 may 是情态动词,可以可能,may +动词原形 如果后面有动词原形用may.4. I am sorry to hear that.5. 复习情态动词 用“should”与“shouldnt”来陈述句子,委婉表达主语该做或不该做的事情, 后面加动词原形。同样用法的情态动词还有:must ,

2、 need , can, could, may, might6. ask sb to do sth: 叫某人做某事 反义短语: ask sb not to do sth: tell sb (not) to do sth 告诉某人做某事7. well: 1. 副词,好地; 2. 形容词,身体好 good: 好的,只做形容词8. keep a good diet. 保持一个良好的饮食习惯。9.复习不规则形容词的比较级、最高级 good/ wellbetter best , bad/badlyworseworst many/muchmoremost, littlelessleast farfarth

3、erfarthest 10. 祈使句。 祈使句是用来表达命令、请求、劝告、警告、禁止等语气的句子。肯定祈使句有以下几种类型: 1)Do型-Do(表示行为的动词原形)+宾语+ Sit down, please. 2)Be型-Be+名词 / 形容词+ Be quiet! 3)Let型-Let+宾语(通常是第一或第三人称宾格)+动词原形+ Lets go shopping. 第一人称,用let sb not do sth; 非第一人称,用dont let sb do sth. 否定祈使句有以下2种类型:1)Dont型-Dont+动词原形+2)No型-No+名词或动词ing形式. 11. 介词A. 时

4、间介词是用来表示时间的介词: 1)on表示在具体的某一天或具体的某一天的上午、下午或晚上。 2)at表示在具体某一时刻或用于固定短语中。 3)in泛指一天的早、中、晚,还可以表示一段时间,如星期、月、年、季节等。 4)from to“从到”用来指时间范围。 可指时间、地点、数字等。 5)before意思是“在.之前”,after意思是“在之后”,用来表示时间的先后顺序。B. 空间介词是用来表示空间或位置的介词。1)on, over, above 的区分 2)under 和below 的区分 3)in 和at 的区分 4)between表示位置在两者之间;among表示位置在三者或者三者以上之间

5、。5)in front of和in the front of 的区分12. buy sb. sth. = buy sth. for sb. 表示给某人买某物 buy的过去式13. be angry with 对生气(针对人) be angry about 因为生气(针对事)14. come on 出场,加油 come out 出来,发行,开花come after 追赶,追随 come down 崩塌15. Poor 可怜的,贫穷的,劣质的,差的 16. go + 动词ing形式,用来表示“去从事某种(体育或娱乐)活动”,常见的短语有:17.常见的感官系动词有look(看起来),sound(听起

6、来),smell(闻起来),feel(摸起来),后面接形容词作表语,说明主语所处的状态。18. help sb. do sth. / help sb. with sth. 帮助某人做某事19.辨析:say, speak, talk, tell的区别(1).say意为“说,讲”,指用言语表达思想,强调说话内容,不接“人”作宾语。(2). speak强调开口说话、发言的动作,作及物动词时,后面跟某种语言作宾语。(3).tell意为“说,告诉”,指将某事讲给别人听,含有“吩咐,命令”等含义。常用结构为:tellsbsth/tellsthtosb 或 tellsbtodosth。(4).talk意为“

7、谈话,讲话”,强调谈话的双方,而不注重谈话内容。常用短语talkto/withsb,意为 “和交谈”。20. 辨析:surprised与surprising 1)surprising形容词,意为“令人惊讶的”,用来修饰物。 2)surprised形容词,意为“(人)感到惊奇的,吃惊的”,主语一般是人。21. go on a trip = take a trip 去旅游go on a walk 去散散步 go on a diet 节食;减肥22. take a photo 照相take a photo of sb. 给某人照相,而且就是给他本人照;take a photo for sb. 是为某

8、人照相,相片上不一定有他本人。23. 复习“病痛”相关词一)有关以ache为后缀的病痛。二)sore 是一个形容词,用来修饰名词,指的是身体某一部位的酸痛。三)hurt是一个动词,指“刺痛,使受伤痛”。课堂训练:作业布置(100分,完成时间:分钟):1) 找出不同类的词( ) 1. A. said B. hear C. went D. took( ) 2. A. stocking B. washing C. watching D. looking( ) 3. A. Berlin B. Japan C. Paris D. London( ) 4. A. panda B. monkey C. ti

9、ger D. animal( ) 5. A. noisy B. rainy C. cloudy D. windy2) 按所给的项目把下列的单词进行分类A.Spring Festival B.turkey C.dirty D.coming E.myself F.moon-cake G.waiting H.dumpling I.yourself J.getting K.less L.Easter M.reading N.western O.themselves P.dim-sum Q.himself R. Halloween S.lucky T.Christmas 节日:_现在分词:_反身代词:_

10、食物:_形容词:_3) 用所给单词的适当形式填空1. HongKong has a _ (large) population than Macau.2. Tom runs much _ (fast) than me and Kate runs _(slowly) than Tom.3. Which is _ (dangerous), a tiger or a lion? 4. My uncle _ (visit) us next year.5. It is the best time to _ (are) in France now.6. Jason _ (call) me at 6 this

11、 morning. It was so early.7. My grandma usually _ (get) up _ (early) in the morning.4)选用适当的词填空,把所选答案的字母编号写在括号内 ( ) 1. There something on the plate. A. be B. is C. are ( ) 2. Father Christmas puts the presents in the stockings night. A. in B. at C. on ( ) 3. - Whos calling?- . A. I am Wang Hai. B. It

12、s Wang Hai here. C. Speaking. ( ) 4. My grandfather read any books after supper every evening. A. dont B. isnt going to C. doesnt ( ) 5. Why dont you basketball with us? A. play B. plays C. playing ( ) 6. I dont like the film. My parents dont like it . A. two B. too C. either ( )7. Our teachers are

13、than us. A. busy B. busier C. the busiest ( ) 8. Thank you . A. to you call B. your call C. fou your call ( ) 9. -At what time is the party? -We at two oclock. A. will start B. start C. is going to start ( ) 10. Judy lives the seventh floor. A. in B.under C. on ( ) 11. Whats the matter her? A. with

14、B. on C. of5) 根据根据首字母提示把句子补充完整Robot a_ his mother for five yuan. “What are you going to do with the m_?”“I am going to give it to a p_ old lady”, he answered.“You are a good boy,” s_ his mother proudly(自豪地). “H_ you are. But why are you so interested in the old lady?”“She is the one who sells ice cream.”

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