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1、联营合同协议书范本四篇篇一:联营合同协议书范本中文:一、合同双方甲方:_(以下简称甲方)统一社会信用代码:乙方:_(以下简称乙方)统一社会信用代码:二、合作内容1. 双方同意在_(合作内容)方面展开合作,共同开展业务。2. 合作期限为_年,自_年月日起至_年月日止。三、权利与义务1. 甲方的权利与义务:(1)提供资金、技术、设备等必要资源,支持合作项目的顺利进行;(2)监督并协助乙方执行合作项目;(3)协助乙方解决在合作过程中遇到的问题。2. 乙方的权利与义务:(1)按照合同约定,履行合作义务;(2)提供良好的经营管理模式,确保合作项目的顺利进行;(3)接受甲方的监督和管理,积极配合解决问题。

2、四、合作分成1. 合作项目的收益将按照_(具体分成比例)比例进行分配,甲方和乙方各占分成额的_比例。2. 分成的支付方式和时间为_,具体执行办法由双方协商确定。五、保密条款1. 双方在合作过程中涉及的商业秘密、技术资料等信息,应当予以保密,并不得向第三方披露。2. 保密期限为_年,保密责任仍然有效。六、违约责任1. 若一方未履行合同义务,应当承担相应的违约责任。2. 违约方应向守约方支付违约金,并承担因违约造成的损失。七、其他条款1. 合同的变更与解释应经双方协商一致,并签订书面协议。2. 本合同一式两份,自签字盖章之日起生效。甲方(盖章):_ 日期:_乙方(盖章):_ 日期:_英文:Part

3、nership Agreement Contract TemplateI. Parties to the ContractParty A: _(hereinafter referred to as “Party A”)Unified Social Credit Code:Party B: _(hereinafter referred to as “Party B”)Unified Social Credit Code:II. Scope of Cooperation1. Both parties agree to cooperate in the field of _(cooperation

4、content) and jointly carry out business activities.2. The cooperation period is _ years, from _(start date) to _(end date).III. Rights and Obligations1. Rights and obligations of Party A:(1) Provide necessary resources such as funds, technology, and equipment to support the smooth progress of the co

5、operation project;(2) Supervise and assist Party B in implementing the cooperation project;(3) Assist Party B in solving problems encountered during the cooperation process.2. Rights and obligations of Party B:(1) Fulfill the cooperation obligations in accordance with the contract provisions;(2) Pro

6、vide a good business management model to ensure the smooth progress of the cooperation project;(3) Accept supervision and management from Party A, and actively cooperate to solve problems.IV. Profit Sharing1. The profits of the cooperation project will be distributed in accordance with the specific

7、profit-sharing ratio of _, with Party A and Party B each holding a _% share.2. The payment method and time of profit sharing shall be _, and the specific implementation measures shall be negotiated and determined by both parties.V. Confidentiality Clause1. Information such as trade secrets and techn

8、ical data involved in the cooperation process shall be kept confidential and shall not be disclosed to third parties.2. The confidentiality period is _ years, and the confidentiality obligation remains valid.VI. Breach of Contract Liability1. If either party fails to perform its contractual obligati

9、ons, it shall bear corresponding breach of contract liability.2. The defaulting party shall pay liquidated damages to the non-defaulting party and bear the losses caused by the breach.VII. Other Clauses1. Changes and interpretations of the contract shall be agreed upon by both parties and signed in

10、a written agreement.2. This contract is made in duplicate and shall become effective upon signature and seal affixation.Party A (Seal): _ Date: _Party B (Seal): _ Date: _End of Template篇二:联营合同协议书范本中文:甲方(以下简称“甲方”):_ 法定代表人/负责人:_机构地址:_ 邮编:_乙方(以下简称“乙方”):_ 法定代表人/负责人:_机构地址:_ 邮编:_鉴于甲方与乙方均具备从事_等业务的资格和条件,为共同

11、促进_,双方依据平等自愿、自愿协商、合作互利的原则,经友好协商,达成如下协议:一、合作内容1. 双方在_等领域达成合作协议,共同开展_等方面的合作。2. 合作期限自_年月日起至_年月日止,双方按约定情况自行延长。二、权利义务1. 甲方的权利和义务:(1)提供场地、设备等必要资源,支持合作项目的执行;(2)全程监督合作项目的进展,协助乙方完成相关工作;(3)在项目运营中派遣专业技术人员提供指导和协助。2. 乙方的权利和义务:(1)按照协议约定,履行项目的各项义务;(2)按时足额支付合作项目所需资金;(3)保障合作项目的安全和合法性,确保项目的顺利完成。三、合作收益分配1. 合作项目获益按照_比例

12、分配,其中甲方占_%,乙方占_%。2. 分配方式为_,具体分配时间由双方协商确定。四、保密条款1. 双方在合作过程中获取到的商业秘密和技术文件应当予以保密,不得擅自泄露给第三方。2. 保密义务期限为合同期限届满后的_年。五、违约责任1. 一方未履行合同义务,应当承担相应的违约责任,包括支付违约金等。2. 若因不可抗力等原因导致合作项目无法完成,双方应友好协商解决,合理分配损失。六、其他条款1. 本协议一式_份,自双方盖章签字之日起生效。2. 本协议内容如有争议,可协商解决,如协商不成,应向当地人民法院提起诉讼。签署日期:_ 年 月 日甲方(盖章):_ 乙方(盖章):_英文:Party A (H

13、ereinafter referred to as Party A): _ Legal Representative/Person in Charge: _Institution Address: _ Postal Code: _Party B (Hereinafter referred to as Party B): _ Legal Representative/Person in Charge: _Institution Address: _ Postal Code: _Considering that both Party A and Party B have the qualifica

14、tions and conditions to engage in _ and other businesses, in order to jointly promote _, the two parties, based on the principles of equality, voluntary negotiation, and mutual benefit, have reached the following agreement through friendly negotiations:I. Scope of Cooperation1. Both parties have rea

15、ched a cooperation agreement in the field of _ to jointly carry out cooperation in _ and other aspects.2. The cooperation period shall start from _ and end on _, and may be extended by both parties according to the agreed conditions.II. Rights and Obligations1. Rights and obligations of Party A:(1)

16、Provide necessary resources such as venues, equipment, etc., to support the implementation of the cooperation project;(2) Supervise the progress of the cooperation project throughout and assist Party B in completing related work;(3) Dispatch professional technical personnel to provide guidance and a

17、ssistance in project operation.2. Rights and obligations of Party B:(1) Fulfill the obligations of the project in accordance with the agreement;(2) Timely and fully pay the funds required for the cooperation project;(3) Ensure the safety and legality of the cooperation project to ensure its successf

18、ul completion.III. Distribution of Cooperation Income1. The benefits of the cooperation project shall be distributed in a ratio of _, with Party A accounting for _% and Party B accounting for _%.2. The distribution method shall be _, and the specific distribution time shall be determined through neg

19、otiation between both parties.IV. Confidentiality Clause1. The commercial secrets and technical documents obtained by both parties during the cooperation process shall be kept confidential and shall not be disclosed to third parties without authorization.2. The confidentiality obligation shall remai

20、n valid for _ years after the expiration of the contract period.V. Breach of Contract Liability1. If either party fails to perform its contractual obligations, it shall bear corresponding breach of contract liability, including the payment of liquidated damages, etc.2. If the cooperation project can

21、not be completed due to force majeure and other reasons, the two parties should negotiate a friendly settlement and reasonably allocate the losses.VI. Other Clauses1. This agreement is made in _ copies and shall come into effect from the date of signing and sealing by both parties.2. In case of any

22、disputes over the content of this agreement, they can be resolved through negotiation. If no agreement is reached, a lawsuit shall be filed with the local peoples court.Date of Signing: _ Year Month DayParty A (Seal): _ Party B (Seal): _End of Template篇三:联营合同协议书范本中文:甲方:单位名称:_法定代表人/负责人:_地址:_电话:_乙方:单位

23、名称:_法定代表人/负责人:_地址:_电话:_为促进双方_工作的展开,特根据国家相关法律法规和双方的意愿,就开展_主题合作事宜达成如下协议:一、合作内容1. 双方充分利用各自资源,深入开展_工作,共同推动_的发展。2. 合作期限为_年,自_年月日开始至_年月日结束。二、合作方式1. 双方共同遵循以_为核心原则,合理分工,共同完成_等任务。2. 在合作过程中,双方应积极沟通、互助合作,共同解决遇到的问题,确保项目顺利进行。三、权利义务1. 甲方的权利和义务:(1)提供必要的经费和技术支持,确保项目得以顺利实施;(2)配合乙方开展工作,监督合作进展,做出必要调整;(3)对合作项目的涉密信息予以保密

24、,不得外泄。2. 乙方的权利和义务:(1)根据合作协议约定,执行各项工作任务;(2)保证经费使用的合法性和透明度,按时按质完成工作任务;(3)接受甲方的监督和检查,积极配合完成合作项目。四、合作成果1. 合作项目的具体成果和效益应当如实记录,并由双方共同评估,确保合作目标的实现。2. 成果的共享方式和时间由双方协商确定,遵循公平、公正原则,确保双方利益。五、违约责任1. 若一方违反合同约定,应当承担相应法律责任,包括支付违约金、赔偿损失等。2. 若因不可抗力等原因导致合作项目不能按时完成,双方应友好协商解决,克服困难,其他不影响合同的其他内容。六、其他约定1. 本协议自双方签字盖章之日起生效,

25、有效期至合作结束。2. 协议内容如有争议,双方应友好协商解决,如协商不成,提交有管辖权的人民法院处理。甲方(盖章):_ 日期:_乙方(盖章):_ 日期:_英文:Party A:Organization Name: _Legal Representative/Person in Charge: _Address: _Phone: _Party B:Organization Name: _Legal Representative/Person in Charge: _Address: _Phone: _In order to promote the development of _ work be

26、tween both parties, in accordance with relevant national laws and regulations and the wishes of both parties, the following agreement is reached on the cooperation in _:I. Scope of Cooperation1. Both parties make full use of their respective resources to deepen cooperation in _ work, jointly promoti

27、ng the development of _.2. The cooperation period is _ years, starting from _ and ending on _.II. Mode of Cooperation1. Both parties adhere to the principle of _, divide the work reasonably, and jointly complete tasks such as _.2. During the cooperation process, the two parties should communicate actively, cooperate with each other, and solve problems together to ensure the smooth progress of the project.III. Rights and Obligations1

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