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1、科技成果转让协议书范本三篇第一篇:中文:科技成果转让协议书范本甲方:_(委托单位名称)乙方:_(承接单位名称)鉴于甲方拥有_(具体科技成果描述),经双方友好协商,就该科技成果的转让事宜达成如下协议:一、科技成果的转让范围1.1 甲方将其拥有的_(具体科技成果描述)的全部权益转让给乙方。1.2 乙方有权对上述科技成果进行开发、使用、转让等行为。二、转让费用及支付方式2.1 乙方应向甲方支付转让费用_元,转让费用应在签署本协议后_日内一次性支付。2.2 转让费用支付方式:_。三、保密义务3.1 双方承诺对协议中涉及的技术、商业秘密等信息予以保密,未经对方书面同意,不得对外透露。3.2 在协议终止或

2、履行完毕后,双方仍需保守此项保密义务。四、违约责任4.1 一方未按约定履行本协议条款的,应承担违约责任。4.2 违约方应赔偿守约方因此产生的损失,包括但不限于直接经济损失、间接经济损失等。五、协议的生效和终止5.1 本协议自双方签字盖章之日起生效。5.2 本协议的有效期为_年,届满后未续签的,则本协议自动终止。六、其他6.1 本协议未尽事宜,双方可另行协商解决。6.2 本协议一式_份,甲、乙双方各执_份,具有同等法律效力。甲方(盖章):_ 乙方(盖章):_签订日期:年 月 日英文:Sample Technology Transfer AgreementParty A: _ (Name of t

3、ransferor)Party B: _ (Name of transferee)Whereas Party A owns the technology of _ (specific description of the technology), and after friendly negotiations, the parties have reached the following agreement on the transfer of the technology:I. Scope of Technology Transfer1.1 Party A will transfer all

4、 rights of the technology of _ (specific description of the technology) to Party B.1.2 Party B has the right to develop, use, transfer, and other actions related to the aforementioned technology.II. Transfer Fees and Payment Methods2.1 Party B shall pay Party A a transfer fee of _ yuan, and the tran

5、sfer fee shall be paid in full within _ days after the signing of this agreement.2.2 Payment method for the transfer fee: _.III. Confidentiality Obligations3.1 Both parties undertake to keep confidential the technical and business secrets involved in this agreement, and shall not disclose them to th

6、ird parties without the written consent of the other party.3.2 Even after the termination or completion of this agreement, both parties shall still adhere to this confidentiality obligation.IV. Breach of Contract Liability4.1 If either party fails to perform the terms of this agreement as agreed, th

7、ey shall bear the liability for breach of contract.4.2 The defaulting party shall compensate the non-defaulting party for any losses incurred, including but not limited to direct economic losses, indirect economic losses, etc.V. Effectiveness and Termination of Agreement5.1 This agreement shall beco

8、me effective from the date of signing and sealing by both parties.5.2 The validity period of this agreement is _ years. If not renewed upon expiration, this agreement will terminate automatically.VI. Others6.1 Any matters not covered by this agreement may be separately negotiated by both parties.6.2

9、 This agreement is made in _ copies, with each party holding _ copies, and has equal legal effect.Party A (Seal): _ Party B (Seal): _Date of Signing: Year Month Day-第二篇:中文:科技成果转让协议书范本甲方:_(委托单位名称)乙方:_(承接单位名称)鉴于甲方拥有_(具体科技成果描述),经双方友好协商,为了促进科技成果的转化和推广,双方达成如下协议:一、科技成果的转让及权益1.1 甲方在本协议下将其拥有的_(具体科技成果描述)的全部权

10、益转让给乙方,并授权乙方对该科技成果进行开发、使用、传播等活动。1.2 乙方有权享有该科技成果所产生的一切权益,并承担相应的责任和义务。二、转让费用及结算方式2.1 乙方应向甲方支付转让费用_元,转让费用可一次性或分期支付。2.2 转让费用的结算方式为_。三、保密条款3.1 双方对本协议内容中涉及的保密信息承担保密义务,未经对方允许,不得向外界披露。3.2 协议终止后,双方仍应保守相关信息的机密性。四、违约责任4.1 若一方违反协议规定,应承担相应的违约责任。4.2 违约方应赔偿守约方的损失,包括但不限于经济损失、名誉损失等。五、协议效力及终止5.1 本协议自双方签字盖章之日起生效,协议期为_

11、年。5.2 协议期届满,双方协商一致可续签;若未续签,则本协议终止。六、其他6.1 除本协议约定事项外,双方可另行签订补充协议。6.2 本协议一式_份,甲方、乙方各执_份,具有同等效力。甲方(盖章):_ 乙方(盖章):_签订日期:年 月 日英文:Sample Technology Transfer AgreementParty A: _ (Name of transferor)Party B: _ (Name of transferee)Whereas Party A owns the technology of _ (specific description of the technolog

12、y), and after friendly negotiations, in order to promote the transformation and dissemination of technological achievements, the parties have reached the following agreement:I. Transfer of Technology and Rights1.1 Party A hereby transfers all rights of the technology of _ (specific description of th

13、e technology) to Party B, and authorizes Party B to develop, use, and disseminate the technology.1.2 Party B shall have the right to enjoy all benefits generated by the technology and shall assume corresponding responsibilities and obligations.II. Transfer Fees and Settlement Method2.1 Party B shall

14、 pay Party A a transfer fee of _ yuan, which may be paid in a lump sum or in installments.2.2 The settlement method for the transfer fee is _.III. Confidentiality Clause3.1 Both parties undertake to keep confidential the information related to this agreement, and shall not disclose it to third parti

15、es without the permission of the other party.3.2 Even after the termination of the agreement, both parties shall maintain the confidentiality of relevant information.IV. Breach of Contract Liability4.1 If either party violates the agreement, they shall bear the corresponding liability for breach of

16、contract.4.2 The defaulting party shall compensate the non-defaulting party for any losses incurred, including but not limited to economic losses, reputational losses, etc.V. Effectiveness and Termination of Agreement5.1 This agreement shall become effective from the date of signing and sealing by b

17、oth parties and shall be valid for _ years.5.2 Upon expiration of the agreement, renewal may be discussed by mutual agreement; if not renewed, the agreement shall terminate.VI. Others6.1 In addition to the matters specified in this agreement, both parties may sign supplementary agreements.6.2 This a

18、greement is made in _ copies, with each party holding _ copies, and has equal legal effect.Party A (Seal): _ Party B (Seal): _Date of Signing: Year Month Day-第三篇:中文:科技成果转让协议书范本甲方:_(委托单位名称)乙方:_(承接单位名称)鉴于甲方拥有_(具体科技成果描述)的独立知识产权,并希望将该技术成果进行有偿转让,经过双方认真协商,特订立如下协议:一、科技成果的转让范围1.1 甲方将其拥有的_(具体科技成果描述)的全部知识产权,包

19、括但不限于专利权、著作权等转让给乙方。1.2 乙方享有该科技成果的所有权及使用权,并须遵守相关法律法规对知识产权的保护规定。二、转让费用及结算方式2.1 乙方应向甲方支付转让费用_元,转让费用应在双方签署本协议后的_日内支付。2.2 转让费用支付方式:_。三、双方保密义务3.1 双方对协议中涉及的技术、商业机密等信息承担保密义务,未经对方许可,不得泄露给第三方。3.2 协议终止后,保密义务仍须继续有效。四、违约责任4.1 一方违反协议规定,应负相应的违约责任。4.2 违约方应对守约方因其违约行为造成的损失承担赔偿责任。五、协议生效及终止5.1 本协议自签署之日起生效,有效期为_年。5.2 协议

20、到期前,双方可商议续签。如协议到期未续签的,则本协议终止。六、其他事项6.1 除本协议约定的事项外,双方还可另行签订协议以完善本协议内容。6.2 本协议一式_份,甲、乙双方各执_份,自交换时生效。甲方(盖章):_ 乙方(盖章):_签订日期:年 月 日英文:Sample Technology Transfer AgreementParty A: _ (Name of transferor)Party B: _ (Name of transferee)Whereas Party A owns the independent intellectual property rights of _ (sp

21、ecific description of the technology) and wishes to transfer the technology for a fee, after serious negotiations between the two parties, the following agreement is hereby made:I. Scope of Technology Transfer1.1 Party A hereby transfers all intellectual property rights of the technology of _ (speci

22、fic description of the technology), including but not limited to patent rights, copyright, to Party B.1.2 Party B shall have ownership and user rights of the technology and must comply with relevant laws and regulations in protecting intellectual property rights.II. Transfer Fees and Settlement Meth

23、od2.1 Party B shall pay Party A a transfer fee of _ yuan, which shall be paid within _ days after the signing of this agreement.2.2 Payment method for the transfer fee:_.III. Confidentiality Obligations3.1 Both parties undertake to keep confidential the technical and business secrets involved in thi

24、s agreement and shall not disclose them to third parties without permission.3.2 The confidentiality obligation shall remain effective even after the termination of the agreement.IV. Breach of Contract Liability4.1 If either party violates the agreement, they shall bear the corresponding liability fo

25、r breach of contract.4.2 The defaulting party shall compensate the non-defaulting party for any losses incurred due to the default.V. Effectiveness and Termination of Agreement5.1 This agreement shall become effective from the date of signing and shall be valid for _ years.5.2 Prior to the expiratio

26、n date, both parties may discuss renewal. If not renewed upon expiration, this agreement shall terminate.VI. Other Matters6.1 In addition to the matters specified in this agreement, both parties may sign additional agreements to complement the contents of this agreement.6.2 This agreement is made in _ copies, with each party holding _ copies, effective upon exchange.Party A (Seal): _ Party B (Seal): _Date of Signing: Year Month Day

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