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1、品牌代理协议书范本五篇範本一:中文:品牌代理协议书协议双方:_(品牌方)和_(代理方)为建立合作关系,经双方友好协商,就代理事宜达成如下协议:第一条 代理范围1.1 代理方将负责品牌方指定产品的销售和推广工作。1.2 代理方应按照品牌方的统一规定开展代理业务,不得私自转让或转授代理权。第二条 代理期限2.1 本协议签署之日起生效,期限为_年,在期满前三十天双方应书面说明是否继续合作。2.2 除双方另有约定外,代理期届满,双方未提出终止协议意向的,则协议自动延期。第三条 价格和付款方式3.1 代理方按照品牌方的建议价格出售产品,不得擅自调整价格。3.2 付款方式为_(如现金、电汇等),时间为_。

2、第四条 售后服务4.1 代理方应负责处理售后问题,确保客户的满意度。4.2 若产品质量问题导致退货,代理方应按照品牌方的规定进行处理。第五条 协议终止5.1 双方协商一致决定终止合作,应提前三十天书面通知对方。5.2 任何一方未履行协议约定,经书面警告后仍未改正的,另一方有权单方解除协议。第六条 其他事项6.1 本协议经双方签字盖章生效,未尽事宜双方可另行协商。6.2 本协议一式两份,代理方和品牌方各持一份,具有同等效力。品牌方:_ 代理方:_签字:_ 签字:_日期:_ 日期:_英文:Brand Agency AgreementParties: _(Brand) and _(Agency)In

3、 order to establish a cooperative relationship, and through friendly negotiation, the following agreement is reached on agency matters:Article 1 Scope of Agency1.1 The agency shall be responsible for the sales and promotion of the designated products of the brand.1.2 The agency shall carry out agenc

4、y business in accordance with the uniform regulations of the brand, and shall not transfer or grant agency rights privately.Article 2 Term of Agency2.1 This agreement shall take effect from the date of signature for a period of _ years. Thirty days before the expiration, both parties shall provide w

5、ritten notice of whether to continue cooperation.2.2 Unless otherwise agreed by the parties, if the agency term expires and neither party proposes to terminate the agreement, the agreement shall be automatically extended.Article 3 Price and Payment Terms3.1 The agency shall sell products at the pric

6、e recommended by the brand and shall not adjust the price without authorization.3.2 Payment shall be made in _(e.g. cash, wire transfer) within _.Article 4 After-sales Service4.1 The agency shall be responsible for handling after-sales issues to ensure customer satisfaction.4.2 In case of returns du

7、e to product quality issues, the agency shall handle them in accordance with the brands regulations.Article 5 Termination of Agreement5.1 If both parties agree to terminate cooperation, written notice shall be given to the other party thirty days in advance.5.2 If either party fails to fulfill the a

8、greement and fails to correct it after written warning, the other party has the right to unilaterally terminate the agreement.Article 6 Other Matters6.1 This agreement shall take effect upon signature and seal by both parties, and matters not covered herein may be negotiated separately.6.2 This agre

9、ement is made in duplicate, with one copy held by the agency and one by the brand, each having equal legal effect.Brand: _ Agency: _Signature: _ Signature: _Date: _ Date: _範本二:中文:品牌代理协议书协议双方:_(品牌方)和_(代理方)鉴于双方为建立长期合作关系,经友好协商,共同签署本协议:第一条 代理范围1.1 代理方将负责品牌方指定产品在指定范围内的销售和推广。1.2 代理方有权委托第三方辅助完成销售和推广工作,但需征得

10、品牌方的书面同意。第二条 代理期限2.1 本协议自签署之日起生效,期限为_年,到期前双方如能够继续合作应提前三十天进行协商。2.2 代理期满,若双方未提出终止协议意向,协议自动续签。第三条 价格和结算方式3.1 代理方按照品牌方的建议价格出售产品,任何折扣需提前经品牌方同意。3.2 付款方式为_,付款时间为_。第四条 售后服务4.1 代理方应提供售后服务,并积极帮助解决客户的问题和投诉。4.2 若产品质量问题导致退货或换货,代理方应按照品牌方的规定处理。第五条 协议解除5.1 双方协商一致决定解除协议,应提前三十天书面通知对方。5.2 若一方未履行合同义务,经书面警告后仍未改正,另一方有权解除

11、协议。第六条 其他约定6.1 本协议一式两份,签署后生效。双方各保留一份,具有同等法律效力。6.2 未经双方书面同意,本合同任何条款不得解释、解释或更改。品牌方:_ 代理方:_签字:_ 签字:_日期:_ 日期:_英文:Brand Agency AgreementParties: _(Brand) and _(Agency)In order to establish a long-term cooperative relationship, and through friendly negotiation, both parties hereby sign this agreement:Arti

12、cle 1 Scope of Agency1.1 The agency shall be responsible for the sales and promotion of the designated products within the specified range.1.2 The agency has the right to entrust third parties to assist in sales and promotion, but must obtain the written consent of the brand.Article 2 Term of Agency

13、2.1 This agreement shall take effect upon signature for a period of _ years, and if both parties wish to continue cooperation before the expiration, they should negotiate thirty days in advance.2.2 Upon the expiration of the agency term, if neither party proposes to terminate the agreement, the agre

14、ement shall be automatically renewed.Article 3 Price and Settlement Terms3.1 The agency shall sell products at the price recommended by the brand, and any discounts must be approved by the brand in advance.3.2 Payment shall be made in _, with payment due on _.Article 4 After-sales Service4.1 The age

15、ncy shall provide after-sales service and actively assist in resolving customer issues and complaints.4.2 In case of returns or exchanges due to product quality issues, the agency shall handle them in accordance with the brands regulations.Article 5 Termination of Agreement5.1 If both parties agree

16、to terminate the agreement, written notice shall be given to the other party thirty days in advance.5.2 If one party fails to fulfill its contractual obligations and fails to correct them after written warning, the other party has the right to terminate the agreement.Article 6 Other Agreements6.1 Th

17、is agreement is made in duplicate and shall take effect upon signature. Each party shall retain one copy, both having equal legal effect.6.2 Without the written consent of both parties, no clause of this contract may be interpreted, interpreted, or altered.Brand: _ Agency: _Signature: _ Signature: _

18、Date: _ Date: _範本三:中文:品牌代理协议书协议双方:_(品牌方)和_(代理方)受益方为品牌方,代理方为服务方,基于诚信合作原则,特就代理事宜订立本协议:第一条 代理范围1.1 代理方将负责推广、销售品牌方的产品,并维护品牌形象。1.2 代理方在推广和销售过程中,应积极宣传品牌理念,保护品牌知识产权。第二条 代理期限2.1 本协议自签署之日起生效,有效期为_年,届满前双方如无异议应提前三十天进行协商。2.2 协议到期后如双方继续合作,应签订续约协议,否则视为解除合同。第三条 价格及结算方式3.1 代理方按照品牌方的建议价格进行销售,不得自行调整,任何折扣需先征得品牌方同意。3.2

19、 付款方式为_,具体时间视情况而定。第四条 售后服务4.1 代理方应提供优质的售后服务,及时处理客户投诉和问题。4.2 若出现产品退货或换货情况,代理方需严格按照品牌方规定进行处理。第五条 协议解除5.1 若双方协商一致决定解除协议,应提前三十天通知对方书面。5.2 一方未履行合同义务,经书面警告后仍不改正的,另一方可解除协议。第六条 其他约定6.1 本协议自签署日起生效,未尽事宜由双方协商解决。6.2 本协议一式两份,品牌方和代理方各执一份,同等有效。品牌方:_ 代理方:_签字:_ 签字:_日期:_ 日期:_英文:Brand Agency AgreementParties: _(Brand)

20、 and _(Agency)The beneficiary is the brand, and the agency is the service provider. Based on the principle of honest cooperation, this agreement is entered into regarding agency matters:Article 1 Scope of Agency1.1 The agency shall be responsible for promoting, selling the brands products, and maint

21、aining the brand image.1.2 In the process of promotion and sales, the agency shall actively promote the brand concept and protect the brands intellectual property rights.Article 2 Term of Agency2.1 This agreement shall take effect upon signature for a period of _ years, and if there is no objection

22、before the expiration, both parties shall negotiate thirty days in advance.2.2 If the agreement expires and both parties wish to continue cooperation, they should sign a renewal agreement; otherwise, the contract shall be terminated.Article 3 Price and Settlement Terms3.1 The agency shall sell at th

23、e price recommended by the brand, without self-adjustment, and any discounts must be approved by the brand in advance.3.2 Payment shall be made by_, and the specific time may vary.Article 4 After-sales Service4.1 The agency shall provide high-quality after-sales service and promptly address customer

24、 complaints and issues.4.2 In case of returns or exchanges of products, the agency shall strictly comply with the brands regulations.Article 5 Termination of Agreement5.1 If both parties agree to terminate the agreement, written notice shall be given to the other party thirty days in advance.5.2 If

25、one party fails to fulfill its contractual obligations and fails to correct them after written warning, the other party may terminate the agreement.Article 6 Other Agreements6.1 This agreement shall take effect upon signature, and matters not covered herein shall be resolved by both parties through

26、negotiation.6.2 This agreement is made in duplicate, with one copy held by the brand and one by the agency, both having equal legal effect.Brand: _ Agency: _Signature: _ Signature: _Date: _ Date: _範本四:中文:品牌代理协议书协议双方:_(品牌方)和_(代理方)鉴于双方之间存在合作意愿与条件,为明确双方权利义务,特签订协议如下:第一条 代理范围1.1 代理方将负责推广、销售品牌方指定的产品,并承担售后服务。1.2 代理方有义务接受品牌方的市场培训,提高销售能力。第二条 代理期限2.1 本协议生效日为_,有效期为_年,到期时如双方继续合作,应签订新的协议。2.2 如双方未提前通知终止协议,协议将自动续签。第三条 价格及结算方式3.1 代理方按照品牌方的建议价格进行销售,不得擅自调整价格。3.2 付款方式为_,支付期限为_。第四条 售后服务4.1 代理方应提供优质的售后服务,及时解决客户问题,并协助品牌方做好客户满意度调查。4.2 代理方应保证退换货政策的执行,严格按照品牌方规定处理售后问题。第五条 协议解除5.1 双方一致同意终止合作,应提前三十天书面通知。5.2 任何一

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