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1、产品品牌推广协议书范本中文篇产品品牌推广协议书范本【协议书标题】:产品品牌推广协议书【协议书编号】:XXX-XXXX-XXXXX【签订日期】:年 月 日甲方(推广方):公司名称:XXXX有限公司注册地址:XXXX法定代表人:XXX联系电话:XXX乙方(被推广方):公司名称:XXXX有限公司注册地址:XXXX法定代表人:XXX联系电话:XXX鉴于甲方是一家专业的产品品牌推广公司,具有丰富的推广经验和优质的推广资源;乙方是一个拥有优秀产品品牌的企业,希望通过专业的推广服务来提升品牌知名度和市场份额。为了更好地合作,特订立本协议,共同遵守如下约定:第一条 产品品牌推广内容1. 甲方将根据乙方的要求,

2、制定详细的产品品牌推广方案,并保证推广效果。2. 甲方将利用自身的推广平台和资源,对乙方的产品进行线上线下推广,包括但不限于网络推广、媒体推广、活动推广等。3. 乙方提供的产品信息和相关资料必须真实有效,甲方对提供的信息进行推广时不承担相关法律责任。第二条 推广费用及结算方式1. 甲方根据实际推广情况向乙方收取相应的推广费用,双方协商的费用标准如下:(1)XX元/月的推广服务费;(2)XX元/次的推广活动费用。2. 推广费用结算方式为:乙方在每月X日前将推广费用支付至甲方指定账户。3. 推广费用一经支付,不可退还,双方应及时结算款项,避免造成不必要的纠纷。第三条 保密约定1. 双方同意在协议签

3、署后保守相关的商业秘密和商业机密,未经对方许可不得擅自泄露。2. 甲方在进行产品品牌推广活动中获得的相关数据和信息,均属乙方商业机密,甲方不得私自使用或泄露给第三方。3. 保密期限为协议终止之日起X年,保密期满后,双方不再受保密约定限制。第四条 违约责任1. 任何一方违反本协议的约定,应当承担相应的违约责任,并赔偿对方因此造成的损失。2. 若因不可抗力因素导致无法继续履行本协议的一方,应及时通知对方,并协商解决方案。第五条 协议的解除和终止1. 在协议有效期内,任何一方需提前X天书面通知对方,可解除本协议。2. 双方协商一致认为需要终止本协议的,可提前X个月书面通知对方,届时本协议自动终止。第

4、六条 其他约定1. 本协议为产品品牌推广活动相关合作事宜,若需修改、补充均须双方协商一致后生效。2. 本协议一式两份,甲乙双方各持一份,具有同等法律效力。3. 本协议的签订、履行、解释及争议的解决均适用中华人民共和国法律。甲方(盖章): 乙方(盖章):签约代表: 签约代表:签约日期:年 月 日 签约日期:年 月 日英文篇Product Brand Promotion Agreement【Agreement Title】: Product Brand Promotion Agreement【Agreement Number】: XXX-XXXX-XXXXX【Date of Signing】: Y

5、ear Month DateParty A (Promoter): Company Name: XXX Co., Ltd.Registered Address: XXXLegal Representative: XXXContact Number: XXXParty B (Promotee): Company Name: XXX Co., Ltd.Registered Address: XXXLegal Representative: XXXContact Number: XXXWhereas Party A is a professional product brand promotion

6、company with rich promotion experience and high-quality promotion resources; Party B is an enterprise with excellent product brands, hoping to enhance brand awareness and market share through professional promotion services. In order to better cooperate, this agreement is hereby made and the followi

7、ng provisions are jointly observed:Article 1 Product Brand Promotion Contents1. Party A will develop detailed product brand promotion plans according to the requirements of Party B and ensure the promotion effect.2. Party A will utilize its promotion platforms and resources to promote Party Bs produ

8、cts online and offline, including but not limited to online promotion, media promotion, and event promotion.3. The product information and related materials provided by Party B must be true and effective. Party A shall not be held legally responsible for the information provided for promotion.Articl

9、e 2 Promotion Fees and Settlement Method1. Party A will charge Party B corresponding promotion fees based on the actual promotion situation. The fee standards agreed by both parties are as follows:(1) Monthly promotion service fee of XX yuan;(2) Promotion activity fee of XX yuan per event.2. The set

10、tlement method of promotion fees is as follows: Party B shall pay the promotion fees to the designated account of Party A by the Xth day of each month.3. Once the promotion fees are paid, they are non-refundable. Both parties shall settle the payment promptly to avoid unnecessary disputes.Article 3

11、Confidentiality Agreement1. Both parties agree to keep the relevant business secrets and commercial confidential information confidential after the signing of this agreement and shall not disclose them without the permission of the other party.2. The data and information obtained by Party A during t

12、he product brand promotion activities are considered Party Bs trade secrets. Party A shall not use or disclose them to third parties without authorization.3. The confidentiality period is X years from the termination of the agreement. After the end of the confidentiality period, both parties are no

13、longer bound by the confidentiality agreement.Article 4 Breach of Contract Liability1. Any party that violates the terms of this agreement shall bear the corresponding liability for breach of contract and compensate the other party for any losses incurred.2. If one party is unable to continue perfor

14、ming this agreement due to force majeure factors, they shall promptly notify the other party and negotiate a solution.Article 5 Termination and Conclusion of the Agreement1. During the validity period of the agreement, either party must provide a written notice to the other party X days in advance t

15、o terminate the agreement.2. If both parties agree to terminate this agreement, they may provide a written notice to the other party X months in advance, and the agreement shall automatically terminate at that time.Article 6 Other Provisions1. This agreement is related to cooperation matters in prod

16、uct brand promotion activities. Any modifications or supplements to this agreement must be mutually agreed upon by both parties to take effect.2. This agreement is made in duplicate, with Party A and Party B each holding one copy, both having equal legal effect.3. The signing, performance, interpretation, and resolution of disputes of this agreement shall be governed by the laws of the Peoples Republic of China.Party A (Seal): Party B (Seal):Signature: Signature:Date of Signing: Year Month Date Date of Signing: Year Month Date

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