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1、大数据云计算合作协议书范本【中文】# 大数据云计算合作协议书范本*第一章 总则*第一条 合作目的*为了促进双方在大数据云计算领域的合作,促进技术共享、资源互助、业务发展,实现互利共赢。*第二条 合作范围*本协议适用于双方在大数据云计算领域的合作,包括但不限于数据存储、计算资源共享、数据分析应用等方面的合作。*第三条 合作方式*双方将在合作的基础上,遵循平等互利、诚实信用的原则,共同推动大数据云计算领域的技术创新和商业合作。*第二章 合作内容*第四条 服务内容*1. 在大数据云计算平台上提供数据存储空间、计算资源等服务。2. 合作开发数据分析应用,提供数据挖掘、人工智能等相关服务。3. 共同开展

2、大数据云计算技术研究,推动行业的发展和进步。*第五条 服务标准*双方将按照合作协议的约定,保障服务质量,确保数据安全和隐私保护,维护用户权益。*第六条 服务费用*服务费用按照双方商定的标准支付,如有变动将提前协商并达成一致意见。*第三章 合作保障*第七条 保密条款*双方约定在合作过程中严格保密涉及商业机密和用户隐私的信息,不得向第三方披露。*第八条 知识产权*双方在合作过程中创造的技术成果、产品等,属于双方共同所有,如有纠纷应及时协商解决。*第九条 争议解决*若出现合作争议,双方应协商解决,协商不成的,提交相关主管部门或仲裁机构处理。*第四章 合作期限*第十条 合作期限*本协议自签订之日起生效

3、,有效期为三年,期满可续签,双方协商一致。*第十一条 协议解除*在合作期间,若一方无故违约或变相违约,视为自动解除本协议,违约方需承担相应的违约责任。*第五章 附则*第十二条 其他事项*本协议未尽事宜,双方可据实际情况另行协商确定,并作为协议附件,具有同等效力。*第十三条 协议变更*本协议的任何变更须经双方书面协商确认后生效,变更协议应作为本协议的补充。*第十四条 协议生效*本协议自双方签字盖章之日起生效,适用于双方所有合作项目。*第十五条 合作签署*甲方(盖章):_ 乙方(盖章):_*签订日期*:_# 大数据云计算合作协议书范本*Chapter I General Provisions*Ar

4、ticle 1 Purpose of Cooperation*In order to promote cooperation between the two parties in the field of big data cloud computing, promote technology sharing, resource assistance, and business development, and achieve mutual benefit.*Article 2 Scope of Cooperation*This agreement applies to cooperation

5、 between the two parties in the field of big data cloud computing, including but not limited to data storage, resource sharing, data analysis applications, etc.*Article 3 Mode of Cooperation*The two parties will, on the basis of cooperation, follow the principles of equality, mutual benefit, honesty

6、, and credit, and jointly promote technological innovation and business cooperation in the field of big data cloud computing.*Chapter II Cooperation Content*Article 4 Service Content*1. Provide data storage space, computing resources, and other services on the big data cloud computing platform.2. Co

7、llaborate in developing data analysis applications, providing services such as data mining, artificial intelligence, etc.3. Conduct joint research on big data cloud computing technology to promote the development and progress of the industry.*Article 5 Service Standards*The two parties will, in acco

8、rdance with the agreement of the cooperation agreement, ensure service quality, guarantee data security and privacy protection, and safeguard user rights.*Article 6 Service Fees*Service fees will be paid according to the standards agreed upon by both parties, and any changes will be discussed in adv

9、ance and agreed upon.*Chapter III Cooperation Guarantee*Article 7 Confidentiality Clause*The two parties agree to strictly keep confidential information involving business secrets and user privacy during the cooperation process and shall not disclose it to third parties.*Article 8 Intellectual Prope

10、rty Rights*Technological achievements, products, etc., created by the two parties during the cooperation process are jointly owned by both parties. In case of disputes, they should be resolved through timely negotiation.*Article 9 Dispute Resolution*In case of cooperation disputes, the two parties s

11、hould negotiate to resolve them. If the negotiation fails, they shall be submitted to the relevant competent authorities or arbitration institutions for handling.*Chapter IV Cooperation Term*Article 10 Cooperation Term*This agreement shall come into effect from the date of signing and shall be valid

12、 for three years. It may be renewed upon mutual agreement between the parties.*Article 11 Termination of Agreement*During the cooperation period, if one party defaults without justification or violates the agreement in disguise, the agreement shall be automatically terminated, and the defaulting par

13、ty shall bear corresponding liabilities for breach of contract.*Chapter V Miscellaneous*Article 12 Other Matters*Matters not covered in this agreement may be negotiated and determined by both parties according to the actual situation, and will be attached as an appendix to this agreement with equal

14、effect.*Article 13 Agreement Amendment*Any amendments to this agreement must be confirmed in writing by both parties and shall come into effect as a supplement to this agreement.*Article 14 Agreement Effectiveness*This agreement shall come into effect from the date of signing and stamping by both pa

15、rties, and shall apply to all cooperation projects between the two parties.*Article 15 Cooperation Signature*Party A (Seal):_ Party B (Seal):_*Date of Signing*:_# 大数据云计算合作协议书范本以上就是大数据云计算合作协议书的相关内容,通过该协议,双方可以明确合作的目的、范围、内容、保障措施等,为合作双方建立了一个良好的合作框架,有利于双方共同发展和提升竞争优势。希望以上内容对您有所帮助,如有任何问题或需要进一步了解,请随时与我们联系。【

16、English】# Sample Contract for Big Data Cloud Computing Cooperation*Chapter I General Provisions*Article 1 Purpose of Cooperation*In order to promote cooperation between the two parties in the field of big data cloud computing, promote technology sharing, resource assistance, and business development

17、, and achieve mutual benefit.*Article 2 Scope of Cooperation*This agreement applies to cooperation between the two parties in the field of big data cloud computing, including but not limited to data storage, resource sharing, data analysis applications, etc.*Article 3 Mode of Cooperation*The two par

18、ties will, on the basis of cooperation, follow the principles of equality, mutual benefit, honesty, and credit, and jointly promote technological innovation and business cooperation in the field of big data cloud computing.*Chapter II Cooperation Content*Article 4 Service Content*1. Provide data sto

19、rage space, computing resources, and other services on the big data cloud computing platform.2. Collaborate in developing data analysis applications, providing services such as data mining, artificial intelligence, etc.3. Conduct joint research on big data cloud computing technology to promote the d

20、evelopment and progress of the industry.*Article 5 Service Standards*The two parties will, in accordance with the agreement of the cooperation agreement, ensure service quality, guarantee data security and privacy protection, and safeguard user rights.*Article 6 Service Fees*Service fees will be pai

21、d according to the standards agreed upon by both parties, and any changes will be discussed in advance and agreed upon.*Chapter III Cooperation Guarantee*Article 7 Confidentiality Clause*The two parties agree to strictly keep confidential information involving business secrets and user privacy durin

22、g the cooperation process and shall not disclose it to third parties.*Article 8 Intellectual Property Rights*Technological achievements, products, etc., created by the two parties during the cooperation process are jointly owned by both parties. In case of disputes, they should be resolved through t

23、imely negotiation.*Article 9 Dispute Resolution*In case of cooperation disputes, the two parties should negotiate to resolve them. If the negotiation fails, they shall be submitted to the relevant competent authorities or arbitration institutions for handling.*Chapter IV Cooperation Term*Article 10

24、Cooperation Term*This agreement shall come into effect from the date of signing and shall be valid for three years. It may be renewed upon mutual agreement between the parties.*Article 11 Termination of Agreement*During the cooperation period, if one party defaults without justification or violates

25、the agreement in disguise, the agreement shall be automatically terminated, and the defaulting party shall bear corresponding liabilities for breach of contract.*Chapter V Miscellaneous*Article 12 Other Matters*Matters not covered in this agreement may be negotiated and determined by both parties ac

26、cording to the actual situation, and will be attached as an appendix to this agreement with equal effect.*Article 13 Agreement Amendment*Any amendments to this agreement must be confirmed in writing by both parties and shall come into effect as a supplement to this agreement.*Article 14 Agreement Ef

27、fectiveness*This agreement shall come into effect from the date of signing and stamping by both parties, and shall apply to all cooperation projects between the two parties.*Article 15 Cooperation Signature*Party A (Seal):_ Party B (Seal):_*Date of Signing*:_# Sample Contract for Big Data Cloud Comp

28、uting CooperationThe above is the content of the agreement on cooperation in big data cloud computing. Through this agreement, the two parties can clarify the purpose, scope, content, and guarantee measures of cooperation, establish a good cooperation framework for both parties, and promote mutual development and competitiveness. We hope the above content is helpful to you. If you have any questions or need further information, please feel free to contact us.

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