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1、UsinglanguageHIV/AIDS:AREYOUATRISK?课前预习案课前预习案1.处境危险处境危险_ 2.幸存,幸存者幸存,幸存者_3.偏见,成见偏见,成见_ 4.看法,判决,判断看法,判决,判断_ 5.很可能,极有可能很可能,极有可能_ 6.尴尬的,陷入困境的尴尬的,陷入困境的_7.局促不安的,笨拙的局促不安的,笨拙的_8 8.节食节食_9 9.喘不过气来喘不过气来_1 10.下定决心下定决心_11.首先首先_12.确保确信确保确信_atrisksurvivalprejudicejudgementbelikelytodosthembarrassedawkwardGo on a d

2、iet Out of breathMake up ones mindIn the first placeMake sureThethreebiggestkillersintheworldHeart disease CancerAIDS2)Whatsthepurposeofeachsection?Section1BackgroundinformationaboutwhatHIV/AIDS.Section2Waystoprotectyourself.Section3Somecommonfalseopinions.Skimming1)Howmanysectionscanwedividethistex

3、tinto?Threesections1.WhatisHIV?virusHIVisa_,asmalllivingthingleadingpeopleto_.disease2.WhatisAIDS?AIDSstandsforAcquiredImmuneDeficiencySyndrome.(后天免疫缺陷综合症后天免疫缺陷综合症)AIDS is a disease.The stage of having _in ones body is called_.HIVAIDSFast readingStep1:Decidewhichofthesestatementsaretrueandwhicharefa








11、食。他们打算不睡觉等着看月食。Pleasestaycalm.Nothingserious.请保持镇足,没有什么严重的事情。请保持镇足,没有什么严重的事情。2.Women are slightly more likely to become infected than men.女性感染病毒的可能性比男性稍微大一些。女性感染病毒的可能性比男性稍微大一些。be likely后接不定式或从句,表示后接不定式或从句,表示“可能会可能会”。如。如:Hes likely to arrive late this afternoon.=.他今天下午可能会迟到会儿。他今天下午可能会迟到会儿。Its likely

12、that they will camp out tonight.=.他们今晚可能要在外面露营了他们今晚可能要在外面露营了.Itslikelythathewillarrivelatethisafternoon.Theyarelikelytocampouttonight Homework:1努力养成每小时喝一杯水的习惯努力养成每小时喝一杯水的习惯.Try to get into the habit of drinking a glass of water every hour.2明天我可能会很忙明天我可能会很忙.I am likely to be very busy tomorrow.3听他的口音

13、听他的口音,他一定是来自阿拉伯国家他一定是来自阿拉伯国家.Judging from his accent,he must come from an Arabian country.4这只猫吃的太多了这只猫吃的太多了,一小时后都动弹不得一小时后都动弹不得.So much did the cat eat that he could not move for the next hour.假如你要注射药物:假如你要注射药物:不要同别人共用注射针,别人的血液可能会留不要同别人共用注射针,别人的血液可能会留在针头内外。如果某人有在针头内外。如果某人有HIV病毒,而你又用了同一个病毒,而你又用了同一个注射针




17、。错了。病毒和爱滋病。错了。目前还没有证据说明这一点。目前还没有证据说明这一点。Check-upCheck-up1 Its illegal for officials to abuse 1 Its illegal for officials to abuse power.power.2 Our parents put stress on honesty.2 Our parents put stress on honesty.He felt stressed when asked the sensitive He felt stressed when asked the sensitive qu

18、estion.question.3 The students are banned from bringing 3 The students are banned from bringing cell-phones to the classmates.cell-phones to the classmates.4 He was late for work due to the heavy 4 He was late for work due to the heavy traffic.traffic.The meeting is due to be held next week.The meet

19、ing is due to be held next week.5 Many adolescents are addicted to 5 Many adolescents are addicted to playing computer games on the Internet,playing computer games on the Internet,which has become a serious social which has become a serious social problemproblem6 He will soon get accustomed to walki

20、ng to 6 He will soon get accustomed to walking to school.school.The old man isnt accustomed to the life in The old man isnt accustomed to the life in the city.the city.7 Can you give me some advice on quitting 7 Can you give me some advice on quitting smoking?smoking?give up/stop smokinggive up/stop

21、 smoking8 Smoking has a bad effect on our health.8 Smoking has a bad effect on our health.Smoking can affect our health.Smoking can affect our health.The law will come into effect next month.The law will come into effect next month.9 He felt desperate when he lost all his 9 He felt desperate when he

22、 lost all his possessions in the fire.possessions in the fire.10 I felt shamed of what you did and you 10 I felt shamed of what you did and you shouldnt have treated an old man like shouldnt have treated an old man like that.that.11 I do hope that you never reach for a cigarette.I do hope that we ca

23、n work out the problem in a peaceful way.12 In spite of bad weather,he managed to get to the destination in time.In spite of low price,the couple decided on selling their flat to save their sick daughter.13 As adolescents,we should never get into the habit of smoking.14 The feels like going on vacation.The old couple felt like adopting an orphan.I feel like celebrating our achievements.15 I wouldnt take the risk of being late for work.16 Smoking can do terrible damage to our lungs and hearts.The storm did great damage to the crop.

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