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1、2.几种特殊结构几种特殊结构1.My uncle gave me a gift on my birthday2.We often hear him play guitarI was given a gift on my birthdayA gift was given to me on my birthday.He is often heard to play guitar注意:注意:see,watch,hear,notice,feel,make,listen to,look at等动词等动词/短语后作宾语补语的不短语后作宾语补语的不定式定式都不带都不带to;但改成被动语态后;但改成被动语态后

2、必须带必须带to。We should take care of the old people.The old people should be taken care of.by us1.动词动词 (表示主语的属性特征表示主语的属性特征)+副词副词(well/badly/easily/smoothly),用用主动式主动式表表被动义被动义。read,write,sell,wash,clean,wear,lock,open,cook,shut,dry,eat,drink,1.The books _ well A.were sold B.sell C.have sold D.are being sol

3、d2.This kind of cloth _ easily A.has washed B.was washed C.washes D.is washedBC3.主动式表被动义主动式表被动义2.2.不定式不定式在某些在某些形容词形容词后作状语后作状语,且和句子的主且和句子的主语语(或宾语或宾语)构成构成动宾关系动宾关系时时,用用主动式主动式表表被动义被动义。difficult,easy,hard,fit,pleasant,good,comfortable,light,heavy,safe,The fish is not fit _(eat)We find English is hard _(l

4、earn)The article is difficult _(understand).to eatto learnto understand3.3.不定式不定式作作后置定语后置定语,与被修饰的名词构与被修饰的名词构成成动宾关系动宾关系,又和该句主语又和该句主语(或宾语或宾语)构成构成主谓关系主谓关系时时,用用主动式主动式表表被动义被动义。I have a lot of homework _(do)Ill give him some books _(read)to doto read4.4.表示表示状态特征状态特征的的连系动词连系动词+adj././n.,.,用用主主动式动式表表被动义被动义。

5、(look,sound,feel,smell,taste,prove,appear,make,.)The steel feels cold表示状态特征的表示状态特征的连系动词连系动词+adj./n.,用用主动式表被动义主动式表被动义。5.5.表示表示“开始开始、结束结束、运动运动”的动词用的动词用主主动式动式表表被动义。如:被动义。如:begin,open,start,stop,end,finish,move,run,e.g.The shop opens at 6 am.every day6.6.作作“需要需要”讲的讲的wantwant/needneed/requirerequire后后接接动

6、名词动名词作作宾语宾语时,用时,用主动式主动式表表被动义被动义;当然也可接当然也可接不定式的不定式的被动式被动式作宾语作宾语。e.g.Your jacket needs washing/to be washed.Quiz 1 Quiz 11.The steel _ coldA.is felt B.was feeling C.feels D.is being felt2.His plan _ goodA.has sounded B.is sounding C.is sounded D.soundsC DQuiz 23.The shop _ at 6 am.every day A.opens B.

7、opene C.is opened D.is opening4.Work _ at 7 pm.today A.ends B.ended C.was ended D.had endedAB1.Quiz The pen _ smoothly A.was wrote B.writes C.has writing D.is writtenThis coat _ easily A.has washed B.was washed C.washes D.is washedQuiz 3BCYour jacket needs _(wash)The house requires _(repair)Quiz 4wa

8、shingrepairingThe fish is not fit _(eat)We find English difficult _(learn)Quiz 5to eatto learnI have much homework _(do)Ill give the boy some books_ (read)Quiz 6to doto readCorrecting mistake1)Two boys hurt while playing a ball2)The singer lived in London until he was sending to university3)How long

9、 do you think the meeting will be lasted?was sentwill lastwere hurt2.Correct the mistakes4)A fire was broken out last night5)He had to travel by bus as his car was damaged in an accident a few days before6)The large building that is now built will be a hospitalhad been damagedis now being builtbroke

10、 out7)Class is begun at 7:30 every day8)His plan is sounded good9)Your coat needs being washedbeginssoundsto be washed/washing 1.An exhibition of paintings _ at the museum next week A.are to be held B.is to be held C.are holding D.will holdB2.Im sorry,sirYour recorder isnt ready yetIt _ in the facto

11、ry A.is being repaired B.is repaired C.has been repaired D.hasnt been repairedA 3.Multiple choice3.Every possible means _,but none _ successful A.has tried;has proved B.tried;proves C.has been tried;proves D.is being tried;is provedC4.The question he asked is hard _ A.for answer B.to answer C.to be

12、answered D.answeringB5In warm weather,fruit and meat _ long A.cannot be kept B.dont keep C.mustnt keep D.is not keptA6.He received a telegram _:“Mother ill”A.written B.reading C.said D.writing B7.Alice had a dress _ last weekA.made B.make C.to be made D.to makeA8.The teacher couldnt make him _attention to because the students were so noisy.A.pay B.paid C.to pay D.to be paidA

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