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1、被动语态的讲与练被动语态的讲与练被动语态构成形式被动语态构成形式被被动动语语态态由由“助助动词bebe及及物物动词的的过去去分分词”构构成成。不不及及物物动动词词没没有有被被动动语语态态。在在不不同同的的时时态态下助动词下助动词be有不同的形式。有不同的形式。、Practice I(Active Voice Passive Voice)1.He plants many trees every year.2.The new couple bought the furniture the other day.3.The experts are discussing the problem at t

2、he meeting.4.They were cleaning the classroom when I was there.5.He has read many articles by Lu Xun.6.He had left his keys before he came to my place.7.She will finish the task in a day or two.8.She said that she would finish the task in a day or two.注意注意:转换时转换时,你注意到你注意到时态时态的一致的一致性、人称代性、人称代词词的的变变化及

3、被化及被动动中的中的谓语动词谓语动词的的单单复数复数问题吗问题吗?被被动动结构构中,由中,由be动词动词来表来表示其示其时态时态特点;其特点;其谓语动词谓语动词在人在人称和数称和数应应与被与被动动中的主中的主语语保持一保持一致致。Practice II(Passive Voice Active Voice)1.The program is operated by villagers.2.The matter was solved successfully by her.3.The life of the milu deer is being studied by specialists at

4、present.4.He was being punished for being late by the head teacher.5.Enough has been said to him about it by us.6.His homework hadnt been finished when he came back to school.7.The problem will be talked about after the meeting.8.He promised that the problem would be discussed next time.八种常八种常见时态见时态

5、的被的被动语态动语态形式形式:1.一般一般现现在在时时 is/am/are+done2.一般一般过过去去时时 was/were+done3.现现在在进进行行时时 is/am/are being+done4.过过去去进进行行时时 was/were being+done5.现现在完成在完成时时 has/have been+done6.过过去完成去完成时时 had been+done7.一般将来一般将来时时 will/shall be+done /is/am/are going to be+done/is/am/are to be+done8.过过去将来去将来时时 would/should be+d

6、one 现现以及物以及物动词动词tell为为例,列表如下:例,列表如下:时态时态被被动语态动语态的构成的构成一般式一般式一般一般现现在在时时be(am,is,are)told一般一般过过去去时时be(was,were)told一般将来一般将来时时shall/will be told过过去将来去将来时时should/would be told进进行式行式现现在在进进行行时时be(am,is,are)being told过过去去进进行行时时be(was,were)being told完成式完成式现现在完成在完成时时have/has been told过过去完成去完成时时had been told

7、Practice III(Fill in the blanks with proper forms of Passive Voice)1.If you go on like this,you _(punish)sooner or later.2.One of the stadiums _(complete)by the end of last year.3.My best friend stays at home now,for her house _(decorate).4.About 3,000 English words _(learn)so far.5.He believed the

8、task _(finish)in two hours.6.Many trees _(plant)at this time every year.7.The rest of the work _(finish)last night.8.He told me that a film _(show)in the hall then.二、被动二、被动语态语态的的用法用法:1.不知道或无必要不知道或无必要说说出出动动作的作的执执行者行者:e.g.Suddenly a shout was heard./Football is played all over the world.2.出于礼貌出于礼貌,委婉的

9、表述委婉的表述:e.g.You are requested not to touch the exhibits.3.突出或突出或强强调调行行为为或或动动作的承受者作的承受者:e.g.Such books are written for children.4.有有时时主主语较长语较长或或为为句子的更好安排句子的更好安排:e.g.It has been known to him that many friends will come to see him.The wellknown singer got on the bus and was recognized by people.三、特殊的被动

10、情形三、特殊的被动情形(1)含情含情态动词态动词的被的被动语态动语态 1.Your car _(不能停放不能停放)here.Look,there is a sign reading“No Parking”.2.The test paper _(应该应该被完成被完成)yesterday.3.The house _(过过去漆成白色去漆成白色),but now its pink.4.the sports meeting _(必必须须被被推推迟迟)because of the bad weather.5.The blackboard _(应应当擦干当擦干净净)before every class.6.

11、His work _(一定一定做完了做完了),for he is playing computer games now.(2)少数少数动词动词常用其所接的不定式来表常用其所接的不定式来表示被示被动动意意义义 1.He seemed _(criticize)for what he had done;he looked unhappy.2.Their talk happened _(hear)by the teacher.3.On the way we happened _(catch)in the rain.(3)短短语动词语动词在被在被动动中中不可不可遗漏其介漏其介词或副或副词 1.The d

12、octor has been _(派人去派人去请请).2.Black people used to _(看不起看不起).3.Elderly people should _(好好照好好照顾顾).4.The problem will _(给给予更多关注予更多关注).5.Every minute ought to _(充充分利用去学更多知分利用去学更多知识识).6.He is often _(嘲嘲笑笑)in public.7.The exercises must _(交上交上来来)by Sunday at the latest.8.Mr.White can _(信信赖赖)when you are i

13、n trouble.(4)“动词动词+名名词词+介介词词”的的动词动词短短语语可有两种被可有两种被动动形式形式(以以pay attention to 为为例例)e.g.You should pay special attention to your pronunciation.(5)带带双双宾宾的的动词动词的被的被动动句句(习惯习惯用用间间接接宾语为宾语为主主语语;若用直接若用直接宾语为宾语为主主语语,则则需加介需加介词词to 或或for于于间间接接宾语宾语之前之前)e.g.His mother gave him a present for his birthday.(6)带带复合复合宾语宾语

14、的的动词动词的被的被动动句句(宾补宾补保持在原位上保持在原位上,变变成主成主补补)1.The manager caught him smoking in the smokefree room.2.The injured man was found _(lie)on the ground.3.I was told _(wait)for her at the school gate by him.4.The naughty boy was seen _(beat)by his father.注意注意:一些一些带带省省to的不定式做的不定式做宾补宾补的的使役和感官使役和感官动词动词,在被在被动动中中

15、应补应补上上to。1 The boss made little Tom have two meals a day.2.He was seen _(enter)the hall.3.You couldnt see him at the meeting.He was seen _(play)football at that time.make/have/let;see/watch/notice/observe/look at;hear/listen to(7)其他系其他系动词动词也可构成被也可构成被动动 1.I have to go to school on foot,for my bike is

16、 getting repaired now.2.Youre too lazy;much of the work _(还还未做未做).3.I found her appearance _(依然依然未未变变)after so many years.4.They _(被耽被耽搁搁)as a result of the traffic jam.5.The door _(一直未一直未锁锁)after he left.(8)(8)非非谓语动词的被的被动现象象 1.The meeting _(hold)yesterday was very important.2.The meeting _ at prese

17、nt is very important.3.The meeting _ tomorrow is very important.4.What I need is not to _(落后落后).5.She slipped into the classroom without _(notice).6.She was lucky;she escaped _(kill)in the accident.7.The manager wanted the report _(type)immediately.8.I an glad _(invite)to your party last night.Pract

18、ice IV1.There is still much work _(do).2.I cant go with you;I have a letter _(type).3.Im free now.Perhaps I can help you.Do you still have letters _?4.He gave me a few books _(read).5.The problem is easy _(settle),in my opinion.6.I find the problem easy _.7.I think this is a problem easy _.8.I reall

19、y dont know what _(say)now.9.With an important exam _(worry about),I have to work even harder.10.The book is cheap enough _(buy).11.The book is too expensive(for me)_(buy).12.I wonder which driver is _(blame)for the accident.13.The room wants _(clean).14.The problem requires _(discuss)further.15.The

20、 film is worth _(see)a second time.16.The pen _(write)smoothly.17.His novels _(sell)well.18.The door _(锁锁不上不上).19.Food can _(保保鲜鲜)in the fridge.20.The incident was proved,and he _(证证明是明是)to be honest.21.As the strawberries _(taste)delicious,they sell well.cf._(taste)delicious,the strawberries sell w

21、ell.四、使用被四、使用被动语动语态时应态时应特特别别注意的几注意的几个个问题问题(1)常常见见的无被的无被动动的的动词动词或短或短语动词语动词 1.The war _ in 1939.An accident _ last night.The sports meeting _ next weekend.An idea _ to me.(我想起了主意。我想起了主意。)2.My money _(快用完了快用完了).The horse _(筋疲力尽筋疲力尽)after a long run.My car _(坏了坏了)on the way here.3.The medical team _(由由组

22、组成成)three doctors and ten nurses.The stone _(重达重达)1,000 tons.The raincoat_(不属于)(不属于)me.4.The meeting _(不不会持会持续续)very long.(2)主主动动表被表被动动的若干的若干现现象象 不定式中的不定式中的现现象象 动动名名词词中的中的现现象象 有些有些动词动词与副与副词连词连用用时时,表示主表示主语语的特性。的特性。系系动词动词与感官系与感官系动词动词没有被没有被动动(3)有些介有些介词词也可表被也可表被动动意意义义1.The building is under construction

23、(=is being constructed).2.The rumor is beyond belief(=cant be believed).3.The book is not in print(=is not yet printed).4.The plane was out of control(=cant be controlled).5.He took two days off within the teachers permission.6.These days some treasures are on show in the museum.7.That house is for

24、sale(=to be sold).8.His honest character is above all praise(=cannot be praised enough).这样考过这样考过(南南京京调调研研)The temperature will fall sharply the day after tomorrow,when a snowstorm _ to strike our area.A.expectsBhas expectedCis expected Dwill be expected解解析析:句句意意:届届时时会会有有暴暴风风雪雪。be expected to“预计会做某事预

25、计会做某事”。答案:答案:C(北北京京)The way the guests _ in the hotel influenced their evaluation of the service.Atreated Bwere treatedCwould treat Dwould be treated解解析析:句句意意:客客人人们们在在旅旅馆馆中中被被招招待待的的方方式式影影响响到到对对他他们们服服务务的的评评价价。此此题题考考查查时时态态语语态态。根根据据题题意意,客客人人是是被被招招待待的的,应应排排除除A、C两两项项;influenced 时时间间提提示示为为一一般般过过去去时时,故故选选B

26、。答案:答案:B(湖湖 南南 示示 范范 性性 中中 学学 联联 考考)After being discovered by Dutch explorers in 1606,the eastern half of Australia _ by the British in 1770.Awas claimed Bclaimed Cwas claiming Dhas been claimed解解析析:由由句句意意:自自1606年年被被荷荷兰兰探探险险者者发发现现之之后后,澳澳大大利利亚亚东东半半部部分分在在1770年年宣宣布布为为英英国国所所有有,知答案选知答案选A。答案:答案:A(皖皖西西四四校校

27、)_ is known to us is that the 2012 Olympic Games _ in London.AWhat;will be heldBIt;will hold CAs;is held DWhich;holds解解析析:由由句句意意知知空空中中应应填填一一个个引引导导主主语语从从句句的的连连接接词词,并并作作句句子子的的主主语语;由由句句中中的的时时间间2012年年知知表表将将来来,且且Olympic Games与与hold之之间间为为被被动动关关系系。综上选综上选A。答案:答案:A(北北京京海海淀淀区区)If your order is ready,the Tshir

28、t _ to you as soon as possible.Ahas delivered Bis deliveredCwill deliver Dwill be delivered解解析析:主主语语是是Tshirt 谓谓语语动动词词,deliver 应应用用被被动动,表表示示Tshirt被被送送,排排除除A、C两两项项。根根据据语语境境,如如果果你你定定了了货货,Tshirt 将将会会随随时时被被送送货货。故故选选D项。项。答案:答案:D(北北京京宣宣武武区区)A meeting _ at 3 p.m.next Tuesday.Will you go there?Ahas held Bhas

29、 been heldCwill be held Dwill hold 解解析析:根根据据时时间间状状语语next Tuesday 判判断断用用将将来来式式。主主语语是是meeting 被被举举行行因因此此选选C项项。will be held 为将来时的被动式。为将来时的被动式。答案:答案:C(四四川川)Why dont we choose that road to save time?The bridge to it _.Ahas repaired Bis repairedCis being repaired Dwill be repaired解解析析:句句意意:为为什什么么我我们们不不选选择

30、择走走那那条条路路以以节节省省时时间间呢呢?因因为为去去那那条条路路的的桥桥正正在在修修理理中中。题题目目考考查查了了现现在在进进行行时时的的被被动动语语态态作作谓谓语语。桥桥与与修修理理存存在在被被动动关关系系,而而且根据句子语境要求采用进行时态。且根据句子语境要求采用进行时态。答案:答案:C(湖湖南南)Would you please keep silent?The weather report _ and I want to listen.Ais broadcast Bis being broadcastChas been broadcast D.had been broadcast 解

31、解析析:句句意意:请请安安静静一一下下好好吗吗?正正广广播播天天气气预预报报呢呢,我我想想听听听听。根根据据句句意意,该该空空考考查查的的是是现现在在进行时的被动语态。进行时的被动语态。答案:答案:B(江江 苏苏)Hi,Torry,can I use your computer for a while this afternoon?Sorry._.AIts repaired BIt has been repairedC.Its being repaired D.It had been repaired解解析析:句句意意:嗨嗨,Torry,今今天天下下午午我我能能用用一一会会儿儿你你的的电电脑脑

32、吗吗?真真抱抱歉歉,电电脑脑正正在在修修理理。该该句句强强调调的的是是此此时时电电脑脑正正被被维维修修,需需用用现现在在进进行行时时的被动语态。的被动语态。答案:答案:C(上上海海)During the period of recent terrorist activities,people _ not to touch any unattended bag.Ahad always been warnedBwere always being warnedCare always warning Dalways warned解解析析:句句意意:在在最最近近恐恐怖怖活活动动期期间间,人人们们总总是是

33、在在被被警警告告不不要要碰碰任任何何无无人人照照看看的的包包。be always doing sth.总总是是做做某某事事,表表达达某某种种抱抱怨怨、不不满满或或赞赞许许的的情情绪绪。人人们们是是“被被警警告告”,要用被动语态。,要用被动语态。答案:答案:B(全全国国)His sister left home in 1998,and _ since.Ahad not been heard ofBhas not been heard of Chad not heard of Dhas not heard of 解解析析:句句意意:他他妹妹妹妹在在1998年年离离开开家家,从从那那以以后后就就没没

34、了了音音讯讯。根根据据句句意意,指指的的是是过过去去离离开开以以后后,到到现现在在一一直直没没音音讯讯,故故用用现现在在完完成成时时;hear of 与与his sister 在在本本句句中中为为被被动关系,故用被动语态,所以选动关系,故用被动语态,所以选B。答案:答案:B(北北京京崇崇文文区区)It was proven that the story of one witness _.Ahas been invented Bhad been inventedCwould be invented Dwas invented解解析析:此此题题考考查查时时态态,据据证证实实(It was prov

35、en that.)用用过过去去的的时时态态,故故后后面面用用过过去去完完成成式式(已已经经被编造出来被编造出来)。答案:答案:B(皖皖南南八八校校联联考考)This Monday morning I was informed I _ as one of three exchange students from our college.Ahad been choosing Bwas chosenChad been chosen Dwas choosing解析:解析:过去的过去应用过去完成时的被动语态。过去的过去应用过去完成时的被动语态。答案:答案:C(2006湖湖南南)In a room abo

36、ve the store,where a party_,some workers were busily setting the table.Awas to be held Bhas been heldCwill be held Dis being held解解析析:由由some workers were busily setting the table,可可知知会会议议要要被被召召开开,同同时时时时态态为为过过去去时时,故故选选A。答案:答案:A(青青岛岛质质检检)Have you finished your essay?Half _ when you come back.Ahas been

37、 done Bis doneCbe done Dwill have been done解解析析:考考查查动动词词时时态态和和语语态态辨辨析析。when引引导导的的时时间间状状语语从从句句中中用用一一般般现现在在时时代代替替一一般般将将来来时时,所所以以主主句句表表示示将将来来的的动动作作,且且表表示示“等等你你回回来来的的时时候候一半的工作将已经完成一半的工作将已经完成”。答案:答案:D(北北京京宣宣武武区区)At minus 130,a living cell can _ for a thousand years.Apreserve Bbe preservedCbe preserving D

38、have been preserved解解析析:考考查查情情态态动动词词用用法法。can 后后面面接接动动词词原原形形,同同时时应应注注意意被被动动语语态态。句句意意为为:在在零零下下130时,活细胞可以存活一千年。时,活细胞可以存活一千年。答案:答案:B(洛洛阳阳统统考考)Honey,this is a present for your birthday.Ah!A pair of shoes,Nike!I think it _ comfortable.Awears Bis wornCis wearing Dhas worn解析:解析:it wears comfortable 它穿起来很舒服。

39、它穿起来很舒服。答案:答案:A(郑郑州州预预测测)Id like a pen which _ well.Will this one _?Awrites;help Bwrites;doCis written;work Dis written;help解解析析:考考查查动动词词的的语语态态和和动动词词辨辨析析。第第一一空空表表示示“一一支支好好用用的的钢钢笔笔”,用用主主动动语语态态而而不不用用被被动动,因因此此空空白白处处填填writes。答答语语说说:这这支支笔笔可可以以吗吗?表表示示“行,可以行,可以”用动词用动词do。答案:答案:B(北北京京五五中中)Our house has reach

40、ed the point where so many things need _ and its so hard to find the time to fix them.Ato do up Bdoing upCto put up Dputting up答案:答案:B(武武 汉汉)Moms spent the day shopping,cleaning and cooking and now she_.Ahas worn out Bis worn outCis wearing out Dwears out解解析析:本本题题的的第第一一分分句句用用的的是是现现在在完完成成时时,再再根根据据时时间

41、间状状语语now可可知知指指现现在在状状况况,所所以以用用一一般般现在时,现在时,be worn out意为意为“筋疲力尽筋疲力尽”。答案:答案:B(北北京京东东城城区区)Do you know how much a babysitter _ for an hour?Well,it depends.Apays Bgets paidCbeing paid Dpaid解解析析:根根据据句句意意“你你知知道道一一个个保保姆姆一一小小时时挣挣多多少钱吗少钱吗”可知答案为可知答案为B。答案:答案:B(重庆诊断重庆诊断)Whats wrong with your leg?It _ in a car acc

42、ident.Ahas been hurt Bgot hurt Churt Dhurts解解析析:考考查查谓谓语语动动词词的的时时态态和和语语态态。答答语语意意为为:在在一一次次车车祸祸中中受受伤伤了了。主主语语It即即指指my leg,为为谓谓语语动动词词动动作作的的承承受受者者,因因此此需需要要用用被被动动语语态态;车车祸祸发发生生在在过过去去,因因此此应应用用一一般般过过去去时时。这这里里got hurtwas hurt。答案:答案:B1The students said hello to the teacher and _ with a smile.Awere rewarded Bwas

43、 rewardedChave rewarded Dhas rewarded答答案案与与解解析析:A“学学生生们们向向老老师师问问好好,老老师师回回应应给给他他们们一一个个微微笑笑。”应应该该是是“学学生生们们被被回回应应”由由句句意意可可知知此此处处为为被被动动,故故C、D排排除除;又又“the students”做做主主语语,所所以以谓谓语语动动词词为为“were”,故选,故选A项。项。2Have the traffic police caught the driver?Yes.He _ only two hours after the accident occurred.Awas caug

44、ht BcaughtChas caught Dhas caught答答案案与与解解析析:A表表示示过过去去某某一一时时间间点点发发生生的的事事用用过过去去式式。He和和caught 形形成成被被动动关关系系,用被动语态。用被动语态。3The windows must have taken you quite a long time that day.Right.They _ for weeks.Ahavent been cleaned Bdidnt cleanChadnt been cleaned Dhavent cleaned答答案案与与解解析析:C考考查查时时态态。第第一一句句话话的的谓谓

45、语语动动词词是是must have taken,说说明明此此处处是是对对过过去去发发生生的的事事情情的的推推测测;答答语语“好好几几个个星星期期没没有有打打扫扫了了”发发生生在在that day 之之前前,表表示示过过去去的的过过去去,因因此此用用过过去完成时。去完成时。4 The advanced highspeed railway _ in the year 2012,when the Olympics are to be held in London.Awill be completed Bhas completedCwill have completed Dwill complete答

46、答案案与与解解析析:A考考查查谓谓语语动动词词的的时时态态。句句中中的的时时间间状状语语in the year 2012暗暗示示应应该该用用将将来来的的某某种种时时态态,主主语语“The advanced highspeed railway”是是动动作作的的承承受受者者,因因此此应应用用被被动动语语态态,只只有有选选项项A为被动语态,答案为为被动语态,答案为A。5Why do you look so worried?My computer broke down and my essay _ since.Ahas been left unfinishedBhas left to finishCw

47、as left to finishDhad been left unfinished答答案案与与解解析析:A考考查查动动词词的的时时态态和和语语态态。由由broke down和和since 可可知知时时态态用用现现在在完完成成时时,且且主主语与谓语动词之间是动宾关系,故用被动语态。语与谓语动词之间是动宾关系,故用被动语态。6Why dont you buy that shirt?That kind of material _ well.Adoesnt wash Bhasnt washedCisnt washed Dcant be washed答答案案与与解解析析:A有有少少数数及及物物动动词词

48、可可转转化化为为不不及及物物动动词词,常常见见的的有有:cut,lock,open,read,sell,shut,wash,wear,write等等,此此时时句句子子的的主主语语一一般般是是物物,而而且且这这些些动动词词常常和和well,easily等等连连用用或或与与否否定定词词连连用用构构成成否否定定句句。注注意意:含含有有这这类类动动词词的的句句子子也也可可用用被被动动语语态态表表示示,但但含含义义不不同同。主主动动语语态态表表示示现现状状,被被动动语语态态则则侧侧重重某某一一动动作作的的发生。本句表示那种面料很不耐洗,所以选发生。本句表示那种面料很不耐洗,所以选A。7After say

49、ing goodbye,the couple moved off and _ in the crowd.Awas lost Bwere lost Chad lost Dto lose答答案案与与解解析析:B考考查查动动词词的的时时态态和和主主谓谓一一致致。主主语语是是the couple,谓谓语语动动词词应应用用复复数数形形式式;空空中中的的时时态态应应与与moved off 一一致致,此此处处应应用用be lost,表表示示“消失在人群里消失在人群里”。8Why do you go to work by bus?Because my car _.Ahas repaired Bhas been

50、 repairedCwas repaired Dis being repaired答答案案与与解解析析:D考考查查时时态态与与语语态态。从从本本题题语语境境可可知知,没没有有开开车车的的原原因因是是车车子子正正在在被被修修理理,因因此此动动词词应应该该使使用用现现在在进进行行时时的的被被动语态。动语态。9He _ as a child,sent to good schools,and given every chance to be brought up well.Areads Bhad to readCwas read to Dread to 答答案案与与解解析析:C 短短语语read so

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