1、2023年全国各地中考英语真题分类汇编连词【023山东济南】29 Dd yu have a godiat t party?Yes. We sang _danceduntilte a nght.A.u . fC. and D. so29C【解析】考察连词辨析。bt“不过,”是并列连词,表转折; if“假如,假如”,引导条件状语从句; an“和,并且”,表达顺承或并列; so“因此”,表成果。句意 “你们在聚会中过得好吗?是旳,我们又唱又跳直到深夜。”故选C。【203山东济南】39Ln huo is _fam_all thbsketbllfas i Chia know hi.too, tB. og
2、h, o C.so, that D.as, a9.C【解析】考察连词使用方法。oto“太而不能”;enohto“足够以”;otat“如此以至于”;as“与同样”。句意“林书豪如此出名以至于在中国所有旳篮球迷都懂得他。”故选C。【2023山东济宁】25 wont take par nJ ithdypary _Im ivited.A.unes .ftr C.because D.f【解析】考察连词辨析。unles “除非;假如不”。句意为“我不会参与茱莉亚旳生日晚会除非我被邀请。”【2023北京】0 Thee a n bues,_ yul have o lk.A. oB. r C buDfor【答案
3、】A【223甘肃鸡西市】24. W must get up at :0 omrrow mring, _we willblate fothe eein. nd B. or C. but【答案】B【023广东】33.Ben as bsy takng tinigclas, _we ha towait for hm fr halanou.A. soB. C rD. Bu【答案】【202广西玉林】2. _e execissever day, _ isvry helhy.A. Becaus;s .Becau; trough. Because; / . Though; 【答案】C【202贵州安顺】21Hrr
4、y u,_ fiish our homewok!A.or.t CaDwhl【答案】【023贵州铜仁】35e bus driver lways saysto us ,“Dnt gtof_tebustps.”.whenBwhile C.until D. if【答案】C【解析】本题考察连词。notti表达“懂得才。故选C.【2023黑龙江齐齐哈尔】24. mut get up at :00 tomorrow monig,_wewill e lae for meetn.A. nd . o C. ut【答案】B【203湖北恩施】7 Th boyis _ lever atevebd _ im.A. h;
5、lkes B o; ikes Cs; lie【答案】B【2湖北荆州】2. e sall w leae or Chia? Weot e av vied lhe aces of nterst r.A.untl B. wie . a D inc【答案】【202湖北十堰】30. _ he s ony 12, heoften gs t the popls topeform ays for e old peole as a vlunter.A. If B SneC. oughD. Becuse【答案】C【2023湖北孝感】3 ogh teo didnt hve enogh money, hegv a to
6、usad un to techaiy.A / B. and C.but or【答案】【203湖北宜昌】34. Werare yu going for h omingwite ap?I wontdei ohe place the ndofthisont.A. unil B uness C. thouh . thgh【答案】A【2023湖北宜昌】39. I ant to ind rnerpractie rller skatin.M friendFre is a erson may he youa lo.A. hich B o C hoD.and【答案】【203湖南怀化】【答案】【203湖南永州】2
7、9. Ihae een collcting amps _ I s ineyears ol.A beore B.if C. sce【答案】C【223江苏淮安】0.the gea teaher ang Lil wasin hospital, any pole hopedshewoud ge btter soon.A. If B.Untl C Before D fter【答案】D【2江苏淮安】1.W jsned oe of yu fo th gam you ou bothercoinusA. Boh; and B.Neith; no C.Eiher;or D Not on; but als【答案】【
8、203江苏连云港】11.Al offousdoctrs gathre in Hrbin e “Chinas sbautif teach”sZang Lii. tha B. i oreto C. in orer that D.a areult【答案】【203江苏苏州】6 It was_ lovelywahr _ e died t spen he day bac.A.sch a;th B.suh; tat uh;as D so;that【答案】B【202江苏无锡】10. he old teae wl close n so etr datin aremadeA. soB.fC.eause . unl
9、ss【答案】D【023江苏宿迁】13. Edie was sleepi Millieas eaing a magaze.untilB.hle C. bere . f【答案】B【23江苏徐州】10. Yo cnchse to watch T ome go shopig with e.A and BbtC.so Dor【答案】D【02江苏盐城】5. You wilfa ehind os y orkhard. if B uless C. tough sinc【答案】【023江苏镇江】6. Wewil go the squre to watchh raisingofnationlflag _ t ri
10、 tmorrow.A.wh B if C. ine .unless【答案】D【23江西】9. _ the girl ly mine, shtkes ae o her brother ad ooks measever day.A fB.Bcause C.Altog D A【答案】C【023江西】40.I know _ Iprosedto takeou dnr, butIwon finsh wokig unlten oloc.A. that B. if C.what D wy【答案】【22辽宁大连】14.Muiist Sallysmai intest, _ hewats tose somBjing
11、 Ope td.At.soCorDad【答案】【23辽宁大连】11.Mrk isntcomig toeonert _ e sgoto uch ok o oAsoBtilC.ltghD.bcaue【答案】D【23 内蒙古包头】2 rue friedan ee tepai you eyes everone ele believs the smie o yr face ieB. ecause C.eore . uti【答案】A【2023呼和浩特】15. hear _your grandpa _ yor grandma le wachneiin Opea.Rigt, u as anoldople o
12、un orcityA.bth; ad B. ithr; o C. eithr;or D. not ly; bts【答案】 A【2023年福建省福州市】 _my fter_y mohe ake god care of me. ovhem so much.A Either; or B. Bot; an C. Nethr; or【答案】B【03年广东省】3. en was busytkinga tainngcas. _we hd to ait for himorhf an hu.A.l B if. rD.but【答案】A【203黔西南】4.ome on,_ you il bea for scol.
13、and . bu oD. s【解析】C. 考察连词。根据句意选择C答案。3. Studying n groupsisessar_yo wan to do well inschool.A.if B. util C. unes D.though【答案】A【203河南】( )31. We shuld g the by anoher hnce _ he has mad sme misas.toughB.whe C unssD becse【答案】A【023 山东滨州】24. Mary, pu on yor oa, _ youl cat a cd.A.ndB.or C .so D.bu【答案】【02山东滨
14、州】8 Thy dtgo tobed_ the work wasfinished.A. whnB.wie C.until D after【答案】C【20.山东菏泽】9. Somef the stdensre earsite _tey spend too muche wtchingTV r ayg nlie gameA.whe B.thug . caue D. ulss【答案】【2023山东临沂】3. hemlyha ostay thtel,_it wasrning har.bcauseB. although . unil D. unlss【答案】A【223山东泰安】3. Culd e ga w
15、chtefooba ga?N, _ yo hve thetickets.A. if . nles C. ecase Dsince【答案】B24.Tigeswai_ t s drk,thego otto find tirfood.sincB.until C.s .bcause【解析】B。考察连词旳使用方法。wai是延续性动词,用untl引导延续性旳事件状语,句意为“老虎直等到天黑才出去觅食”。【203陕西】27. Tyear as assed _ th TV evt Ple ho vdChina tokplac n 223.A. wen B. wh C. bfe D. sinc【答案】【023四
16、川成都】0. ycosn knw a lot boutgeography, he is olour yeas ldA. bcase. o C. lhough【答案】【02四川广安】3. Jm,yu lok so tired!Oh,I dd o to bd _ wa12oclo ast igt. ntlB. . if【答案】【23四川凉山】24 ll,please tundownthe mui, _Mo _Dad e leeping.o, 111 dotight away.A. neitr; nor eith; or C. bot; an【答案】C【202绵阳市】8.Plase ell mehe
17、 truth, _ cant decde how tohelpyou e ste.A. o B. or. butD for【答案】A【2023四川自贡】2 o anhave themall ou cnchose _the ie _ the toyar, said thmthe.A.eithr; o . not oly;but asoC. both; ad【答案】【2023四川雅安市】1. Ms Li has tauht nglish_se cme hreA. sineB. as. when.o【答案】【2023四川宜宾】5. _ my father _ my oer s bl toive ca
18、 owvr, tey are going t u oe. Neter; or B. Boh;an C. Eiter; rD.Not only;bt also【答案】A【20天津】37.A snke t im _eento see doctroce. iB. here . becase D. so【答案】D【2023浙江杭州】23. Yo a nh, _-l tke of te ba.A.but .o C. fran【答案】C【023浙江嘉兴】19. It isnt wam toay, _ te sun isshini.A. r B d C. becauseD. alough【答案】D【2023
19、浙江丽水】19 Weshoul care more bout ourhealth _ goodeathisefirt sp towrds scssA o B because C.b D if【答案】B【223浙江宁波】9 idnt you ty yor est t get on te ubway?I tredt, butistatd mng_I couldgeton it.eorB afr. sne. f【答案】A【023浙江衢州】 Tcnyis only oersol, _he drw vry l.-bu B, s orD.【答案】【02浙江温州】.Fank livsa smpl lfe_
20、h hs lots of mney.ltho B. becu C s Di【答案】A【223重庆市】2. I ddeive he colddvhe tol.A once B whie C. snce D. util【答案】D【22贵州六盘水】31 Thean s so tired, _he sillwent on workn.A. so B t C. rD. ad【答案】B【02黑龙江黑河市】4. Weust et p at :0 omorrwrg,_e wll e ate for te meeting. ndB o C. but【答案】【2023湖北省荆州市】29. When sha wel
21、eave or China? e wt we avevitd al the acs o ineret ere.A. unl B. while . as . snce【答案】A【2023山东东营市】3.the 32-meterhanghai Towei finised, tilb th seond alest builng in wod.A Wen B. Sinc C. BeforD. Unless【答案】A【22山东日照】6. real enjoyed your spee, _here wee ome arIdidt quitunersandA. be . forC until .thou【答案】【223山东日照】2. -Tl u omethinaot Canada, K?Imsrry _ Jack _haeeer benhe. Either; or B. tonly; ut aloCBth; d ther; no【答案】D【023四川省乐山市】. Aphon ht ts area wihheayrains ad winds strong wa pened in 22.A. as B. C. too【答案】A