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1、上海天宇公司依靠精湛的技术, 成熟的制造工艺和训练有素的销售精英队伍和完善的售后服务团队,在电器行业成为一家专业从事大型输配电工程设备承包,成套电器及高低压配电柜设计、制造的骨干企业。公司的产品及输配电工程业绩斐然,享誉海内外。产品安全可靠地运行于能源配电、交通、港口、冶金矿山、机场市政、工厂医院、机关行政、石油化工,轨道交通等行业,拥有自主研发能力和工程成套能力,产品还远渡重洋在海外多个国家和地区具有立足之地。Shanghai UNisky electric co,LTD depend on sophisticated technology, mature manufacturing pro

2、cesses ; Well-trained salesman troops and perfect after-sales service team, to become a professional at contract with large power transmission and distribution engineering facility , electrical system and high-low voltage distribution cabinet design 、manufacture of mainstays. Our products and the pe

3、rformance of transmission-distribution engineering projects have good achievement , enjoy high prestige in the world. Product safety and reliable operation of power distribution, transportation, port, metallurgy-mining, airport, municipal, factory hospital, authorities , petrochemical, rail transpor

4、tation and so on. we are seized of self- R & D and S/I capability , products also have lots of footholds in many countires and areas abroad.公司现有员工160余名,其中中高级职称的技术人员占员工总数的30%, 公司重视基础管理工作,建立了完善可靠的质保体系,环保体系和员工健康体系。公司还获得银信资质机构颁发的AAA资信等级证书。选择上海天宇公司是明智的选择。 We have more than 160 employees, intermediate sen

5、ior titles members make up over 30 percent of all. We emphasis on Basic management, the establishment of a sound and reliable quality assurance system, environmental system and employee health system. Our enterprise was awarded “AAA” credit level by several banks . COME AND VISIT UNisky IMMEDIATELY!

6、 We are outstanding! 有力地配合扩建指挥部紧张的工作进度,保证及时供货。北京首都机场扩建工程指挥部A strong command of intensive work with the expansion of the progress to ensure the timely supply.- Beijing Capital Airport Expansion Project Headquarters该产品在亚非论坛会议时表现出色,为我部赢得了赞扬。中铁十六局首都机场专机和公务楼工程项目部The products in the Asia-Africa Forum conf

7、erence outstanding performance earned praised for my department.- China Railway 16 Bureau group of Beijing Capital International Airport jet and the Department of .official building Project运行状况良好,用户对该公司产品比较满意。北京中科通用能源环保有限责任公司performance very good! We satisfied with the companys products.- GE Energy

8、Environmental Protection Bureau of Beijing Co., Ltd.该公司售后服务工作及时到位,服务优良,信誉良好。茂名臻能热电有限公司This companys after-sales service work timely, quality service, good reputation.- Maoming zhenneng thermal power Co., Ltd. 该公司每年一次的巡访,使我们用得放心。湖北襄樊电厂建设指挥部The companys annual tour, so rest assured that we used.- Hube

9、i Xiangfan Power Plant Construction Headquarters对于你们对工作认真负责的态度,我们表示衷心的感谢。四川嘉陵江金溪航电开发有限公司For you have to work a serious and responsible attitude, we express our heartfelt thanks.- Sichuan Jialing Jinxi Avionics Development Co., Ltd.尤其是华通公司细致认真负责的服务,得到用户单位的好评。北京住总第六开发建设有限公司In particular, the company d

10、etailed UNisky a serious and responsible service, the user units of praise.- Beijing live in the Sixth Development General Construction Co., Ltd.该公司服务优质,信誉良好。首都机场航站区综合管网工程项目部The companys service quality and good reputation.- Capital Airport Terminal Area Integrated Pipeline Projects Division柜子防误操作可靠

11、,工艺先进,质量过硬。上海農晨饲料有限公司anti-false operation reliable, advanced technology, quality, perfect.- Shanghai nongchen animal Feed Co., Ltd. 专业的研发中心Professional R&D Center上海天宇公司设有电器技术研究所,引进美国EDS公司的UG工程软件,集CAD/CAM/CAE与一体,成立了CAD研发中心,同时拥有先进的加工、测试设备,先进的工艺水平和完善的质量保证体系。Shanghai UNisky electric co,LTD establish the

12、 electrical technical Research Institute,introduce the UGII engineering software from EDS Company of USA,set CAD/CAM/CAE in one part and establish CAD R&D Certer.It also owns the advanced machining,test equipment,advanced technical standard and quality assuarance system.强大的检测中心formidable TestIing Ce

13、nter上海天宇公司是国内电器同行业中是唯一拥有高、低压强电流试验设备的企业。220kV,500MWA网络短路试验站是国家认可的四个强电流试验基地之一;短路开断电流达250kA的低压电器试验站也是国内数个低压大电流试验站之一。我公司还从德国MWB公司引进了目前国际上最先进的1200kV和750kV高压工频试验变压器及其附属控制和测试设备,使我公司的测试设备和测试手段在同行中处于优势地位。Shanghai UNisky electric co,LTD is the only enterprise with the high and low electrical flow test equipme

14、nt in domestic electricity industry.220kV,500MWA short-circuit test station is one of the four strong electrical flow test bases recognized by the states; The low electrical flow test station with short-circuit breaking current which is 250kA is also one of the low electrical flow test stations in C

15、hina. has also introduced the most advanced 1200kV and 750kV high-voltage power frequency test transformer and its accessory control & test equipment from MWB, Germany,all of these make our companys test equipments and test method stand a priority situation within the industry.先进的生产工艺Advanced sophis

16、ticated technology专用行车,使物流通畅、安全、快捷,生产效率提高。 Specialized overhead travelling crane to make the transportation smooth,safe,fast and with higher production efficiency.优化物料、降低噪声、整洁的环境、所有员工均经过专业训练,生产更安全、健康。 To optimize the raw materials,lower the moises,tidy enviorment,make all the empolyees professionall

17、y trained,make the production more safe and healthy.使用专用夹具和气动工具,不仅提高了装配精度,而且提高了工作效率。 To use specialized fixture and pneumatic tool,which can not only improve the assembly precision,but also improve the working efficiency.柜体边接采用拉铆新工艺,无需焊接,确保装配精度,且符合环保要求。 The side of the cabinet uses the rivet this ki

18、nd of new processes,no welding and assure the assembly precision and also measure up to requirements of environmental protection.采用自动剪切线机及自动标签、线号打印机,使得二次线规范化,减少人为出错率。 To adopt the automatice cut-ray machine and automatic tags,Line Printer to standardize the second line and reduce the human error rat

19、e.完善的质保体系、优越的检测仪器、高质量的检测设备、配备试验协议的智能仪,可对产品进行百分之百的检验。 Complete quality assurance system,superb test institution,test equipment with high quality,intelligent instrument with experimental agreement can test the products by 100%.卓越的生产能力Excellent production capacity由于关键工序由设备精度控制,减少了人为的失误,提高了制造质量,保证了产品出厂合

20、格率100%,产品运行维修率2%的企业质量目标。生产工艺的提高和生产装备的充足,将企业的现代化生产方式推向更高的层次,制造精度提高了近2个数量级,生产效率提高了几倍到几十倍,劳动强度大大降低,作业环境条件彻底改观,企业的生产能力也显著增强:按照现在的情况,企业每年可以生产高压开关柜4500余台、抽出式低压柜5000余台、其他各类柜、箱10000余台/套。进口柔性钣材加工中心,折弯机,剪板机,激光切割机床,数控多工位加工中心,德国进口数控多功位冲床,数控液压母排柔性生产线,自动化静电粉末涂装生产线,Due to the precision control of the key process b

21、y the instrument,to achieve the enterprise quality goal by reducing the human mistakes and improving the manufacture quality, assuring the products passing rate to 100% and the operational repairing rate less than 2%.The improvement of the production technology and the sufficient production equipmen

22、t push the enterprises modernized production method to a high level, The production accuracy has been improved nearly 2 orders of magnitude, the production efficiency has been improved several to dozens of times, the labor intensity has been decreased greatly, working environment has been changed co

23、mpletely and the production capacity has been strengthened remarkably:According to the current situation,the company can produce more than 4500 pcs high voltage switchgear every year,more than 5000 pcs Low-voltage cabinet which can draw out and other different kinds of cabinet,boxes for more than 10

24、000 pcs/sets.To import Flexible Sheet Metal machining center,Bender,Shears, Laser Cutting Machine, CNC multi-station machining centers,Germany original multi-function NC punch press , CNC Hydraulic Busbar Flexible Production Line and Automatic electrostatic powder coating production line.本公司的产品已安全可靠

25、地运行在电力、冶金、采矿、化工、建筑、机械、纺织、交通运输以及大厦和宾馆等各个领域,产品运销三十多个国家和地区,The products of our company has operated safely and reliable in electricity, metallurgy,mining,chemical,construction,mechanism,textiles,traffic and transportation,mansion and hotel and other areas.The products have been sold to more than 30 cou

26、ntries and areas.由于奥运会的召开,该工程被列为国家重点工程中的重中之中,要求在很的时间内完成安装调试工作,确保如期供电,这对供货商的技术支持、工程管理及售后服务要求极高。专机楼是国内第一座专门接待外国元首贵宾来访的和我国家领导人出访的专用候机楼,对技术细节要求及图纸资料审查极为严格。The project is listed as the first priority of the national key project due to the Olympic Games which require to finish the installment and adjustme

27、nt work within a very short time to assure the timely electricity provision.This is a very high requirement for the technical support,engineering management and customer service provided by the supplier.Special plane building is the first specialized terminal building to receive the foreign heads of

28、 state and VIPs and national leadersforeign visit of our own country which has a high restriction on technical details and drawings examination.该 项目是为铜陵金隆铜业改造提供整套高、低压配电及控制设备,其项目特点是:产品种类多,设备可靠性要求高,配电系统原理复杂。The project is intended for providing a complete set of high-low voltage power distribution and

29、 control equipments to support transformation of Tongling Jinlong Copper Co., Ltd. The project is characterized by numerous product varieties, high reliability requirement for equipments and complex power distribution system principle.茂名臻能热电有限公司建设300MW亚临界双抽汽供热燃煤发电机组,并配套建设脱硫设施,整套生产设备对配电系统的要求极高。Maomin

30、g zhenneng thermal power Co., Ltd. construct Sub-critical double-extraction steam heating units of 300MW and establish the desulfurization. as attached,the whole set of production equipment has a extreme high demand to the Distribution System.北京地铁五号线是北京市城市轨道交通线网规划中一条重要的南北干线,线路南起丰台区的宋家庄站、北至昌平区的太平庄北站。

31、全线正线总长27.6km,其中地下16.9km,高架线为9.4km,地面线为1.3km。全线共设22座车站。According to Beijings Urban Mass Transit Network Plan, Beijings No.5 Subway Line is a major south-north trunk line. It starts from Song Jiazhuang Station in the south and ends at Tai Pingzhuang North Station in the north. Its mainline is 27.6kms

32、long, with16.9km underground line, 9.4km elevated line and 1.3km ground line. There are 22 stations in total across the whole line.东莞市市区垃圾处理厂项目是广东省环保重点工程、卫生示范工程,也是东莞市垃圾焚烧发电的第一个BOT项目。该项目于2004年5月正式动工,是一个集环境保护、能源利用于一体的新型热电厂,服务范围覆盖莞城、东城、南城、万江和高埗镇,服务人口95.85万人。该项目的输配电成套设备均由我公司成套供货,包括变压器、高低压开关柜、配电箱柜等。除上述工程

33、外,公司在国内其他重点工程的建设中也取得了骄人的业绩。而且无论是产品质量还是售后服务,都得到了用户的高度评价。The project of Dongguan urban waste disposal plant is Guangdong provincial key environmental protection project and hygiene demonstration project and also the first BOT project of Dongguan waste incineration for power generation. It, officially

34、initiated in May 2004, is a new thermal power plant integrated with environment protection and energy utilization. Its service covers Guancheng, Dongcheng, Nancheng, Wanjiang and Gaopo Town. It serves for 959,500 people. The complete set of transmission and distribution equipment used in the project

35、 are supplied by us, including transformers, HV and LV switch cabinet and distribution box and cabinet ect. etc.Besides above projects,our company also made great performance in the construction of other domestic key projects.And no matter the quality of the products,or the customer services,are highly evaluated by the customers.

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