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1、(20个)个)(28个)个):i:u:I I e eI I aI I a I I e 20个个Learn to pronounce p t k f s tr 28个个 b d g v z dr h m n r l j w Learn to pronounce i:even sheet meat read key :father class dark march :pork short north sport u:shoot food tooth room:shirt thirty girl term turn sit ready money Monday e leg ready peasant

2、 said angry bank thank match dot shot stop clock book cook bush classroom luck much couple dozen about teacher doctor today I I eI I aI I a I e date gate lay may kite night fly tie toy oil point noise boil note shoulder told close shout ground trousers flowerfear ear here theatretour sure poor lure

3、care dare fair there p t k f s piano picture pink pea tea tin let hat key clothes back character family friend roof safe sea send case facewash sure machine pressure tr h bath birthday thing throwtrain try trip trouble true cheap chat chicken catchmeets prints gets seats high hold holiday home b d g

4、 v z bean bit web rob different daily need kid green gift egg garbagevan very have five of zoo these is eggs eyesusually pleasure treasure measurethat than mother breathedr m n r l draw drive dream dress job join juice June gym finds sends fields words meet member music home narrow note can run sing

5、 thank driving takingrain rice ride row free lake lazy still until j w yes year you yellow wait west window wildThere is a little bee.Coming from the apple tree.Flying in the flowers.And cant see me.The brown cow is out now.Bark.Bark.Bark.The dog is barking after the car.Look.This is little John.Goe

6、s to bed with his trousers on.One shoe off and one shoe on.Look.This is little John.元音字母在重读元音字母在重读开音节开音节或重读相对开音节中读元或重读相对开音节中读元音字母本身的音:音字母本身的音:元音字母元音字母 读音读音 例词例词 读音读音 a /ei/a /ei/e /i:/me /mi:/I /ai/I /ai/o /no /n /u /ju:/cue /kju:/发发发发 音音音音 规规规规 律律律律 单个元音字母 在重读音节中的发音 a 开音节中读/ei/如name,take 闭音节中读/如map

7、,bag e 开音节中读/i:/如be,he 闭音节中读/e/如egg,best i 开音节中读/ai/如like,kite 闭音节中读/i/如bit,fit o 开音节中读/如note,no 闭音节中读/如dog,lotu 开音节中读/ju:/如mute,use 闭音节中读/如bus,cut mate伙伴mat草席草席hole洞洞hop单足跳单足跳mute哑的哑的suck 吸吸hike远足远足slit撕开撕开1.mate 伙伴伙伴2.mat草席草席8.slit撕开撕开7.hike远足远足5.mute哑的哑的6.suck吸吸4.hop单足跳单足跳3.hole洞洞语音的基本常识语音的基本常识 1

8、、音节的划分、音节的划分 一个单词的音标中有几个元音就有几个音节。一个单词的音标中有几个元音就有几个音节。2、重读音节、重读音节 任何双音节或多音节单词的音标中,有重读音节和非重读音节任何双音节或多音节单词的音标中,有重读音节和非重读音节,哪一个音节重读,该音节的左上方或该音节的元音上方标有重读,哪一个音节重读,该音节的左上方或该音节的元音上方标有重读符号符号“”。3、浊化音、浊化音 以以sp_,st_,sk_开头的单词中,清辅音开头的单词中,清辅音/p/t/k/分别要发浊分别要发浊辅音辅音/b/d/g/。4、定冠词、定冠词the的读音的读音 e.g.the man c.f.the old m

9、an5、不完全爆破、不完全爆破 爆破音爆破音p b t d k g 后面紧跟另一个爆破后面紧跟另一个爆破音时,前面的那个爆破音只在口腔内形成阻碍,而不音时,前面的那个爆破音只在口腔内形成阻碍,而不能完全读出。能完全读出。e.g.basketball the part of the earth 6、连读、连读 在一个短语或句子中,如果相邻两词的关系相等在一个短语或句子中,如果相邻两词的关系相等密切,而前一个词以辅音结尾,后一个词以元音开头,密切,而前一个词以辅音结尾,后一个词以元音开头,辅音和元素连在一起读。辅音和元素连在一起读。7、意群的停顿、意群的停顿对于一个较长的句子,可以根据意思和结构将

10、对于一个较长的句子,可以根据意思和结构将其分成几群其分成几群,一个意群必须一口气说完。一个意群必须一口气说完。i:eme we he equal sceneee see indeed breeze succeedeaeat beat neat real defeatieyield piece field believe发发发发 音音音音 规规规规 则则则则eiseize receive ceiling ipolice ski machine eopeopleey keyi:iit fit pig miss kiss fill picnic ycity pretty busy sixty epr

11、etty English Englandee coffee committee i eymoney valley iecarried worried ladies avillageo women i ubusyuibuild guilt coffee committee i echeck enter gentle accept easpread bread weather iefrienda any many e aisaid ay says u bury Better late than never.(迟做总比不做好迟做总比不做好)Better to do well than to say

12、well.(口说不如实干口说不如实干)e acat map fat hat mad back gas catch match fact happy marry stamp act adapt attractive national Catch that mad black cat Thank you for the stampapass glass demand advance ararm garden smart harmful auaunt laughear heart:earheart alcalm half:A large army marched past the farmyardI

13、ts hard to see any stars in the dark sky ocome compass government ooflood blood usun adult culture customoutouch trouble couple double awsaw law draw oraccording force born corn oabroad boardou bought brought course cough o:autaught caught naught fault oodoor floor alall ball talk small walkore more

14、 store before exploreo:oremore store before explore arwar warm warn awater salt also false o:ooffer block college possible oucoughow knowledgeo a soft song /a coffee shop/cost a lot The clock is stopped,its not long Lost time is never found againo owho do lose movementoofool spoon cool tooth choose

15、urude pollution June revolutionaryew threwu:ueblue cruelty true oeshoe uifruit ruin juice Who said the soup was too cool?As a rule,the skies are blue in June u:uput push pull helpful bush bullet careful owoman wolf lose whoseoogood wood book woolen footballoul could should would u pretty English Eng

16、land u He looks like a good cook I took my book and looked at it as long as I could aagree ahead admire attend adventurearcalendar polareranother order gathero method Europe secondeorlabor behavior actor doctorour colo(u)r ou famous ur surprise surviveeurefeature LecturemeasureMy younger brother is

17、a doctorGive me some butter and sugarWe will have a get-together after suppereurturn fur church furniture furtherorword worth worst workourjourneyir bird birthday thirsty stireerserve emergency deserted determineearearth heard searche atake case behave able latest aiwait rain train raise grainaymay

18、way play stayea break greateieieight neighbor reigneythey greyei inice like wife advice wise tidy high fight bright ei height ymy by why type try satisfy fryuy buyai ono home notice bone devote hero oaroad boat coat coachousoul shoulder though althoughow know bowl slow low flow follow owe u ouloud house shout south outer mouth about owaunow how town tower

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