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1、1-Repetition 重复译法2-1.Definition Repetition:the way the key words are repeated in a given sentence or paragraph or passage in such a way as to conform to the idiomatic usage of the target language in E-C translation.为了明确、强调或生动,需要在翻译中重复某些关键性词语。重复译法其实也是一种增词法,只是所增加的是上文出现过的词语。目的有三:(1).使意义明确;(2).表示强调;(3).

2、使译文生动。3-In translation as in composition writing,On the one hand,we omit or remove as many unnecessary words in our version as possible to fit for the usage of the target language and thereby to gain force in expression.On the other hand,we are required in translation to repeat the important words,i

3、f necessary.An important word may be repeated for emphasis and special attention,for force can be obtained by repetition.Besides,in order to make the sentence clear,unimportant words should be omitted while important words repeated.Repetition is,in fact,complementary to omission.4-TV GUIDE is the mo

4、st popular magazine in USA,whose monthly sale reaches 189,000,467 copies.Redaers Digest is second with a circulation of 109,300,247 copies.National Geographic,a good magazine about nature and geography,distributes 100,200,01 copies per month.BETTER HOMES and GARDEN has a circulation of 100,200,348 c

5、opies every month.WOMENs DAY,which is a popular magazine with females,sells 100,100,103 copies per monthly while FAMILY CIRCLE has a monthly sale of 100,12,copies.5-2.Modes of Repetition 1).Repetition for Semantic Clarity 2).Repetition for Emphasis3).Repetition for Expressiveness A.Repetition of Wor

6、ds or Expressions in Translation for Clearness(为为了意了意义义明确而重复明确而重复)The necessity of repetition in translation is chiefly due to the differences in sentence structure between the two the two languages.What is usually omitted in English is often to be repeated in Chinese so as to make the translated ve

7、rsion clear and idiomatic.6-A).Repetition of Nouns(重重译译名名词词)(A).Repeat nouns used as objects(commonly modified by different modifiers)1).Let us revise our safety and sanitary regulations.我们来修订安全规则规则和卫生规则规则吧。2).They would be very reluctant to postpone or cancel the meeting.他们非常不愿意推迟这个会议或取消这这个个会会议议。3)

8、.It is our duty to rebuild and defend our homeland.重建家园家园和保卫家园家园是我们的职责。4).He had experienced oxygen and/or engine trouble.他曾碰到过,不是氧气设备出故障故障,就是引擎出故故障障,或两者都出故障故障。7-5).The use of poison gas is clear violation of international lawin particular of the Geneva Convention.使用毒气显然违反国际法,特别是违反日内瓦公约。6).The chief

9、 effects of electric currents are the magnetic,heating and chemical effects.电流的主要效应是磁效应、热效应和化学效应。7).Last year,the output of coal in this region amounted to about 20 percent of the whole country;of steel 25 percent;of grain 30 percent;of cotton 35 percent.去年,这个地区的煤产量约占全国总产量的百分之二十,钢产量占百分之二十五,稻谷产量占百分之三

10、十,棉花产量占百分之三十五。8-B).Repeat nouns used as predicatives 1).This has been our positionbut not theirs.这一直是我们的立立场场而不是他们的立立场场。2).Tom is your friend as much as he is mine.汤姆既是你的朋友朋友,也是我的朋友朋友。3).He became an oil baronall by himself.他成为一个石油大王一个白手起家的石油大王。9-C).Repeat the omitted nouns before prepositions1).The

11、doctor will get more practice out of him than out of several hundred ordinary patients.医生从他身上得到的实实践践,会比从几百个普通病人身上得到的实实践践更多。2).We caught a glimpse of the leading horses and of a horseman vanishing through the rain.我们瞥瞥见见了最前面的几匹马,还瞥瞥见见了一个骑马的人消失在雨中。3).The prisoners often got into argument with each oth

12、er or with the guard.囚犯们经常彼此争吵争吵,或者同看守争吵争吵。10-4).Ignorance is the mother of fear as well as of admiration.无知是羡慕的根源,也是恐惧的根源。5).The story of Tom is a story of groans and tears,of a poor fellow ill-treated.汤姆的故事是一个充满呻吟和泪水的故事,是一个不幸的人惨遭虐待的故事。D).Repeat anticipatory nouns(定从中的先行定从中的先行词词)1).The little appre

13、ntice in particular lived in terror of the boss,who had borne down on him so often and so hard that there was little left.小学徒对老板老板尤其怕得要死,老板老板经常整他而且整得很重,简直把他整瘪了。2).We have advanced the principle of peaceful coexistence,which is now growing more and more popular among the nations of Asia and Africa.11

14、-我们提出了和平共处的原则,该原则现越来越受到亚非国家的欢迎。3).Now,radar is a commonly used technique by which people can see the things beyond their visibility.现在,雷达是一种常用的技术,人们利用雷达就能看到视线以外的东西。4).Computers of this type are newly developed ones,by which calculations can be done much accurately and faster.B.Repetition of VerbsA).

15、Repeat the verb shared by several objects or predicatives(英语句子中常用一个动词连接几个宾语或表语,在译文中往往重复该动词)1).The blow hurt not only his hands but his shoulder too.这一下不仅震痛震痛了他的手,也震痛震痛了他的肩膀。12-2).People forget your face first,then your name.人们首先忘记你的容貌,接着又忘忘记记你的名字。3).They were starting from scratch and needed men,gun

16、s,training.他们是白手起家,他们需要需要人员,需要需要枪支,需要需要训练。4).This requires care and,for difficult problems,great experience.这就需要细心,而且对许多困难问题来说,还需要丰富的经验。5).The primary aim of science is to find truth,new truth.科学的基本目标就是寻找真理,寻找新的真理。13-B).Repeat verbs common to several prepositions(英语句子中动词后有前置词时,在第二次第三次往往只用前置词而省略动词,在译

17、文中则要重复动词)1).He no longer dreamed of storms,nor of great occurrences,nor of great fish,nor of great fish,nor fights,nor contests of strength.他不再梦梦见见风涛,不再梦梦见见惊人的遭遇,也不再梦梦见见大鱼、搏斗和角力。2).And the body lay white and still beneath the pines,all bathed in sunshine and in blood.这具尸体苍白而安静地躺在松树下,浴于浴于阳光中,浴于浴于血泊中。

18、14-3).Then he spoke of the rise of charity and popular education,and particularly of the spread of wealth and work.接着他谈到了慈善事业的兴起和教育的普及,特别谈到了财富和工作面的扩大。4).They had prepared for this campaign as carefully as they had for larger ones.他们为这次战役所作的准备,其周密细致的程度,同他们为了较大战役所作的准备一样。5).They talked of themselves,of

19、 their prospects,of the journey,of the weather,of each other.他们谈到自己,谈到前途,谈到旅程,谈到天气,谈到彼此的情况。15-At times,the verb is still to be repeated in Chinese even if the prepositions have been omitted in English,as is shown in the following(有时英语中连前置词也省略了,但在译文中仍可重复)1).But his wife kept dinning in his ears about

20、 his idleness,his carelessness,and the ruin he was bringing on his family.可是他老婆不断地在他耳边唠叨个没完,说说他懒惰,说说他粗心,并且说说他的一家人都要毁在他的身上。2).We wanted to determine if he complied with the terms of his employment and his obligation as a clerk in the company.我们想要确定,他是否履行了受雇条件,是否履行了作为公司职员所应尽的义务。16-3).But they did not

21、show their feelings and they spoke politely about the current and depths they had drifted their lines at and the steady good weather and of what they had seen.但是他们并没有把感情流露出来,只是斯斯文文地讲起海流,讲起他们把钓丝送进海水的深度,讲起好久不变的好天气,还讲起他们所看到的一切。17-C.Repetition of Pronouns(重复代(重复代词词)A).Repeat the nouns in Chinese for the

22、 pronouns in English(英语中用代词之处,翻译时可重复其所替代的名词)1).John opened his eyes.They were filled with tears.约翰睁开眼睛,眼里眼里充满了泪水。2).He hated failure;he had conquered it all his life,risen above it,despised it in others.他讨厌失败,他一生中曾战胜失失败败,超越失失败败,并且藐视别人的失失败败。3).Taylor made a bow.Not a servile onehe will never do it.泰勒

23、鞠了一个躬。这不是一个卑躬屈膝的鞠躬鞠躬他决不会那样做。18-4).Although machines do work better and faster than a person does,they will never be able to replace him because they must be controlled by man.尽管机器比人工作得更好、更快,但机器永远不能取代人,因为机器必须由人来控制。5).Like the radio wave,the microwave,too,is a kind of electromagmatic wave,but its wave

24、 lengths are much shorter than those of the ordinary radio wave.像无线电波一样,微波也是一种电磁波,不过微波的波长要比一般无线电波长短得多。6).Another problem is that of the relationship between old and new cadres.另一个问题是新老干部的关系问题。19-6).When her eyes looked up,they were very large,odd,and attractive.她抬起眼来的时候,眼睛显得很大,很特别,很动人。7).The change

25、of Tom was that of a key man in a key slotsomething that symbolized the gradual transformation of the other players.汤姆的转变是一个把守重要关口的关键人物的转变,他的转变象征着其他参与者也在逐渐转变。8).Ignoring a problem does not solve it.对一个问题置之不理,并不能解决问题。9).Smith seemed ill at ease with power;Ball sought it.斯密司似乎对权力感到困恼不安,鲍尔则拼命追求权力。20-B)

26、.Repeat the nouns in Chinese for the possessive pronouns in English(翻译时可不用代词而重复其所替代的名词)1).Happy families also had their own troubles.幸福的家庭也有幸福家庭幸福家庭的苦恼。2).Each had his own business to handle.各人有各人各人的事要处理。3).Big powers have their strategies while small countries also have their own lines.强国有强国的策略,小国有

27、小国的策略。4).Each country has its own customs.各国有各国的风俗。21-C).Repeat the relative pronoun or adverb(nouns)implicated in the emphatic relative pronouns or adverbs(重复强势关系代词或副词)1).Whoever violates the discipline should be criticized.谁谁犯了纪律,谁谁就该受到批评。2).You may borrow whichever novel in my bookcase you like b

28、est.我书架上的小说你最爱看哪一本,你就可以借哪一本。3).Come to my office and have a talk with me whenever you are free.你什么时候有空,就什么时候到我办公室来谈一谈。4).Wherever there is fire,there is smoke.22-D).The structure with“some and others(someothers)”may be sometimes rendered into the repetitive structure in Chinese or sometimes into the

29、 syntactic pattern of“有的有的有的有的”(翻译时主语往往是谓语重复形式的“的”字结构,有时也可用“有的,有的”句式)1).Some played soccer and others played basketball.有的踢足球去了,有的打篮球去了。2).Some stayed at dorms watching TV,others went out.有的呆在宿舍里看电视,有的则外出。3).On Sunday afternoon,some reviewed their lessons,and others helped the cooks in their work.星期

30、日下午,有的复习功课,有的帮厨。23-Besides,repetition may be implemented semantically even if there are no recurring words in the source text.(在内容上而不是形式上重复)1).He wanted to send them more aid,more weapons and a few more men.他想给他们增加增加些援助,增添增添些武器,增派增派些人员。2).He was proficient both as a flyer and as a navigator.他既精于飞行,又

31、善于导航。3).To him,the birds sang,the squirrel chattered and the flowers bloomed.鸟儿向他歌唱,松鼠对他叽咕,花儿为他开放。4).He opined that the reception of the Chinese host was enormously gracious and polite.他认为这位中国主人的接待非常周到,客气极了。24-B.Repetition for Emphasis(为为了了强强调调而重复)而重复)While force is in one way secured by brevity,it

32、is strange to say that emphasis is also to be maintained by skilful repetition.An important word may be repeated just for the purpose of keeping it before the readers mind.This principle holds true both in English and in Chinese.为了强调,英语句子中往往重复关键性的词语,给人以深刻印象,英译汉时可采用同样的重复手段。A).Repetitions in English c

33、an be retained in Chinese(保留原句中的重复)1).He wandered about in the chill rain,thinking and thinking,brooding and brooding.他在凄雨中荡来荡去,想想了又又想想,盘盘算算了了又盘盘算算。25-2).Prominent among the most prominent upon the most prominent shelf were series of splendidly bound volumes entitled Shakespeares Works.在那个最显显眼眼的书架上岁

34、最显显眼眼的书籍中显显眼眼的几卷就是精装的名叫莎士比亚全集的一套书。3).They had to stand in that heat,watching me go in,come out,come out,go in and never saying anything.他们在大热天里站着,一言不发,眼巴巴看我进进去出去出来来,出来出来进进去去。4).Let us learn the lessons already taught by such cruel experience.Let us redouble our exertions and strike with united stren

35、gth while life and power remain.让我们吸取过去惨痛的教训,让我们趁着生命犹在,力量尚存之时,加倍努力,团结奋斗吧。26-1).This town is a small town,looking much like other towns of its size,but few towns enjoy so many natural advantages.这个城市是个小城市,看上去跟其他与它大小相仿的城市没有什么两样,但是其他城市却很少有这么多的天然优越条件。2).It is impossible to live in society and be indepen

36、dent of society.生于社会,不能脱离社会。3).Dead is the monarch,dead the servant who cringed before,dead the city in which they dwelt.君主死了,在他面前卑躬屈膝、阿谀奉承的奴才死了,他们居住的这个都城也死了。27-4).Year after year and century after century the moon goes around through its cycles.一年又一年,一世纪又一世纪,月亮盈亏变化,周而复始。B).Repetitions in English ca

37、n be represented in synonyms in Chinese(用同用同义词义词重复)重复)1).Every change of season,every change of weather,every hour of the day produces some change in the magical hues and shape of these mountains;and they are regarded by all good wives,far and near,as perfect barometers.季节的每一更迭更迭,气候的每一转变转变,乃至一天中的每一小

38、时,都给这些山峦的奇幻色彩和形态带来变变化化,远近的主主妇妇都把这些看作是准确的晴雨表。28-2).They would read and re-read the secret notes.他们往往一遍又一遍地反复琢磨一遍又一遍地反复琢磨这些密件。3).I know you hate me and I hate you,we had better part right now.我知道你恨恨我,我也嫌嫌你,我们最好即刻就分手吧。4).Easy come,easy go.来得容易去得快。5).During their stay in Beijing,they visited some old fr

39、iends of theirs,visited Peking University and visited the Great Wall.他们在北京逗留期间,拜访了几个老朋友,参观了北京大学,游览了长城。29-6).They might be well preparing an attack against the country,hence their sizable build-up not only of troops,but of missiles,planes,and tanks along the border of the country.他们很可能正准备进攻这个国家,因此他们沿

40、着这个国家的边境不仅集结了大量部队,而且部署了大量导弹、飞机和坦克。30-C).Reduplication of words and repetition of expressions in translation for expressiveness and parallelism(为了生动)It is one of the many peculiarities in word-formation of Chinese to reduplicate or repeat characters or words.With these words or expressions here and t

41、here in translation,the sentences will be rendered more expressive,and the translation will sound more like the original work.(即使原文中没有词的重复,翻译时为了使译文生动,有时也可采用重复手段)31-A).The use of four-character phrases to render the translated versions more expressive and idiomatic(运用运用两个四字两个四字词组词组).1).But there had

42、been too much publicity about his case.但他的事现在已经搞得满满城城风风雨雨,人人皆知人人皆知了。2).Target priorities were established there.目标的轻轻重重缓缓急,孰先孰后急,孰先孰后,是在那里决定的。3).The streets were overrun by the bandits then.那时匪徒在街上横行霸道,无横行霸道,无恶恶不作不作。4).He showed himself calm in an emergency situation.他在情况危急时,态态度从容,度从容,镇镇定自若定自若。32-5)

43、.The questions were evidently unexpected to the slow-witted spokesman,who instantly found himself tongued-tied.这些问题显然使得这位头脑迟钝的发言人感到意外,他立刻显得张张口口结结舌,舌,哑哑口无言口无言。6).With what seemed my last hope frustrated,I slipped into a deep lethargy.随着最后一线希望的破灭,我不知不觉地掉进了一种懒懒怠冷漠、意气消沉怠冷漠、意气消沉(心灰意冷)心灰意冷)的状态。B).Reduplic

44、ation of characters or words in Chinese(重迭重迭)1).He had been completely honest in my replies,withholding nothing.他的回答完全是坦坦坦坦荡荡荡荡,直言无隐。33-2).With his tardiness,carelessness and appalling good humor,we were so perplexed.他老是磨磨蹭蹭磨磨蹭蹭,马马马马虎虎虎虎,脾气又好得惊人,我们都对他毫无办法。3).Only a few slight and very scattering rip

45、ples of half-hearted hand-clapping greeted him.欢迎他的只有几下轻轻轻轻的、零零落落零零落落、冷冷淡淡冷冷淡淡的掌声。4).His children,too,were as ragged and wild as if they belonged to nobody.他的那些孩子,也是穿得破破破破烂烂烂烂,粗野不堪,就像没有父母似的。5).The toasts were flat.祝酒辞是平平淡淡平平淡淡的。6).Tom was evasive in his reply.汤姆的回答躲躲闪闪躲躲闪闪。34-7).Miss Wang had alread

46、y whimpered several times at the idea of Miss Zhangs departure.王小姐想到要与张小姐分离,已哭哭啼啼好几回了。8).She hoped that she had mixed enough fact and fiction in her story to mislead him.(Ruth Eby:“Ride on,Sibyl Ludington”)她希望所说的情况真真假假,足以使他糊里糊涂。9).Walking up and down the empty room,he stopped here and there to touch

47、 or look.(“The Apple Tree”)房间里空荡荡的,他走过来又走过去,东摸摸西瞧瞧。35-C).The use of antithetic phrases in Chinese(四字(四字对对偶偶词组词组)great contributions 丰功伟绩gratitude 感恩戴德grotesque 奇形怪状in chaos 乌烟瘴气street gossip 街谈巷议rumors 流言蜚语deep hatred 深仇大恨crudely made 粗制烂造do ones little bit 添砖加瓦utterly exhausted 精疲力尽fine-sounding wo

48、rds 甜言蜜语36-1).It was a bright September afternoon,and the streets of the city were brilliant with moving people.这是九月一晴朗的下午,那座城市的大街上,人来人往,五光十色五光十色。2).If it was a time of triumph for the many,it was a painful period for the few.多数人兴兴高采烈高采烈之日,却是少数人伤伤心失意心失意之时3).He sat there and watched them,so changeles

49、sly changing,so bright and dark,so grave and gay.他坐在那里注视着,觉得眼前的景象,既是始终如一,又是变化多端,既是光彩夺目,又是朦胧黑暗,既是庄庄严肃严肃穆穆,又是轻轻松愉快松愉快。37-4).The trial,in his opinion,was absolutely fair.据他看来,这次审判是绝对公平合理公平合理的。5).She told John of her fancy.她把她的胡思乱想胡思乱想告诉了约翰。6).Eternal glory to those revolutionary martyrs who have laid d

50、own their lives for the cause of liberation of the people!为了人民的解放事业英勇献身的烈士们永垂不朽!7).Whatever initial worries we had about the device soon vanished.不管开始时我们对该仪器有多么不放心,这种顾虑不久就烟消云散了。8).They are renowned for meanness.吝啬小气38-Reduplication of characters or words and repetition of expressions in translation

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