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1、九年级(下)英语中考新题型专项训练(二)一、六选选四ABefore the discovery of DNA information in the 1980s, fingerprints (指纹) were the easiest way to solve serious crimes.Its believed that each one of us has our own .in_e_r_r_i_n_t_s_(.) According to The Conversation, fingerprints can show lifestyle and environment, eating ha

2、bits possible medical problems and even the job of a person.2. _ Well, a fingerprint is formed when a finger touches a surface (表面) . Most fingerprints cant be seen with the naked eye (裸眼) and require a chemical development process in order to make them shown. Stuck between the raised lines of a fin

3、gerprint is something that can tell a story about who we are. Things like sweat, blood and food show a lot of information about us. We must not think that the role of fingerprints is single.Besides, its use could be much wider. 3. _ A fingerprint check may also tell a doctor whether a patient is pro

4、perly absorbing (吸收) a medicine. In the treatment of some of the most serious illnesses, having proper medicine is important.In the future, fingerprint science can be used by the police and help doctors keep us in thebest possible health. 4. _ Therefore, it will also have a bright future.A. The use

5、of fingerprints is very simple.B. For example, it may be helpful in the future for doctors to treat their patients.C. In fact, our fingerprints will change over time.D. But how can we work all this out from a fingerprint?E. Fingerprint science will play an important role in the future.F. Do you know

6、 that our fingerprints can show a lot about us?BEvery day I see advertisements in the newspapers and on the buses, saying that it is easy and quick to learn English. There is even a reference (提及) to Wiliam Shakespeare or Charles Dickens to encourage learners even more. 1. _ But many people must bel

7、ieve them, or else the advertisements would not appear.Of course it is clear that students who go to England to learn English have a great advantage(优势) over others but too many cannot afford to do so. Some go to the opposite side.2. _ However, it is wrong to think that each word in English has one

8、word with completely the same meaning in another language.Most teaching is still based on behaviouristic psychology (行为主义心理学) Behaviourists like to make students repeat phrases and make sentences. If we were parrots, these methods might be successful. 3. _ Humans, unlike parrots, do not like making

9、noises unless they understand what the noises mean and can connect them with their own lives. What we listen to and read must be real. It cannot be aformula (公式) .4. _ A language is a way of communication. We need other people to talk to and listen to when we communicate. They can work with us and p

10、ractise the unfamiliar (不熟悉的)formswith us in real situations, talking to each other about real life language.A. Parrots are much smarter than humans.B. There is another key point worth mentioning here.C. Nobody can learn a language without going to England.D. They think they can teach themselves at

11、home with dictionaries.E. But its impossible for us t anlgeuargne ell only by repeating.F. When I see advertisements like this, I dont know whether to laugh or cry.二、综合填空AIn an old building in Peking University, a yellow light shone into the old and dark hours of the night. The famous translator Xu

12、Yuanchong 1. _ (sit) behind the window and staring at the computer screen. He enjoyed working by 2. _ (he) from 10:00 p.m. to 4:00 a.m. For him, the quiet night was a 3. _ (value) time tofocus on (集中于) translation. He was thinking how 4._ (spread) Chinese culture abroad by translating Chinese beauty

13、 into Western beauty.Xu was born into a literary family in Nanchang 5. _ April 18th, 1921. When he was little, he 6. _ (influence) by his mother who was interested in literature. Xu began to translate Chinese poetry into both English and 7._ (France) when he was still a teenager. He soon learned tha

14、t Chinese and European languages were very different. Only about half of the words in these languages could be translated word for word. This is why translators should have 8. _creative mind. They are always trying to improve their translations to make sure they are correct and beautiful.Xus motto (座右铭) is: Good, better, best. Never let it rest. Until your good is better; youre your better best. 9. _ Xu was widely considered to be the best, he never stopped trying to

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