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1、2023 高考英语模拟试卷请考生注意:1 请用 2B 铅笔将选择题答案涂填在答题纸相应位置上, 请用 0 5 毫米及以上黑色字迹的钢笔或签字笔将主观题的答 案写在答题纸相应的答题区内。写在试题卷、草稿纸上均无效。2答题前,认真阅读答题纸上的注意事项,按规定答题。第一部分 (共 20 小题,每小题 1.5 分,满分 30 分)1 It wasnt until then _ their marriage was breaking up because they had little in common.A. did I realize B. that I realized C. had I rea

2、lize D. when I realized2 James, I dont mind lending you the money _ you pay it back within a month.A although B now thatC unless D as long as3 _ how to get along with others is very important in success.A Know B Known C Having known D Knowing4 Many writers are drawn to building a world, _ readers ar

3、e somewhat familiar with but also feel distant from our normal lives.A it B one C that D the one5 The online word “selfie” is gaining _ and more and more people tend to use it nowadays.A access B admissionC control D currency6 The Chinese people are hopeful for _ 2019 will bring for their families a

4、nd the country.A how B whichC what D that7 Dont forget to send _ attended the conference a follow-up email.A however B whateverC whoever D wherever8 -Hi, Johnson, any idea where Susan is?-It is class time, so she _ in the classroom now.A can be B must have beenC might have been D should be9 This cou

5、rse is of great interest to students, _ to improve their writing skills.A hope B to hopeC hoping D hoped10 I _ my cellphone last night. Now the battery is running out.A could have charged B might chargeC should have charged D would charge11 -You know Mr. Green has been ill for days? -Yes, I wonder i

6、f he is _ better now.A any B some C any D no12 Got your driving license?No. I too busy to have enough practice, so I didnt take the driving test last week.A was B amC have been D had been13 The food here is nice enough. My friend _me a right place.A introduces B introducedC had introduced D was intr

7、oducing14 In Beijing, more than 21,100 people _ to donate their bodies by the end of 2017, as the city promoted a body donation campaign from 1999.A have applied B had appliedC would have applied D applied15 What a shame! We misunderstood each other for such a long time. Yes, I wish I _ with you ear

8、lier.A communicate B had communicatedC communicated D would communicate16 There are various things on sale, so you can choose _ interests you.A whoever B no matter whoC whatever D no matter what17 The two pens are the same, but the red one cost _ that one.A as much twice as B twice as much asC much

9、as twice as D as twice much as18 -Tom, your foreign teacher speaks Chinese fluently!-Oh, she has lived in China for six years; otherwise she such good Chinese.A didnt speak B would not have spokenC would not speak D hadnt spoken19 They came back from their long walk and went into bed, .A tiredly but

10、 relaxing B tired but relaxingC tiredly but relaxed D tired but relaxed20 That was a very busy street that I was never allowed to crossaccompanied by an adult.A when B if C unless D where第二部分 阅读理解(满分 40 分)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的A、 B、 C、 D 四个选项中,选出最佳选项。21 (6 分) China Travel gets you closer to Chinese culture,

11、history, scenery and local life. Our aim is to help you create a unique tour full of pleasure and oriental beauty. We can facilitate 使( 便利) your participation in some special programs, like taking care of cute giant pandas, exploring the Forbidden City in a unique way, and learning how to make dumpl

12、ings. Now, please take a little time to hear our story.Senior Travel AdvisorLeon has worked as a senior travel advisor for 12 + years and helped 7,000 + visitors create their trips to China. He delights in helping those who love travel like him. He has been to most parts of China. Welcome to contact

13、 him at.Vanessa, working as a senior travel advisor for 8 years and helping 4,200 + tourists create their trip to China, excels at working out solutions for customers. If you have travel ideas, welcome to contact her at 800-933-7181.Travel AdvisorThough Vivi has worked only for over 2 years, she is

14、willing to help people from all over the world explore and tour great China for China has abundant and attractive travel resources. Welcome to contact her at 800 -933 -7171.Web DesignerLuo Lingling is the designer for China Travel. Our website becomes more and more beautiful due to her good taste. I

15、f you have any idea about the design of the website, please contact her.Web EditorAs a travel lover, Ely sees knows what information a traveler needs. As a web editor, she excels at gathering information, finding out problems and writing solutions down.Website DeviserZhao Peng is the tech person for

16、 China Travel Dot Com. If you have any idea about the function of the website, please contact him by filling out contact forms. He hopes you are happy with the website content.1、 If you want to contact the most experienced travel adviser, you can .A B call at 800 -933 -7181C fill out contact forms D

17、 surf on the website of China Travel2、 Which position is responsible for solving travel problems?A Travel Advisor. B Web Editor.C Web Designer. D Website Deviser.3、 If you have ideas about how to make the website beautiful, you can contact .A Vanessa B Luo LinglingC Elysees D Zhao Peng4 、What can we

18、 learn about China Travel?A It has three experienced travel advisers.B It will tell you which travel agency has the best service.C It provides some types of programs to satisfy the travelers.D All the staff of China Travel favor traveling.22 (8 分) Considering the climate temperature in England, most

19、 tourists like to visit London between Apriland September. Tourists also enjoy what London has to offer during Christmas.Getting around London Transportation in London is divided into zones, which means the further you intend togo, the more expensive it will cost you. Youll find one of the best subw

20、ays here, with single rides starting at about 2.5 dollars. You can also use taxis (keep in mind that black cabs do not accept smart cards), boats, buses as well as commuter trains. To avoid any trouble, you can get yourself a smart card and perhaps load it with 50 dollars to cover your weekly travel

21、 budget.Weather in London To enjoy warm weather in London, plan your visit in July as it is the hottest month.January is the coldest month in London.What You Should Know before Visiting London Unlike most cities in Europe, life in London is a bit more expensive. Also, make sure you plan ahead so tha

22、t you wont miss out on the best tickets, hotels and offers.Bests of LondonSEA LIFE London Aquarium Enjoy a spectacular experience with underwater creatures at SEA LIFE LondonAquarium. It is perfect for a family fun day.The London Eye As a major feature of Londons skyline, the London Eye boasts some

23、of the best city viewsfrom its 32 capsules. Youll definitely enjoy the breathtaking experience.Sherlock Holmes Museum A perfect place to visit if you love the books or TV series Sherlock Holmes.1 、Which of the following is most likely to be the peak month to visit London?A January. B March.C May. D

24、October.2 、What is the benefit of a smart card?A It can be used to pay for any means of transport.B It is convenient.C It can cover any expense.D It is available online.3 、Where will you go if your family want to see a variety of fish?A SEA LIFE London Aquarium. B The London Eye.C Sherlock Holmes Mu

25、seum. D London Canal Museum23 (8 分) Teary-Eyed Stories from Strangers The Man at the MarketWhen the supermarket clerk summed up my groceries, it was $12 over what I had on me. I began to remove items from the bags, when another shopper handed me a $20 bill. “Please dont put yourself out,” I told him

26、.“Let me tell you a story,” he said. “My mother is in hospital with cancer. I visit her every day and bring her flowers. I went this morning, and she got mad at me for spending my money on more flowers. She demanded that I do something else with that money. So, here, please accept this. It is my mot

27、hers flowers.”A Familys Food AngelSince my mother lost her job, our family troubled new worries: no income, the same bills, and no way to afford groceries. It was around this time that she started finding boxes of food outside our door every morning. This went on for months, until she was able to la

28、nd a job. We never did find out who it was and who left the groceries for us, but they truly saved our lives.Seven Miles For MeLeaving a store, I returned to my car only to find that Id locked my keys and cell phone inside. A teenager ridinghis bike saw me kick a tire and say a few choice words. “Wh

29、ats wrong?” he asked.I explained my situation. “But even if I could call my wife,” I said, “she cant bring me her car key, since this isour only car.” He handed me his cell phone. “Call your wife and tell her Im coming to get her key.”“Thats seven miles round trip.”“Dont worry about it.”An hour late

30、r, he returned with the key. I offered him some money, but he refused.“Lets just say I needed the exercise,” he said. Then, like a cowboy in the movies, he rode off into the sunset.Breaking BreadLast December, before work, I stopped at a deli (熟食店) and ordered an everything bagel with cream cheese.

31、It was toasty warm, and I couldnt wait to dig in. But as I left the store, I noticed an older indigent gentleman sitting at the bus stop. Knowing it would probably be his only warm meal of the day, I gave him the bagel.But all was not lost for me. Another customer from the deli offered me half of he

32、r bagel. I was so delighted because I realized that in one way or another, we are all looked after.1 、To story 1, why did “The Man at the Market” hand “me” a $20 bill?A He was a millionaire and wanted to show off before me.B He thought I was extremely poor and lacked money.C He tried to do something

33、 good for his kind mother.D He expected me to share the groceries with him.2、 In story 3, by saying “Lets just say I needed the exercise”, the boy means that _.A he enjoyed riding in the sunset freelyB he thought it easy to ride seven milesC he thought it a good way to do exerciseD he wanted to refu

34、se the money3、 In which story did the teller himself or herself offer to help others?A Seven Miles For MeB The Man at the MarketC A FamilyFsood AngelD Breaking Bread4、 What can we infer about the strangers mentioned in the stories?A They are the kind and warm people around us.B They are the common g

35、uys having nothing to do with.C They are the highly-educated people with wealth.D They are the simple and mindless ones hanging around.24 (8 分) By trying to tickle(挠痒痒) rats and recording how their nerve cells respond, Shimpei Ishiyama and hisadviser are discovering a mystery that has puzzled thinke

36、rs since Aristotle expected that humans, given their thin skin and unique ability to laugh, were the only ticklish animals.It turns out that Aristotle was wrong. In their study published on Thursday, Ishiyama and his adviser MichaelBrecht found that rats squeaked and jumped with pleasure when tickle

37、d on their backs and bellies. These signs of joychanged according to their moods. And for the first time, they discovered a special group of nerve cells. These nerve cells made this feeling so powerful that it causes an individual being tickled to lose control.To make sure that he had indeed found a

38、 place in the brain where tickling was processed, Ishiyama then stimulated(刺激) that area with electrical currents. The rats began to jump like rabbits and sing like birds.“Its truly ground-breaking,” said Jeffrey Burgdorf, a neuroscientist at Northwestern University who reviewed thepaper. “It takes

39、the study of emotion to a new level.”Burgdorf has played a central role in our understanding of animal tickling. He was part of a team that first noticed,in the late 1990s, that rats made special noises when they were experiencing social pleasure. Others had already noted that rats repeatedly made s

40、hort and high sounds during meals. But the lab where Burgdorf worked noticed that they emitted similar sounds while playing. And so one day, the senior scientist in the lab said, “Lets go and tickle some rats.” They quickly found that those cries of pleasure doubled.“The authors have been very adven

41、turous,” said Daniel OConnor, a neuroscientist at Johns Hopkins Univ sity who studies touch. To him, that finding was very surprising.“Why does the world literally feel different when you are stressed out?” he said. “This is the first step towards answering that question. It gives us a way to approa

42、ch it with experimental rigor(严谨).”1、 What contributed to humans being ticklish according to Aristotle?A Their special skin. B Their social pleasure.C Their nervous system. D Their willingness to touch.2、 Why did the researchers make use of electrical currents?A To discover the special group of nerv

43、e cells.B To experiment on different animals.C To follow the process of tickling.D To prove their finding.3、 Which of the following statements will Jeffrey Burgdorf agree with?A The research process is full of risks.B The finding of the study is surprising and unbelievable.C The new discovery is beneficial for the study of emotion.D The finding of the study actually contradicts modern science.4、 The underlin

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