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1、第1页动词与动词短语动词与动词短语第2页1.动词:表示动作和状态词,动词有时态、语态和语气改变。n动词四种基本形式:现在时(原动词四种基本形式:现在时(原形),过去时,过去分词和现在形),过去时,过去分词和现在分词。分词。第3页2.动词种类动词种类1)、)、实义动词实义动词 1.1 及物动词及物动词 a.动词后要求有宾语,不然意思不完整动词。动词后要求有宾语,不然意思不完整动词。及物动词可有被动结构。及物动词可有被动结构。She studies English very hard.I always review my lessons in the evening.第4页b.及物动词另两种结构及

2、物动词另两种结构及物动词中有少数动词要求一个宾语及物动词中有少数动词要求一个宾语(直接宾语)外,还要求有一个宾语(直接宾语)外,还要求有一个宾语(间接宾语),才使句意完整。这类(间接宾语),才使句意完整。这类动词有:动词有:leave,show,bring,lend,teach,give,tell,hand,write等。等。*Ill tell you a story about Lei Feng.S+V+O+O第5页还有少数动词要求一个宾语外,还要求有一个补足语来使句意完整。这类动词有:name,call,get,have,find,turn,think,consider等。They cal

3、l him Lao Wang.S+V+O+Oc第6页2)不及物动词不及物动词不及物动词指不可带宾语动词,也不可用于被动语态。The sun rises in the east.He came last month.He works hard.第7页(2)、连系动词类)、连系动词类连系动词只起连系作用,虽有词义但不能单连系动词只起连系作用,虽有词义但不能单独作谓语,后必须加表语一起组成谓语。独作谓语,后必须加表语一起组成谓语。第8页ngo bad/hungry/mad/wrong fall(fell-fallen)ill/asleep Your dream will come true one

4、day.改变类改变类:become(成为)(成为),get(变得)(变得),turn(变为)(变为),grow(变得)(变得),come(成为,(成为,以后证实)以后证实),go(变成,进入(变成,进入状态)状态),fall(变成)(变成)第9页感观类感观类:look(看起来)(看起来),sound(听起(听起来)来),feel(以为)(以为),taste(尝起来)(尝起来),smell(闻起来),(闻起来),Roses smell sweet!She felt a bit tired.E.g.His voice sounds _.A.well B.beautifully C.excellen

5、t D.wonderfullyC第10页n显得类显得类:seem,appear,look It looks as if It seems as if/that It appears thatn状态类状态类:keep,stay,remain,lie,sit,stand prove,turn out The weather will_hot for another two weeks.A.last B.remain C.get D.turn The hot weather will _another two days.A.last B.remain C.get D.turnBA第11页nThe w

6、eather turned out(to be)fine.nHe proved(to be)honest/an honest person.n注:注:be,become,turn,remain 可带名词可带名词nHe remains a teacher.n=He is still a teacher.nHe became _ teacher.nA.a B.the C.an D./nHe turned _ teacher.nA.a B.the C.an D./AD第12页3、使役、感观动词类:、使役、感观动词类:nlet,make,have+O+Ocnsee,look at,watch,noti

7、ce,observe,hear listen to,feelnThe boss made them _12 hours a day.nA.work B.to work nC.worked D.workingnThey were made_12 hours a day.nA.work B.to work nC.worked D.workingAB第13页nThe boy was last seen_football on the playground.nA.play B.playing C.to play D.playednHe often heard this song_by the famo

8、us singer.nA.sing B.singing C.to sing D.sungnHe had his leg_.nA.break B.breaking nC.to break D.brokenBD D第14页4、主动表被动类:、主动表被动类:n与与easily,well等副词连用动词等副词连用动词 nsell,wash,burn,cook,cut,drive,dress,play,last,open,write,start,translate,run,read,operate,break,measure,weighnDry wood burns easily.nThe cloth w

9、ashes well.nThis phrase does not translate well into Chinese.第15页nThe man always dresses well/poorly.nYour composition reads well except for a few spelling mistakes.n-Have you got a ticket for the concert?-No,the tickets_well and they _out last week.A.sell;were sold B.sell;sold C.sell;have been sold

10、 D.are sell;sold A第16页nDont get that ink on your white shirt,for it_.A.wont wash out B.doesnt wash away C.isnt washing out D.hasnt washed awaynThey tried to get the car_,but it wont_.n A.started;start B.to start;start nC.started;started D.to start;to start A A第17页5、只接动名词做宾语词、只接动名词做宾语词/词组词组nmind,risk

11、,avoid,enjoy,miss,keep,suggest,appreciate,practise,delay,finish,dislike,excuse,imagine,consider,forbid,escape admit,advise,allow,nput off,give up,be worth,be busynget down to,devoteto,look forward to,be used to,lead to,nsucceed in,spend/waste time(in)have a good/hard time(in)have difficulty/trouble(

12、in)there is no use(in)第18页nShe looked forward every spring to_ the flower-lined garden.A.visit B.paying a visit C.walk in D.walking innI would appreciate _back this afternoon.A.you to call B.you call C.your calling D.youre callingnThe day he has looked forward to_ at last.A.coming B.came C.come D.co

13、mesDCB第19页6、只接不定式作宾语词、只接不定式作宾语词/词组词组ndecide,expect,hope,wish,order,refuse,promise,pretend,agree,seem,attempt,fail,offer,happen,warn,affordnmake up ones mind to,be determined to used to,be about to,be able to,have to would like/love to=should like/love tonI would love _to the party last night but I h

14、ad to work extra hours to finish a report.A.to go B.to have gone C.going D.having goneB第20页nMr Smith warned his son_after drinking.A.never to drive B.to never drive C.never driving D.never drivenShe pretended_me when I passed by.A.not to see B.not seeing C.to not see D.having not seenAA第21页7、宾语不一样、意

15、义不一样、宾语不一样、意义不一样n1)go on to do(做完某事)接着做另一件事(做完某事)接着做另一件事n go on doing继续做同一件事继续做同一件事n2)stop to do停下来接着做另一件事停下来接着做另一件事 n stop doing停顿做某事停顿做某事n3)remember to do记得去做某事记得去做某事 n remember doing记得曾经做过某事记得曾经做过某事n4)forget to do 忘记去做某事忘记去做某事n forget doing忘记做过某事忘记做过某事n5)mean to do企图做某事企图做某事 n mean doing意味着做某事意味着

16、做某事n6)regret to do很遗憾要做某事很遗憾要做某事 n regret doing后悔做过某事后悔做过某事n7)try to do 努力、试图做某事努力、试图做某事n try doing尝试着做某事尝试着做某事n8)cant help(to)do 不能帮助做某事不能帮助做某事n cant help doing情不自禁做某事情不自禁做某事 第22页ncant help but do=cant but do =have to donI cant help but tell him the truth.n-I usually go there by train.-Why not_by b

17、oat for a change?A.to try going B.trying to go C.to try and go D.try goingn-The light in the office is still on.-Oh,I forgot_.A.turning it off B.turn it off C.to turn it off D.having turned it off DC第23页nHe didnt remember_him before.A.having met B.have met C.to meet D.to having metnGo on_the other e

18、xercise after you have finished this one.A.to do B.doing C.to be doing D.to be donen-You were brave enough to raise objections at the meeting.-Well,now I regret_that.A.to do B.to be doing C.to have done D.having doneAAD第24页七、接动名词、不定式意义区分不大七、接动名词、不定式意义区分不大nbegin,start,continue,like,love,hate prefernI

19、t began raining.nIt is beginning to rain.nI prefer staying home to going out.nI prefer to stay home rather than go out.第25页nTired as he was,he continued to work.=Though he was very tired,he continued working.nHe likes playing football,but he doesnt like to play football today.第26页八、宾语不一样、语态不一样、但八、宾语

20、不一样、语态不一样、但 意义相同意义相同nneed,require,want,deservenThe room requires to be cleaned.=The room requires cleaning.nThis sentence needs_.A.an improvement B.improve C.improving D.improvedC第27页nThe baby needs_.A.looked after B.looking after C.look after D.to look afterB第28页九、接宾语和宾补、形式不一样九、接宾语和宾补、形式不一样nallow,p

21、ermit,forbid,advise,admit considernWe forbid smoking here.nWe forbid anybody to smoke here.nYou are forbidden to smoke here.第29页nWe are considering _ to the south.nA.go B.to go C.going D.gonenCharles Babbage is generally considered _the first computer.A.to have invented B.inventing C.to invent D.hav

22、ing invented C A第30页十、接虚拟语气词十、接虚拟语气词n1)insist 2)order,command 4)advise,suggest,propose,recommend 4)demand,ask,require,requestnHe ordered that we(should)leave at once.nHis order that we(should)leave at once was right.nThe order was that we(should)leave at once.nThat we(should)leave at once was his or

23、der.第31页nHe insisted that his brother_ there.nA.go B.went C.going D.to gonHe insisted that he_ nothing wrong and _ set free.nA.do;be B.had done;wasnC.had done;be D.did;wasnHis voice suggested that he_angry.nA.is B.be C.was D.werenHe suggested that the boy _ sent to hospital at once.nA.was B.be C.is

24、D.wereACCB第32页十一、瞬间非延续性动词十一、瞬间非延续性动词ngo,come,leave,start,return,arrive,stop,finish,borrow,lend,open,close,die,become,break,join,kill,marry,graduate,buynmarry-be married seat-be seated hide-be hidden engage-be engaged die-be dead begin-be on join-be in borrow-keep come-be/stay leave-be away buy-have=

25、have got第33页nHe died ten years ago,thats to say,he has _ for ten years.A.been died B.been dead C.died D.been dyingnWhen Jack arrived he learned Mary _for almost an hour.A.had gone B.had set off C.had left D.had been awayBD第34页nHe is leaving for Beijing tomorrow.nThe boy is so sick that he is dying f

26、ast.nThe bus is coming.nThe train is leaving.nI am going.第35页十二、表计划未能实现动词十二、表计划未能实现动词nintend,mean,hope,plan,expect,think,want,suppose,promisenI had hoped to come here,but I had an unexpected visitor.n=I hoped to have come here,.Would/should+love/like to have done第36页nHe wants to meet you at the airp

27、ort.nHe wanted to have met you at the airport,but he didnt get there in time.nWe planned to have done good deeds for the poor people last month.nI should(would)like(love)to give her the gift.nI should(would)like(love)to have given her the gift.nHe would like to have played the violin at the concert.

28、第37页十三十三、情感动词类、情感动词类n表示人内在感受动词表示人内在感受动词nencourage,excite,inspire,interest,amaze,satisfy,delight,please,move,frighten,surprise,astonish,shock,disappoint,discourage,puzzle,worry,tire,touch,relax第38页nThe news sounds _.(encourage)nThe play was so _ that nearly everybody was _ to tears.(move)nLooking at

29、her paper,she nodded with a_ smile on her face.(satisfy)nHe looked at me with a_look.(puzzle)encouraging moving satisfiedmoved puzzled第39页十四十四、否定前移类否定前移类nbelieve,imagine,suppose,think,feel,guessnI dont think he can finish the work,_?A.cant he B.can he C.do I D.dont InWe dont believe she knows it,_?A

30、.does she B.doesnt she C.do we D.dont wenYou dont think he can finish it,_?A.do you B.dont you C.can he D.cant heB A A第40页十五十五、不带不定式作复合宾语不带不定式作复合宾语nhope,agree,suggest,demand,imagine,would rathernI wish him to come.n=I hope that he will come.nI allowed/permitted him to go there.n=I agreed that he can

31、 go there.第41页nHe advised me to do it right now.n=He suggested(to me)that I(should)do it right now.nI prefer him to go there.n=I would rather he went there.nI cant imagine such a girl like Mary doing such a thing.nHe wanted me to do it.n=He demanded that I(should)do it.第42页十六十六、省略替换类省略替换类n1)believe,

32、think,suppose,expect,guessnI think so.I think not=I dont think son2)hope,fear,be afraid+so/notn3)intend,want,plan,wish,like,love,hate,hope,try,would(should)like/love to 第43页nDo you want to have a rest?Yes,I want to,but I cant.nDid you get the new stamps?No,I tried to,but there wasnt any left in that post office.nI didnt mean to call you at late night,but I had to as I did have something important to tell you.第44页十七、助动词 be,do,have,will,would,shall,should.助动词本身无意义,不能单独做谓语,其作用是辅助实义动词组成谓语,组成句子疑问式、否定式、以及各种时态、语态和语气。第45页Thanks for your Thanks for your attendingattendingBye-byeBye-bye第46页

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