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1、单元目标语言知识语言技能学习策略文化意识情感态度.(从五方面对整个单元的教学目标用题张7幻灯片做个简要的说明):English SongEnglish ClassVideo DataModule 6 Unit 18BeautyWhat is beauty?Beauty is the phenomenon of the experience of pleasure,through the perception(感知感觉)of balance and proportion(比例 j of stimulus.It involves the cognition(ik识)of a balanced fo

2、rm and structure that elicits(引起)attraction and appeal towards a person,animal,inanimate(没生命的)object,scene,music,idea,etc.0.*What is beauty?.Is beauty only in the eye of the beholder,or ar e ther e some absolute values?Beauty is a myster y!I know not what beauty is,but I know that it touches many th

3、ings,Diir er.If we study the beauty of natur e,teeth,or ar t we will discover a common pr inciple r unning thr oughout.This common pr inciple is the univer sal r ecognition of pleasant pr opor tion.We all have a natur al under standing of good pr opor tion much in the same way as we know how to divi

4、de a line in half or er ect a per pendicular.We easily agr ee that an obj ect of ar t has good or bad pr opor tion,or that this face looks too long,or too shor t and out of pr opor tion.This magical connecting thr ead of pr opor tion,known since antiq uity,is non other than the Golden Pr opor tion,a

5、 phenomenon r elated to beauty.dn ujrm“Giovane com canetsro(Giovane with basketaint(1573-16Probably the most revolutionary artist of his time,the Italian abandoned the rules that had guided a century of artists before him.They had idealized the human religious experience.aridLipingMichelangelo米开朗基罗(

6、1475-1564,意大利文艺复兴时期成就 卓著的科学家,艺术家)The Bir th of Venus Roman Mythology The goddess of sexual love and physical beauty.【罗马神话】维纳斯:性爱和形体美的女神Leonardo da Vinci15 ICILisaThe Mona Lisas enigmatic(谜一般的)expr e which seems both allur ing and aloof(冷淡的),has given the por tr ait unive克洛德莫奈(Gaude Monet)阻光与仝气的瞅唱印象派

7、画家莫奈Exercise 1Tapescr ipt r 1Male 1:I guess some of the most magni:icenl manmade things ar e suspension br idges.They have lovel,clean lines and impr essive,high,hor izontal tower s,dont you think?I mean,they can be things of gr eat beauty.Female 1:Mm,definitely.I know this br idge in the photo.The

8、views fr om the top ar e j ust magnificent?C I can tell you.You can see the countr yside on each side which is r eally pictu r j墨“and scenic.And when the sun sets behind the br idge,it looks so incr edible.Absolutely br eatht Wg.敏,2Male 2:I think its a brilliant painting.Ifs got a powerful mixture o

9、f colours:with the black of the mans hair and the hat that frames his face with the pale colours of the sky behind.And the red of the mans sleeve is lovely too.The composition of the painting is absolutely perfect.I think its beautiful,a real masterpiece.广 Female 2:Yeah,I agree with you.And the mans

10、 very interesting too?C hes nothis eyes and the way he looks,iorghandsome in a typical way but he5s very g(tl-looking.Theres something very about.省。用!j画J J闻,3Female 3:I really love the way she dances.She,s so graceful and elegant And she makes dancing look so easy,doesnl she?Almost effortless.Male 3

11、:I think shes very attractive,really gorgeous.Shes not pretty in theHollywood sense.But shes very striking and elegant,quite stunning really.For me,shes beautiful.,4iKey words:Describing BeautyHaving the power to attr act,attr active.有吸引力的:有着吸引能力的 Pleasing to the eye or mind;char ming.使人愉悦的:使眼睛、心情愉悦

12、的;迷人的br eathtakingver y exciting;spectacular非常激动人心的;壮观的:*a br eathtaking view,mountain-r ange,water fall壮丽的景色、山脉、瀑布 _.*Her beauty was br eathtaking.她艳丽动人.brilliant(l)ver y br ight;spar kling非常明亮的;光辉夺目的:*br illiant sunshine 灿烂的阳光*a br illiant diamond 耀眼的车占石*a sky of br illiant blue 蔚蓝色的天空.(2)(a)ver y

13、 intelligent;highly skilled or talented 极聪明的;技艺精湛的;才华横溢的:*a br illiant scientist,musician,footballer,etc 卓越的科学家、音乐家、足球运动员等*She has a br illiant mind.她头脑敏锐.(b)causing admir ation;outstanding;exceptional 令人钦佩的;杰出的;非凡的:,“*a br illiant achievement,exploit,car eer,per for mance,etU 非凡的成就、功绩、事业、表演等 Ielega

14、ntglamor oustasteful and stylish in appear ance or manner(相貌或仪态)优雅的,文雅的,高雅的:*an elegant woman,coat,style of wr iting 文雅的女人、高雅的外衣、优美的写作风格*elegant manner s 优雅的仪态.Full of or char acter ized by glamour.充满魅力的gr aceful showing a pleasing beauty of for m,movement or manner(形式、动作或举止)优雅的,优美的:.*a gr aceful da

15、ncer绰约多姿的跳舞者*a gr aceful leap 优美的跳跃 *the gr aceful cur ves of the new br idge 新桥的美丽曲线”gor geous Dazzlingly beautiful or magnificent:耀眼般美丽的,眩目艳丽的:wor e a gor geous Victor ian gown.穿着一件维多利亚时期的华丽的长袍 Char acter ized by magnificence or vir tuosic br illiance:才气纵横的:显示了不起的成名家才华的特征:the pianist1 s gor geous

16、techniq ue.钢琴家精湛的技艺 Infor mal Wonder ful;delightful.【非正式用语】极好的;可喜的*a gor geous meal好吃的饭菜*gor geous weather 宜人的天气.41*gor geous hair十分好看的头发.impr essive Making a str ong or vivid impr ession;str iking or r emar kable:印象深刻的:给人以深刻生动的印象的;感人的或者不平常的:an impr essive cer emony.重大的庆祝活动masterpiece n.杰作,名著 An out

17、standing wor k of ar t or cr aft.一个引人注目的艺术品或工艺品.The gr eatest wor k,as of an ar tist.Also called master wor k(艺术家的)最伟大的作品也作master wor k z Something super lative of its kind:冷.最杰出的作品:在其同类中的最佳者:I,1magniHcent Splendid in appear ance;gr and:外表华丽的;宏伟的:a magnificent palace.宏伟的宫殿pictur esq ue(1)Of,suggesti

18、ng,or suitable for a pictur e:画的:画的,如画的,适合画的:*pictur esq ue r ocky shor es.风景如画的岩石海岸(2)Str iking or inter esting in an unusual way;别致的,别具一格的:*a pictur esq ue Fr ench caf6一个别具风格的法国咖啡店(3)Str ikingly expr essive or vivid:,生动的,栩栩如生的:引人注目地表达的或生动的:*pictur esq ue language.生动 的语言scenic having or showing bea

19、utiful natur al scener y 风景优美的:*the scenic splendour s of the Rocky Mountains 落基山脉的壮丽景色*a scenic r oute acr oss the Alps 穿越阿尔卑斯山的风景优美的路径*a scenic r ailway 游览小铁路.of stage scener y 舞台布景的.str iking(a)attr acting attention or inter est 引人注意的;饶有兴趣的:*a str iking display,effect饶有兴趣的展示、显着的效果(b)attr acting a

20、ttention because of a good appear ance;attr active(因相貌好)惹人注目的;吸引人的:.,*his str iking good looks 他那堂堂仪表 *a ver y str iking young woman美貌动人的年轻女子.stunning stunning adj(infml 口)(a)impr essive;splendid 了不起的;出色的:You look stunning in your new suit.r你穿着这套新衣服真漂亮.*What a stunning idea!多好的主意呀!(b)sur pr ising or

21、 shockingr令人惊奇的;令人震惊的:incr edib e a stunning r evegtion 惊人的新发现.impossible to believe 不可相信的:*What an incredible story!这件事真不可相信!(infml 口)difficult to believe;amazing or fantastic难以置信的;不可思议的;惊人的;奇异的:*He earns an incredible amount of money.他挣钱多得惊人.*We had an incredible(ie extremely good)holiday!我们度过了 一个

22、极愉快的假日.*She飞an incredible actress.她是个了不起的演员.Exercise 2 Key Wo r d s:Describing BeautyAnswer shandsome good-looking attr active gor geous br illiant Women:attr active gor geous glamor ous pr etty str ikingelegant stunning beautiful br illiantPlaces:magnificent pictur esq ue scenic lovely br eathtakin

23、g br illiantObj ects:magnificent lovely impr essive power ful lovelyper fect beautiful a r eal master piece br illiant f a thing of gr eat beauty Movement:gr aceful elegant effor tless br illiant Work in pairs,discussing which words cannot be used with all the categories.Answers“beautiful”and“pretty

24、”are not normally used with“men”Exercise 3 Suggested Answer s ar ea of countr yside:br eathtaking sunset:magnificent painting:a r eal master piece dancer:br illiant building:impr essive Him star:glamor ous1 What is beauty?Understanding the nature and meaning of beauty is one of the key themes in the

25、 philosophical discipline known as aesthetics.Theor ies of beautyThe ear liest theor y of beauty can be found in the wor ks of ancient Gr eek philosopher s fr om the pr e-Socr atic(苏格拉底的)per iod,such as Pythagor as(毕 达哥拉斯:古希腊哲学家新数学家),The extant wr itings attr ibuted to Pythagor as r eveal that the P

26、ythagor ean school,if not Pythagor as himself,saw a str ong connection between mathematics and beauty.In par ticular,they noted that obj ects pr opor tioned accor ding to(黄金分割率)seemedmor e attr active.Some modem r esear ch seems to confir m this,in that people whose facial featur es ar e symmetr ic

27、and pr opor tioned accor ding the golden r atio ar e consistently r anked as mor e attr active than those whose faces ar e not.1The Math Behind the Beauty(the Golden Ratio)r To clarify the Golden Ratio concept,the adjacent figure shows a number of pairs of lines of different lengths and their ratio

28、to each other.The last line shows the ratio of 1 to 0.618,which is the simplest form of the universally acclaimed Golden Proportion,1 to.618the Golden RatioBack to the Mathematics.Lets look at the ratio of each number in the ibonacci sequence to the one before it:1/1=12/1=23/2=1.55/3=1.666.8/5=1.613

29、/8=1.62521/13=1.61538.34/21=1.61905.55/34=1.61764.89/55=1.61861.Fibonacci sequence numbers 复数斐波纳契数列(一种整数数列,其中每数等于前面两数之和)I f we keep going,we mathematicians callproduce an interesting number which phi(it is also known as the Golden Section orGolden Ratio):(phi)0)=1.618 033 988 7.This ratio was used b

30、y architects and artists throughout history to produce objects of great beauty(like Michelangelos David and t诧 Greek temples.)What has mathematics got to do with beauty?Actually,a lot.We are attracted to the faces of others if they are symmetrical and are in mathematical为 h J I PowerPoint?il目卜也UI川加/

31、“lUlJIKT,青击山J上冲的 I,后耳33用勿内行”proportion.|为如保护您的隐私,PowerPoint禁止自动下载此外部图片。若要下载并显示此图片,青单击消息人中的选项,R后单击启用外部内容Leonardo da Vincis drawings of the human body emphasised its proportion.The ratio of the distances foot/navel to navel/head is ne Golden Ratio.This ratio was used by architects and artists througho

32、ut history to produce objects of great beauty(like Michelangelos David and theGreek temples.)Michelangelofs DavidThe Golden Ratio also comes up in nature,in the patterns we see in sunflowers,Jessica Simpsonis beautiful?-栏中的“选项,然后单击启用外部内容。回为了帮助保护您的隐私,PowerPoint禁止自动下载此外部图片。看要骤开亚丁3八The evidence,however

33、,shows that our perception of physical beauty is hard wired into our being and based entirely on how closely ones features reflectWe find certain buildings attractive if the proportions used follow a mathematical ratio.The Parthenon inGreece.The ratio of the distances indicated is the Golden Ratio.D

34、ifferent cultures have deified beauty,typically in female forms.Here is a list of the goddesses of beauty in four:Hoiogies(神话).Flora:Roman;Goddess of Spring,flowers and beauty and plenty on the earth渔Dryads:Greek;Spirit of the Trees.Celtic as Flidais;spirit of the woodlands who commands the animals.

35、Epona:Celtic and Roman;the Horse GoddessFortuna:Roman;Goddess of Fate.I f you need your luck changed she is the one to call upon.Cerridwen:Welsh;Goddess of the Moon and Harvest She is often seen as part of the Triple Goddess.Hathor:Egyptian;Goddess of cunning and beauty.Protector of women.The Mirror

36、 of Hathor is an important magyc toolThe foundations laid by Greek and Roman artists set the standard fbr male beauty in western civilization.The ideal Roman is the more masculine form of pure male beauty.He is ideally defined(similarly to todays classic male beauty)as:larger(over 6 feet tall),far m

37、ore muscular,long-legged,with a full head of thick hair,a high and wide forehead-a sign of intelligence-wide-set eyes,a strong browline,a strong perfect nose and profile,a smaller mouth,and a strong jaw line.This combination of factors would,as it does today,produce an impressive ngrandn look of pur

38、e handsome masculinity.the standard for male beauty in western civilization(1)larger(over 6 feet tall)(3)with a full head of thick hair(4)a high and wide forehead-a sign of intelligence-wide-set eyes(6)a strong perfect nose and profile(7)a smaller mouth,and a strong jaw lineSean ConneryGregory PeckT

39、his ideal was striven for in early Hollywood.Today many actors who do not fit that classic mold,such as Brad Pitt and Matt Damon,are referred to as beautifulBrad PittMatt DamonBeauty is in the eye of the beholderExercise 1Are there any Chinese equivalents to the expression.(情人眼里出西施)The eyes of love

40、are blind.Answer cExercise 3Look at the list of words and expressions first.Read the text and find the words which mean the same as the words and expressions in the list,Answers 1 opinion 4 identify 7 appeal2 argue 3 account5 commitment 6 enhance8 multi-dimensional,Read the five ouestions.,Work indi

41、vidufi+yiSGIftgS text again for the answers and underline the sentences which crry the important information for the answers,1 They have changed with the change of tr aditions,fashions and the society itself.2 They ar e society,time and cultur e.3 They ar e seen as a for m of body ar t.4 Because the

42、 sur vival of society itself r ely on individu seeing beauty in differ ence and depth./、)5 Because inner beauty is found in all sor ts of pRsoj-char acter tr aits.Grammar:Used to and wouldThere are two different ways to talk about past habits.You can use used to or would to describe actions that you

43、 did repeatedly in the past,I used to walk to school.I would walk to school,We can use used to,but not would,to talk about past situations(not repeated actions),I used to live in Paris,English Grammar怎样分辨would与used to在用法上的异同Would与used to都可用来表示过去经常性或习惯性的动 作,常常可以换用。如:(1)When we wer e boys we used to/w

44、ou ld gosummer.swimming ever y小时候,每到夏关我们都要去游泳。(2)He used to/wou ld spend ever y penny he ear ned on books.过去,他通常把挣来的钱全花在买书上。Would与used to都不能用来表示动作发生的具体频度或 具体的一段时间。例如,不能说:(3)I would/used to go to Fr ance six times.(4)He used to live in Afr ica for twenty year s.上两句应改成:,*(5)I went to Fr ance six times

45、.我去过法国6次。(6)He lived in Afr ica for twenty year s?他在非洲城 过20年。3Would与used to的区别主要有以下几点:(a)Used to可指过去的状态或情况,would则不能。如:(7)School childr en used to know the stor y of how Abr aham Lincoln walked five miles to r etur n a penny hed over char ged a customer.(不能用would)过去,蟹的孩子们都知道亚伯拉罕林肯怎样步行5英里 退还多收顾客1便士的故事

46、。(8)Yet,he cannot but r emember China as it used to be.然而,他不会不记得旧日的中国(不能用would)。(b)Would表示反复发生的动作。如果某一动作没有反复 性,就不能用would,只能用used to。例如:(9)And fr om that day on,as soon as the table was clear ed and the dishes wer e gone.Mother would disappear into her sewing r oom to pr actice.从那天起,只要碗盘撤掉、饭桌一情理干净,妈妈

47、就马上 躲进做针线活的房间练习起来。(具有反复性).(10)I used to live in Beij ing.我过去住在北京。(没有反 复性)(cj Used to表示过去经常性或习惯性的动作或状态现在已经 结怠 would则美不有可能再发生。如:(11)People used to believe that the ear th was flat.过去,人们总以为地球是扁平的。(现在已不再这样认为)(12)He would go to the par k as soon as he was fr ee.过去,他一有空迷去公园。(现在有可能再去)注意:used to的否定式和疑问荷:(13

48、)过去我不喜欢歌剧。I used not to like oper a.I usednl to like oper a.I didnt use to like oper a.(14)过去你喜欢歌剧吗?Used you to like oper a?1Did you use to like oper a?曼(15)You used to like oper a,didnt you?你过去喜欢.歌剧,是吗?(16)Ther e used to be a chur ch her e,usednt thfer e?过去这里有座教堂,是不是?I 丁 IExercise 6(1)Complete the

49、sentences.1 used 2 use 3 use 4 would 5 wouldn 16 Would(2)Read out more examples of“used to and would”from the text and answer the questions,Answer s People did these things r egular ly.They do not still do them.Exercise 8Answers1 used to2 used to(would is possible but not commonly used)3 used to4 wo

50、uldnt/didnt use to;would/used to5 used to/would Y6 didnt use to7 would/used to 2 Whats Your Favourite Music?BackgroundThe pieces of film music in Exercise 1 are from Psycho,Life is Beautiful(Offenbach)and Paris,Texas,Quote:Leonard Bernstein(1918-1990)was a US musician,famous as a conductor of classi

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