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1、精品教育期中文段写作练习一、你最好的朋友是谁?根据提示,把他(她)的信息填在下面的横线上。在右边的相框里贴上他(她)的照片,或是手绘一幅肖像。My best friendName: _Country: _Age: _Ability(能力)_Club: _Favorite animal: _Interests/ Hobbies: _现在,请根据你所填的信息,向大家来描述一下你的好朋友吧。My best friend is _二、本月,校刊对于同学们上学的方式进行了调查,请根据调查情况表写一篇新闻报道,介绍大家上学的方式,以及感受。呼吁大家环保出行。NumberTransportation too

2、lsFeeling200 studentsBusConvenient112 studentsWalkNot fast, but can exercise79 studentsSubway Quickly, convenient37 students Car Quickly, but may pollute the airThis week we did a survey of how students get to school. Here is the result._三、假设你是房主,你出租房间给大学生住,请拟定出租房屋内的规则,下面一些规定供你选择。(制定家规)BedroomLiving

3、 roomKitchenBathroomListen to musicWatch TVUse the microwave oven(微波炉)Use the washing machine(洗衣机)Eat and drinkPlay computer gamesUse the refrigeratorTake a shower after 11:00 p.m.Smoke(吸烟)Make phone callsLeave dirty dishesRules Welcome to my house. Its very convenient and comfortable. Here are some

4、 rules that you should know and I hope you may follow them._Enjoy yourself here! Lisa四、假如你是Helen, 接到中国笔友李帆的邮件,抱怨家里的家规太多,请你根据邮件内容完成她家的家规表并给她回复,回答她的问题并提出你的建议。(家规与建议)Dear Helen,How is it going? Thanks for your pictures of your family members. I love them very much. It seems that you have a happy and re

5、laxing life. But, Im not! There are too many rules at my home. Every morning I have to get up at six and run for half an hour. My mum says it is good for me. And then I eat breakfast, after that I have to do the dishes. At about seven thirty, I go to school. Luckily my school is not far away from ho

6、me. After school, I must do my homework first, and then I have to do more exercises and read a book. I cant go out on school nights. On weekends I cant relax either. I have to wash my school uniforms and take the piano lessons and go to chess class. My dad says I only can go shopping or watch a movi

7、e with my friends once a month! Its terrible. What should I do? Do you have so many rules at home? Maybe just Chinese children have so many rules!Yours, Li Fan Family Rules1. Get up at 6:00_Dear Li Fan,Im glad that you like my family photos. I know how you feel. _五、写一篇小短文,介绍你所喜欢的一种动物,句数不少于六句。(10分)下面表格仅供参考:动物名称习性产地食物能做的事其它lionsscarystrongAfricaChinameatsmall animalsCan run very fast_六、请你根据图片上的情景描述一下大家都在做什么。Its a sunny day today. My classmates and teachers go for a picnic in the park. Look! Here we are. _-可编辑-

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