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1、新新课标课标下的写作教学下的写作教学北京教育学院石景山分院 陈芳1思考与思考与讨论讨论:1、写作教学的目的是什么?、写作教学的目的是什么?2 2、写作教学教什么?、写作教学教什么?2一、写作教学的目的?一、写作教学的目的?二、写作教学要求的基本技能?二、写作教学要求的基本技能?三、如何开展写作教学?三、如何开展写作教学?四、如何四、如何处处理好教学与考理好教学与考试试的关系?的关系?3一、写作教学的目的一、写作教学的目的?表述与表达事表述与表达事实实、观观点、情感、想象力;点、情感、想象力;交流信息;交流信息;培养培养规规范的写作范的写作习惯习惯。41、激活灵感激活灵感;2、整理思路整理思路;

2、3、组织组织素材素材;5、列出提列出提纲纲;4 4、规规划文章划文章结结构构;二、写作教学要求的基本技能?二、写作教学要求的基本技能?59 9、修改文章;、修改文章;8 8、谴词谴词造句;造句;7 7、组织语组织语言;言;6 6、起草文章;、起草文章;1010、正确使用、正确使用标标点符号和字母大小写。点符号和字母大小写。6三、如何开展写作教学?三、如何开展写作教学?(一)加(一)加强强写作策略研写作策略研讨讨(二)加(二)加强强课课堂活堂活动设计动设计7(一)加(一)加强强写作策略研写作策略研讨讨1 1、构思策略、构思策略2 2、谋谋篇策略篇策略3 3、语语篇策略篇策略4 4、评评价策略价策

3、略81、构思策略(1)头脑风暴(brainstorming)(2)绘图构思(3)图片缺省(Picture missing)9(1)头脑风暴(brainstorming)放开思路、充分放开思路、充分联联想,把想,把头脑头脑中中闪现闪现的,与主的,与主题题相关的内容都相关的内容都记录记录下来;下来;然后然后进进行整理和行整理和归纳归纳,留下与主,留下与主题题相关的内容,相关的内容,删删除无关的除无关的细节细节。10Flat sharingCheaper,not privacy,communication,lonely clean,cooking,noisy,uncomfortable interr

4、uption,share housework归类归类梳理内容、提梳理内容、提炼观炼观点,奠定框架:点,奠定框架:Advantages of sharing a flatcheaper share housework have someone to communicateDisadvantages of sharing a flatnoisy not privacy uncomfortable示示 例例11(2)绘图构思 用用视觉视觉形式形式组织组织思路,思路,结结构文章。构文章。图图的中心是主的中心是主题题,从主,从主题题圈向外圈向外辐辐射,勾射,勾勒出若干个分支圈作勒出若干个分支圈作为为主主

5、题题分解的分解的组块组块,组组块块之外之外还还可以有更多的小可以有更多的小组块组块,这样这样由内向由内向外,外,层层层层展开,使文章主展开,使文章主题题逐逐渐渐清晰,内容清晰,内容不断丰富和充不断丰富和充实实。12Buying a caradvantagesdisadvantagescomfortpollutionconvenience traffic jam 示示 例例13(3)图片缺省(Picture missing)激激发发想象力,推想象力,推动动学生学生积积极建构主极建构主题题,组织组织思路,思路,创创造性地造性地进进行写作。行写作。A B C D142、谋篇策略(1)句子重组(Jum

6、bled sentences)(2 2)框架写作)框架写作(Framework writing)15(1)句子重组(Jumbled sentences)将一个故事或将一个故事或对话对话拆分成若干个拆分成若干个单单句,打乱句,打乱顺顺序序后后发给发给学生;学生;学生两人或多人小学生两人或多人小组组活活动动,重新,重新组组合句子,形成合句子,形成故故 事或事或对话对话并把它写出来;并把它写出来;组间组间交流;交流;展示并反展示并反馈馈。16A.Goldilocks entered a small house.B.She picked up the smallest bowl and finishe

7、d all the food in it.C.Goldilocks walked into the bedroom and soon fell asleep.D.She picked some flowers in the forest.E.Goldilocks sat down in the smallest chair.示示 例例D-A-E-B-C?D-A-C-E-B?还还可以是可以是A-C-E-B-D?17(2)框架写作(Framework writing)框架写作是一种模仿性写作,框架写作是一种模仿性写作,“许许多名人大家多名人大家都是从模仿起步的都是从模仿起步的”(文秋芳,(文秋芳,

8、19961996)。)。提供范文提供范文组织组织学生学生讨论结讨论结构构出示出示结结构框架构框架培养培养谋谋篇意篇意识识,引引导导如何如何谋谋划整体框架划整体框架再再提供一提供一组组新的新的类类似的似的题题目,目,让让学生按照同学生按照同样样的框架的框架练习练习写作。写作。18 阅读下面的段落并理出其框架:Do you know how to write your homework on the computer?First,open a new document.Use the mouse and click“new document”.Next,use the keyboard to wr

9、ite your homework in the new document.Then click“save”and write a name for it.Finally click“print”and“OK”.19 框架整理:FirstNextThenFinally20 选择一个主题并照上面的框架进行仿写:A.How to make banana Pudding?B.How can we plant a tree?C.How can I get to Peoples Museum?21StructureStructure Health problemSituationSituationPro

10、blemProblemSolutionSolution Evaluation/Evaluation/ConclusionConclusionHealth is so important that we need to care about it.Many people dont care about it,as a result,their health becomes worse and worse.FirstSecondBesidesFinallyIf we follow the advice given above,we will lead a healthy life.22The wr

11、iting structure of problem solving:SituationProblemSolutionEvaluation/Conclusion(for example,besides,next,first,second,third,meanwhile)23Writing Time:Using S-P-S-E structure to write an essay.243、语篇策略(1 1)句子)句子扩扩充充(2)(2)词语词语搭配搭配(collocation)(collocation)(3 3)预预制制语块语块 25(1)句子扩充 旨在旨在训练训练学生学生对对句子句子进进行加

12、工和行加工和润润色,使文章的色,使文章的语语言言更加生更加生动动和流和流畅畅。The students will have time to enjoy their life.The students will have(lots of)(free)time to enjoy their(comfortable)life(in the future).New York is a big city.New York is a big city(on the east coast of the USA),(with a population of 7 million people).Lily is

13、a girl.26(2)(2)词语词语搭配搭配 概念界定概念界定“词语间词语间所保持的一种所保持的一种结结伴关系伴关系”(Firth(1951)词语间词语间的一种固定的、自然的的一种固定的、自然的组组合,而不合,而不仅仅仅仅是偶然是偶然出出现现的一种搭配的一种搭配(Lewis,1997)。)。是一是一对对或一或一组经组经常在一起使用的常在一起使用的词词。(Felicity ODell&Michael McCarthy,2008)27Hill(2000)认为认为 词语词语搭配是一种可搭配是一种可预测预测的的词语间词语间的的结结合,合,并从构成角度将并从构成角度将词语词语搭配分搭配分为为七

14、七类类,这这种分种分类类主要关注的是主要关注的是实实词间词间的搭配:的搭配:Adjective+noun(a huge profit),),Noun+noun(a pocket calculator),),Verb+adjective+noun(learn a foreign language),),Verb+adverb(live dangerously)Adverb+verb(half understand),),Adverb+adjective(completely soaked),),Verb+preposition+noun(speak through an interpreter)

15、28为为什么要学什么要学习词语习词语搭配搭配?能帮助学生能帮助学生习习得地道的英得地道的英语语,使他,使他们们自然、准确地自然、准确地表达和交表达和交际际big rain?heavy rain?quick food?fast food?did a few mistake?made a few mistake?smoking is strongly forbidden.Smoking is strictly forbidden.29 能增加能增加语语言的丰富性和多言的丰富性和多样样性,帮助学性,帮助学习习者用不者用不同的方式表达自己同的方式表达自己小女孩哭得很伤心。a flood/floods

16、of tears The little girl was in floods of tears.tears streaming down someones face Tears were streaming down the girls face.30 能帮助学生以能帮助学生以组块组块的形式学的形式学习单词习单词,提高了学生,提高了学生运用运用词汇词汇的技能的技能Heavy:Heavy:Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English(LDOCE)Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English(LDOCE)列列出了如下的

17、搭配出了如下的搭配:heavy traffic,heavy rain/snow,:heavy traffic,heavy rain/snow,heavy pressure,heavy fine,heavy casualties,heavy heavy pressure,heavy fine,heavy casualties,heavy losses,heavy defeat,heavy cold,heavy use losses,heavy defeat,heavy cold,heavy use 等。等。“那段那段时间时间我我压压力很大力很大”不用刻意地再不用刻意地再进进行行语语言分析和二次解

18、言分析和二次解码码,只需从,只需从记忆记忆中直接中直接提取提取heavy pressureheavy pressure的搭配就可以了的搭配就可以了(I had heavy pressure during that time.I had heavy pressure during that time.)31 培养学生培养学生对词语对词语搭配的意搭配的意识识和敏感和敏感Underline the collocations in this text.When I left university,I made a decision to take up a profession in which I

19、could be creative.I could play the guitar,but Id never written any songs.Nonetheless I decided to become a singer-songwriter.I made some recordings but I had a rather heavy cold so they didnt sound good.I made some more,and sent them to a record company and waited for them to reply.So,while I was wa

20、iting to become famous,I got a job in a fast-food restaurant.That was five years ago.Im still doing the same job.如何学如何学习词语习词语搭配搭配?32 充分利用教材教授充分利用教材教授词语词语搭配搭配1.1.DamingsDamings uncles birthday present is _.uncles birthday present is _.2.2.DamingsDamings mothers birthday present is mothers birthday pr

21、esent is _._.3.Tonys sisters birthday present is _.3.Tonys sisters birthday present is _.(答案:(答案:1.a cinema ticket 2.a silk shirt 3.a 1.a cinema ticket 2.a silk shirt 3.a concert ticketconcert ticket)33 引引导导学生学会学生学会归纳归纳和和总结总结Highly unusual,successful,competitive,effective,recommendedStrongly believe

22、,support,recommend,feel,argue,suggestDeeply concerned,shamed,shocked,moved,affected,moved,regret,careAbsolutely stupid,impossible,wrong,alone,ridiculous,convinced34 创设创设情境,情境,让让学生在情境中学生在情境中习习得和使用得和使用词语词语搭配搭配1.Near the lake there is an old house that _ ruin about a hundred years ago.It stands in a lo

23、vely landscape,surrounded by _ fields.2.We _ a footpath along the river for about three kilometers.In the distance there were snow-_ mountains.3.We walked through a _ forest;it was very dark among the trees.(答案:1.fell into,open 2.followed,covered 3.dense)35 帮助学生构建自己的帮助学生构建自己的语语料料库库学生可以事先准学生可以事先准备备好一


25、分享自己的笔记记。36(3)(3)预预制制语块语块 预预制制语块语块是集功能和形式于一体、兼具是集功能和形式于一体、兼具词汇词汇与与语语法法特征的特征的语语言构快(言构快(Nattinger&DeCarrico,1992Nattinger&DeCarrico,1992)。)。预预制制语块语块常作常作为为整体整体储储存在存在语语言使用者的言使用者的记忆记忆里,里,在使用在使用时时不需要不需要经过语经过语法的生成和分析而直接从法的生成和分析而直接从记忆记忆中提取使用,因此,中提取使用,因此,预预制制语块语块被被认为认为是是书书面表达的理面表达的理想想单单位(姚宝梁,位(姚宝梁,20

26、042004)。)。37预预制制语块语块大体可以分大体可以分为为以下两以下两类类:(1 1)表述意)表述意义义的的语块语块,如:,如:赞赞同:同:I/we(strongly/somewhat)agree with I/we(strongly/somewhat)agree with/support X/support X抱怨:抱怨:Sorry,but there is a problem,I have to Sorry,but there is a problem,I have to mention it,but Xmention it,but X感感谢谢:I really appreciate

27、 your,thanks forI really appreciate your,thanks for辩辩解:解:Sorry,I didnt know/realize X;Sorry,I didnt know/realize X;Sorry,it slipped my mindSorry,it slipped my mind38(2 2)语语篇篇衔衔接的接的语块语块,如:,如:原因原因:because of,owing to,due to,on:because of,owing to,due to,on account of,because,since,asaccount of,because

28、,since,as总结总结:in short,on the whole,in a word,in:in short,on the whole,in a word,in all,therefore,in brief,to sum upall,therefore,in brief,to sum up比比较较:compared with,as compared with,in:compared with,as compared with,in contrast to,in comparison withcontrast to,in comparison with列列举举:first(ly),for

29、one thing,in the first:first(ly),for one thing,in the first place,first of all,to begin with,to start place,first of all,to begin with,to start with,nextwith,next39 预预制制语块语块的策略可以帮助学生迅速的策略可以帮助学生迅速习习得地道的得地道的语语言表述形式,不言表述形式,不仅仅使使语语篇的起呈、篇的起呈、转转合、合、过过渡自然流渡自然流畅畅,而且克服了表意含糊的弊端,能极大地增,而且克服了表意含糊的弊端,能极大地增强强学生学生的

30、自信心和成就感。的自信心和成就感。预预制制语块语块策略的教学步策略的教学步骤骤如下:如下:(1 1)出示主)出示主题题;(2 2)讨论讨论写作中可能用到的写作中可能用到的语块语块;(3 3)小)小组组或个人运用或个人运用语块语块写出初稿;写出初稿;(4 4)学生互)学生互评评;(5 5)教)教师师抽抽样检查样检查。404、评价策略(1)表扬式评语Good description.Good description.Well organized-it stimulates my desire to read Well organized-it stimulates my desire to rea

31、d again and again.again and again.How beautiful your handwriting is!How beautiful your handwriting is!(2)鼓励式评语Im so glad youve made so great progress in your Im so glad youve made so great progress in your writing.writing.Ive found your handwriting is better than before.Ive found your handwriting is

32、 better than before.Thank you.Thank you.41(3)批评式评语Im sorry the conclusion seems a little weak.Do Im sorry the conclusion seems a little weak.Do you think so?you think so?It seems there is something lost in your ending.It seems there is something lost in your ending.(4)启发式评语If we switch the person he

33、re,which pronoun should If we switch the person here,which pronoun should we use now?we use now?Could you please tell me more details about your Could you please tell me more details about your birthday party?birthday party?421、准、准备备前期活前期活动动(Pre-writing)2、中期活、中期活动动(while-writing)3、后、后续续后期活后期活动动(post

34、-writing)(二)加强课堂活动设计43(1)激活灵感激活灵感;(3)明确目的和明确目的和读读者者对对象象;(4)讨论讨论主主题题;(5)搜集素材搜集素材;(2)激激发兴发兴趣趣;(6)语语言准言准备备;1、Pre-writing可可设计设计哪些教学活哪些教学活动动?(7 7)阅读阅读范文;范文;(8 8)写提写提纲纲。44We will have a day trip to Badachu Park next Sunday.Talk with your partner to think about what you will do.Then write a short passage t

35、itled “A wonderful day trip.”讨论讨论主主题题451.What are you going to buy?food,fruit,drink.?2.What are you going to take with you?toy,book,CD,cards,.?3.What are you going to do on the hill?plant trees,play games,sing,dance,?46A wonderful day trip Next Sunday our class is going to have a day trip in Badachu

36、 Park.I am looking forward to having a good time there.I think we will have a wonderful trip.Do you want to join us?47Writing about her.1.Given name:Qunyue2.Family name:Sun3.City:Qingdao4.Country:China5.Name of school:Yang Zhuang Middle School6.Class:Class One7.Grade:Grade One8.Number of students in

37、 the class:359.Favourite subject:English10.Favourite sport:table tennis收集素材收集素材48_ the computer _a new document_on“save”_your homework _a documentHow do you write your homework on the computer?switch onswitch onopenclickprintwriteFirst,Second,Next,Then,Finally,语语言准言准备备491、写初稿写初稿;2、规规划文章划文章结结构构;3、填空填

38、空;4、看看图图写写话话;6、把把图转换图转换成文字成文字;7、仿写仿写;(二)(二)While-writingWhile-writing可可设计设计哪些教哪些教学活学活动动?5、提示作文提示作文;8 8、连连句成文;句成文;9 9、口口头头作文;作文;1010、听写。听写。50 WritingRead the email and fill in the blanks with these phrases.Sun Cinema in the afternoon Sunday From:Sarah To:Holley Day:MondayHi,Would you like to go to th

39、e cinema on _?The film is The Snow White.Its _,at _.Best wishes,SarahSundayin the afternoonSun Cinema填填 空空51From:_(your name)To:_(your friends name)Day:_(day of a week)Hi!_Best wishes,_(your name)Write your own email invitation to your classmates.Write your own email invitation to your classmates.仿仿

40、 写写52 There are many stars _ Kobe Bryant is my favorite.Hes from America.And he is 2.01 metres tall.He likes reading _ swimming.I like Kobe best._,he is very famous.He is known by lots of people all over the world _ he plays basketball very well._,he is quite talented.He is called“NBA New Air”after

41、Jordan.His highest score is 81.In my opinion,he is one of the greatest stars._ Ill like him forever.阅读阅读范文范文规规划文章划文章结结构构butandFor one thingFor another thingbecauseso53_ is my favorite teacher.Reasons?Details?Para 1 brief introductionPara 2Para 3 结结 构构Your feelings具体具体细节细节54(1)自我修改自我修改;(2)相互修改相互修改;(3

42、)个人或小个人或小组组面批面批;(4)检查语检查语言、文法、言、文法、逻辑逻辑、用、用词词、润润色色;(5)制作板制作板报报、墙墙板板。3、Post-writing可可设计设计哪些教学活哪些教学活动动?55AWe can imagine the beautiful surroundings.We can imagine the beautiful surroundings.There are many trees along the streets.There are many trees along the streets.There is a clean river in the city

43、.There is a clean river in the city.There are many fishes in the river.There are many fishes in the river.There are willow trees on one side.There are willow trees on one side.There are some pieces of grassland on the other side.There are some pieces of grassland on the other side.There are many flo

44、wers on them.There are many flowers on them.56 B Just imagine the beautiful surroundsJust imagine the beautiful surrounds if we if we have much made our cities greenerhave much made our cities greener.Green.Green trees line streets.A clean river windstrees line streets.A clean river winds through th

45、e city,through the city,in which there are a lot of in which there are a lot of fishes aroundfishes around.On one side stand rows of.On one side stand rows of willow trees.On the other side lies a willow trees.On the other side lies a stretch of grassland sprinkledstretch of grassland sprinkled with

46、 with many many yellow and red flowers.yellow and red flowers.57四、如何四、如何处处理好教学与考理好教学与考试试的关系?的关系?1、了解、了解课标话题课标话题与各年度中考与各年度中考话题话题(重点关注(重点关注北京卷);北京卷);2、对对比教材与中考比教材与中考试题试题,确立教学重点;,确立教学重点;3、合理公正地、合理公正地评评分,分,给给教学以教学以积积极的极的导导向。向。583、合理公正地、合理公正地评评分,分,给给教学教学积积极的极的导导向。向。1)1)给给分分过过低:低:第第1 1篇:篇:8 8分分 第第2 2篇:篇:1111分分 第第3 3篇:篇:6 6分分2)2)给给分分过过高:高:第第4 4篇:篇:1313分分 第第5 5篇:篇:1212分分2)2)给给分合理:分合理:第第6 6篇:篇:1414分分 第第7 7篇:篇:1414分分59

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