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1、-教育精选-Unit 11 Very smart!1. These are our outfits for the school play.These are+名词复数This is+名词单数e.g. These are my books. This is my book.play v.玩;n.戏剧2. Yes, youre both very elegant. both 两者都 all 三者或三者以上都e.g. Lily and Lucy are both 7 years old. They are all young.3. Those are funny shoes, Robert.Tho

2、se are+名词复数That is+名词单数e.g. Those are my pencils. That is my pencil.4. Theyre all right. They are right for the part.=Theyre OK.Thats all right.没关系5.单数句复数句This/ That is a book. Is this/that a book? Is this/that your tie? This/ That isnt a book. Yes, it is. / No, it isnt. 6.疑问词What 什么 (询问东西)e.g. What

3、 is this/that? Its a table.What are these/those? Theyre dresses.Who 谁 (具体到人) e.g. Who is the girl on the silver bicycle? She is Lucy.Which 哪一个 (具体到人或物)e.g. Which one? The thick one.Where 在哪儿(地点) e.g. Where is my pen? Its at the door.Whose 谁的 (询问谁的东西)e.g. Whose camera is that? Its Lucys.How 怎么样(询问方法,

4、程度)e.g. How is Robert? He is fine.Whats the matter 怎么了(什么事情)e.g. Whats the matter with him? He is not very well.What colour 的颜色 (询问颜色)e.g. What colour is it? Its brown.What nationality 的国籍 (询问国籍)e.g. What nationality is she? She is American.1. give me给我 give sb. sth.=give sth. to sb. e.g. Give me th

5、e book.=Give the book to me. 2.宾格 (动词后面加宾语,动宾结构)3. Bring it here, please! bring sb. sth.=bring sth. to sb. 4.方位介词 in on under behind beside in front of5.复数句型A: Give me a glass, please. A: Give me glasses, please. B: Which glass? B: Which glasses?A: That small one. A: Those small ones.B: Where is the small one? B: Where are the small ones?A: Its beside the cup. A: Theyre beside the cups.B: Here you are. B: Here you are. 可编辑

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