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1、语言基础课Qu GaoHongqiao No.1 Middle School1.i m p o rta n th e alt hischicken r ice sweet mi lk dumpling orange pork br ead cabbage fruit bananameatfishtomatochocolateapplevegetable21346578910111213141516171-67-1516-17Health is important.2.headeararmhandstomachlegfooteyenosetoothmouthtwo feettwo teethWh

2、at may happen if we dont take care of our body?feel uncomfortablebe ill3.can;should;have to,cant,shouldntif they have a headache.if they have a stomachache.if they have a toothache.if they have a sore throat.if they have a cold.if they have a fever.if they get fatter and fatter.if they feel tired.if

3、 they feel stressed out.People _people _People _People _People _People _People _People _People _What may happen if we dont take care of our body?头疼胃疼牙疼喉咙疼感冒发烧越来越胖感到疲惫感到压力大4.How to be healthy1.watch your diet2.take exercise3.relax yourself5.Book 7(上)Unit 6 Do you like bananas?Book 7(下)Unit 8 Id like

4、some noodles.Book 8(上)Unit 1 How often do you exercise?Unit 2 Whats the matter?Book 8(下)Unit 2 What should I do?Book 9 Unit 6 Reading:I only eat food that tastes good6.Unit6(Book 7上)Unit8(Book 7下)P4,P11(Book 8上)How to be healthy1.watch your diet词汇所在位置7.watch your dietfruit melonsapplesbeefmeat chick

5、entomatoesvegetables carrotshealthy food water milkjuice healthy drink hamburgerscandy unhealthy food coke coffee unhealthy drink keep a balanced diet 8.辨析题health,healthy,healthily1.Vegetables and fruit are _ food.2.Drinking milk every day is good for our _.3.We should eat _.healthyadj.healthn.healt

6、hilyadv.9.7A Unit 6 Runner eats well!Running star Sandra Clark eats lots of healthy food.For breakfast,she likes eggs,bananas,and apples.For lunch,she likes hamburgers,salad,and pears.And for dinner,she has chicken,tomatoes,French fries and,for dessert,ice cream.课文链接10.1.My mother wants me to drink

7、milk every day.She says it is good for my health.2.My eating habits are pretty good.3.A lot of vegetables help you to keep in good health.4.You must try to eat less meat.5.Traditional Chinese doctors believe we need a balance of yin and yang to be healthy.6.Its easy to have a healthy lifestyle,and i

8、ts important to eat a balanced diet.P4,P5,P6,P11(Book 8上)7.I love to eat food that is healthy.I want to take care of my health,so I eat mainly fruit and vegetables.And I stay away from sugar.8.I think most people are in agreement that fruit and vegetables are good for health.9.Ive heard eating burnt

9、 food can increase the risk of cancer.P50(Book9)课文链接11.情景提示:Lucy喜欢蔬菜和水果。她每天早上吃面包和苹果。她一个月吃一次KFC,因为她认为汉堡和薯条是不健康的。请根据所给情景用英语回答5个问题.Predict five questions.(Wh-/H-questions)1.What does Lucy like eating?2.What does she eat for breakfast?3.How often does she eat in KFC?4.What does Lucy think of the food in

10、 KFC?5.What do you usually eat for breakfast?考试链接12.Unit6(Book 7上)Unit8(Book 7下)P4,P11(Book 8上)词汇所在位置How to be healthy1.watch your diet2.take exerciseUnit5(Book7上)Unit1(Book 8上)13.go skateboardinggo skatingplay baseballplay basketballplay volleyballplay tennisplay soccerruntake a walkswimgo hikingta

11、ke exercise14.7A Unit 5 Ed Smith has a great sports collection.He has 8 tennis rackets,9 basketballs,and 7 baseballs.He has 3 soccer balls and 5 volleyballs.But he doesnt play sportshe only watches them on TV!课文链接15.1.Youll need to take a lot of exercise go running or do some sports at least three t

12、imes a week.2.A lot of exercise help you to keep in good health.3.You can take part in after-school clubs.Activities include sports,music classes.4.I am pretty healthy.I exercise every day,usually when I come home from school.5.Mom let me get up at six and play ping-pong with her.P5,P6(Book 8上)P16(B

13、ook8下)课文链接16.8A Unit1but Im pretty healthy.I exercise every day,usually when I come home from school.My eating habits are pretty good.I try to eat a lot of vegetables.I eat fruit and drink milk every day.I never drink coffee.Of course,I love junk food too,and I eat it two or three times a week.Oh,an

14、d I sleep nine hours every night.So you see,I look after my health.And my healthy lifestyle helps me get good grades.Good food and exercise help me to study better.考试链接17.Unit6(Book 7上)Unit8(Book 7下)P4,P11(Book 8上)词汇所在位置How to be healthy1.watch your diet2.take exerciseUnit5(Book7上)Unit1(Book 8上)3.re

15、lax yourselfUnit2 (Book 8上)18.relax yourselflisten to musicplay computer gamesdo some sportsget eight hours sleep(get enough sleep)talk to othersYou can relax yourself by listening to some music.What else would you like to do?Id like to.19.If you dont get enough sleep at night,youll have less energy

16、(活力,精力)the next day.Its important to get enough sleep.You can relax yourself by playing computer games,but you cant play too long.P5 P12(Book 8上)课文链接20.Unit6(Book 7上)Unit8(Book 7下)P4,P11(Book 8上)词汇所在位置How to be healthy1.watch your diet2.take exerciseUnit5(Book7上)Unit1(Book 8上)3.relax yourselfUnit2(B

17、ook 8上)请在笔记本上记下相关话题在课本上的出处!21.The way to stay healthyhave more healthy food and drinkeat less unhealthy food and drinkplay basketballtake a walkrunswimget enough sleeplisten to musicwatch TVdo some sportstalk to others考试链接话题:健康 (至少三句)要点提示:1.健康是重要的;2.我们应该.3.我.22.An apple a day keeps the doctor away.一

18、天一苹果,疾病远离我。Diet cures more than doctors.自己饮食有节,胜过上门求医。Walking is mans best medicine.行走是人的最佳良药。Early to bed and early to rise,makes a man healthy,wealthy(富有)and wise。早睡早起,人会健康、富有、聪明。23.中考英语话题复习 Topic:Food and health P58-6224.go skateboardinggo skatingplay baseballplay basketballplay volleyballplay tennisplay soccerruntake a walkswimgo hikingtake exerciseI talk a walk every day.25.

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