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1、Unit10 Lesson 19 Jump in!上车吧!上车吧!12021Revision你的棕色的小猫们他的绿色的袜子他的蓝色的衬衣我的黑色的小狗们她的黄色的袜子你的白色的衬衣她的灰色的书包我的红色的书包22021New Words and Expressionsjump 跳跳 school 学校学校hurry up 快点儿快点儿 of course 当然当然 bus 公共汽车公共汽车 Gee!哎呀!哎呀!Wait a minute!等一下等一下 people 人人Come on!快点儿!快点儿!Never mind!不要紧不要紧full 满的满的 Mom 妈妈妈妈Oh,dear!噢,天啊

2、!噢,天啊!Empty 空的空的32021school bus 校车校车4202152021The school bus is full of people.6202172021The schoolbag is full of books.82021Robert:Hurry up,Lucy!Heres the bus!Lucy:Wait a minute!My bags heavy.Robert:My bags heavy,too.Come on!here开头的句子,主语是名词开头的句子,主语是名词需要倒装需要倒装Wait a moment!Just a minute!92021Robert:

3、Oh,no!The bus is full!Lucy:Oh,dear!Our school buses are all full.表沮丧或遗憾表沮丧或遗憾我们的,形容词性我们的,形容词性物主代词物主代词bus的复数形式。的复数形式。以以-s结尾的名词变复数时结尾的名词变复数时在后面加在后面加-es bus-buses102021buses名词单数变复数规则变形:1.直接在词尾加 s,dogs,cats,books2.在以s,x,sh,ch结尾的单词后加 es,boxes3.以o结尾的名词,是生物加-es,非生物加-s tomato-tomatoes potato-potatoes piano-

4、pianos photo-photos4.以辅音字母+y结尾的名词,改y为i,加-es party-parties family-families city-cities5.以-f或-fe结尾的单词,改-f或-fe为v,再加-es leaf-leaves thief-thieves knife-knives112021实战练习:city-country-book-pencil-knife-photo-photo-tomato-wolf-radio-leaf-dog-party-box-table-family-toy-piano-122021Robert:Whats in your bag?L

5、ucy:Books,of course!Robert:My bag is full of books,too.Look,theres Claire!Hello,Claire!在在.里面里面=insidebook的复数形式的复数形式名词变复数后面直接加名词变复数后面直接加-s.be full of 被充满,装满被充满,装满132021Claire:Hello Robert!Hello Lucy!Whats the matter,Lucy?Lucy:The buses are all full and our bags are very heavy.出什么事了?出什么事了?Whats the ma

6、tter with you?Whats wrong?142021Claire:Gee,they are heavy!Whats in them?Robert:Theyre full of books,and the buses are full of people.Gee表吃惊的感叹词。表吃惊的感叹词。are要重读要重读people单复数同形。单复数同形。person的复数不是的复数不是persons而是而是people。152021Claire:Never mind!Heres my Mom with the car.And the cars empty.Jump in,and put yo

7、ur bags in,too!别担心别担心=Dont worry about it!空的空的反义词:反义词:full介词,这里指(车,可供使用)介词,这里指(车,可供使用)162021Guided ConversationIs Lucys bag heavy?Yes,it is.Is Roberts bag heavy,too?Yes,it is.Is the bus empty?No,it isnt.Is it full?Yes,it is.Are the school buses all full?Yes,they are.172021Is Roberts bag full of book

8、s?Yes,it is.Is Lucys bag full of books?Yes,it is.Are their bags very heavy?Yes,they are.Are the buses full of people?Yes,they are.Is the car full?No,it isnt.182021Which buses are all full?The school buses are all full.Whats in Lucys bag?The books in Lucys bag.Whose bag is full of books,too?Roberts b

9、ag is full of books,too.What are full of books?The bags are full of books.Whats empty?Claires moms car is empty.192021Are Lucys and Roberts bags light?No,they arent.They are heavy.Are the school buses empty?No,they arent.They are full.Are their bags full of apples?No,they arent.They are full of book

10、s.Is Claires mothers car full of people?No,it isnt.Its empty.202021What is full?The bus is full.Which buses are fullThe school buses are full.Whats in Lucys bag?The books are in Lucys bag.Whose bag is full of books,too?Roberts bag is full of books,too.212021This bus is _.That bus is _.222021Is the b

11、us empty?No,it isnt.The bus is_.232021This bag is _.That bag is _.242021Is your bag empty?No,it isnt.My bag is _.252021This woman is _.That woman is _.Read it three times!262021Read it three times!272021Are your bags empty?No,they arent.Our bags are _.282021Read it three times!292021看样子写词语看样子写词语Big=

12、not smallNew=not oldOld=not newYoung=not_=not cleanFull=not _302021Homework1.Preview lesson 22.Words:jump,hurry up,wait a minute,full,of course,people,never mind,empty3.oral practice:a12,b124.test papers(测试卷测试卷):unit 7+unit 8312021322021332021Look at these pictures!ClaireRobertLucy342021352021362021

13、372021382021392021402021Listening and UnderstandingListen to the text,and answer:Is the bus full?Whose bags are full?Is the car full?412021Are the school buses all full?Whose bags are full?Is the car full?Yes,the school buses are all full.Lucys and Roberts bags are both full.No,the car isnt full.Ans

14、wer the questions:422021Robert:Hurry up,Lucy!Heres the bus!Lucy:Wait a minute!My bags heavy.Robert:My bags heavy,too.Come on!432021Robert:Oh,no!The bus is full!Lucy:Oh,dear!Our school buses are all full.442021Our school buses are all full.my,your,his,her,our,your,their our 我们的我们的,形容词性物主代词形容词性物主代词452

15、021Robert:Whats in your bag?Lucy:Books,of course!Robert:My bag is full of books,too.Look,theres Claire!Hello,Claire!462021Claire:Hello Robert!Hello Lucy!Whats the matter,Lucy?Lucy:The buses are all full and our bags are very heavy.472021Claire:Gee,they are heavy!Whats in them?Robert:Theyre full of b

16、ooks,and the buses are full of people.482021Claire:Never mind!Heres my Mom with the car.And the cars empty.Jump in,and put your bags in,too!49202171727374757677Chooseand say788079502021This bus is _.That bus is _.512021Is the bus empty?No,it isnt.The bus is_.522021This bag is _.That bag is _.532021I

17、s your bag empty?No,it isnt.My bag is _.542021This woman is _.That woman is _.Read it three times!552021562021Read it three times!572021Are your bags empty?No,they arent.Our bags are _.582021Read it three times!592021看样子写词语看样子写词语Big=not smallNew=not oldOld=not newYoung=not_=not cleanFull=not _602021

18、Listen to the text again and repeat.Read the text by yourself.612021Lesson 20622021My _ is _.Pattern PracticeMy _ isnt _.bagfullbagemptyMy _ _ old._ _ _ _.Camera isMy camera isnt new632021Pattern Practiceherhismyyouryourhis_ is _._ isnt _.642021My _ is _.My _ isnt _.my your his her our your their即兴造

19、句。即兴造句。Revision:652021My _ is _.Pattern PracticeMy _ isnt _.bagfullbagemptyOur _ _ empty._ _ _ _.bags areOur bags arent full662021Your _ is _.Pattern PracticeYour _ isnt _.cameraoldcameranewYour _ _ new._ _ _ _.cameras areYour cameras arent old672021His _ is _.Pattern PracticeHis _ isnt _.teacheryou

20、ngteacheroldTheir _ _ old._ _ _ _.teachers areTheir teachers arent young682021Her _ is _.Pattern PracticeHer _ isnt _.carcleancardirtyTheir _ _ dirty._ _ _ _.cars areTheir cars arent clean692021Revision:Pattern PracticeMy/Your/His/Her _ is _.My/Your/His/Her _ isnt _.Your/Their _ are _.Your/Their _ a

21、rent _.P79即兴造句。即兴造句。单数名词单数名词单数名词单数名词复数名词复数名词复数名词复数名词702021Pattern PracticeIs your bag full?Yes,it is.Are your bags full?No,they arent.Your bag full.is Your bags full.are712021Fill in the blanks_?Yes,it is._?No,it isnt.(your)_?Yes,they are._?No,they arent.(your)Are your cameras newIs your camera oldI

22、s your camera newAre your cameras old722021Fill in the blanks_?Yes,she is._?No,she isnt.(his)_?Yes,they are._?No,they arent.(their)Are their teachers oldIs his teacher youngIs his teacher oldAre they young732021Fill in the blanks_?Yes,it is._?No,it isnt.(her)_?Yes,they are._?No,they arent.(their)Are

23、 their cars dirtyIs her car cleanIs her car dirtyAre they clean742021_bag full?No,it isnt.My bag is _.752021_your camera new?No,it isnt.My camera is _.762021_your cameras old?yes,they _old.772021_ teacher young?Yes,his teacher is _.782021_ her car dirty?No,it isnt.Her car is _.792021_ cars clearn?Yes,their cars are _.8020211.Exercise Book unit 102.Recite numbers:10,20,30,40,50,60,70,80,90,100(ten,twenty,thirty,forty,fifty,sixty,seventy,eighty,ninety,a hundred).3.Oral exercise:P80 a34,b34(注意单复数注意单复数)4.Texting paper(试卷一张,周四前完成,答试卷一张,周四前完成,答案周四公布在群里案周四公布在群里)812021

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