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上传人:胜**** 文档编号:773953 上传时间:2024-03-11 格式:PPT 页数:68 大小:4.45MB
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1、Body parts1Big Head SonSmall Head Father head2Head3hair4Its a face.Whats this?5face6Its a nose.Whats this?7nose8ear9They are eyes.What are they?10eye11Its a mouth.Whats this?12mouth13teeth14neck15Its a hand.Whats this?16hand17handatwo hands手手18finger19arm20elbow21knee22back23shoulder24Its a leg.What

2、s this?25leg26Its a foot.Whats this?27foot28toe29What can you see?Touch摸,接触摸,接触30.Touch your head.31.Touch your mouth.一、一、I say you do 我说你做我说你做32.Touch your hand.33.Touch your hands34.Touch your face.35.Touch your eye.36.Touch your eyes.37.Touch your nose.38.Touch your mouth.39.Touch your ears.40.To

3、uch your arm.41.Touch your arms.42.Touch your leg.43.Touch your legs.44.Touch your foot.45.Touch your feet.46.4748leftright49Lets do it!Stand up!Stand on your right foot!put your left hand on your head!Stand on your left foot!Put your right hand on your head!Put your two hands on your head!Open your

4、 mouth!Close your right eye!Close your left eye!Close your eyes!Touch your right ear with your left hand!Touch your left ear with your right hand!Raise your right leg!Raise your left leg!Touch your face!Touch your hair!Sit down!50Stand on your right foot!51Stand up!52put your left hand on your head!

5、53Stand on your left foot!54Put your right hand on your head!55Put your two hands on your head!56Open your mouth!57Close your right eye!58Close your left eye!59Close your eyes!60Touch your right ear with your left hand!61Touch your left ear with your right hand!62Raise your right leg!63Raise your left leg!64Touch your face!65Touch your hair!66Sit down!671,What can we do with our feet?We can walk with our feet.2,What can we do with our mouth?We can talk with our mouth.3,What can we do with our ears?We can hear with our ears.4,What can we do with our hands?We can touch with our hands.68

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