1、精选资料最高人民法院关于审理买卖合同纠纷案件适用法律问题的解释Interpretation of the Supreme Peoples Court on Issues Concerning the Application of Law for the Trial of Cases of Disputes over Sales Contracts最高人民法院关于审理买卖合同纠纷案件适用法律问题的解释已于2012年3月31日由最高人民法院审判委员会第1545次会议通过,现予公布,自2012年7月1日起施行。二一二年五月十日The Interpretation of the Supreme Peo
2、ples Court on Issues Concerning the Application of Law for the Trial of Cases of Disputes over Sales Contracts, adopted at the 1545th session of the Judicial Committee of the Supreme Peoples Court on March 31, 2012, is hereby issued and shall come into force on July 1, 2012. May 10, 2012为正确审理买卖合同纠纷案
3、件,根据中华人民共和国民法通则、中华人民共和国合同法、中华人民共和国物权法、中华人民共和国民事诉讼法等法律的规定,结合审判实践,制定本解释。For the purpose of properly trying cases of disputes over sales contracts, this Interpretation is formulated according to the provisions of the General Principles of the Civil Law of the Peoples Republic of China, the Property Law
4、 of the Peoples Republic of China, the Civil Procedure Law of the Peoples Republic of China and other laws as well as in light of judicial practice.一、 买卖合同的成立及效力I Formation and Validity of Sales Contracts第一条当事人之间没有书面合同,一方以送货单、收货单、结算单、发票等主张存在买卖合同关系的,人民法院应当结合当事人之间的交易方式、交易习惯以及其他相关证据,对买卖合同是否成立作出认定。对账确认函
5、、债权确认书等函件、凭证没有记载债权人名称,买卖合同当事人一方以此证明存在买卖合同关系的,人民法院应予支持,但有相反证据足以推翻的除外。Article 1 Where there is no written contract between the parties and one party claims that a sales contract exists on the basis of delivery notes, goods received notes, settlement statements and invoices, the peoples court shall det
6、ermine whether a sales contract has been formed by considering the transaction methods and customary business practices between the parties as well as other relevant evidence.Where no name of a creditor is recorded in correspondence or certificates such as confirmation letters on account reconciliat
7、ion or written confirmations of creditors rights, and one party to a sales contract from this offers proof that a sales contract exists, the peoples court shall support such proof, unless it can be invalidated by sufficient evidence to the contrary.第二条当事人签订认购书、订购书、预订书、意向书、备忘录等预约合同,约定在将来一定期限内订立买卖合同,一
8、方不履行订立买卖合同的义务,对方请求其承担预约合同违约责任或者要求解除预约合同并主张损害赔偿的,人民法院应予支持。Article 2 Where both parties have signed preliminary agreements such as purchase offers, purchase orders, subscription books, letters of intent, and memorandums, and have agreed that a sales contract is to be concluded within a certain period
9、of time, if one party does not perform the obligation of concluding a sales contract and the other party requests that it assume liability for breach of the preliminary agreements or demands the rescission of the preliminary agreements and claims compensation for damages, the peoples court shall sup
10、port such claims.第三条当事人一方以出卖人在缔约时对标的物没有所有权或者处分权为由主张合同无效的,人民法院不予支持。出卖人因未取得所有权或者处分权致使标的物所有权不能转移,买受人要求出卖人承担违约责任或者要求解除合同并主张损害赔偿的,人民法院应予支持。Article 3 Where one party claims that a contract is void on the grounds that the seller had no ownership or right of disposal over the subject matter at the time of c
11、ontract formation, the peoples court shall not support such claims.Where the ownership of the subject matter cannot be transferred because the seller failed to acquire the ownership or right of disposal, if the buyer demands that the seller assume liability for breach of contract or demands the resc
12、ission of the contract and claims compensation for damages, the peoples court shall support such claims.第四条人民法院在按照合同法的规定认定电子交易合同的成立及效力的同时,还应当适用电子签名法的相关规定。Article 4 The peoples court shall concurrently apply the relevant provisions of the Law on Electronic Signatures when determining the formation an
13、d validity of an electronic transaction contract according to the provisions of the Contract Law.一、 标的物交付和所有权转移II Delivery of the Subject Matter and Transfer of Ownership第五条标的物为无需以有形载体交付的电子信息产品,当事人对交付方式约定不明确,且依照合同法第六十一条的规定仍不能确定的,买受人收到约定的电子信息产品或者权利凭证即为交付。Article 5 Where the subject matter is an elect
14、ronic product not requiring physical delivery, the parties have not explicitly agreed upon the delivery mode and the delivery mode also cannot be determined according to the provisions of Article 61 of the Contract Law, delivery shall be deemed to occur when the buyer receives the agreed-upon electr
15、onic product or a certification of rights.第六条根据合同法第一百六十二条的规定,买受人拒绝接收多交部分标的物的,可以代为保管多交部分标的物。买受人主张出卖人负担代为保管期间的合理费用的,人民法院应予支持。买受人主张出卖人承担代为保管期间非因买受人故意或者重大过失造成的损失的,人民法院应予支持。Article 6 According to the provisions of Article 162 of the Contract Law, where the buyer rejects the excess quantity of subject mat
16、ter, the buyer may keep custody of the excess quantity for the seller. Where the buyer claims that the seller is to assume reasonable expenses during the custody period, the peoples court shall support such claims.Where the buyer claims that the seller is to assume any losses not caused by the inten
17、tional conduct or gross negligence of the buyer during the custody period, the peoples court shall support such claims.第七条合同法第一百三十六条规定的“提取标的物单证以外的有关单证和资料”,主要应当包括保险单、保修单、普通发票、增值税专用发票、产品合格证、质量保证书、质量鉴定书、品质检验证书、产品进出口检疫书、原产地证明书、使用说明书、装箱单等。Article 7 The “relevant documents and materials in addition to the
18、 document for taking delivery of the subject matter” as prescribed in Article 136 of the Contract Law shall mainly include insurance policies, warranties, ordinary invoices, special VAT invoices, product qualification certificates, quality guarantee certificates, quality appraisal certificates, qual
19、ity inspection certificates, product entry-exit quarantine certificates, certificates of origin, users manuals, and packing lists.第八条出卖人仅以增值税专用发票及税款抵扣资料证明其已履行交付标的物义务,买受人不认可的,出卖人应当提供其他证据证明交付标的物的事实。合同约定或者当事人之间习惯以普通发票作为付款凭证,买受人以普通发票证明已经履行付款义务的,人民法院应予支持,但有相反证据足以推翻的除外。Article 8 Where the seller offers pr
20、oof of the performance of the obligation to deliver the subject matter on the basis of special VAT invoices and tax deduction materials only, but such proof is not accepted by the buyer, the seller shall provide other evidence to prove the fact that the subject matter has been delivered.Where, accor
21、ding to the contractual provisions or parties custom, ordinary invoices are treated as proof of payment, if the buyer proves that it has performed the obligation of payment on the basis of ordinary invoices, the peoples court shall support such proof, unless it can be invalidated by sufficient evide
22、nce to the contrary.第九条出卖人就同一普通动产订立多重买卖合同,在买卖合同均有效的情况下,买受人均要求实际履行合同的,应当按照以下情形分别处理:(一)先行受领交付的买受人请求确认所有权已经转移的,人民法院应予支持;(二)均未受领交付,先行支付价款的买受人请求出卖人履行交付标的物等合同义务的,人民法院应予支持;(三)均未受领交付,也未支付价款,依法成立在先合同的买受人请求出卖人履行交付标的物等合同义务的,人民法院应予支持。Article 9 Where the seller concludes several sales contracts for the same ordi
23、nary personal property, and the buyers all demand actual performance of the contracts and all the sales contracts are valid, the peoples court shall handle the matter differently according to the following circumstances:(1) where the buyer first to take delivery requests confirmation of transfer of
24、ownership, the peoples court shall support such requests;(2) where no buyer takes delivery, and the buyer first to make payment requests that the seller perform contractual obligations including the delivery of the subject matter, the peoples court shall support such requests; or(3) where no buyer t
25、akes delivery of the subject matter or makes payment, but the buyer whose contract has been formed in accordance with law requests that the seller perform contractual obligations including delivery of the subject matter, the peoples court shall support such requests.第十条出卖人就同一船舶、航空器、机动车等特殊动产订立多重买卖合同,
26、在买卖合同均有效的情况下,买受人均要求实际履行合同的,应当按照以下情形分别处理:(一)先行受领交付的买受人请求出卖人履行办理所有权转移登记手续等合同义务的,人民法院应予支持;(二)均未受领交付,先行办理所有权转移登记手续的买受人请求出卖人履行交付标的物等合同义务的,人民法院应予支持;(三)均未受领交付,也未办理所有权转移登记手续,依法成立在先合同的买受人请求出卖人履行交付标的物和办理所有权转移登记手续等合同义务的,人民法院应予支持;(四)出卖人将标的物交付给买受人之一,又为其他买受人办理所有权转移登记,已受领交付的买受人请求将标的物所有权登记在自己名下的,人民法院应予支持。Article 10
27、 Where the seller concludes several sales contracts for the same special personal property such as a ship, aircraft or motor vehicle, and the buyers all demand the actual performance of the contracts and all the sales contracts are valid, the peoples court shall handle the matter differently accordi
28、ng to the following circumstances:(1) where the buyer first to take delivery requests that the seller perform contractual obligations including the handling of formalities for transferring and registering ownership, the peoples court shall support such requests;(2) where no buyer takes delivery, and
29、 the buyer that has handled the formalities for transferring and registering ownership in advance requests that the seller perform contractual obligations including the delivery of the subject matter, the peoples court shall support such requests;(3) where no buyer takes delivery of the subject matt
30、er or handles the formalities for transferring and registering ownership, if the buyer that has first formed the contract in accordance with law requests that the seller perform contractual obligations including the delivery of the subject matter and the handling of formalities for transferring and
31、registering ownership, the peoples court shall support such requests; or(4) where the seller delivers the subject matter to one of the buyers and handles the formalities for registering ownership for another buyer, if the buyer that has taken delivery of the subject matter requests registration of o
32、wnership of the subject matter under its name, the peoples court shall support such requests.二、 标的物风险负担II. Assumption of Risk for the Subject Matter第十一条合同法第一百四十一条第二款第(一)项规定的“标的物需要运输的”,是指标的物由出卖人负责办理托运,承运人系独立于买卖合同当事人之外的运输业者的情形。标的物毁损、灭失的风险负担,按照合同法第一百四十五条的规定处理。Article 11 The words “if the subject matter
33、 needs to be transported,” as prescribed in item (1) of paragraph 2 of Article 141 of the Contract Law, refer to circumstances where the seller is responsible for handling the formalities for consignment of the subject matter and the carrier is a forwarder that is independent from the parties to the
34、 sales contract. The assumption of risk for damage to or loss of the subject matter shall be subject to Article 145 of the Contract Law.第十二条出卖人根据合同约定将标的物运送至买受人指定地点并交付给承运人后,标的物毁损、灭失的风险由买受人负担,但当事人另有约定的除外。Article 12 After the seller transports the subject matter to the place designated by the buyer and
35、 delivers it to the carrier as agreed upon in the contract, risks of damage to or loss of the subject matter shall be assumed by the buyer, except as otherwise agreed upon by the parties.第十三条出卖人出卖交由承运人运输的在途标的物,在合同成立时知道或者应当知道标的物已经毁损、灭失却未告知买受人,买受人主张出卖人负担标的物毁损、灭失的风险的,人民法院应予支持。Article 13 Where the selle
36、r sells subject matter that has been delivered to a carrier for transport and it is in transit, and the seller knows or should have known that the subject matter has been damaged or lost at the time of the formation of the contract but fails to inform the buyer, if the buyer claims that the seller a
37、ssumes risk of damage to or loss of the subject matter, the peoples court shall support such claims.第十四条当事人对风险负担没有约定,标的物为种类物,出卖人未以装运单据、加盖标记、通知买受人等可识别的方式清楚地将标的物特定于买卖合同,买受人主张不负担标的物毁损、灭失的风险的,人民法院应予支持。Article 14 Where the parties do not agree upon the assumption of risk, the subject matter is a general
38、product class, and the seller fails to clearly specify the subject matter of the sales contract by recognizable means such as shipping documents, affixing marks, and notification of the buyer, if the buyer claims that it does not assume risk of damage to or loss of the subject matter, the peoples co
39、urt shall support such claims.三、 标的物检验IV. Inspection of the Subject Matter第十五条当事人对标的物的检验期间未作约定,买受人签收的送货单、确认单等载明标的物数量、型号、规格的,人民法院应当根据合同法第一百五十七条的规定,认定买受人已对数量和外观瑕疵进行了检验,但有相反证据足以推翻的除外。Article 15 Where the parties have not agreed upon the inspection period for the subject matter, and the delivery notes a
40、nd confirmation forms indicating the quantity, model, and specifications of the subject matter have been signed by the buyer, the peoples court shall, according to Article 157 of the Contract Law, determine that the buyer has inspected for quantity and external defects, unless such determination can
41、 be invalidated by sufficient evidence to the contrary.第十六条出卖人依照买受人的指示向第三人交付标的物,出卖人和买受人之间约定的检验标准与买受人和第三人之间约定的检验标准不一致的,人民法院应当根据合同法第六十四条的规定,以出卖人和买受人之间约定的检验标准为标的物的检验标准。Article 16 Where the seller delivers the subject matter to a third party as instructed by the buyer, and the inspection standards agree
42、d upon between the seller and the buyer are inconsistent with those agreed upon between the buyer and the third party, the peoples court shall, according to Article 64 of the Contract Law, determine the inspection standards agreed upon between the seller and the buyer to be the inspection standards
43、for the subject matter.第十七条人民法院具体认定合同法第一百五十八条第二款规定的“合理期间”时,应当综合当事人之间的交易性质、交易目的、交易方式、交易习惯、标的物的种类、数量、性质、安装和使用情况、瑕疵的性质、买受人应尽的合理注意义务、检验方法和难易程度、买受人或者检验人所处的具体环境、自身技能以及其他合理因素,依据诚实信用原则进行判断。合同法第一百五十八条第二款规定的“两年”是最长的合理期间。该期间为不变期间,不适用诉讼时效中止、中断或者延长的规定。Article 17 When determining the reasonable period as prescrib
44、ed in paragraph 2 of Article 158 of the Contract Law, the peoples court shall comprehensively take into account the transaction nature, purpose, methods, and customary business practice between the parties, the category, quantity and nature of the subject matter, the circumstances regarding installa
45、tion and use, the nature of any defects, the duty of reasonable care to be assumed by the buyer, the inspection methods and their degree of difficulty, the specific environment at the location of the buyer or inspector and their own skills as well as other reasonable factors, and make a judgment bas
46、ed on the principle of good faith.“Two years” as prescribed in paragraph 2 of Article 158 of the Contract Law is the longest reasonable period. This period is a non-variable period and does not apply to provisions on the suspension, interruption or extension of the statute of limitations.第十八条约定的检验期间
47、过短,依照标的物的性质和交易习惯,买受人在检验期间内难以完成全面检验的,人民法院应当认定该期间为买受人对外观瑕疵提出异议的期间,并根据本解释第十七条第一款的规定确定买受人对隐蔽瑕疵提出异议的合理期间。约定的检验期间或者质量保证期间短于法律、行政法规规定的检验期间或者质量保证期间的,人民法院应当以法律、行政法规规定的检验期间或者质量保证期间为准。Article 18 Where the inspection period agreed upon is too short, if according to the nature of the subject matter and the custo
48、mary business practice, the buyer cannot complete full inspection within the inspection period, the peoples court shall determine that such an inspection period is the period during which the buyer can raise an objection to external defects and shall, according to the provisions of paragraph 1 of Ar
49、ticle 17 of this Interpretation, determine the reasonable period during which the buyer can raise an objection to latent defects.Where the inspection period agreed upon or the quality guarantee period is shorter than that as prescribed in laws and administrative regulations, the peoples court shall determine that the inspection period or