1、新东方学校中学英语培训系列教材高考英语 阅读分册目 录第一部分 篇章结构18第二部分 段落结构913第三部分 句子结构1422第四部分 词汇2329第五部分 阅读训练题3079第六部分 历届高考阅读真题80108第七部分 高级阅读精选109126第八部分 完型填空练习题127138第九部分 历届高考完型填空139145附录 习题答案146147第一部分 篇章结构一、科普类文章1引出中心内容的方法(1)A but B。这个时候B是文章的中心。为了不让文章显得太突兀,一般会先讲A,即普通的内容(科普类文章一般介绍的是我们不太熟悉的内容)。另外,A也有可能是一种欲扬先抑的写作手法,与B的意思正好相反
2、。Most animals have little connection with animals of a different kind, unless they hunt them for food. Sometimes, however, two kinds of animals come together in a partnership (伙伴关系) which does good to both of them. You may have noticed some birds sitting on the backs of sheep. This is not because th
3、ey want a ride, but because they find easy food in the parasites (寄生虫) on sheep. The sheep allow the birds to do so because they remove the cause of discomfort. So although they can manage without each other, they do better together.The idea of fighting a noise by making more noise sounds strange, b
4、ut thats exactly what motor engineers are doing in Germany and some other countries.(2) 用熟悉的事物作类比。这是一种我们可以借鉴的写作方法。Decision-thinking is not unlike pokerit often matters not only what you think, but also what others think you think and what you think they think you think. The mental process is similar
5、. Naturally, this card game has often been of considerable interest to people who are, by any standards, good thinkers.2说明中心内容的方法(高考文章以说明为主,在高级阅读考试中经常出现的议论文在高考中比较少见)(1) 举例说明。这是最常见的方法,除了我们熟悉的for example, for instance, such as以外,更主要的是在内容上的抽象程度的不同。例子总是说得很具体,比如说有数字,具体的人物、事件等。有的时候,在事实和例子中间,还有一个具体说明的中间层次。
6、(2) 讲原理Car-makers research and development laboratories have already proved that mixing in more noise with the help of loudspeakers can reduce the unwanted noise.(3) 讲好处(advantage)Another good thing about the uses of noise-killing systems is that it saves the need for a silencer, which not only redu
7、ces the weight of a car, but also makes the motor burn less oil and work better.(4) 讲问题(disadvantage)Some engineers believe that the noise-killing system will be used in most cars in 1996. But the carmakers havent decided if they will put it into production because it would add several hundred dolla
8、rs to the cost of their cars.基本上不看短文内容仅看选项,2010年高考有人竟然过了100分!高考有没有瞬间大幅度提分的可能?谁能让你不用花很多时间和心思学习,英语就能提高至少20-30分?要是真的话,简直是白捡的分数!不仅如此,当你了解了高考真题答案的所有内幕规律,看到了绝密的解题招式,就会豁然开朗。哇!原来也可以这么做题!你的思路因此将会被彻底打通,提高的分数将不仅仅是20-30分!无论现在的英语成绩是60分,还是110分,任何人都可以做到!这些绝密招式是太简单、太震撼了!所以,如果你看到了,切勿告诉他人,否则,他们会在高考中轻松超过你!请注意!如果你不相信这世
9、上有考试秘诀,请立即将您的眼睛离开;如果你习惯于按照传统思路做题,不希望有思维上的突破,请你立即将您的眼睛离开;如果你现在的成绩已接近满分,甚至已是满分,请你立即将您的眼睛离开;如果你患有心理疾病或心脏病,请您立即将您的眼睛离开;如果你选择留下来,那么接下来的事,很可能让你目瞪口呆!如果我告诉你N个秘诀,在做完形填空和阅读理解题时,不用看文章和题干,只是简单的比较四个选项,就能瞬间选出正确答案,你是否想看?请先看下面的例子,它是辽宁卷2010年真题的第36题,是一个完形填空题. 在此我只列出它的四个选项,试试看,只是比较选项,你是否能够在3秒之内选出正确答案?36. A. worried B.
10、 sad C. surprised D. nervous正确答案是C, ABD都是一个人状态不好的倾向词,而C则为中性词,表述态度不一致者是答案。.如果你知道了这个秘诀,可以解决很多类似的完型填空题!看一下辽宁卷2010年完形填空真题的第52题:52. A. Largely B. Generally C. Gradually D. Probably正确答案是C, ABD都是含义不肯定的副词,排除表述不明确的选项,答案就水落石出了. 如果你知道了这个秘诀,你更是可以解决很多类似的完型填空题! 试想一下,知道了全部36个完形秘诀之后,您的分数会怎么样呢?请再看下面的例子,它是辽宁卷2010年真题阅
11、读理解题的第56题,在此我只写出它的题干和四个选项.也试试看,只是比较选项,你是否能够在5秒之内选出正确答案?56. From Paragragh 1 we learn that the villagers . A.worked very hard for centuries B.dreamed of having a better life C.were poor but somewhat content D.lived a different life from their forefathers正确答案是C, 选项中表述的内容前后相互矛盾的是答案! 思路很简单,如果你掌握了其中的秘诀,抛
12、开文章,你也可以很快选出正确答案. 掌握此类瞬间解题秘诀,不仅缩短了答题时间,还能保障近乎100%的准确率!请上或上百度,输入沈阳英语家教吴军查询!吴军英语高分密码,让您第一次课就提10分!20次课提25-62分!模棱两可处和看不懂,该怎么办?要知道,如果对文章似懂非懂,那么,在文章中寻找答案线索就像大海捞针一样的难,更谈不上做对题!吴军英语高分密码将会告诉你此类瞬间解题秘诀,帮助你辨识选项中的诸多暗示点,瞬间找出正确答案,或者瞬间排除错误选项.请记住!在英语完型填空和阅读理解题的选项中,从头到尾都充满了暗示点,善于利用这些暗示点,可以快速做对题! 无论任何人,在考试中,总会遇到吃不准选项的题
13、,或可以称之为不会做的“难题”,那么,如果遇到“难题”,你会怎办?是放弃?不可能,怎么着也要“猜”出一个答案!那么,是“瞎猜”吗?如果是“瞎猜”,其正确率仅是25%,是可想而知的低!那么,如何“猜”才能有高的准确率呢?如果我告诉你N个秘诀,让你在做“难题”时,猜出的答案的准确率由25%提高至95%,甚至是100%,你愿意继续看下去吗?35. A. eat up B. deal with C. throw away D. send out35题在B和C模棱两可处到底选哪个? 当然选范围大的,能包括另一个的,即选B.再举个例子,假如2010年辽宁卷高考英语完形填空的47题,不知选哪个, 怎么办?A
14、s I found out, there is, 46 , often no perfect equivalence(对应)between two 47 in two languages. My aunt even goes so far as to 48 that a Chinese “equivalent” can never give you the 49 meaning of a word in English!47. A. words B. names C. ideas D. characters很简单,选A,勿须有任何的犹豫,为什么?复现法则!吴军英语高分密码会告诉你具体原因以及更
15、多的解决“难题”的秘诀,都是非常的简单和直接.请记住!遇到“难题”,即使“猜”答案,也要“猜”的有理有据,切勿盲目的“猜”! The moment he was about to 47 the hospital, he saw on the desk the 48 new book ,just as he had left it one 49 ago. 48. A much B still C hardly D quite很简单,选B,为什么?答案高频词汇倾向归纳让你笑逐颜开!高频形容词 副词: suddenly, even, finally, first, last, again, also
16、, however, though, although, yet, instead, even though, but, still等.吴军英语高分密码真的有这么神奇吗?是!一点儿没错!效果是绝对的真实!作为一种标准化考试,选择题本身是有很多缺陷的,这些缺陷就是暗示点,就是解题的突破口!吴军英语高分密码通过对历年真题的长时间的研究,对这些暗示点进行了全面、深入、细致的挖掘和整理,将其转化为超级解题秘诀!每一个秘诀的准确率都在95%以上,甚至是100% 吴军英语高分密码,真正做到了立竿见影!甚至是一剑封喉!单选280个考点,42个诀窍; 阅读16大满分攻略; 完形36绝招; 七选五6大原则; 改
17、错36个规律;作文4大模板6-8页;不想考上一本、二本都很难!马上用吴军英语高分密码对照历年所有的高考真题进行逐一的验证吧! 遇到吴军老师,您太幸运了!请上或上百度,输入沈阳英语家教吴军查询!“当时学习,当时提分”的超实战家教!抚顺2中的徐金良同学,来时成绩是71分左右, 2009年高考成绩为117分;沈阳4中的刘洪鹏同学 来时成绩是46分, 2009年高考成绩为100分; 黑山1中的高三刘璐同学来时成绩是50-70分, 2010年高考成绩为113分!.孩子从小学开始,学习英语已经多年,孩子天天背单词、做习题、记笔记,做过的卷子岂止几百套,上千套,那么孩子的英语成绩一直在稳步提高吗?还是一直没
18、有提高,甚至越学越落后、越学越迷茫?如果孩子的英语成绩一直提高不了,如果孩子一直抓不住重点、找不到感觉,就来找 “神奇”的吴军老师吧!在这里孩子马上就会体验到英语学习成绩“突飞猛进”的快乐!在这里一天提高几十分的孩子比比皆是!鲁美附中、沈音附中7人全部考取国本!热烈庆祝吴军一对一家教学员-2010届鲁美附中1班王巨龙、冯潇潇,沈音附中李同学(女,不愿公开全名)及沈阳2中补习班姜雯悦等7人考取鲁美和沈阳音乐学院!为什么一个英语烂到家的学生,在不到2-3个月内成绩突飞猛进?为什么英语基础几乎为零的学生经过他辅导10到20 次课,成绩就能迅速提升30-70多分?走捷径考高分的窍门是什么?沈阳高端英语
19、快速提分名师吴军老师将为您咨询谜底。艺术类国本,英语小分很关键!9年的高分经验能成就了他们,同样也可以成就暂时停止成功的你!只学习5-10次课,英语成绩就提高了30多分!能接触到吴军老师英语高分密码的人太幸运了!如何把握中心,猜测题意,一听就会!融会贯通,举一反三!沈阳83中高二的金柏岑同学来时成绩是82分, 2010年学习5次课后的期末成绩为108分; 现就读于沈阳4中高二文科班的胡兢元同学来时成绩是91分, 13次课后的期末成绩为125分; 现就读于皇姑区沈阳10中高一的高雅慧同学来时成绩是90分左右, 2010年高一下学期期中考试的成绩为127分;现就读于沈阳东北育才高中本部高二的戴冠宇
20、同学来时成绩是107分,学习后的成绩稳定在125140分之间,最好成绩是由倒数到班里前6名。2010年沈阳中考距离满分竟然只差了7分!2010届杏坛中学初三6班的周千会同学(女), 2010年沈阳市铁西区一模才120分左右,其中一大半还是懵来的。跟吴军老师学习3-4次后,自己很快找到了英语学习的感觉,好像一下子容易了很多,二模考了135分。10次课后,中考距离满分竟然只差了七分,考了143分。她说没想到她的最高纪录竟然创造在2010年沈阳中考中!请上或上百度,输入沈阳英语家教吴军查询!2010中考冲刺,没想到效果居然这么好!2010届43中学初三13班的李圣同学(男),初三后成绩与其他同学突然
21、拉大,成绩一直在80分左右,很少达到及格线90分,对自己没有信心,对英语家教更是排斥。跟吴军老师学习20次后,虽与好学生还有5-7分的差距,但又找到了初一前十名时的感觉。2010年沈阳中考虽然发挥不算理想(非选择手写部分基础不好),也达到了129分!请上或上百度,输入沈阳英语家教吴军查询!英语一对一家教授课内容单项选择 13条经典实战技巧,助你避开语法的干扰轻松得高分;完型填空 11个重要特点,10种判断技巧,彻底解决一错错一串、发挥不稳定两大难题;阅读理解 9大要点,9种提高方法轻松解决 做题慢准确率低等难题;短文改错 6大应试策略,6大提高方法让你拿分如探囊取物;书面表达 “黄金写作模型”
23、词汇题都不做的, 拒访!非要学可以,成绩变化不大,就别来找我!仅上3-5次课就想提30-50分的别来,当次课提分是因为阅读或完形有了技巧性突破,但考点还没系统化,所以只能提10-15分. 提30-50分不是3-5次而是包3-5天!他的诚信宣言:1.我只能帮助孩子提高英语分数,而不能提高孩子基本功!2.现成绩125分以上的同学,建议不要参加。因为他们只有1015分的提分空间,性价比不合适!3.听完1小时内不满意,保证不问原因、不问理由、无条件地、全额退费!超过了,则按一课收取。讲课当中或讲完后,提供试题或自己带题,马上答题验证!再于下次补交10-20次的费用,3课内不满意可以退回未上课的所有费用
24、,因用大量时间为您的孩子做个性化教案,故3课后恕不退还!本承诺已坚持了四年半!4保分”需要过程,中考高考结束后才能验证,到时就算退回了学费也买不回来孩子的时间和未来。Peter高分英语“立竿见影”当次课见效!每次课后都可以拿高考真题和你的期中/末考题来验证高分教案,答的正确率高或方法好使,就可以证明我们的教案有效!一般情况下,85分以上来的,都能在6-20课内提到105-135分。2009-2010年(吴军亲授的学生)高考130分以上的有39人,3个月内提高了50-70分的有17人。请上或上百度,输入沈阳英语家教吴军查询! (5)讲应用(application)(6)分类说明:中心的两个方面T
25、here are two types of fat: external fat (fat under skin) and internal fat (fat inside the body wall). Doctors, who have been examining the relationship between health and fatness, have found that the “pears” have less internal fat, but the “apples” have more internal fat than external fat. This seem
26、s to be what causes the health problems.(7)强对比说明One mistaken idea about business is that it can be treated as a game of perfect information. Quite the reverse. Business, politics, life itself are games which we must normally play with very imperfect information. Business decisions are often made wit
27、h many unknown and unknowable factors which would even puzzle best poker players. But few business people fin it comfortable to admit that they are taking a chance, and many still prefer to believe that they are playing chess, not poker.二、社会观点类文章这一类文章比较高级,所以在高考中出现得很少。Computer people talk a lot about
28、 the need for other people to become “computer-literate.” But not all experts (专家) agree that this is a good idea. One pioneer, in particular, who disagrees is David Tebbutt, the founder of Computertown UK. Although many people see this as a successful attempt to bring people closer to the computer,
29、 David does not see it that way. He says that Computertown UK was formed for just the opposite reason, to bring computers to people and make them “people-literate.” David Tebbutt thinks Computertowns are most successful when tied to a computer club but he insists there is an important difference bet
30、ween the two. The clubs are for people who have some computer knowledge already. This frightens away non-experts, who are happier going to Computertowns where there are computers for them to experiment on, with experts to encourage them and answer any questions they have. They are not told what to d
31、o, they find out. The computer experts have to learn not to tell people about computers, but have to be able to answer all questions people ask. People dont have to learn computer terms (术语) , but the experts have to explain in plain language. The computers are becoming” people-literate.” 三、社会问题类文章1
32、引出问题:某一部作品中的观点Olaf Stapledon wrote a book called First and Last Men, in which he looked millions of years ahead. He told of different men and of strange civilizations, broken up by long dark ages in between. In his view, what is called the present time is no more than a moment in human history and w
33、e are just he First Men. In 2,000 million years now there will be the Eighteenth or Last Men. However, most of our ideas about the future are really very short-sighted. Perhaps we can see some possibilities for the next fifty years. But the next hundred? The next thousand? The next million? Thats mu
34、ch more difficult.2解决问题的重要性So why bother even to try imagining life far in the future? Here are two reasons. First, unless we remember how short our own lives are compared with the whole human history, we are likely to think our own interests are much more important than they really are. If we make
35、the earth a poor place to live on because we are careless or greedy or quarrelsome, our grandchildren will not bother to think of excuses for us. Second, by trying to escape from present interests and imagine life far in the future, we may arrive at quite fresh ideas that we can use ourselves. For e
36、xample, if we imagine that in the future men may give up farming, we can think of trying it now. So set your imagination free when you think about the future.3解决问题Many cities around the world today are heavily polluted. Careless methods of production and lack of consumer demand for environment(环境)fr
37、iendly products have contributed to the pollution problem. One result is that millions of tons of glass, paper, plastic, and metal containers are produced, and these are difficult to get rid of.However, today, more and more consumers are choosing “green” and demanding that the products they buy shou
38、ld be safe for the environment. Before they buy a product, they ask questions like these: “Will this shampoo damage the environment?” “Can this metal container be reused or can it only be used once?”A recent study showed that two out of five adults now consider the environmental safety of a product
39、before they buy it. This means that companies must now change the way they make and sell their products to make sure that they are green, that is, friendly to the environment.Only a few years ago, it was impossible to find green products in Supermarkets, but now there are hundreds. Some supermarket
40、product cop labels (标签) to show that the product is green. Some companies have made the manufacturing (生产) of clean and safe products their main selling point and emphasize it in their advertising.四、社会现象类文章1社会现象的引出:具体的例子,话语,奇特之处,A影响B。Allan goes everywhere with Birgitta Anderson, a 54-year-old secret
41、ary. He moves around her office at work and goes shopping with her. Most people dont seen to mind Allan, says Birgitta, who thinks he is wonderful. Hes my fourth child, she says. She may think of him and treat him that way, buying his food, paying his health bills and his taxes, but in fact Allan is
42、 a dog.Birgitta and Allan live in Swede, a county where everyone is expected to lead an orderly life according to rules laid down by the government, which also provides (提供) a high level of care for its people. This level of care costs money./Betty and Harold have been married for Mrs. But one thing
43、 still puzzles (困扰) old Harold. How is it that he can leave Betty and her friend Joan sitting on the sofa, talking, go out to a ballgame, come back three and a half hours later, and they re still sitting on the sofa? Talking?What in the world, Harold wonders, do they have to talk about?Betty shrugs.
44、 Talk? Were friends.Researching this matter called friendship, psychologist Lillian Rubin spent two years, interviewing more than two hundred women and men. No matter what their age, their job, their sex, the results were completely clear: women have more friendships than men, and the difference in
45、the con-tent and the quality of those friendships is marked and unmistakable.”/Maybe ten-year-old Elizabeth put it best when she said to her father, But, Dad, you cant be healthy if youre dead.Dad, in a hurry to get home before dark so he could go for a run, had forgotten to wear his safety belt-a m
46、istake 75% of the US population make every day. The big question is why./When a group of children politely stop a conversation with you, saying: We have to go to work now, youre left feeling surprised and certainly uneasy. After all, this is the 1990s and the idea of children working is just unthink
47、able. That is, until you are told that they are all pupils of stage schools, and that the work they go off to is to go on the stage in a theatre./America is growing older. Fifty years ago, only 4 out of every 100 people in the United States were 65 or older. Today, 10 out of every 100 Americans are over 65. The aging of the population will affect (影响) American society in many ways - education, medicine, and business. Quietly, the graying of America has made us a very different society - one in which people have a quite different idea of what k